NURS-FPX4900 Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations
Current healthcare training incorporates informatics courses or similar programs into the curriculum to equip healthcare practitioners to optimize the use of technology in patient management. In today’s world, when technology adoption is at its peak, the healthcare industry has risen to the challenge of adopting numerous technologies and using them to improve patient care.
As healthcare technology becomes more popular, the responsibility of orchestrating operations, developing an effective care coordination strategy, and leveraging community resources grows. To reduce this load, baccalaureate nursing training should design a comprehensive curriculum that teaches nurses about healthcare technology and correct methods of establishing successful care coordination.
The goal of this paper is to analyze how technology can be used to address a patient’s health problem (hypertension), explain how care coordination and utilization of community resources may be beneficial, and analyze how nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies may impact the use of healthcare technology in addressing the patient’s problems.
The Impact of Healthcare Technology on the Patient
Technology offers a revolutionary management strategy to people suffering from hypertension, a disease that requires lifetime treatment. Mr. JM, a long-distance truck driver with hypertension for the last three years and compliance concerns with both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, is the patient whose condition necessitates remedy.
The patient, who cites the high cost of his medications as the reason for non-adherence, as well as distance or rather an itinerant lifestyle as the reason for missing outpatient appointments every three months, would benefit from a low-cost technology that ensures non-physical patient-provider interaction. Telemedicine, which integrates different types of technology to provide treatment to patients in remote locations, is unquestionably an evidence-based practical option for the patient.
Telemedicine is perhaps the most researched healthcare technology as a feasible approach for chronic illness management. This strategy has various benefits as an approach to hypertension management. Telemedicine provides a long-term and lasting connection and engagement between the patient and healthcare practitioners, circumventing all of the difficulties that may come from the requirement for in-person encounters (Omboni et al., 2020).
Furthermore, with telemedicine-facilitated health education, the patients’ attitudes, health behaviors, and self-management skills increase, resulting in improved hypertension treatment. Telemedicine innovations increase the demand for professional communication, information exchange, and decision support, hence encouraging multidisciplinary collaboration. Moreover, telemedicine allows for the provision of treatment to a larger population beyond the hospital’s vicinity, and in the age of Covid19, decreases the chance of transmission of the dreadful infectious disease.
Telemedicine-facilitated health education, monitoring of patients’ vital parameters, and consultations have been linked to better blood pressure reduction and an increase in the proportion of patients meeting blood pressure management targets. In addition to hypertensive patients, telemedicine interventions are effective in certain special demographic groups, such as people with both hypertension and diabetes.
Omboni et al. (2020) include a summary of four randomized control studies in which hypertensive patients with diabetes comorbidity were placed in an intervention group receiving telemedicine coupled with nurse or clinician management, and according to the findings, the patients achieved greater reductions in blood pressure, hemoglobin A1C, and LDL cholesterol.
An additional benefit is that telemedicine interventions are relevant in all healthcare settings, including community and primary care settings, and may be employed across all socioeconomic groups, including low, medium, and high-income groups.
While telemedicine interventions offer various benefits, they also have drawbacks and limitations. In the age of telemedicine, the declining quality of the patient-provider physical relationship cannot be overlooked. Because of the absence of personal contact between the patient and the physician, it may be difficult to execute critical interventions on the patients, such as focused cardiovascular examinations, resulting in missed diagnoses (Hwei & Octavius, 2021).
Furthermore, patients with age-related sensory deficits, such as poor eyesight or hearing, may have difficulties utilizing the different telemedicine equipment. Technological faults in measuring or transmitting data may potentially jeopardize the utilization of telemedicine approaches.
Telemedicine poses a danger to healthcare practitioners’ employment and may lead to them being seen as simple technicians (Hwei & Octavius, 2021). Telemedicine raises payment concerns for hospitals since reimbursement may only cover some components of the intervention. A detailed examination of the pros and downsides is therefore required before implementation.
Although various studies have shown telemedicine to be a beneficial method in the treatment of chronic illnesses, there are multiple barriers to its implementation. First, although there are various technologies on the market, none serves as a benchmark model for standardizing the deployment of telemedicine in health care (Omboni et al., 2020).
