Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation

Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation

Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation Instructions

As an advanced registered nurse leader, you have an opportunity effect change through the practice of nursing health informatics. Informatics has evolved over time to become what it is today.

Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation

Using the resources provided in this Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation assignment, prepare a 12-15 PowerPoint presentation.

Create speaker notes of 100-250 words for each slide. Include an additional slide for the title and references.
For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the study materials for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning and another at the end for References.

Include the following in your Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation:

Define nursing informatics.
Provide a brief history of the field of nursing informatics.
Discuss how the specialty has evolved.
Discuss how nursing informatics affects nursing leadership, clinical practice, administration, education, and research.
Explain how organizational policy on health information systems can be affected or impacted by government regulation.
Discuss nurse-led innovation as it relates to the advances in informatics and how informatics innovation can be used to improve the quality of patient care.
Provide an example of the role of the nurse in transforming health care data into knowledge that can improve patient care using nursing informatics practice.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation Sample Presentation


  • Nursing informatics combine nursing with information technology to improve patient care.
  • It is a branch of technology that allows health facilities to efficiently collect and store patient data/information (Collins et al., 2017 Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation).
  • Nursing informatics is critical because it drives development and improvements.
  • Nursing informatics leads to improved decision-making and better clinical outcomes.

Evolution of nursing informatics

  • Nursing informatics was introduced in the late 50s.
  • Nursing Informatics aligns nursing best practices with patient outcomes and clinical care.
  • In 1992, Nursing Informatics was formally recognized as a nursing specialty by the American Nurses Association
  • In 1998, New York University School of Nursing offered a nursing informatics graduate track
  • In 2003, the University of Arizona College of Nursing offered the first doctorate in nursing with the option of study being healthcare informatics
  • Today, many health institutions formally recognize nursing informatics as a critical department within their organizational structures.

(Ng et al., 2018)

Importance of Nursing Informatics

  • Safe keeping of patient data and records.
  • Nursing Informatics is the backbone of the operations of healthcare facilities as they influence the way practitioners and stakeholder deliver and manage healthcare (mmmadova, 2019).
  • Traditional health record systems are plagued with rampant inefficiencies leading to numerous medical errors (Ng et al., 2018 Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation).
  • Nursing informatics lead to the provision of quality care for patients and the general patient experiences.

Impact of government regulation on health Information systems

  • Patient records have a direct impact on a patient, the intervention method chosen, the treatment plan.
  • Through nursing informatics, the chances of medical errors are minimal.
  • The role of nursing informatics promotes interprofessional cooperation.
  • nursing informatics improve patient safety, precision in diagnosis

(McGonigle, 2017 Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation)

Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation References

  • Jabour, S. M., Chander, G., Riekert, K. A., Keruly, J. C., Herne, K., Hutton, H., Beach, M. C., Lau, B., Moore, R. D. & Monroe, A. K. (2021). The Patient Reported Outcomes as a Clinical Tool (PROACT) Pilot Study: What Can be Gained by Sharing Computerized Patient-Reported Mental Health and Substance Use Symptoms with Providers in HIV Care? AIDS and Behavior.
  • McGonigle, D. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from
  • Mosier, S., Roberts, W., & Englebright, J. (2019). A systems-level method for developing nursing informatics solutions. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(11), 543–548.
  • Sipes, C. (2016, January 1). Project Management: Essential Skill of Nurse Informaticists. Walden Library.
  • Stevens, G. (2013, May). Computerized Patient Record System Graphical User Interface (CPRS GUI) Installation Guide Version 26[PDF].
  • Collins, S., Yen, P. Y., Phillips, A., & Kennedy, M. K. (2017). Nursing informatics competency assessment for the nurse leader: The Delphi study. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(4), 212-218.
  • Mammadova, N. (2019). The Importance of Health Information Systems and Implementation of an Electronic Healthcare System.

End of the Excerpt. 

The Future of Healthcare Informatics

Nursing and healthcare informatics have become among healthcare organizations’ most essential specialties and departments. Healthcare informatics bridges healthcare technology and the provision of care services. On the other hand, the nursing informaticist plays a significant role in integrating nursing science and information technology. However, with the diversity and development of healthcare technology and information technology in general, the roles of the healthcare informaticist and nursing informaticist may also evolve. Therefore, there is a need to examine the current role and predict the future role, thus planning adequately and being ready to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge required by the future informaticist. This essay presents the current and future role of the informatics nurse, the concept of connected health, examples of connected health in today’s healthcare environment, and the impact of informatics in public health.

Current and Future Role of the Informatics Nurse

The central role of the informatics nurse is bridging information technology and nursing activities. Integrating information technology and nursing science includes defining, analyzing, managing, and communicating data and information, wisdom and knowledge into nursing practice. This role requires skills and knowledge in information technology, project management, medical economics, the functioning of a clinical setting, leadership, and data management and analysis.

First and foremost, project management in nursing informatics entails guiding the nursing team on new healthcare technology, including the training and implementation into practice. The nurse informaticist is alert on new healthcare technology and is responsible for alerting the nursing teams on updates with the current technology. The project management team goes hand in hand with leadership since the nurse informaticist is required to engage the interprofessional team, as well as gain support and buy-in from the other relevant stakeholders in implementing healthcare technology. Additionally, research shows that the informatics nurse leverages the knowledge of medical economics and the functioning of the clinical setting, thus helping the institution make the best decision in terms of healthcare technology before implementation (Khezri & Abdekhoda, 2019). 

