Comprehensive Assessment with Barriers to Care – Tanner Bailey Transcript


Started: Mar 25, 2024 | Total Time: 99 min

All Lines (314)Interview Questions (50)Statements (10)Exam Actions (254)

Your Avatar.Hi… my name is Mr. Bui a medical practitioner, and I will be assessing you today.Greet
03/25/24 10:38 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I’m Tanner Bailey. My pronouns are he/him.
Your Avatar.How would you love to be addressedQuestion
03/25/24 10:38 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Tanners fine. Mr. Bailey if youre feeling formal.
Your Avatar.That’s fine. I will use either. (No matching questions found.)Question
03/25/24 10:39 PM MDT
Your Avatar.How has your day been?Question
03/25/24 10:39 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I guess my day is going OK. I went to a poetry reading this morning where some of my friends performed.
Your Avatar.How did the poetry reading go?Question
03/25/24 10:40 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.It went great! One of my friends was super nervous but everyone in the crowd really loved her.
Your Avatar.So Mr. Bailey, you indicated you are here to establish a new primary care provider. I will have to conduct a comprehensive health assessment for you.Question
03/25/24 10:41 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.OK, Im up for that.
Your Avatar.During the assessment, one is required to wear a gown or a privacy drape, which one would you prefer?Question
03/25/24 10:42 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I guess Ill go with the privacy drape for my chest. Thanks for asking.
Your Avatar.Is there anything you would like me to know before we proceed?Question
03/25/24 10:42 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Im trans, and Im not super comfortable with people looking at certain parts of my body. So, if you could do your best let me stay as covered as possible while youre doing the assessment, that would help a lot. Also, if you could use the terms chest and genitals when talking about those parts, rather than whatevers on your form, Id appreciate it. Those are just the terms Im more comfortable with.
Your Avatar.Thank you for sharing you concerns. I understand. I will do my best to ensure you have a comfortable examEmpathize
03/25/24 10:43 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sounds good. Im OK moving forward with the assessment. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me. It really makes me feel more comfortable.
Your Avatar.Mr Bailey, what brings you in today?Question
03/25/24 10:44 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I came in today because I wanted help getting set up with a new provider. And I know you have to give me an assessment before we can get to the next step of that process.
Your Avatar.That is true. It is important to conduct a physical health assessment before establishing care provider relationships.Educate
03/25/24 10:46 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Thanks. That could be really useful.
Your Avatar.Which language are you comfortable using? (No matching questions found.)Question
03/25/24 10:46 PM MDT
Your Avatar.Tell me about your religious and cultural practicesQuestion
03/25/24 10:47 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I can’t think of any cultural or religious considerations that you’d have to worry about.
Your Avatar.Is there language preference (Clarified to Do you have a language preference?.)Question
03/25/24 10:47 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Um, English. It’s funny, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that question in a clinic before. (Clarified to if I have a language preference.)
Your Avatar.Do you have any current health concernsQuestion
03/25/24 10:47 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Nope.
Your Avatar.Tell me about your overall healthQuestion
03/25/24 10:48 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I think I’m pretty healthy.
Your Avatar.Tell me about your breast healthQuestion
03/25/24 10:48 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.That’s fine. It’s just that, I’d rather you say “chest.”
Your Avatar.Tell me how your chest isQuestion
03/25/24 10:48 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.The binder can be a little uncomfortable, but that’s OK. A lot of healthcare professionals don’t get it, though, and they can end up being kind of pushy about wanting me to get a different one or even stop binding altogether. I don’t have any other kind of chest pain or discomfort. I do my own chest exams every month, and it’s always normal.
Your Avatar.I am sorry to hear about your negative experiences with other health professionals.Empathize
03/25/24 10:49 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Thanks. There’s been so much going on, it’s nice to feel like someone’s in my corner.
Your Avatar.Have you ever had a surgeryQuestion
03/25/24 10:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I haven’t had any surgeries.
Your Avatar.When last did you visit a healthcare providerQuestion
03/25/24 10:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.My last visit was related to my T prescription, about three months back. That’s when I learned that their practice is closing and that I’d need to get a new provider. And I know how hard it is to find somebody with a trans-affirmative practice. It took me long enough to find the last guy.
Your Avatar.Do you have any current prescription medicationQuestion
03/25/24 10:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I have a prescription for the testosterone I take. Delatestryl.
Your Avatar.What dosage of Delatestryl do you take (Clarified to What dose is the testosterone?.)Question
03/25/24 10:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.The testosterone enanthate I take is 100 milligrams a dose. (Clarified to what dose the testosterone is.)