Second, the initial purchase of equipment, maintenance of computer gear and software, and assuring security are all costly, limiting the use of telemedicine treatments in resource-limited situations (Scott Kruse et al., 2018). Third, poor informatics skills, resistance to change, hatred for technology, and insufficient awareness of the therapeutic efficacy of telemedicine are key cultural hurdles to telemedicine intervention implementation (Omboni et al., 2020).
The fact that the majority of the systems are not interoperable and that there may be difficulties with the privacy and confidentiality of patient’s health information may limit physicians’ trust in the use of telemedicine therapies.
Care Coordination and the Utilization of Community Resources in the Management of the Patient
Nurses have the responsibility to develop an effective care coordination plan while performing clinical tasks and holding positions of leadership. According to Anderson and Hewner (2021), patient care coordination refers to a concerted effort by healthcare practitioners to organize patient care, share information, and make choices that aim to satisfy patients’ needs and preferences. Mr. JM’s management would benefit from two primary methods to care coordination: technology and collaboration.
The telemedicine approach, which is a multifaceted intervention, demands effective teamwork in which members are aware of their responsibilities. Breckenridge et al. (2019) conducted a pre-post analysis in which data from two large waiver-funded care coordination projects from two urban hospitals were compared to data from patients served at two comparison hospitals to determine the impact of patient care coordination on hospital encounters and related costs.
According to the statistics, the hospital encounters of patients who got waiver-funded care coordination services reduced by 0.85 encounters over the year (Breckenridge et al., 2019). Furthermore, the fewer hospital contacts associated with the waiver-funded care coordination plan resulted in a $1550 per patient per year cost savings (Breckenridge et al., 2019). A multidisciplinary team (physicians, nurses, health informatics team, pharmacists, nutritionists, community health workers, and preventive healthcare experts) that is aware of their duties is critical for the intervention’s effectiveness.
Utilizing community services and partnerships with many community stakeholders is critical to achieving the expected outcomes of telemedicine. There is a plethora of programs, equipment, and initiatives available in the community that may be utilized to encourage positive health behaviors.
Community recreation facilities, such as football playgrounds, swimming pools, gyms, and cycling resources, encourage physical exercise, a non-pharmacological strategy for hypertension control. In a systematic analysis, Pescatello et al. (2019) discovered that low to vigorous-intensity activities reduce incident hypertension in adults with normal blood pressure by 2 to 5 mmHg systolic blood pressure and 1 to 4 diastolic blood pressure.
In the same systematic analysis, Pescatello et al. (2019), the blood pressure response to physical exercise is as follows: The decreases in systolic blood pressure varied from 5 to 17 mm Hg, whereas the reductions in diastolic blood pressure ranged from 2 to 10 mm Hg. Additional community resources, such as point-of-decision signage or reminders like “use the stairs instead of the elevator,” encourage physical exercise, supporting a healthy lifestyle devoid of chronic ailments.
What I observe in practice, where patients with chronic, so-called lifestyle diseases are urged to participate in non-pharmacological interventions, the majority of which involve lifestyle interventions, is consistent with the research supporting their roles in chronic illness management.
While care coordination and the use of community resources are advantageous in the treatment of hypertensive patients, they confront major challenges that may impede their successful use. Individuals may have a skewed sense of the relevance of physical exercise, causing them to overlook lifestyle change as a non-pharmacological therapy and prevention of hypertension (Bhandari et al., 2021).
Furthermore, the persistent belief and trust in traditional medicine impede the best possible utilization of community resources. Individually, financial restrictions may be a barrier since coordinating treatment is expensive, and people may find adhering to non-pharmacological therapies, such as rigidly adhering to a set diet every day for a lifetime, rather expensive.
At the community level, there may be insufficient community health workers to successfully execute a workable care coordination strategy, and stigma associated with chronic illness deters progress with hypertension control (Bhandari et al., 2021). The lack of coverage of health promotion in mainstream media, such as radio and television, may also contribute to the barriers to effective care coordination and community resource utilization.
State Board Nursing Practice Standards and/or Organizational or Governmental Policies Associated with Healthcare Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources
Various regulatory and policy issues must be addressed to guarantee the safe use of telemedicine in the treatment of hypertensive patients. Hardware and software capable of measuring patients’ vitals and interpreting and providing a diagnosis are among the components of telemedicine and are therefore categorized as medical devices.
