Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript

Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript Transcript

All Lines (307)Interview Questions (138)Statements (8)Exam Actions (161)

  Hello, Mr. Foster. My name is Sarah and I will be taking care of you today. Greet
04/11/20 9:08 AM MDT
  Good morning.  
  How are you today? Question
04/11/20 9:09 AM MDT
  I’ve been better. I’ve been experiencing this tight, uncomfortable feeling in my chest every now and then. I’m starting to worry it could be something serious.  
  I’m sorry you’re in so much pain. We’ll try to get it under control as soon possible. (No matching questions found.) Question
04/11/20 9:10 AM MDT
  I’m sorry you’re in so much pain. We’ll try to get it under control as soon possible.

Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript

04/11/20 9:10 AM MDT
  Thanks. I appreciate that.  
  Where does your chest hurt? Question
04/11/20 9:12 AM MDT
  When the pain happens, I feel it mostly in the middle of my chest, over my heart.  
  Does it radiate to any other part of your body? (No matching questions found.) Question
04/11/20 9:12 AM MDT
  Do you feel the pain in your neck? Question
04/11/20 9:13 AM MDT
  My neck’s been fine.  
  Do you feel the pain in your arms? Question
04/11/20 9:13 AM MDT
  No, when I am having the chest pain, it’s mostly just in middle of my chest.  
  When did the pain start? Question
04/11/20 9:14 AM MDT
  I first noticed it earlier this month. I thought it might just be heartburn and it passed after about a couple of minutes.  
  How long does it last? Question
04/11/20 9:15 AM MDT
  I haven’t noticed any palpitations.  
  Can you describe the pain? Question
04/11/20 9:15 AM MDT
  Well, it mostly feels tight and uncomfortable right in the middle of my chest.  
  On a scale of 0 to 10, how do you rate the level of pain? (Clarified to How would you rate your chest pain on a scale?.) Question
04/11/20 9:16 AM MDT
  I’d say maybe a . . . 5? It’s just really uncomfortable . . . like there’s nothing I can do about it. Right now it’s like a zero though. (Clarified to how I would rate my chest pain on a scale.)  
  Does anything aggravate it? (Clarified to Does anything make the pain worse?.) Question
04/11/20 9:17 AM MDT
  Well, the pain seems to start when I’m doing something physical . . . the first time it happened while I was doing yard work, and the second time . . . I had to take the stairs at work because the elevator broke. Both times it got better if I took a break or sat down to rest. (Clarified to if anything makes the pain worse.)  
  How many times have you had the chest pain Question
04/11/20 9:18 AM MDT
  Well, it has happened three times the past month. It usually goes away after about a couple minutes.  
  Do you have any other symptoms? Question
04/11/20 9:19 AM MDT
  I don’t think so, it’s mostly been my chest.  
  Do you have back pain Question
04/11/20 9:20 AM MDT
  I haven’t had back pain, no.  
  Do you have shoulder pain Question
04/11/20 9:20 AM MDT
  No, the pain hasn’t been in my shoulder.  
  Does the pain feel the same each episode (No matching questions found.) Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript Question
04/11/20 9:21 AM MDT
  Does the pain feel the same each time (No matching questions found.) Question
04/11/20 9:21 AM MDT
  Is the pain the same Question
04/11/20 9:22 AM MDT
  It’s hard to say. Each time it’s happened, the pain has been similar. It’s not even pain so much as an uncomfortable feeling in the middle of my chest that lasts a few minutes.  
  Have you taken any medication to relieve the pain Question
04/11/20 9:23 AM MDT
  No, not yet.  
  Have you been to the hospital Question
04/11/20 9:23 AM MDT
  I’ve never had to go to the hospital, no.  
  Do you get pain when you eat (Clarified to Do you have pain when you eat?.) Question
04/11/20 9:24 AM MDT
  I don’t think eating has anything to do with it. One episode did happen when my wife and I were out for dinner, but it seemed to happen before we even settled. The episodes don’t seem all that related, to be honest. (Clarified to if I have pain with eating.)  
