Christianity and Healthcare Essay

Discuss how the Biblical concept of planning can assist Christian health administrators handle the complexities of health care finance.

Christianity and Healthcare Essay

All Christians are required to live their lives with wisdom, using each opportunity that is presented before them as well as obeying and fulfilling the commandments and laws of the God. For Christian health administrators working in the complexities of healthcare finance, they are required to organize themselves, their time, skills, money as well as other resources in order to accomplish their set goals. In order to accomplish what is set in front of them, it is necessary for them to have an understanding of the concept of planning according to the Bible.

They have to work in the light of God and follow in the teachings of the bible. In Luke 14:28-30 it says, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.[DK18]” This means that those working in the finance department should always be prepared.

Based on Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church, the focus was on equity rather than strict equality. Discuss how these teachings might guide the Christian health administrator in mastering the challenges of addressing cost, quality, and access in healthcare delivery. Christianity and Healthcare Essay

Equity and equality can both be used with the aim of being fair to everyone. equity is seen as offering everyone one, both genders the same privileges as well as rights. Equality is treating everyone the same, equality does not work if the assistance needed by everyone is not the same and the individuals do not start from the same place as well. As a Christian health administrator, the writings of Paul can really help in meeting the various challenges related to quality, cost, and accesses to healthcare facilities. When we talk about cost, the main focus of equity remains on the requirement to treat and charge any gender the same and equally in the healthcare facility. Christianity and Healthcare Essay

References for Christianity and Healthcare Essay

  1. (2018). The Bible Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained. DK Publishing.

Ethics in the Christian Narrative

The Christian biblical has got four parts which comprise, fall, creation, restoration, and redemption. Therefore, creation is the Christian trust that God is created everything. Subsequently, creation approves that the things created by God are precious, valuable and nothing exists minus God as a creator, and God’s action of creation was not accidentally but intentional, and exists for reason (Reynolds, 2018).  On the other hand, fall refers to a deviation that happens from the normative way of the original creation. For instance, as per the bible, it occurred when Eve and Adam consumed the prohibited fruit, sinned, and were disallowed by God. Thus, fall causes the introduction of disease, triggering eternal split-up from God (Larson, 2017).

The Christian understanding of human health is based upon the four parts. Therefore, a person will find hope and comfort in the light of sickness as per the narrative by knowing that no human may be perfect and be the same as God. It helps us to understand that everybody makes mistakes and sins in life (Longman, & Walton, 2018). The sins have penalties and that is where diseases or illness come into play.

When individuals are at their lowermost point in life due to diseases or illness that is when they come closer to God. Therefore, diseases and illnesses humble humans and bring them closest to God. Subsequently, it allows persons to open their eyes to understand how much God loves them and the reason he offered his son for our evils. We shift to faith and put our belief in God to assist us through diseases (Malone, 2017). This displays that we are all human and God is often in the governor of what occurs to us.

Christianity and Healthcare Essay References

Larson, D. R. (2017). Christianity. In World religions for healthcare professionals (pp. 171-188). Routledge.

Reynolds, G. S. (2018). The Qur’an and the Bible. Yale University Press.

Longman, T., & Walton, J. H. (2018). The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate. Downers Grove, IL: ivp Academic.

Malone, A. S. (2017). God’s mediators: a biblical theology of priesthood

Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Four Parts of the Biblical Narrative

The four biblical narratives, including creation, fall, restoration, and redemption, are all from the book of Genesis, and they explain in detail the purpose and nature of God in humankind. To begin with, During God’s creation, it is stated that God created man in his image, and the earth was created full of peace and glory for a man to thrive on it through showing love to each other, kindness, and peace. Everything on earth was meant to thrive in God’s will and last forever. However, in the fall narrative, things changed. Adam and Eve became disobedient to God by eating the forbidden fruit, and there became their fall (Hah, 2019). Their fall and sins affect humanity up to date because we are now faced with spiritual and physical death.

Essentially, because of God’s love for humankind, God sent his only son to come and redeem us from sins. During Jesus’ time on earth, Jesus healed and resurrected people; from this perspective, Christians believe that there is spiritual and miraculous healing of illnesses. Jesus died for our sins and opened us an opportunity for repentance and confession. Lastly is the narrative of restoration, where it is believed that God, through his son Jesus Christ, will come to restore the world from evil and sins. God will come to judge both the living and the dead and guide the world in peace and righteousness.

Comfort and Hope

One can find comfort and hope from the four narratives. Firstly, in the creation narrative, Christians understand that God created human beings in his image and likeness, which signifies equality and God’s love for humans (Chiarelli, 2019). For this reason, Christians are obliged to live a life that serves God. Secondly, the fall narrative describes the fate of sins in our lives. It is because of our sins that diseases and death come into existence.

The narratives help Christians seek hope and comfort when they become ill (Orr, 2015). In the third narrative, redemption, there is the hope of healing and resurrection because Jesus came to redeem us from our sins (Kapic, 2017). Jesus died and was resurrected on the third day. This gives hope of life after death and helps Christians appreciate the death of a loved one. In the last narrative of restoration, there is the hope of the resurrection of the dead when God will come to restore the world since it is clearly stated that God will come to judge the living and the dead.


Chiareli, A. A. (2019). Constructing a” Christian Sociological Re-Imagination:” Creation, Fall, and Redemption as a Unifying Analytical Framework. Journal of Sociology and Christianity, 9(1), 27-47.

Hah, S. M. (2019). Intercultural missional leadership: Theological foundation and biblical narratives. HTS: Theological Studies, 75(1), 1-9. doi:10.4102/hts.v75i1.5211

Kapic, K. M. (2017). Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering. InterVarsity Press.

Orr, R. D. (2015). Incorporating spirituality into patient care. AMA journal of ethics, 17(5), 409-415.

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