Telemedicine devices must be created, evaluated, and approved by regulatory bodies. This is particularly true for health apps, which have been renamed fitness or wellness products to circumvent the regulations. In Europe, the EU Regulation 2017/745 specifies how medical software fulfills health regulatory and validation criteria (Omboni et al., 2020).
The Food and Drug Administration rules are used in the United States to guarantee that a device fits the regulatory definitions (Omboni et al., 2020). These laws guarantee that telemedicine equipment fulfills the criteria required for providing safe and quality treatment and that they are also effective platforms for avoiding patient extortion in healthcare.
Although telemedicine may traverse national borders, medical licenses cannot. As a result, the United States intends to impose unique legislation requiring physicians to give telemedicine services to patients residing in foreign nations. In the United States, 12 states foresee a special license that permits doctors to practice beyond state borders for telemedicine alone, whereas 6 states foresee physicians registering if they desire to operate across state lines (Omboni et al., 2020).
Because telemedicine includes data gathering and sharing, precautions are required to secure patients’ protected health information. As a deferral policy, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 comes in useful with its privacy regulations. Telemedicine developers are required to comply with privacy standards to maintain the integrity of the user’s health data.
Over the years, professional groups and regulatory bodies have examined the ethical issues related to telemedicine and telehealth. Consent and autonomy are two issues that often raise concern. The following questions must be considered to guarantee an effective informed consent process: how effectively is the patent informed, how effective are the consenting processes, and what options does the patient have? (Kaplan, 2020).
Participants in telemedicine must consent to the intervention, and the significance of the consent must be evaluated in light of family and community pressures, as well as difficult-to-understand privacy policies. Furthermore, telemedicine treatments must be capable of offering beneficence as an ethical concept by providing education and personalized care as needed (Keenan et al., 2021).
To guarantee justice in the use of telemedicine, physicians advocate for equitable access to telehealth technology and for balancing the demands of the individual with the requirements of the larger community (Keenan et al., 2021). However, due to huge gaps in access to technology, securing justice might be difficult at times.
Compliance with HIPAA security protections is critical to avoid breaches of privacy and confidentiality of patient’s health data to avert damage or to achieve nonmaleficence as an ethical standard (Keenan et al., 2021). These ethical standards may influence the quality and efficacy of healthcare services; hence healthcare providers must strive to satisfy them at all costs.
The application of technology greatly benefits the treatment of chronic illnesses. Adoption of technology had even stalled, notably during the Covid19 period, when there was a pressing need to continue with care procedures without physical touch between patient and physician.
Telemedicine, which employs information and communication technology to offer treatment, health education, and monitor patients’ vital data, is likely the most widely used technology in the Covid19 age. Numerous studies support telemedicine as an effective solution for improving treatment quality and patient safety and lowering healthcare costs for both the system and the person.
While it is effective, achieving the expected outcomes of telemedicine requires a multidisciplinary team as well as the utilization of community resources. In today’s world, when diseases emerge entirely as a consequence of poor lifestyle choices, using community resources to achieve health promotion and preventative measures is important.
Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations References
- Anderson, A., & Hewner, S. (2021). Care coordination: A concept analysis. The American Journal of Nursing, 121(12), 30–38.
- Bhandari, B., Narasimhan, P., Vaidya, A., Subedi, M., & Jayasuriya, R. (2021). Barriers and facilitators for treatment and control of high blood pressure among hypertensive patients in Kathmandu, Nepal: a qualitative study informed by COM-B model of behavior change. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1524.
- Breckenridge, E. D., Kite, B., Wells, R., & Sunbury, T. M. (2019). Effect of patient care coordination on hospital encounters and related costs. Population Health Management, 22(5), 406–414.
- Hwei, L. R. Y., & Octavius, G. S. (2021). Potential advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine: A literature review from the perspectives of patients, medical personnel, and hospitals. Journal of Community Empowerment for Health, 4(3), 228.
- Kaplan, B. (2020). REVISITING HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ETHICAL, LEGAL, and SOCIAL ISSUES and EVALUATION: TELEHEALTH/TELEMEDICINE and COVID-19. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 143(104239), 104239.
- Keenan, A. J., Tsourtos, G., & Tieman, J. (2021). The value of applying ethical principles in telehealth practices: Systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(3), e25698.