  Do you get pain with spicy food Question
04/11/20 9:27 AM MDT
  I don’t think spicy foods have anything to do with it.  
  Do you get pain with food Question
04/11/20 9:27 AM MDT
  I don’t think eating has anything to do with it. One episode did happen when my wife and I were out for dinner, but it seemed to happen before we even settled. The episodes don’t seem all that related, to be honest.  
  Do you have allergies Question
04/11/20 9:28 AM MDT
  No, well . . . I’ve had a bad reaction to codeine before, but that is all I know of.  
  Do you have allergies to food Question
04/11/20 9:29 AM MDT
  No, well . . . I’ve had a bad reaction to codeine before, but that is all I know of.  
  Did you feel stressed at dinner (Clarified to Have you been stressed recently?.) Question
04/11/20 9:29 AM MDT
  Honestly, my life is pretty low stress. My job rarely stresses me out, my home life is great, and my kids generally behave. My only stress right now is my concern about this chest pain I keep getting every now and then. (Clarified to if I have been stressed out lately.) Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript  
  Can you tell me about your medical history Question
04/11/20 9:30 AM MDT
  The doctors told me I have a little bit of high blood pressure and cholesterol, but that’s it.  
  When were you diagnosed with high blood pressure Question
04/11/20 9:32 AM MDT
  About one year ago.  
  Do you take medications for your high blood pressure Question
04/11/20 9:32 AM MDT
  I take metoprolol, yes. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Do you know the dose of your metoprolol (Clarified to What is your dose of Lopressor?.) Question
04/11/20 9:32 AM MDT
  I don’t have it with me but I’m almost positive it’s one hundred milligrams. I take it once a day. (Clarified to how much Lopressor I take.)  
  Did you take it today (No matching questions found.) Question
04/11/20 9:33 AM MDT
  Did you take your metoprolol today (Clarified to Did you take metoprolol today?.) Question
04/11/20 9:33 AM MDT
  I haven’t taken it yet. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to if I have taken metoprolol today.)  
  When were you diagnosed with hyperlipidemia (Clarified to When were you diagnosed with high cholesterol?.) Question
04/11/20 9:34 AM MDT
  About one year ago. (Clarified to when I was diagnosed with high cholesterol.)  
  Do you take medication for your high cholesterol Question
04/11/20 9:34 AM MDT
  I take atorvastatin. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Do you know the dose (Clarified to What is the dosage of your high cholesterol medication?.) Question
04/11/20 9:34 AM MDT
  It’s 20 mg, once a day. (Clarified to what the dosage of my cholesterol medication is.)  
  Do you take any over the counter medications Question
04/11/20 9:35 AM MDT
  Oh, just ibuprofen or Tylenol occasionally for pain.  
  Do you take supplements Question
04/11/20 9:35 AM MDT
  I take fish oil, that’s it.  
  How much fish oil Question
04/11/20 9:35 AM MDT
  I take it daily. I think it’s 1200 milligrams. Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript  
  Do you take herbal supplements Question
04/11/20 9:35 AM MDT
  I take fish oil, that’s it.  
  It is important for you to take your high blood pressure and cholesterol medications daily. Educate
04/11/20 9:36 AM MDT
  Good to know. Thank you.  
  Have you ever had surgery Question
04/11/20 9:36 AM MDT
  I’ve never had any surgeries.  
  When was your last tetanus shot Question
04/11/20 9:37 AM MDT
  I’m up to date on my tetanus shot. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Do you know the date Question
04/11/20 9:37 AM MDT
  It’s . . . [Mr. Foster says the correct date.] [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Have you had a flu shot Question
04/11/20 9:38 AM MDT
  Well, I usually get the flu shot. I’ve had one in the past year. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Can you tell me about your father (Clarified to Can you tell me about your father’s health?.) Question
04/11/20 9:40 AM MDT
  He really wasn’t doing so great in the last few years. He died when he was 75 of colon cancer, but even before that, his weight and his blood pressure and cholesterol were getting the best of him. It was rough. He didn’t last too long after the cancer diagnosis, unfortunately. I think he was tired of fighting. (Clarified to how my dad’s health was.)  
