Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Transcript

Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Transcript

What brings you in today? Question
07/12/20 6:39 PM MDT
I decided to come in because I’m tired all the time now. . . I have this really important exam coming up, and I’m stressed and too foggy to study most of the time. I really need help sleeping so I can focus on preparing for my exam. Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Transcript
I appreciate you saying that.
Tell me about what is going on in your life right now. Question
07/12/20 6:45 PM MDT
I’ve been feeling much more nervous than usual lately, especially right before bed, and it’s making it hard for me to sleep.
When did you start having trouble sleeping? Question
07/12/20 6:45 PM MDT
This all started almost a month ago. . . it’s been happening regularly for about three and a half weeks, I’d say.
How much sleep do you get per night? Question
07/12/20 6:45 PM MDT
Not much. . . 4 or 5 hours a night, usually.
Are you still working as a supervisor? Question
07/12/20 6:46 PM MDT
I’m a supervisor at Mid-American Copy & Ship. I’ve been working there since high school, and I’ve just kept moving up.
Are you still in school? Question
07/12/20 6:46 PM MDT
Yeah, I’m about to get my B.A. in Accounting.
Are you having problems sleeping every night? (Clarified to Do you have trouble sleeping every day?.) Question
07/12/20 6:47 PM MDT
It’s happening most nights, I’d say. Four. . . more like five nights a week. (Clarified to if I have trouble sleeping every night.)
Is there anything that helps you sleep? Question
07/12/20 6:48 PM MDT
Basically the only way I get to sleep easily is if I manage to feel less stressed out–sometimes I can sort of turn my thoughts away from what I’m worried about by distracting myself with something, like thinking about what I’m going to wear the next day or something like that. I’d rather avoid having to take medication if possible. Taking deep breaths can help a little, too.
Is there anything that makes it harder to sleep? Question
07/12/20 6:48 PM MDT
Basically, the more I think about what I’m worried about, the worse it is. Sometimes I can distract myself and not let myself start thinking about all the things that stress me out, but that’s been rare.
Are you taking naps during the day? Question
07/12/20 6:49 PM MDT
I’m not really a big nap person–if I fall asleep, I want to sleep for hours, not wake up in twenty minutes feeling groggy. Plus I don’t have time for them, anyway.
Do you still drink caffeine daily? Question
07/12/20 6:49 PM MDT
Yeah, I drink diet Coke pretty much every day. It’s the only thing that wakes me up in the morning.
How late do you drink caffeine during the day? Question
07/12/20 6:49 PM MDT
I know caffeine can make it hard to sleep, so I try to only drink it in the morning and early afternoon. . . I never have caffeine after 4 PM.
What about alcohol consumption? (Clarified to Can you tell me about your alcohol use?.) Question
07/12/20 6:50 PM MDT
I’m not a big drinker, honestly. I’ll go out a couple times a month with friends. We go to a bar and dance. (Clarified to to tell you about my alcohol use.)
Thanks for understanding.
What is stressing you? Question
07/12/20 6:51 PM MDT
I’m stressed now because I can’t sleep, but I can’t sleep because I keep worrying about all this other stuff, like graduating, and passing this exam that’s coming up, and getting a job, and finding my own place to live. . . it’s a lot.
Thanks for saying that.
Are you currently taking any medications? Question
07/12/20 6:52 PM MDT
All I have is a Proventil inhaler and a Flovent inhaler for my asthma.
Do you take any over the counter medications? Question
07/12/20 6:53 PM MDT
I take Tylenol for a headache sometimes, or Advil for cramps, but not often.
Do you take supplements? (Clarified to What vitamins or supplements do you take?.) Question
07/12/20 6:53 PM MDT
I don’t take vitamins or supplements. (Clarified to what vitamins or supplements I take.)
How long have you been feeling anxious? Question
07/12/20 6:54 PM MDT
All of the stress has been in the past few weeks.
Do you feel rested when you do sleep? (Clarified to Do you wake up feeling refreshed?.) Question
07/12/20 6:54 PM MDT
Waking up is really hard. I feel totally groggy and out of it. (Clarified to if I wake up feeling rested.)