Secondly, the informatics nurse plays the role of data and information analysis. The technological world is ever-evolving, and more and more data on healthcare technology is emerging. The informatics nurse, therefore, analyzes and assesses the quality of data used in the institution, thus offering the institution the best advice on healthcare technology and its use in the current environment, enabling the institution to provide optimal care services.

According to Booth et al. (2021), the role of the informatics nurse is set to evolve with the diversification and evolution of information technology. The future informatics nurse’s roles include overseeing big data in healthcare, mining and interpreting data to enhance better care delivery, advancing nursing practice and population health, and monitoring information technology programs and initiatives in relation to patient care activities. Booth et al. (2021) note that the future informatics nurse will not over-rely on the information technologist to play their role but will have adequate skills to work as a team, depending on the current skills and competencies of nursing informatics. Therefore, the nurse will be equipped to promote advancing nursing practice and population health. Research also shows that future informatics nurses will be more involved in policy development to improve nursing practice and care services (Honey, Collins & Britnell, 2020).

Connected Health

According to Pattichis and Panayides (2019), connected health is an umbrella term used to lessen the understanding of the definition between telemedicine, telehealth, and Mhealth. Connected health entails a conceptual model for healthcare management, whereby devices, services and healthcare interventions are designed around patient needs, and healthcare-related data is disseminated so that the patient can receive care services more efficiently and proactively. Pattichis and Panayides (2019) note that the stakeholders in the process of healthcare are connected by the accurate and timely sharing of patient data, status, and pertinent information facilitated by the smart use of devices, data, communication platforms and people.

There are various forms of connected health. The three most common examples of connected health include telemedicine, remote patient monitoring systems and telehealth. According to Mubaraki et al. (2021), telemedicine is the provision of remote clinical services using computers or smartphones. Among the benefits of telemedicine to care providers and patients include reduced costs, better and long-term results, and ease of accessing treatment. The disadvantages include the inaccessibility of healthcare services among medically underserved populations and the need for internet and connectivity.

Remote patient monitoring systems allow the care provider to monitor, analyze and report different aspects of the patient’s health from the comfort of their home. The advantages of remote monitoring systems include convenience and saving the patient time and money. However, the disadvantages include possible device breakdown, and missing out on important aspects of patient health,

Another example of the use of connected health is telehealth. Telehealth uses digital information and communication technologies to access healthcare services remotely and manage health. The advantages of telehealth include convenience, saving on costs and time, and the ability to provide health services to patients despite the technological gap. The disadvantages include the limitations of in-person assessments, the possibility of technical hitches, and difficulties in reaching the correct diagnosis.

The Impact of Informatics on Public Health

Informatics has impacted public health in various ways. Williams, Oke & Zachary (2019) note that informatics has reengineered the delivery of public health to meet the needs and demands of healthcare in the 21st century. For instance, there is an increase in healthcare and population needs and demands, which has mandated public health to invest in workplace development and capacity through education and training in informatics. Therefore, there has also been an increase in the skills and competencies in healthcare informatics following the increased use of healthcare informatics in public health.

Another example of the impact of informatics on public health is the increased efficiency and accuracy of healthcare data. The use of informatics systems and platforms has encouraged the increase of efficiency and accuracy in public health data due to reduced human errors and duplication. Therefore, the public can receive more efficient care services.

Additionally, informatics has improved access to healthcare services in the minority and medically underserved communities through the use of connected health. Information systems are also used for advocacy and health promotion initiatives to prevent major diseases in these communities, improve health and wellness, and enable community members to choose healthy behaviors. Therefore, informatics improves the health of the public.


The current role of the informatics nurse is to integrate the knowledge of information technology and nursing practice. The future role will include policy development to advance nursing practice and public health. Connected health is a term that refers to Mhealth, telehealth, and telemedicine. Examples of connected health include telemedicine, telehealth and remote monitoring systems. Informatics has significantly impacted public health, as discussed above.

Assignment: The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation References

Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., O’Connor, S., & López, A. L. S. (2021). How the nursing profession should adapt for a digital future. BMJ, 373.

Honey, M., Collins, E., & Britnell, S. (2020). Education into Policy: Embedding Health Informatics to Prepare Future Nurses-New Zealand Case Study. JMIR Nursing, 3(1), e16186.

Khezri, H., & Abdekhoda, M. (2019). Assessing nurses’ informatics competency and identifying its related factors. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(7), 529-538.

Mubaraki, A. A., Alrabie, A. D., Sibyani, A. K., Aljuaid, R. S., Bajaber, A. S., & Mubaraki, M. A. (2021). Advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic era among physicians in Taif, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal, 42(1), 110.

Pattichis, C. S., & Panayides, A. S. (2019). Connected health. Frontiers in Digital Health, 1, 1.

Williams, F., Oke, A., & Zachary, I. (2019). Public health delivery in the information age: the role of informatics and technology. Perspectives in Public Health, 139(5), 236–254.

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