  That must have been a struggle Empathize
04/11/20 9:41 AM MDT
  Thanks. I appreciate that.  
  Can you tell me about your mother’s health Question
04/11/20 9:41 AM MDT
  She has type 2 diabetes and some high blood pressure, but I think she’s doing pretty well for 80.  
  Do you have siblings Question
04/11/20 9:41 AM MDT
  I have a sister, and I had a brother but he died many years ago.  
  How did your brother die Question
04/11/20 9:41 AM MDT
  It was a car accident. He was 24.  
  Can you tell me about your sisters health Question
04/11/20 9:42 AM MDT
  She has the same health problems as our mom. Diabetes and hypertension.  
  How old is she (Clarified to How old is your sister?.) Question
04/11/20 9:42 AM MDT
  She’s fifty-two. (Clarified to how old is my sister.)  
  Can you tell me about your maternal grandmother Question
04/11/20 9:42 AM MDT
  She had breast cancer. She was in her 60s when she died.  
  Can you tell me about your maternal grandfather Question
04/11/20 9:43 AM MDT
  My grandfather on my mom’s side died of a heart attack. He was in his mid-fifties.  
  Can you tell me about your paternal grandmother’s health Question
04/11/20 9:43 AM MDT
  She died of pneumonia when she was almost 80. 78 or 79, I think.  
  Can you tell me about your paternal grandfathers health Question
04/11/20 9:44 AM MDT
  He was healthy right up until he died. He went in his sleep at 85, and we just called it old age.  
  How many kids do yo have Question
04/11/20 9:44 AM MDT
  I have a daughter, she’s a freshman in college now, and I have a son who’s an engineer.  
  How old are your kids Question
04/11/20 9:45 AM MDT
  Sam is 26 and Allie is 19. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Can you tell me about your sons health (No matching questions found.) Question
04/11/20 9:45 AM MDT
  Can you tell me about your son’s health Question
04/11/20 9:45 AM MDT
  The doctors told me I have a little bit of high blood pressure and cholesterol, but that’s it.  
  Can you tell me about your daughters health Question
04/11/20 9:45 AM MDT
  My daughter’s name is Allie. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Have you ever been diagnosed with chest pain (No matching questions found.) Question
04/11/20 9:46 AM MDT
  Do you have diabetes Question
04/11/20 9:47 AM MDT
  No, I’ve avoided it but my mother and sister both have it.  
  Is this the first time you’ve had chest pain Question
04/11/20 9:47 AM MDT
  I’ve felt it a few times this past month.  
  How often do you take your blood pressure Question
04/11/20 9:48 AM MDT
  I usually only get it checked when I visit the doctor.  
  Monitoring your blood pressure at home is a good way to evaluate if your medication is controlling your high blood pressure. It will give us real-life readings to see how you are doing at home. Educate
04/11/20 9:50 AM MDT
  Good to know. Thank you.  
  Do you know your normal blood pressure Question
04/11/20 9:50 AM MDT
  I guess it’s usually somewhat elevated, but no one has ever told me it was bad enough to worry. I’ve taken metoprolol for about a year now. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Do you know your typical cholesterol reading Question
04/11/20 9:51 AM MDT
  I’ve been told it’s moderately high. I’ve never noticed any actual symptoms from that though. Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript  
  Have you had tests for your heart Question
04/11/20 9:52 AM MDT
  I’ve had . . . well, I guess I’ve had the EKG a few times and they give me an annual stress test.  
  Do you know the results of your EKG Question
04/11/20 9:53 AM MDT
  I don’t remember the actual results, but as far as I know, it was normal.  
