Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project

Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project

Discussion question……….
Review the evidence-based practice project ideas you described in Topic 5 DQ 1. Based on your initial ideas, what types of scholarly nursing research (such as quantitative or qualitative research, peer-reviewed resources, etc.) would be required to further investigate the issue? Identify the criteria you would use to evaluate the appropriateness of the research. Why is it important to select research that meets these criteria? Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project

Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project

Nursing Retention as an Issue for the Profession Topic

Appropriate Research Design method

            Quasi-experiments would be the best research method to investigate the issue of nursing retention. However, this would work well if combined with a review of journals. The advantage of quasi-experiment is that it allows for greater control of the variables. This factor is important because it allows for a cause and effect relationship to be formed ( Clark & Vealé, 2018 Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project). A review of journal literature is important because it can be used to obtain background information about the problem. Researchers can also use it to compare results. According to Creswell, & Creswell, (2017) in the book, Research design: A qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches, primary research entail going to the field personally to collect data by means of interview or collecting data through a survey.. This method is particularly useful because the researcher is able to make observations of the subjects and their work in their natural elements. This is in addition to the data gathered through interviews.

Criteria for Evaluating Appropriateness of research

The criteria I would use to evaluate the appropriateness of the research include the purpose of the research and its intended audience. Other important tools used in evaluating research include accuracy, credibility, and reliability of the research (Antes & Maggi, 2021 Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project). The purpose of the research is the biggest factor that influences the direction and the outcome of any research. It determines the research design and the methodology be used. The researcher must know whether his/her research is qualitative or quantitative. All of these factors shape the direction of research. In order to find a clear link between the theory chosen and the research, it is prudent to state the goal or objectives of the research. The objective of this research is to bring to light the issue of Nursing Retention as an Issue for the Profession. As enumerated above, organizations that care for their nurses through retention programs not only perform better but also have better profitability index by a big margin compared to healthcare organizations that have poor nursing retention programs.

Research Criteria

Validity and reliability are key factors in research. There are certain parameters that any reliable research must achieve.  Structural format must be adhered to for it a research to make sense (Sürücü & Maslakçi, 2020 Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project). For example, the researcher must think of the type of research they want to do, where they will get data, how data will be collected and analyzed as well as the participants in the research. The interviewer can personally meet the respondents and asks them questions about their experiences in the oil and gas industry and what they felt about gender disparity that is rife in that sector. For the interview, a set of questions are typed and formatted according to the information that the researcher wants to gather. All these parameters must be observed to lend the research credibility and reliability.

Discussion: Evidence-based Practice Project References

  • Antes, A. L., & Maggi Jr, L. B. (2021). How to conduct responsible research: A guide for graduate students. Current Protocols, 1(3), e87. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpz1.87
  • Clark, K. R., & Vealé, B. L. (2018). Strategies to enhance data collection and analysis in qualitative research. Radiologic technology, 89(5), 482CT-485CT. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2012.03.004.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: A qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Sage publications.
  • Sürücü, L., & Maslakçi, A. (2020). Validity and reliability in quantitative research. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(3), 2694-2726. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i3.1540

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