Have you has sleeping problems before? Question
07/12/20 6:55 PM MDT
Well. . . the only other time I’ve had sleep problems was right after Dad died. It felt a little like this, with my mind racing, but honestly, not as bad. Other than that month or two, I’ve always been a really good sleeper. I could fall asleep right away, and then I’d sleep like a log.
Is it impacting your daily life? (Clarified to Does your anxiety interfere with your daily life?.) Question
07/12/20 6:55 PM MDT
Being anxious is mostly just interfering with my sleep, and then not being able to get enough sleep is interfering with my life. (Clarified to if my anxiety interferes with my daily life.)
How much are you working right now? Question
07/12/20 6:56 PM MDT
I’m a supervisor at Mid-American Copy & Ship. I’ve been working there since high school, and I’ve just kept moving up.
How is your support system? Question
07/12/20 6:56 PM MDT
Yeah, I have my family and friends. I have my church family too, but sometimes it’s hard to open up to people, even if you feel very close to them. You don’t always want them to see the cracks . . . and I know everyone else has their own worries so I try not to be a burden if I can help it.
Where are you currently living? Question
07/12/20 6:57 PM MDT
Right now I’m living at my mom’s place, which is out in the suburbs a bit. It’s like a half hour from here.
Who lives with you? Question
07/12/20 6:57 PM MDT
There’s three of us at home. . . me, my mom, and my sister.
What are some ways that you are coping with the stress now? Question
07/12/20 6:58 PM MDT
Usually I try to stay organized, you know, make to-do lists, plan my time, that kind of thing. Sometimes I’ll talk to friends or family. . . going to church usually helps, too. Lately, though, none of that is really helping like it should.
Are you currently in a relationship? Question
07/12/20 6:58 PM MDT
No, I’m not in a relationship right now.
Does anyone in your family struggle with anxiety? (Clarified to Do you have a family history of anxiety?.) Question
07/12/20 6:58 PM MDT
I don’t think so. . . I mean everyone gets anxious sometimes, but I don’t think people in my family are more anxious than other people or anything. (Clarified to if I have a family history of anxiety.)
Have you used any tobacco? (Clarified to Do you use tobacco?.) Question
07/12/20 6:59 PM MDT
No, never. (Clarified to if I use tobacco products.)
What about other drugs? (No matching questions found.) Question
07/12/20 6:59 PM MDT
What about other illicit drugs? (Clarified to What drugs have you used?.) Question
07/12/20 6:59 PM MDT
I used to smoke pot, but I don’t do that anymore. I haven’t tried any other drugs. (Clarified to what drugs I have used.)
Any issues with abuse? Question
07/12/20 7:00 PM MDT
No, fortunately I’ve never had that happen to me.
Have you felt like you wanted to harm yourself throughout this time? (Clarified to Do you ever think about harming yourself?.) Question
07/12/20 7:01 PM MDT
No, I’ve never wanted to hurt myself. (Clarified to if I think about harming myself.)
When was the last time you smoked pot? Question
07/12/20 7:01 PM MDT
I haven’t smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one. Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Transcript
About how much alcohol do you consume? (Clarified to How much alcohol do you consume a day?.) Question
07/12/20 7:01 PM MDT
I don’t drink every day–a couple times a month, I’ll go out on the weekend and have a few drinks. (Clarified to how much alcohol I drink each day.)
Any issues with anger or outbursts? Question
07/12/20 7:02 PM MDT
No, I try to be patient. With my family, especially.
any recent trauma in your life? (Clarified to Have you experienced any trauma?.) Question
07/12/20 7:02 PM MDT
About a month ago. I got a checkup after a minor fender bender but everything was fine. (Clarified to if I have had trauma.)
Have you ever had any psychiatric problems in the past? Question
07/12/20 7:03 PM MDT
My mental health has always been fine, fortunately.
Is the anxiety affecting your work? Question
07/12/20 7:03 PM MDT
Being anxious is mostly just interfering with my sleep, and then not being able to get enough sleep is interfering with my life.
How much sleep did you usually get per night (Clarified to How much do you normally sleep?.) Question
07/12/20 7:05 PM MDT
Not much. . . 4 or 5 hours a night, usually. (Clarified to how much sleep I am getting.)