  Do you know the results of your stress test Question
04/11/20 9:53 AM MDT
  I’m not sure, all the doctor ever tells me is, “everything looks good.”  
  how often do you see your doctor Question
04/11/20 9:54 AM MDT
  I see the doctor every 6 months unless there’s something wrong in between.  
  How often do you see your primary care doctor Question
04/11/20 9:55 AM MDT
  I see the doctor every 6 months unless there’s something wrong in between.  
  Do you have medical insurance Question
04/11/20 9:55 AM MDT
  We have a PPO with Shadow Mutual.  
  When was your last visit with your doctor Question
04/11/20 9:57 AM MDT
  I had a physical about 3 months ago.  
  Do you exercise Question
04/11/20 9:58 AM MDT
  Well I used to ride my bike a lot but it got stolen a couple years ago. I guess I haven’t had much regular exercise since then. I want to get a new bike if the doctor says it is OK to exercise with this chest pain I’ve been having.  
  You’re right. exercise is important; however, the level of exercise and heart rate should be determined before starting a new exercise regime. Educate
04/11/20 10:02 AM MDT
  Good to know. Thank you.  
  Can you tell me your typical diet? Question
04/11/20 10:03 AM MDT
  Um, let’s see . . . For breakfast I usually eat a granola bar and drink an instant breakfast shake. I’ve been doing that a while since it saves time in the morning. Most days for lunch I get a sandwich from the sub shop near work. That’s usually a turkey sub, but sometimes I get a spicy Italian sub. My wife and I grill a lot, and usually have some grilled meat with veggies for dinner.  
  How much salt do you eat Question
04/11/20 10:11 AM MDT
  I’m not sure, I don’t really pay attention to it.  
  Do you eat sugar Question
04/11/20 10:12 AM MDT
  We don’t really keep sweets in the house. Sometimes I’m tempted into ordering dessert when we go out, though.  
  How much water do you drink? Question
04/11/20 10:15 AM MDT
  I usually drink water all day at work. At least four glasses, probably more. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  It is recommended to drink up to eight glasses of water daily Educate
04/11/20 10:17 AM MDT
  Good to know. Thank you.  
  Do you drink cokes Question
04/11/20 10:17 AM MDT
  Once in a blue moon maybe. I avoid it 99% of the time.  
  Do you drink soda Question
04/11/20 10:17 AM MDT
  Once in a blue moon maybe. I avoid it 99% of the time.  
  Do you have coffee Question
04/11/20 10:18 AM MDT
  Maybe 2 cups on weekdays. Sometimes a whole pot on Sunday mornings, but I’ve cut back a lot in the past few years.  
  Do you drink tea Question
04/11/20 10:19 AM MDT
  Well, I drink iced tea sometimes but I’m a coffee man when it comes to hot drinks. My wife is really into her teas though.  
  Do you use tobacco Question
04/11/20 10:19 AM MDT
  have you ever used tobacco Question
04/11/20 10:20 AM MDT
  I don’t smoke at all. Never have.  
  Do you use cannabis Question
04/11/20 10:20 AM MDT
  I’ll put it this way: the last time I touched the stuff, Carter was in office.  
  Have you used illicit substances Question
04/11/20 10:21 AM MDT
  I tried a few of the usual suspects back in my youth, but I haven’t touched any of that stuff in over 30 years.  
  Do you drink alcohol Question
04/11/20 10:22 AM MDT
  Sure, but never more than two or three beers on a weekend.  
  Do you have fever Question
04/11/20 10:24 AM MDT
  I haven’t had a fever, no.  
  Do you have chills Question
04/11/20 10:24 AM MDT
  I haven’t had chills, no.  
  Do you feel tired Question
04/11/20 10:25 AM MDT
  No, I don’t feel any more tired than usual.  
  Have you had weight loss Question
04/11/20 10:25 AM MDT
  Not exactly . . . I’ve gained about fifteen to twenty pounds in the last couple years.  