- Omboni, S., McManus, R. J., Bosworth, H. B., Chappell, L. C., Green, B. B., Kario, K., Logan, A. G., Magid, D. J., Mckinstry, B., Margolis, K. L., Parati, G., & Wakefield, B. J. (2020). Evidence and recommendations on the use of telemedicine for the management of arterial hypertension: An international expert position paper: An international expert position paper. Hypertension, 76(5), 1368–1383.
- Pescatello, L. S., Buchner, D. M., Jakicic, J. M., Powell, K. E., Kraus, W. E., Bloodgood, B., Campbell, W. W., Dietz, S., Dipietro, L., George, S. M., Macko, R. F., McTiernan, A., Pate, R. R., Piercy, K. L., & 2018 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY GUIDELINES ADVISORY COMMITTEE*. (2019). Physical activity to prevent and treat hypertension: A systematic review: A systematic review. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51(6), 1314–1323.
- Scott Kruse, C., Karem, P., Shifflett, K., Vegi, L., Ravi, K., & Brooks, M. (2018). Evaluating barriers to adopting telemedicine worldwide: A systematic review. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 24(1), 4–12.
Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations Instructions
In a 5-7 page written assessment, determine how health care technology, coordination of care, and community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you\’ve defined. In addition, plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group you\’ve chosen to work with and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form. Report on your experiences during the second 2 hours of your practicum.
NURS-FPX4900 Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations Example 2
As discussed in the previous assignments, patient falls are a serious healthcare issue that affects the quality of care, safety, and costs to the system and the individual. Nurses are vital professionals in the care coordination process. They assess patients to determine their needs, implement care interventions, and implement relevant care professionals to help meet them. Healthcare technologies and community resources are also crucial in addressing care problems. This essay discusses care ordination and the utilization of care technologies, and available community resources related to patient falls.
Impact of Care Technology on Patient Falls
Technologies in healthcare are vital in addressing problems and increasing efficiency in many areas, including health promotion. Moton sensors and electronic health records are the technologies majorly used to address the problem of patient falls. Electronic patient records store patient information and facilitate communication for effective care coordination and collaboration.
Electronic health information systems help collect, analyze, and identify risk factors using standardized terminologies- fall risk assessments. According to Zanker et al. (2022), digitalized fall assessment tools are vital and help alert care providers when patients are at risk for falls. Risk factors such as certain medicines, healthcare conditions, and falls history can be identified from EHRs, and risk ascertained for effective management. Thus, EHRs are vital technologies in patient fall prevention. In my current workplace, nurses assess patients’ risks for falls using standardized terminologies and manage them according to protocols and guidelines available, supporting the evidence.
Movement sensors are also vital technologies in detecting falls and preventing them. Depending on the model, these technologies are worn by patients on the waist or feet. They detect when patients move through weight spread or distance from the ground. According to Oh-Park et al. (2021), wearable sensors are significant modern technologies in fall detection and prevention in healthcare. Hussain et al. (2019) conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of sensors in detecting, differentiating, and preventing falls.
Results from the study show that wearable sensors improve fall detection by over 99.8% and have a 96.82% efficacy in differentiating fall types (Hussain et al., 2019). Wearable sensors may not prevent point incidence in falls but help detect fall patterns and thus intervene to manage them accordingly. In my current workplace, movement sensors detect patient movement in the rooms. High-risk patients are identified, and wearable sensors to their waists help detect movements, such as changes and any attempts to sit or rise to help detect or prevent falls.
Potential Barriers and Costs
Nurses’ knowledge of the technologies and their use present a significant barrier to their utilization. Dykes (2019) note that nurses’ knowledge of fall prevention strategies and implementation significantly determines their utilization. Nurses must understand the use and significance of these technologies to use them accordingly. Standardized terminologies in the EHR are cost-effective and do not present significant costs to individuals or the system. Baig et al. (2019) note that wearable technologies/sensors, especially those measuring gait and posture, can present significant cost issues to the facility, considering the limited financial resources in healthcare.
These sensors have high initial/purchase and installation costs, and their maintenance is also high because they need batteries to operate remotely and are prone to patient destruction (Hussain et al., 2019). In addition, many nurses and other healthcare professionals lack knowledge of utilizing data from movement sensors to create meaningful interventions that help address safety issues. Addressing these barriers to technology utilization can improve their use in healthcare facilities.