Your Avatar.When last did you take the testosteroneQuestion
03/25/24 10:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I took my weekly dose of testosterone two days ago.
Your Avatar.Have you ever missed a dose of the testosteroneQuestion
03/25/24 10:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Nope, never missed a dose.
Your Avatar.Do you take any OTC medicationsQuestion
03/25/24 10:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I haven’t been taking any over-the-counter medications.
Your Avatar.Do you take any daily vitaminsQuestion
03/25/24 10:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I don’t use any vitamins or supplements. No herbal remedies, either.
Your Avatar.Do you have any allergiesQuestion
03/25/24 10:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I’ve never had allergies.
Your Avatar.Are you allergic to latexQuestion
03/25/24 10:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I don’t have a latex allergy.
Your Avatar.Are you allergic to any medicationQuestion
03/25/24 10:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I don’t have any medication allergies.
Your Avatar.Tell me about your dietQuestion
03/25/24 10:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I eat a lot of lean protein because I want to build muscle. For breakfast I usually have eggs, bacon, and fruit. For lunch it’s some form of chicken or tuna salad and chips. Sometimes I just eat a protein bar if I’m super busy. For dinner, I like chicken or steak, potatoes, veggies . . . I try to keep it balanced.
Your Avatar.That’s great. Taking a balanced diet is important for our health.Educate
03/25/24 10:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yeah, I think maybe that could help.
Your Avatar.Do you take caffeineQuestion
03/25/24 10:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I drink one or two cups of coffee a day. Sometimes swapping a cup out for an espresso shot, if I’m working at the coffee shop.
Your Avatar.That caffeine amount is within the recommended daily intake. Be sure not to exceed that though.Educate
03/25/24 10:55 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Thanks for the help.
Your Avatar.Do you take alcoholQuestion
03/25/24 10:55 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I drink one or two times a month, with friends. Normally I have a shot or two of whiskey at a time, but I don’t drink much these days.
Your Avatar.Alcohol consumption is not good for health. try as much as possible to reduce your intake further, or better still, eliminate it from your diet.Educate
03/25/24 10:58 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.OK, I’ll look into that.
Your Avatar.Do you smoke cigarettesQuestion
03/25/24 10:58 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yuck. A lot of my theater crew smokes, but I don’t.
Your Avatar.Do you smoke marijuanaQuestion
03/25/24 10:58 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I’ve never smoked. Not pot, or tobacco, or anything else. I don’t smoke or vape or use a hookah.
Your Avatar.Do you use any recreational drugQuestion
03/25/24 10:59 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.No. I’ve never used drugs.
Your Avatar.Do you exerciseQuestion
03/25/24 10:59 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I work out 6 to 8 hours a week at the gym.
Your Avatar.That’s great. Exercise is good for health. Keep it up.Educate
03/25/24 11:00 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.It’s something to consider, definitely.
Your Avatar.Tell me about your mental health status (Clarified to Can you tell me about your psychiatric history?.)Question
03/25/24 11:00 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Not much to tell. Never been diagnosed with anything psychiatric . . . well, gender dysphoria three and a half years ago. At the time, that was technically a mental disorder diagnosis. I prefer the newer term, “gender incongruence.” And, like, it was never great for being trans to be classified as a mental health disorder, and I’m not really thrilled that there’s still a diagnosis for it at all. I mean, it’s not an illness. (Clarified to to tell you about my psychiatric history.)
Your Avatar.Well, it takes time before the mainstream sectors come to pace with certain changes. The good thing is that within the medical field, we all can now get the healthcare services we need. Much needs to be done nonetheless.Educate
03/25/24 11:03 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Thanks for the help.
Your Avatar.How is your sleep patterQuestion
03/25/24 11:03 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I’ve been sleeping well; no issues there.
Your Avatar.Do you wake up well-restedQuestion
03/25/24 11:03 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I usually sleep pretty well and feel good the next morning.
Your Avatar.Tell me about your social support systemQuestion
03/25/24 11:03 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I have a few close friends I can call on for support. They’re good people. Aside from them, my brother. And my mom, when she’s sober.
Your Avatar.I am glad to know that you have a good social support support system. It does count for one’s health.Educate
03/25/24 11:04 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yeah, I think maybe that could help.
Your Avatar.How is your access to healthcare like (Clarified to Is money a barrier to your access to healthcare?.)Question
03/25/24 11:04 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Money can be tight, and it’s really tight right now, but so far, I’ve been able to see providers and get medication, even without health insurance. So I’ve consistently been able to get my testosterone, at least. (Clarified to if I have difficulty accessing healthcare because of finances.)