  Have you had weight gain Question
04/11/20 10:26 AM MDT
  I’ve gained maybe 20 pounds over the last couple years. I guess I’m getting older . . . my wife doesn’t seem to mind though! Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript  
  Do you get dizzy Question
04/11/20 10:27 AM MDT
  No, I haven’t felt dizzy.  
  have you passed out Question
04/11/20 10:27 AM MDT
  I’ve never passed out. I haven’t even felt dizzy or lightheaded. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Any changes in your eyes Question
04/11/20 10:28 AM MDT
  I get my eyes checked every few years. So far, no glasses!  
  Any eye pain Question
04/11/20 10:29 AM MDT
  I haven’t had problems with my eyes like that.  
  Do you have any changes in hearing Question
04/11/20 10:29 AM MDT
  My hearing’s fine.  
  Do you get headaches Question
04/11/20 10:30 AM MDT
  I get headaches once in a blue moon, but it’s never anything that has concerned me.  
  How often do you get headaches Question
04/11/20 10:30 AM MDT
  I get headaches once in a blue moon, but it’s never anything that has concerned me.  
  do you have sinus problems Question
04/11/20 10:31 AM MDT
  I don’t usually have any sinus trouble.  
  Have you had an auditory exam (No matching questions found.) Question
04/11/20 10:31 AM MDT
  Have you had your hearing checked Question
04/11/20 10:31 AM MDT
  Yeah, but it’s been many years now.  
  Any issues with your throat Question
04/11/20 10:32 AM MDT
  When was your last dentist appointment Question
04/11/20 10:32 AM MDT
  Um . . . probably about a year ago.  
  Do you have trouble swallowing Question
04/11/20 10:33 AM MDT
  I haven’t had any trouble swallowing.  
  any changes in the way food tastes Question
04/11/20 10:35 AM MDT
  I can still taste things fine.  
  Do you get short of breath Question
04/11/20 10:36 AM MDT
  No, I can usually breathe just fine. Unless I have a cold or something, but that’s rare.  
  Have you had heart murmurs Question
04/11/20 10:37 AM MDT
  No, none that I know of.  
  Do you have shortness of breath with activity Question
04/11/20 10:40 AM MDT
  Not usually. It depends on how strenuous the activity is.  
  Do you have shortness of breath at night Question
04/11/20 10:41 AM MDT
  No, I can breathe just fine.  
  Do you cough at night Question
04/11/20 10:41 AM MDT
  I don’t have a cough.  
  Do you have swelling in your legs Question
04/11/20 10:41 AM MDT
  I haven’t noticed any swelling.  
  Do you have pain in your legs Question
04/11/20 10:41 AM MDT
  I don’t feel any pain in my legs.  
  Do you have irregular heart beats Question
04/11/20 10:42 AM MDT
  Not that I know of.  
  Do you have heartburn Question
04/11/20 10:43 AM MDT
  No, I’ve never had problems with heartburn. I sure hope that’s all this is, but it’s pretty intense if it’s heartburn.  
  Do you have nausea Question
04/11/20 10:44 AM MDT
  No, I haven’t felt nauseous. I just had pain in my chest.  
  THe physical exam will help tell us what is causing your pain. I do have a few more questions. Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript Empathize
04/11/20 10:45 AM MDT
  Thanks. I appreciate that.  
  Have you had vomiting Question
04/11/20 10:45 AM MDT
  No, I haven’t.  
  Do you have changes in bowel patterns Question
04/11/20 10:45 AM MDT
  Um . . . no. No problems with that.  
  Any changes in urination Question
04/11/20 10:46 AM MDT
  I think I pee a normal amount. Every couple of hours or so.  
  Do you have pain when you urinate Question
04/11/20 10:46 AM MDT
  No, it doesn’t hurt.  
  Do you have bloating Question
04/11/20 10:46 AM MDT
  Not really, no.  
  Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection Question
04/11/20 10:47 AM MDT
  No, I am clean as a whistle.  
  Do you have any joint pain Question
04/11/20 10:48 AM MDT
  My joints don’t give me any trouble.  
  Do you get muscle pain Question
04/11/20 10:48 AM MDT
  No muscle problems here.  