Care Coordination and Community Resources to Address Patient Falls
Care coordination is significant to the management of patient falls. The prevention and recovery from patient fall require the input of various professionals. Physiotherapists help patients regain muscle strength, while community workers help patients complete the transition to the home environment without further incidents. Care coordination can help ensure patients have access to the services they need most. For example, patients without caregivers can be enrolled in the hospital’s homecare program, allowing the hospital to send a nurse to cater to their needs at home to ensure care continuity.
According to Eckstrom et al. (2019), coordinated care plans for preventing falls in older adults combine the efforts of community resources and various professionals to ensure holistic patient care. Care coordination in patient falls facilitates access to services in the community for a continued safety and fall prevention process, hence its significance. At my current workplace, patients are well-educated a care transition plan well-established to ensure care continuity and prevention of falls outside the care facility.
Community resources are also significant in fall prevention. For example, access to exercise training or trainers in communities determines the patient’s transition to the community. Community centers and health fitness centers are common referral centers that help patients exercise in communities to strengthen muscles and bones to prevent.
Community centers are also vital in educating patients on fall prevention and supporting them with supportive devices such as walkers. Lamb et al. (2020) note that community resources form vital centers for care coordination and implementation of screening and education programs for fall prevention. These community resources are thus integral in fall prevention. The routine practice at my workplace is to contact family or caregivers to engage them in care or enroll patients in the hospital follow-up program. Referral to community resources is also done based on the patient’s unique needs.
Barriers to Care Coordination and Community Resources Utilization
Significant barriers to care coordination and utilization of community resources are limiting policies, inadequate care resources, scarcity, and inaccessibility of community resources (Santos et al., 2021). Healthcare policies can limit care coordination significantly. Care providers follow hospital regulations and policies limiting information sharing, such as Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability ActrHIPAA and ACA can affect care coordination significantly.
Healthcare resources are scarce, and their availability determines the services a patient can afford, so care coordination and community resources utilization (Tzeng et al., 2020). In most instances, there are inadequate or limited community resources to help utilize the community resources fully. For example, patients may lack caregivers who will take them to community centers and back, or the costs may be too high to afford. These barriers can impede care coordination and community resource utilization significantly.
State Board Nursing Practice Standards/ Organizational/ Governmental Policies Associated with Healthcare Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources
Nursing practice standards and governmental policies affect care interventions significantly. HIPAA and ACA significantly affect care coordination, healthcare technology, and community resources. HIPAA policy was developed to help keep patient information safe.
The policy has various laws and regulations, including the security and privacy rule, which dictate how institutions should store data and which professionals can access the data. Ezell et al. (2022) note that HIPAA controls institutions, including non-medical, that handle patient health information to ensure secure, confidential information flow. HIPAA also regulates the care technologies used and requires care technologies to ensure patient information safety, privacy, and confidentiality (Moore & Frye, 2019).
The affordable care act (ACA) also affects care coordination, technology, and community resources. The affordable care act expands the care coordination continuum, especially for individuals with public insurance, after expanding access to services for individuals. The policy dictates which service older adults can access in and out of the healthcare facility (Medicare and Medicaid cover older adults). For example, Medicaid and Medicare pay for assisted living facilities but may not cover expenses for services such as exercises, limiting the care coordination continuum.
The policy encourages nurses to collaborate with care professionals and institutions in and out of the healthcare facility to ensure quality outcomes (Scott et al., 2019). Scott et al. (2019) state that the policy also promotes increased use of healthcare technologies (such as telehealth) for improved care coordination and care delivery. Thus, the affordable care act affects care coordination, technologies, and community resource utilization. It is thus significant to the management of patient falls.
How Policies in Guiding Actions in Applying Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources
HIPAA policy will dictate the technologies that can be used to address the problem and determine the professionals who can access patient information. Familiarizing with HOAA requirements will help avoid fines and ensure that technologies, professionals, and community resources involved are legally mandated to access patient data, as Moore and Frye (2019) note.
HIPAA affects care coordination, healthcare technologies, and community resource utilization in addressing healthcare issues, including patient falls. The ACA will dictate the accessible community resources that can be used to address the healthcare problem based on their coverage by Medicare and Medicaid. Thus, these policies will be significant to the interventions selected to address the problem of patient falls.
