Chamberlain College of Nursing Program Outcome 5 Reflection

Chamberlain College of Nursing Program Outcome 5 Reflection

During my clinical placement, I was exposed to this outcome when I worked with a young female who had anorexia disorder. Her anxiety was obvious, and she expressed fears about her disordered eating habits. It was critical that she be able to openly express her feelings. While it was challenging to address all her worries in such a short amount of time, I did my best to show compassion and give her an opportunity to talk about her issues and ask questions regarding her therapy.

Chamberlain College of Nursing Program Outcome 5 Reflection

This lesson has made me understand my patients’ illnesses as well as how to manage those conditions using evidence-based practices, which will improve my patients’ patient outcomes dramatically. The core of an effective nursing profession is offering evidence-based care. I was able to broaden my understanding of various diseases and relevant guidelines based on evidence-based practice through the weekly talks and study cases in this course.

For example, there was a patient who had cystic fibrosis. I learned to be compassionate with the patient, collaborate with the interdisciplinary team in managing this condition since it requires multiple tests and medications but has no cure. I assisted in improving the patient’s outcome by conducting research on the best evidence-based practices for managing the conditions. (Aarons et al., 2017). This helped me meet the lesson’s outcomes.

Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health

Using compassion, evidence, and teamwork, I was able to obtain information and capabilities on how to promote beneficial health outcomes for my patients. This was accomplished using two methods. Creating patient-centered and culturally responsive methods of clinical preventive and health promotion in healthcare services and treatments is the first step.

Often, sickness in older people are associated with comorbidities, which may make it difficult to treat them concurrently since some drugs may interact with others, thus causing adverse effects on the patient. These conditions require interdisciplinary collaboration to manage them. This competency was met in my clinical rotation when I came across a 75-year-old patient with diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and liver cirrhosis.  We were forced to review the guidelines for each condition to avoid drug interactions and promote the patient’s outcome (Aarons et al., 2017).

Secondly, in designing culturally significant and linguistically acceptable interventions, communication tactics, and education programs, incorporating clinical prevention and public health ideas. This was also met during my clinical rotation. During my clinical rotation, I saw a teenage Hispanic female patient with melancholy and anorexia nervosa. Her father had accompanied her to the clinic, but the two of them spoke largely in Spanish. Although the office did not have a large Hispanic population, translator services were available to assist with the consultation. We were able to use the interpretation services to help us come up with interventions for the patient and talk to her father about her feelings.

Culturally sensitive medical services aim to deliver the best possible care to all patients, irrespective of race, nationality, ethnic heritage, or language ability (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019). The patient and her father were grateful that we took the time to listen to their concerns. This case exemplified assistance for multi-cultural populations’ healthcare requirements. Overall, I now see that the best way to address public health challenges is to deploy some intervention options. The first intervention technique takes place at the legislative level, when legislation to promote healthy habits is formulated and implemented. The policies are written with the goal of restricting destructive behavior while reinforcing desired behaviors.

The second intervention method takes place in the middle of the process to help the community deal with risky behavior. Communication facilitates feedback and encourages clarifying questions. This communication fosters cross-cultural comprehension and engagement, which contributes to the development of solidarity among all individuals, enabling the organization’s project to be fruitful and contemporary. Communication also educates team members to work together, which frequently extends to the organization’s rest rooms (Gehlert et al., 2019).

NONPF: # 8 Competencies in Ethics

In the clinical rotation, this skill was attained by promoting continuity of care and implementing cultural intelligence in the primary care center. For example, during my clinical rotation, I observed an older male patient who had been complaining of hematuria frequently for the preceding three weeks. In several years, the patient had not initiated care with a healthcare provider. We got a urine specimen, which revealed a lot of blood. The patient needed more advanced treatment and was referred to the nearest emergency room. We were able to contact the facility and offer the attending physician feedback. The patient was then assessed as soon as possible.

Acknowledging the patient’s values, beliefs, and cultural preferences was also a way this core skill was satisfied during my clinical rotations. When interacting with our patients, we must take all of this into account. During my clinical placement, I came across a young lady who had depression. She refused to be attended to by a male physician. She declined to open up to any male care provider. This is because her cultural beliefs hinder a female from sharing female-related issues with a man. The hospital had to allow a female physician to attend to the patient. She opened up to her where she was found to have low self-esteem due to a delay in menarche. She was referred to a counselor.

References for Chamberlain College of Nursing Program Outcome 5 Reflection

Aarons, G. A., Sklar, M., Mustanski, B., Benbow, N., & Brown, C. H. (2017). “Scaling-out” evidence-based interventions to new populations or new health care delivery systems. Implementation Science, 12(1), 111. DOI 10.1186/s13012-017-0640-6

Gehlert, S., Choi, S. K., & Friedman, D. B. (2019). Communication in health care. Handbook Of Health Social Work, 249-277.

Purnell, L. D., & Fenkl, E. A. (2019). Transcultural diversity and health care. In Handbook for culturally competent care (pp. 1-6). Springer, Cham.

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