  Have you had seizures Question
04/11/20 10:49 AM MDT
  No, never.  
  Do you have numbness or tingling Question
04/11/20 10:50 AM MDT
  Nope, I haven’t noticed anything.  
  Do you have rashes Question
04/11/20 10:50 AM MDT
  I don’t have a rash. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
  Do you have changes in your skin Question
04/11/20 10:50 AM MDT
  I haven’t noticed anything weird with my skin, no.  
  Do you have anxiety Question
04/11/20 10:51 AM MDT
  Not usually, but I’m feeling pretty anxious not knowing what’s going on with my chest.  
  Do you have depression Question
04/11/20 10:51 AM MDT
  I’ve never had any sort of prolonged depression.  
  Any changes in hair Question
04/11/20 10:52 AM MDT
  Not that I’ve noticed.  
  Do you feel more thirsty than usual (Clarified to Have you been feeling more thirsty lately?.) Question
04/11/20 10:53 AM MDT
  Not anymore than usual. (Clarified to if I have been more thirsty lately.)  
  Do you feel more hungry lately Question
04/11/20 10:53 AM MDT
  I’m not more tired than normal.  
  Are you bleeding easily Question
04/11/20 10:54 AM MDT
  No, I sure don’t think so.  
  Do you bruise easily Question
04/11/20 10:54 AM MDT
  I don’t bruise easily, no.  
  Have you had anemia Question
04/11/20 10:56 AM MDT
  Thankfully, no.  
  Have you ever had a blood transfusion Question
04/11/20 10:56 AM MDT
  Thankfully, no.  
  Have you notices swollen lymphnodes Question
04/11/20 10:56 AM MDT
  I haven’t noticed any swelling.  
  Have you have frequent infections Question
04/11/20 10:56 AM MDT
  No, my ears are fine.  
  Do you have asthma Question
04/11/20 10:56 AM MDT
  No, I’ve never had any breathing problems. My daughter has asthma, though.  
  OK, we are going to start your physical exam Educate
04/11/20 10:58 AM MDT
  Good to know. Thank you.  
   Measured vitals Exam Action
04/11/20 11:37 AM MDT
   Tested blood pressure in left arm with cuff Exam Action
04/11/20 11:38 AM MDT
   Tested blood pressure in right arm with cuff Exam Action
04/11/20 11:39 AM MDT
   Measured vitals Exam Action
04/11/20 11:40 AM MDT
   Inspected face Exam Action
04/11/20 11:41 AM MDT
   Inspected for jugular venous distension: No jugular venous distention; JVP 3 cm above sternal angle. Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript Exam Action
04/11/20 11:43 AM MDT
   Inspected for jugular venous distension: No jugular venous distention; JVP 3 cm above sternal angle Exam Action
04/11/20 11:46 AM MDT
   Inspected anterior chest wall Exam Action
04/11/20 11:47 AM MDT
   Inspected left side chest wall Exam Action
04/11/20 12:09 PM MDT
   Inspected posterior chest wall Exam Action
04/11/20 12:10 PM MDT
   Inspected right side chest wall Exam Action
04/11/20 12:10 PM MDT
   Inspected anterior chest wall Exam Action
04/11/20 12:10 PM MDT
   Inspected left side of abdomen Exam Action
04/11/20 2:20 PM MDT
   Inspected front of abdomen Exam Action
04/11/20 2:21 PM MDT
   Inspected right side of abdomen Exam Action
04/11/20 2:21 PM MDT
   Inspected front of abdomen Exam Action
04/11/20 2:21 PM MDT
   Inspected left side of abdomen Exam Action
04/11/20 2:21 PM MDT
   Inspected face Exam Action
04/11/20 2:33 PM MDT
   Inspected right hand: no visible abnormal findings Exam Action
04/11/20 2:34 PM MDT
   Inspected left hand: no visible abnormal findings Exam Action
04/11/20 2:34 PM MDT
   Inspected fingernails of left hand Exam Action
04/11/20 2:34 PM MDT
   Inspected right hand: no visible abnormal findings Exam Action
04/11/20 2:34 PM MDT
   Inspected left hand: no visible abnormal findings Exam Action
04/11/20 2:34 PM MDT
   Inspected fingernails of right hand Exam Action
04/11/20 2:34 PM MDT
   Inspected left leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected right leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected toenails on left foot Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected toenails on right foot Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected left leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected right leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected toenails on left foot Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected toenails on right foot Exam Action
04/11/20 2:40 PM MDT
   Inspected toenails on left foot Exam Action
04/11/20 2:41 PM MDT
   Inspected left leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:41 PM MDT
   Inspected right leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:41 PM MDT
   Inspected toenails on left foot Exam Action
04/11/20 2:41 PM MDT
   Inspected left leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:41 PM MDT
   Inspected right leg Exam Action
04/11/20 2:41 PM MDT
   Inspected right leg for edema: No edema Exam Action
04/11/20 2:45 PM MDT
   Inspected left leg for edema: No edema Exam Action