Effects Of Local, State, And Federal Policies or Legislation on Nursing Scope of Practice
The affordable care act is the selected federal policy that affects care coordination as it relates to care technology, care coordination, and community resources utilization. The ACA recognizes and appreciates the significance of coordination in improving outcomes. It encourages interprofessional collaboration, including the involvement of nurses, in delivering high-quality care.
It supports the integration of nurses in healthcare teams and acknowledges their role in coordinating patient care across various settings, in and out of the facility (utilization of community resources). According to Cleveland et al. (2019), the affordable care act expands the nursing scope of practice. It enhances their role in care coordination, implementation of care technologies, and utilization of community resources to ensure quality patient outcomes.
Effects of Nursing Ethics on the Approach to Addressing the Problem
Ethics will significantly address patient falls through technology, care coordination, and community resources. Applying nursing ethics will ensure patient involvement in all processes, improving adherence and patient outcomes (Haddad & Geiger, 2021). The ethical principles will help evaluate the selected interventions to determine their suitability.
Autonomy will help ensure the patient understands and consents to the involvement of various professionals in the care delivery process. In addition, evidence-based best practices will be implemented to ensure the best outcomes (beneficence) and least harm (non-maleficence) to the patients. Meekes et al. (2022) state that cares collaboration with relevant care professionals is significant in improving outcomes in fall prevention. Confidentiality will inform data-sharing practices to ensure that only the information allowed by law and to which the patient consents will be shared during care coordination. In addition, only information significant to the patient’s care will be shared.
Patient falls are a healthcare problem that can benefit from care coordination, care technology, and community resources. Healthcare technologies such as electronic health records and wearable motion sensors have prevented patient falls. Policies such as ACA and HIPAA regulate care coordination, care technology, and community resource utilization.
These policies and nursing ethics will guide changes and care interventions to manage this healthcare problem. Addressing barriers such as knowledge gaps and limited healthcare resources will promote care technology and community resources utilization to manage patient falls. Information learned in this assessment will be significant to the project and the prevention of patient falls.
NURS-FPX4900 Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations References
- Cleveland, K., Motter, T., & Smith, Y. (2019). Affordable Care: Harnessing the Power of Nurses. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 24(2).
- Eckstrom, E., Parker, E. M., Shakya, I., & Lee, R. (2019). Coordinated care plan to prevent older adult falls. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Haddad, L. M., & Geiger, R. A. (2021). Nursing Ethical Considerations. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
- Hussain, F., Hussain, F., Ehatisham-ul-Haq, M., & Azam, M. A. (2019). Activity-aware fall detection and recognition based on wearable sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(12), 4528-4536.
- Lamb, S. E., Bruce, J., Hossain, A., Ji, C., Longo, R., Lall, R., Bojke, C., Hulme, C., Withers, E., Finnegan, S., Sheldon, R., & Underwood, M. (2020). Screening and intervention to prevent falls and fractures in older people. New England Journal of Medicine, 383(19), 1848-1859.
- Meekes, W. M., Leemrijse, C. J., Korevaar, J. C., Stanmore, E. K., & van de Goor, L. I. A. (2022). Implementing falls prevention in primary care: barriers and facilitators. Clinical Interventions In Aging, 885-902.
- Moore, W., & Frye, S. (2019). Review of HIPAA, Part 1: History, protected health information, and privacy and security rules. Journal Of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 47(4), 269–272.
- Oh-Park, M., Doan, T., Dohle, C., Vermiglio-Kohn, V., & Abdou, A. (2021). Technology utilization in fall prevention. American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 100(1), 92-99.
- Santos, P., Faughnan, K., Prost, C., & Tschampl, C. A. (2021). Systemic barriers to care coordination for marginalized and vulnerable populations. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1–14.
- Scott, J. W., Neiman, P. U., Uribe-Leitz, T., Scott, K. W., Zogg, C. K., Salim, A., & Haider, A. H. (2019). Impact of Affordable Care Act–related insurance expansion policies on mortality and access to post-discharge care for trauma patients: an analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery, 86(2), 196-205.
- Tzeng, H. M., Okpalauwaekwe, U., & Lyons, E. J. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to older adults participating in fall-prevention strategies after transitioning home from acute hospitalization: a scoping review. Clinical Interventions In Aging, 971-989.
- Zanker, J., Phu, S., & Duque, G. (2022). Falls Risk Assessment. In Senior Trauma Patients: An Integrated Approach (pp. 79–87). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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