NURS-FPX6111 Assessment 2 Criteria and Rubric Development Example Paper

Assessment Rationale and Description

Assessments are integral in determining the effectiveness of education programs. Various continuous tests focus on assessing cognitive, psychomotor, or affective domains. These tests are based on course objectives and can vary depending on the course content and application area. Educators must ensure the tests are reliable and valid to implement them. Validity and reliability of tests are integral to ensure they will deliver.

NURS-FPX6111 Assessment 2 Criteria and Rubric Development Example Paper

One of the cultural competency course objectives is to describe the role of culture as a social determinant of health and its effects on health. The objective requires the students to understand social determinants of health, including culture and how they affect health. The assessments will thus assess the cognitive domain. The objective will appear at the beginning of the course, and students will be required to portray their understanding of the relationships between cultural components and health. The objective does not test the application of the learned materials but rather the students’ understanding.

An assignment is the best assessment tool for this objective. The assignment will be available for all students to do in the student portal. The assignment will be worth 100 points and contribute to the final students’ grades. The students will be allowed a week to provide a comprehensive assessment that will help test their understanding of cultural competencies. Assignments are integral tools and are useful in promoting learning, especially in the cognitive domain (Gere et al., 2018).

The students will explain the concept of social determinants of health. The students will also describe the various components of culture, such as values, rituals, norms, and beliefs. The students will then explain how these components affect health and the consequences of not considering culture in healthcare. Chan and Ho (2019) note that rubrics are integral to communicating assessment expectations and ensuring students understand and deliver the assessment expectations.

Faculty surveys and reviews provide information on the validity of tests. The examination board reviews all assessment tests to determine their validity and alignment with learning objectives. The faculty will review this test to determine its validity. Inter-rater reliability scores will be used to determine the reliability of the tests (Chow et al., 2020). It is difficult for the students to cooperate and do the test twice, eliminating the test-retest method.

Using different examiners to mark the same scripts might provide different scores, and statistically analyzing the test scores will help determine the reliability of the assessment tools. Scwartz et al. (2019) state that it is difficult to have an assessment tool with 100% reliability and validity, but inter-rater reliability tests are the best in developing assessment tools with high reliability. The faculty staff review and inter-rate reliability scores will help improve the test’s reliability.

Assessment Rubric

C# Criteria Non-Performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
C1. Describe the concept of social determinants of health and their role in health Does not describe social determinants of health Describes social determinants of health, but some information is incorrect. Does not explain how the social determinants affect health Describes the concept of social determinants of health and explains a clear link between these determinants and health Describes the concept of social determinants of health extensively, gives examples of social determinants of health and explains them, Explains how they affect thinking and healthcare institutions utilization, and explains a clear link between these determinants and health.
C2. Describe the various components of culture and how they affect health Does not describe the various cultural components and how they affect culture Describes two or fewer components of health, but does not explain how these components affect health Describes three to four components of culture and provides a clear link between these components and health Describes four or more components of culture, Explains how they vary among cultures, explains and explains how they influence health
C3 Identify and explain local, state, and federal laws addressing cultural competence in healthcare Does not identify or explain the local, state, and federal laws addressing cultural competence in healthcare Identifies local, state, and federal laws related to cultural competence in healthcare but does not explain them or provide an unclear explanation Identifies and explains the local, state, and federal laws that address cultural competence in healthcare Identifies and explains the local, state, and federal laws that address cultural competence in healthcare and identifies gaps in knowledge, areas of uncertainty, and areas that require improvement
C4 Explain the consequences of the lack of cultural sensitivity to care quality, patient safety, and interprofessional collaboration. Does not describe the effects of a lack of cultural sensitivity on care quality, patient safety, and interprofessional collaboration Explains the consequences of cultural sensitivity on care quality, patient safety, and interprofessional collaboration, but the explanations are incomplete, incorrect, or unclear Explains the consequences of the lack of cultural sensitivity to care quality, patient safety, and interprofessional collaboration. Explains the consequences of the lack of cultural sensitivity to care quality, patient safety, and interprofessional collaboration Explains the need for cultural sensitivityIncludes examples of cultural sensitivity issues and their implication
C5 Write clearly and logically, using correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Does not write clearly and logically, with the correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Writes with errors in clarity, logic, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or mechanics. Writes clearly and logically, using spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics correctly. Writes clearly and logically, using spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and relevant evidence to support a central idea.


  • Chan, Z., & Ho, S. (2019). Good and bad practices in rubrics: the perspectives of students and educators. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(4), 533-545.
  • Chow, R., Bruera, E., Temel, J. S., Krishnan, M., Im, J., & Lock, M. (2020). Inter-rater reliability in performance status assessment among healthcare professionals: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 28(5), 2071-2078.
  • Gere, A. R., Limlamai, N., Wilson, E., MacDougall Saylor, K., & Pugh, R. (2019). Writing and conceptual learning in science: An analysis of assignments. Written Communication, 36(1), 99-135.
  • Schwartz, A. H., Albin, T. J., & Gerberich, S. G. (2019). Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of the rapid entire body assessment (REBA) tool. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 71, 111-116.
  • Chan, Z., & Ho, S. (2019). Good and bad practices in rubrics: the perspectives of students and educators. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(4), 533–545.
  • Chow, R., Bruera, E., Temel, J. S., Krishnan, M., Im, J., & Lock, M. (2020). Inter-rater reliability in performance status assessment among healthcare professionals: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 28(5), 2071-2078.
  • Gere, A. R., Limlamai, N., Wilson, E., MacDougall Saylor, K., & Pugh, R. (2019). Writing and conceptual learning in science: An analysis of assignments. Written Communication, 36(1), 99–135.
  • McCrossan, P., Nicholson, A., & McCallion, N. (2022). Minimum accepted competency examination: test item analysis. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 1–7.
  • Schwartz, A. H., Albin, T. J., & Gerberich, S. G. (2019). Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of the rapid entire body assessment (REBA) tool. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 71, 111-116.

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