04/11/20 2:45 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:52 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:52 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:52 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:52 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:52 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:53 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:53 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 2:53 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:00 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in fingernails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:00 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:02 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:02 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:03 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:03 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:03 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:03 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:03 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:03 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:03 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:04 PM MDT
   Checked capillary refill in toenails Exam Action
04/11/20 3:04 PM MDT
   Auscultated right carotid pulse: Bruit present Exam Action
04/11/20 3:06 PM MDT
   Auscultated left carotid pulse Exam Action
04/11/20 3:07 PM MDT
   Auscultated right carotid pulse: Bruit present Exam Action
04/11/20 3:08 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:12 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:12 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:12 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:13 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:13 PM MDT
   Auscultated pulmonic area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:13 PM MDT
   Auscultated pulmonic area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:13 PM MDT
   Auscultated Erb’s point with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:13 PM MDT
   Auscultated Erb’s point with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:14 PM MDT
   Auscultated tricuspid area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:14 PM MDT
   Auscultated tricuspid area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:14 PM MDT
   Auscultated mitral area with the diaphragm. Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript Exam Action
04/11/20 3:14 PM MDT
   Auscultated mitral area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:14 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated pulmonic area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated pulmonic area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated Erb’s point with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated Erb’s point with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated tricuspid area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated tricuspid area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated mitral area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:19 PM MDT
   Auscultated mitral area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:20 PM MDT
   Auscultated mitral area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:20 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the bell Exam Action
04/11/20 3:21 PM MDT
   Auscultated aortic area with the diaphragm Exam Action
04/11/20 3:21 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right upper lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:29 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left upper lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:29 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe) Exam Action
04/11/20 3:30 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right middle lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:30 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right lower lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:30 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left lower lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:30 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left upper lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:31 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right upper lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:31 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right mid-back (lower lobe) Exam Action
04/11/20 3:31 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left mid-back (lower lobe) Exam Action
04/11/20 3:31 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:31 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe Exam Action
04/11/20 3:31 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side Exam Action
04/11/20 3:32 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe on side Exam Action
04/11/20 3:32 PM MDT
   Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side Exam Action
04/11/20 3:35 PM MDT
   Auscultated aorta in abdomen Exam Action