Your Avatar.Tell me about your mother’s health historyQuestion
03/25/24 11:05 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.My mother drinks. She has alcohol use disorder. She’s depressed, too.
Your Avatar.Am sorry to hear thatEmpathize
03/25/24 11:05 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Things have been pretty stressful lately, so thanks for saying that.
Your Avatar.Tell me about your father’s health historyQuestion
03/25/24 11:05 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.My dad’s health is fine.
Your Avatar. Assessed vitalsExam Action
03/25/24 11:06 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Assessed general appearance: patient does appear to be stated age, nutritional status is well developed, posture is upright, no physical deformities present. Mobility is unlimited, facial expression is appropriate for situation, clothing is kempt and grooming is clean.Exam Action
03/25/24 11:07 PM MDT
Your Avatar.what is your date of birthQuestion
03/25/24 11:08 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.My name is Tanner Bailey, and I was born on August 18th.
Your Avatar. Evaluated orientation to person: Oriented to personExam Action
03/25/24 11:08 PM MDT
Your Avatar.What building are you in nowQuestion
03/25/24 11:08 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I’m at the Shadowville Community Health Center.
Your Avatar. Evaluated orientation to place: Oriented to placeExam Action
03/25/24 11:08 PM MDT
Your Avatar.What is the date and yearQuestion
03/25/24 11:08 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Um, today’s date is . . . [Mr. Bailey reports correct date and year].
Your Avatar. Evaluated orientation to time: Oriented to timeExam Action
03/25/24 11:08 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Assessed speech: rate of speech and volume are appropriate, no abnormalities with articulationExam Action
03/25/24 11:09 PM MDT
Your Avatar.Have you experienced any mood changes recentlyQuestion
03/25/24 11:10 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I haven’t really had any mood changes.
Your Avatar.Do you feel anxious at timesQuestion
03/25/24 11:10 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.I don’t have any mental health disorders. No generalized anxiety, no depression. Sure, I can get anxious about stuff sometimes, but nothing like at the level of a disorder.
Your Avatar.Do you feel angry at times (No matching questions found.)Question
03/25/24 11:10 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Assessed mood and affect: stable mood throughout the interview; full or balanced affectExam Action
03/25/24 11:10 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general head and faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:10 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general head and faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general head and faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected forehead and scalpExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general head and faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general head and faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left side of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected back of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:11 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right orbital area, sclera, and conjunctiva: conjunctiva is moist and pink with no dischargeExam Action
03/25/24 11:12 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left orbital area, sclera, and conjunctiva: conjunctiva is moist and pink with no dischargeExam Action
03/25/24 11:12 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected mouth: Oral mucosa and lips are moist and pink, teeth have no abnormal findings, gums are pink, tongue is moist and pink, and uvula is midline, intact, and soft palate risesExam Action
03/25/24 11:13 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right earExam Action
03/25/24 11:14 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left earExam Action
03/25/24 11:14 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right earExam Action
03/25/24 11:14 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left earExam Action
03/25/24 11:14 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right earExam Action
03/25/24 11:14 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left earExam Action
03/25/24 11:15 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right earExam Action
03/25/24 11:15 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left earExam Action
03/25/24 11:15 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested corneal light reflex: symmetric and presentExam Action
03/25/24 11:15 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right pupillary reaction with penlightExam Action
03/25/24 11:15 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested left pupillary reaction with penlightExam Action
03/25/24 11:16 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right pupillary reaction with penlightExam Action
03/25/24 11:16 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested left pupillary reaction with penlightExam Action
03/25/24 11:16 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Performed otoscopic examination of right naris: naris is patentExam Action
03/25/24 11:16 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Performed otoscopic examination of left naris: naris is patentExam Action
03/25/24 11:16 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested EOMs, convergence, and confrontation: Cardinal fields and convergence no abnormal findings, visual fields are full by confrontationExam Action
03/25/24 11:17 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected anterior chest wall: no visible abnormal findingsExam Action
03/25/24 11:17 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected posterior chest wallExam Action
03/25/24 11:18 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated fremitus in posterior upper chest wall: Present and equal bilaterally, no lumps or tendernessExam Action
03/25/24 11:18 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ninety-nine.
Your Avatar. Palpated fremitus in posterior middle chest wall: Present and equal bilaterally, no lumps or tendernessExam Action
03/25/24 11:18 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ninety-nine.
