GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper

GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper

As an administrator, I would like the opportunity to lead and implement a hospital infection control and prevention plan. I have been interested in infectious disease for many years and I have spent many hours researching infections and the spread of infections. I had a pleasure of being allowed to intern in an infectious disease unit. GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper

GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper

Implementing a plan to prevent and control the spread of infections within a large organization would be very satisfactory in helping to keep our patients safe, educated and out of harms way. Patients are the number one concern of our organization. I believe working with outside resources, The Centers for Disease Control, The World Health Organization and other valuable team members can make this implementation a success. The implementation would cover every department within the organization. My promise is to make this project as clean as possible with successful implementation, without hindering obstacles and with an effective communication plan.

Below you will be able to review my implementation plan. I have provided a rationale, background, statistical findings, probable stakeholders and a logical conclusion to my plan. My plan will include team responsibilities, actions and beginning plan. I have provided a communication plan and strategies in case any obstacles find there way in during the process.

I hope that you can accept my proposal and approve this project to begin. I do feel that this will help our organization to become stronger and valuable to our patients. This will not only keep our patients safe, but it will reduce infections that can cost loss of limbs, disabilities and loss of life. This will help save our hospital money and be more cost effective for patients.

I look forward to hearing from you with a decision soon. I promise that you will not be disappointed in the project and with the implementation plan.

Health care Issue:

Hospital Infection Control and Prevention


This health care issue is a growing concern within my organization. We want to keep our patients safe and away from bacteria and disease that could cause life threatening harm to our patients. Being able to provide a plan to prevent and control the spread of infections and disease can help save our organization money and be cost effective for patients. Reducing the spread of infections should be a main priority when providing quality of care to our patients.


Germs is something that we will never be able to get rid of. Germs are everywhere. In our soil, water, air and our bodies (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016).  Not all germs are bad, there are some that will keep us healthy. However, there is a small portion of germs that will cause a harmful infection (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016 GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper).

When a germ enters the body, it will begin to spread and multiply, causing the body to react to the germ that has caused an infection (World Health Organization, 2019 GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper). A germ can be picked up from bathrooms, grocery stores and the human skin. If a susceptible person has a way for that germ to enter the body, the germ then becomes part of a transmission process.

In health care facilities, germs are found in many areas. Therefore, patients, health care workers, family and visitors are subject to an infection (World Health Organization, 2019).

Statistical Findings:

According to the World Health Organization (2019), “1 in 10 patients get an infection while receiving care, more than 50% of surgical site infections can be antibiotic-resistant and effective infection prevention and control reduces health care-associated infections by at least 30%.”

Probable Stakeholders (“Engage Stakeholders”, n.d.):

  • Providers
  • Nurses
  • Microbiologist
  • Infection Control Specialists
  • Epidemiologist
  • Information Specialists
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Medical Staff Leadership

Logical Conclusion:

Infection control is a serious element with in a health care facility. Safety and priority are the #1 concern when it comes to the health of our patients. It takes time to have a plan of control and action when it comes to infection control. Education and diligence play a huge part in minimizing hospital-acquired infections (“A Practical Guide to Infection Control”, 2018 GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper).

Even with the advanced technological systems in place, we still must pay attention to detail and build a strong foundation to apply the principles and control infection.

Infection Control and Prevention Implementation Plan

Infection Committee Responsibilities

  1. Infection Committee
    1. Chairperson
    2. Director of Employee Health
    3. Infection Preventionists
    4. Employee Health Coordinator
  2. Regular Scheduled Meetings, once a week until implemented, then quarterly. Infection Committee will work closely with administration, medical staff and healthcare workers.
  3. Committee will be responsible for continuity and consistency with all infection prevention and control policies to adhere to patient, healthcare workers and visitor safety.
  4. Committee will review, revise and develop protocols, procedures and policies.
  5. Committee will review standards annually.
  6. Committee will review departmental procedures and policies every two years.
  7. Committee will have an open line of communication with facilities and contracted services to compare standards of care.
  8. Employee Health will oversee the implementation, development and effectiveness of infection control for healthcare workers.
  9. Employee Health will evaluate and review the program.
  10. Employee Health will implement healthcare employee immunization, TB program and screening.
  11. Employee Health will evaluate and monitor healthcare employees who have an infectious disease and take appropriate actions to prevent transmission.
  12. Employee Health will evaluate and review the Accidental Exposure program.
  13. Employee Health will implement, develop and evaluate protocols and strategies to prevent exposures. GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper
  14. Employee health will follow up with a post-exposure intervention for healthcare employees.
  15. Employee Health will implement a protocol on how to identify and control an epidemic emergency.
  16. Infection Preventionists will provide ongoing education programs to all healthcare employees.
  17. Infection Preventionists will provide and review current program information to healthcare employees and departments.
  18. Infection Preventionists will provide education and advice to patients, families or caregivers.
  19. Employee Health Coordinator will collaborate with departments, other organizations and Employee Health on providing consultations, safety and infection control.
  20. The entire Infection control Committee will work together to approve products, equipment and issues.

Department Responsibilities

  1. Department Manager/Facility Supervisor
    1. Notifies infection prevention and control of any disease exposure, employee infections, patient infections.
    2. Implement compliance of the infection prevention and control program
    3. Develop and provide policies and procedures with enforcing compliance in the department.
    4. Enforce compliance.
    5. Report staff exposures.
    6. Participate in control measures.
    7. Provide healthcare employee training.
    8. Provide updated changes or new policies.
    9. Maintain documentation and schedule annual trainings for healthcare employees
  2. Health Care Employee
    1. Report any employee infections. GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper
    2. Report any patient infections.
    3. Report any unusual trends.
    4. Adhere to department policies and procedures.
    5. Comply with vaccine program
    6. Report exposures.
    7. Attend educational trainings.

Communication Plan

Responsible: Infection Control Committee

  1. Memos
  2. Emails
  3. Blogs
  4. Message Boards
  5. Department Meetings
  6. Department Managers

Obstacles and Issues Success Plan

Responsible: Infection Control Committee

  1. Planning in advance and preparing for the possible obstacles that could happen (Jansen, 2016).
  2. Align resources ahead of time to ensure availability should an issue arise (Jansen, 2016).
  3. Keeping team members and employees up to date on the issues and progress (Jansen, 2016).
  4. Help employees resist change by making sure the implementation is planned, in advance. Providing the positive outcome of the implementation (Jansen, 2016 GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper).

GCU HLT 540 Proposal Development Paper References

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