04/11/20 3:39 PM MDT
   Auscultated right renal pulse Exam Action
04/11/20 3:40 PM MDT
   Auscultated left renal pulse Exam Action
04/11/20 3:41 PM MDT
   Auscultated left iliac pulse Exam Action
04/11/20 3:41 PM MDT
   Auscultated right iliac pulse Exam Action
04/11/20 3:41 PM MDT
   Auscultated right femoral pulse Exam Action
04/11/20 3:41 PM MDT
   Auscultated left femoral pulse Exam Action
04/11/20 3:41 PM MDT
   Auscultated left upper quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 3:42 PM MDT
   Auscultated right lower quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 9:51 PM MDT
   Auscultated right upper quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 9:52 PM MDT
   Auscultated left upper quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 10:39 PM MDT
   Auscultated left lower quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 10:39 PM MDT
   Auscultated over liver Exam Action
04/11/20 10:41 PM MDT
   Auscultated over spleen Exam Action
04/11/20 10:42 PM MDT
   Palpated right carotid pulse: Thrill, 3+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:46 PM MDT
   Palpated left carotid pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:47 PM MDT
   Palpated PMI: Displaced laterally; brisk and tapping; less than 3 cm. Brian Forster Shadow Health Assessment Transcript Exam Action
04/11/20 10:49 PM MDT
   Palpated right brachial pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:54 PM MDT
   Palpated left brachial pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:54 PM MDT
   Palpated right radial pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:54 PM MDT
   Palpated left radial pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:54 PM MDT
   Palpated right femoral pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:54 PM MDT
   Palpated left femoral pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:55 PM MDT
   Palpated left femoral pulse: No thrill, 2+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:55 PM MDT
   Palpated right popliteal pulse: No thrill, 1+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:55 PM MDT
   Palpated left popliteal pulse: No thrill, 1+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:55 PM MDT
   Palpated right tibial pulse: No thrill, 1+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:56 PM MDT
   Palpated left tibial pulse: No thrill, 1+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:56 PM MDT
   Palpated right dorsalis pedis pulse: No thrill, 1+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:56 PM MDT
   Palpated left dorsalis pedis pulse: No thrill, 1+ Exam Action
04/11/20 10:56 PM MDT
   Palpated right lower quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension Exam Action
04/11/20 11:01 PM MDT
   Palpated right upper quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension Exam Action
04/11/20 11:01 PM MDT
   Palpated left upper quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension Exam Action
04/11/20 11:01 PM MDT
   Palpated left lower quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension Exam Action
04/11/20 11:01 PM MDT
   Palpated right lower quadrant: with deep pressure: No masses Exam Action
04/11/20 11:02 PM MDT
   Palpated right upper quadrant with deep pressure: No masses Exam Action
04/11/20 11:02 PM MDT
   Palpated left lower quadrant with deep pressure: No masses Exam Action
04/11/20 11:02 PM MDT
   Palpated left lower quadrant with deep pressure: No masses Exam Action
04/11/20 11:03 PM MDT
   Palpated left upper quadrant with deep pressure: No masses Exam Action
04/11/20 11:03 PM MDT
   Palpated liver: Palpable 1 cm below right costal margin Exam Action
04/11/20 11:06 PM MDT
   Palpated for spleen: Not palpable Exam Action
04/11/20 11:07 PM MDT
   Palpated for right kidney: Not palpable Exam Action
04/11/20 11:07 PM MDT
   Palpated for left kidney: Not palpable Exam Action
04/11/20 11:07 PM MDT
   Tested skin turgor Exam Action
04/11/20 11:08 PM MDT
   Percussed right lower quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 11:09 PM MDT
   Percussed right upper quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 11:09 PM MDT
   Percussed left upper quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 11:09 PM MDT
   Percussed left lower quadrant Exam Action
04/11/20 11:09 PM MDT
   Percussed spleen Exam Action
04/11/20 11:10 PM MDT
   Percussed spleen Exam Action
04/11/20 11:10 PM MDT
   Percussed for liver span: 7 cm in the mid-clavicular line Exam Action
04/11/20 11:10 PM MDT
   Percussed spleen Exam Action
04/11/20 11:11 PM MDT
   Percussed for liver span: 7 cm in the mid-clavicular line Exam Action
04/11/20 11:11 PM MDT
   Percussed spleen Exam Action
04/11/20 11:17 PM MDT
   Percussed for liver span: 7 cm in the mid-clavicular line Exam Action
04/11/20 11:17 PM MDT
   Performed EKG Exam Action
04/11/20 11:20 PM MDT

Also read: Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Transcript