Your Avatar. Palpated fremitus in posterior lower chest wall: Present and equal bilaterally, no lumps or tendernessExam Action
03/25/24 11:18 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ninety-nine.
Your Avatar. Palpated fremitus in anterior upper chest wall: Present and equal bilaterally, no lumps or tendernessExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ninety-nine.
Your Avatar. Palpated fremitus in anterior lower chest wall: Present and equal bilaterally, no lumps or tendernessExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ninety-nine.
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior left upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior right upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior right mid-back (lower lobe)Exam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior left mid-back (lower lobe)Exam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior left lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior right lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior left lower lobe on sideExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior left lower lobe near spineExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior right lower lobe near spineExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed posterior right lower lobe on sideExam Action
03/25/24 11:19 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed anterior right upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed anterior left upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed anterior right middle lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe)Exam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed anterior left lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed anterior right lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left mid-back (lower lobe)Exam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right mid-back (lower lobe)Exam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe on sideExam Action
03/25/24 11:20 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe near spineExam Action
03/25/24 11:21 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe near spineExam Action
03/25/24 11:21 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe on sideExam Action
03/25/24 11:21 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:21 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left upper lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:21 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right middle lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:21 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe)Exam Action
03/25/24 11:22 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:22 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left lower lobeExam Action
03/25/24 11:22 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected anterior chest wall: no visible abnormal findingsExam Action
03/25/24 11:31 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated right brachial pulse: No thrill, 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:33 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated right radial pulse: No thrill, 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:33 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated left brachial pulse: No thrill, 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:33 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated left radial pulse: No thrill, 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:33 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated chest at PMI: Present at midclavicular line and 5th intercostal space, brisk and tapping, diameter 2 cmExam Action
03/25/24 11:33 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated right carotid pulse: No thrill, 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:34 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated left carotid pulse: No thrill, 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:34 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated right carotid pulseExam Action
03/25/24 11:34 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated left carotid pulseExam Action
03/25/24 11:34 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated aortic area with the bellExam Action
03/25/24 11:35 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated pulmonic area with the bellExam Action
03/25/24 11:35 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated Erb’s point with the bellExam Action
03/25/24 11:35 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated tricuspid area with the bellExam Action
03/25/24 11:35 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated mitral area with the bellExam Action
03/25/24 11:35 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected for jugular venous distension: JVP 1 cm above sternal angleExam Action
03/25/24 11:35 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left leg for edema: No edemaExam Action
03/25/24 11:36 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right leg for edema: No edemaExam Action
03/25/24 11:36 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated all lower peripheral pulses: all pulses no thrill, 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:36 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Checked capillary refill in fingernails: refill time less than 3 secondsExam Action
03/25/24 11:37 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Checked capillary refill in toes: refill time less than 3 secondsExam Action
03/25/24 11:37 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left side of abdomenExam Action
03/25/24 11:37 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of abdomenExam Action
03/25/24 11:38 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of abdomenExam Action
03/25/24 11:38 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated right upper quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distensionExam Action
03/25/24 11:38 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated left upper quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distensionExam Action
03/25/24 11:38 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated left lower quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distensionExam Action
03/25/24 11:38 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Palpated right lower quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distensionExam Action
03/25/24 11:38 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed left flank for CVA tendernessExam Action
03/25/24 11:39 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed right flank for CVA tendernessExam Action
03/25/24 11:39 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated right upper quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:39 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated left upper quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:39 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated left lower quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:39 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Auscultated right lower quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:39 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed right upper quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:40 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed left upper quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:40 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed left lower quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:40 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed right lower quadrantExam Action
03/25/24 11:40 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Percussed spleenExam Action
03/25/24 11:40 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – extension: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:40 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – flexion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:41 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – lateral bending: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:41 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – rotation: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:41 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – extension: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:41 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – flexion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:41 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – lateral bending: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:42 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – rotation to the left: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:42 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – rotation to the right: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:42 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of shoulders – adduction: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:42 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of shoulders – extension: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:42 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of shoulders – flexion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:43 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested neck strength: 5/5Exam Action
03/25/24 11:43 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right and left shoulder strength: 5/5Exam Action
03/25/24 11:43 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested left and right elbow strength during flexion and extension: 5/5Exam Action
03/25/24 11:43 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of elbows – flexion and extension: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:44 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of elbows – supination and pronation: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:44 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of wrists – ulnar and radial deviation: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:44 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of wrists – extension: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:44 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of wrists – flexion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:44 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested hand and wrist strength: 5/5Exam Action