How much did you sleep before? (Clarified to How much sleep did you get last night?.) Question
07/12/20 7:05 PM MDT
Like 5 hours, probably. Maybe a little less. (Clarified to how much I slept last night.)
How much sleep do you want to get Question
07/12/20 7:05 PM MDT
Not much. . . 4 or 5 hours a night, usually.
What time do you wake up in the morning? Question
07/12/20 7:06 PM MDT
I have to be out of bed by 8 every morning.
Do you have problems waking up? (No matching questions found.) Question
07/12/20 7:07 PM MDT
How is your diabetes? Question
07/12/20 7:07 PM MDT
I know it can be pretty serious, but I feel like it’s under control now.
any medication allergies? Question
07/12/20 7:08 PM MDT
Yeah, I’m allergic to penicillin.
any other allergies? Question
07/12/20 7:08 PM MDT
Well, besides cats, I’m allergic to penicillin.
any new health problems since we spoke last? (No matching questions found.) Question
07/12/20 7:08 PM MDT
Do you have problems with decision making? (Clarified to Are you having issues with your friends?.) Question
07/12/20 7:09 PM MDT
No, we’re all pretty close. We don’t fight or anything. (Clarified to if I have problems with my friends.)
Any problems at home? Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Transcript Question
07/12/20 7:09 PM MDT
No way. My family is really good to each other.
Do you have to move out when you finish school? (Clarified to When are you finished with school?.) Question
07/12/20 7:10 PM MDT
I went back to school when I was 24. I actually started college right out of high school, when I was 19, but I stopped after a year when I started to work full time. Now I’m a lot more focused on getting my degree. (Clarified to when I will graduate.)
What do you do before you go to bed? Question
07/12/20 7:10 PM MDT
I usually eat dinner, then I try to study for a few hours or do other schoolwork. Around midnight, I get into bed, and I’ll read to try to distract myself from feeling nervous until I feel like I can fall asleep.
Do you exercise regularly? Question
07/12/20 7:11 PM MDT
I just don’t have time to exercise, honestly.
are you up to date on your immunizations? Question
07/12/20 7:11 PM MDT
I’m pretty sure I am, yeah.
Any changes in your eating habits? (Clarified to Have your dietary patterns changed?.) Question
07/12/20 7:12 PM MDT
Ever since I stopped sleeping well, I feel tired and kind of queasy, and that makes me want to eat a little less. (Clarified to if my dietary pattern has changed.)
Have you lost weight? Question
07/12/20 7:12 PM MDT
I think I have maybe lost a couple pounds, but nothing major. Maybe like two or three.
Have you had any issues with your asthma? Question
07/12/20 7:12 PM MDT
My hair is fine.
Any history of depression? Question
07/12/20 7:12 PM MDT
I was pretty sad after Dad died, but I wouldn’t say it was, like, true depression. I definitely wasn’t diagnosed with it or anything.
How is your performance with school? (Clarified to How do you feel about your school performance?.) Question
07/12/20 7:13 PM MDT
School’s generally going great. I just wish I felt more rested so I could focus better. (Clarified to how I feel about my school performance.)
Any memory loss issues? Question
07/12/20 7:13 PM MDT
No. I mean, sometimes, I freeze up during a test, but that’s everybody, right? I have a good head for names and directions, stuff like that.
How would you rate your fatigue during the day on a scale of 1-10? Question
07/12/20 7:17 PM MDT
If 10 is the most tired, maybe 7, 8? [AUDIO COMING SOON]
How is your mood? Question
07/12/20 7:21 PM MDT
I don’t know. . . I’m generally a pretty positive person, but not sleeping has me pretty stressed.
Any headaches? Question
07/12/20 7:21 PM MDT
Yeah, I get them a lot when I’m studying. Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Transcript
Do you ever feel helpless? Question
07/12/20 7:22 PM MDT
I don’t feel helpless, except when I’m trying to get to sleep, and I can’t.
How has your blood pressure been? Question
07/12/20 7:27 PM MDT
It’s… oh, I don’t remember exactly because I never write it down. Let me try to remember… I feel like it’s usually around… 140. And the bottom number is 80 or 90. I do know the last time in the ER it was something like 141/92. They said it was on the high side. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Alright, thanks for letting me know.