03/25/24 11:45 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – abduction: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:45 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – adduction: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:46 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – extension: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:46 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – flexion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:46 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of knees – extension: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:46 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of knees – flexion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:47 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of ankles – inversion and eversion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:47 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of ankles – dorsiflexion and plantar flexion: ExpectedExam Action
03/25/24 11:47 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right and left hip strength: 5/5Exam Action
03/25/24 11:47 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right and left knee strength: 5/5Exam Action
03/25/24 11:48 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right and left ankle strength: 5/5Exam Action
03/25/24 11:48 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested patient’s shallow knee bend: patient displays full ROMExam Action
03/25/24 11:48 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested patient’s ability to walk heel to toe: patient displays appropriate coordinationExam Action
03/25/24 11:48 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested patient’s ability to walk on tiptoes, then walk on heels: patient displays appropriate coordinationExam Action
03/25/24 11:48 PM MDT
Your Avatar.Close your eyes and tell me if the touch is sharp, dull, or soft.Question
03/25/24 11:49 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ok.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: dull stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:49 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: dull stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:49 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: dull stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:49 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: dull stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:49 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: soft stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: soft stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: soft stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: soft stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested facial sensation: sharp stimulusExam Action
03/25/24 11:50 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar.Close your eyes and tell me if the touch is sharp, dull, or soft.Question
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ok.
Your Avatar. Tested right arm proximal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested right arm distal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested left arm proximal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested left arm proximal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested left arm distal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested chest sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested right hand: expected sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested left hand: expected sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right arm proximal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested right arm distal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested left arm proximal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested left arm distal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested chest light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested chest light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested left hand: expected sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:51 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested right arm proximal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested right arm distal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested left arm proximal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested left arm distal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested left arm proximal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested chest dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested left hand: expected sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Your Avatar.Close your eyes and tell me if the touch is sharp, dull, or soft.Question
03/25/24 11:52 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ok.
Your Avatar. Tested right leg proximal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested right leg distal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested left leg proximal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested left leg distal dull sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Dull.
Your Avatar. Tested right leg proximal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested right leg distal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested left leg proximal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested left leg distal sharp sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Sharp.
Your Avatar. Tested right leg proximal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested right leg distal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested left leg proximal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar. Tested left leg distal light sensationExam Action
03/25/24 11:53 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Soft.
Your Avatar.Close your eyes and tell me when you feel the touchQuestion
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Ok, I will.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of right big toe with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of left big toe with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of left ball of foot under small toe with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of right ball of foot with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of left heel with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of left ball of foot under big toe with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of right ball of foot under big toe with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested sensation of right heel with monofilamentExam Action
03/25/24 11:54 PM MDT
Tanner Bailey.Yes.
Your Avatar. Tested reflexes of left and right biceps, triceps, and brachioradialis: 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:55 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested reflexes of left and right patellar and achilles tendon: 2+Exam Action
03/25/24 11:55 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected forehead and scalpExam Action
03/25/24 11:55 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left and right toenails: no ridges or abnormalitiesExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected fingernails of left and right hands: no ridges or abnormalitiesExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general skin: skin texture is even, skin moisture is moist, and skin temperature is warmExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left and right feet: no visible abnormal findingsExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of legsExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of anklesExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of kneesExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of hipsExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right legExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right kneeExam Action
03/25/24 11:56 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of hipsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right ankleExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected back of legsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected back of hipsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected back of kneesExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left legExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left side of hipsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left kneeExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left ankleExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected anterior chest wall: no visible abnormal findingsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left and right handsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left and right armsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left side chest wallExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left shoulderExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left elbowExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected backExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected upper back and shouldersExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side chest wallExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right shoulderExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right elbowExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected anterior chest wall: no visible abnormal findingsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side chest wallExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected anterior chest wall: no visible abnormal findingsExam Action
03/25/24 11:57 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected front of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected back of headExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected back of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left side of faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left side of neckExam Action
03/25/24 11:58 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected general faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:59 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Inspected left side of faceExam Action
03/25/24 11:59 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested skin turgor on forearmExam Action
03/25/24 11:59 PM MDT
Your Avatar. Tested skin turgor on forearmExam Action
03/25/24 11:59 PM MDT


If your instructor provides individual feedback on this assignment, it will appear here.

Also Read: WGU C304 Professional Accountability