Health Assessment Genogram on JM Case Study

Health Assessment Genogram on JM Case Study

Patient Case Sample Paper (Request for Genogram)

The patient, JM,  is a 38-year male immigrant from Africa who moved in with his family fifteen years ago to pursue tertiary education in the United States. JM was born in 1984 in Africa. He is known hypertensive for the past two years. His major complaints were chest discomfort and easy fatiguability for the past three days. He was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in the clinic and has been advised to continue his hypertensive medications. He reports that his mother died at 41 after cardiac complications a few days following the delivery of their last born, AM, who is 25 years now.

Health Assessment Genogram on JM Case Study

His mother was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy at autopsy. The patient is the firstborn in a family of three. The second-born, SM, is a 30-year-old married lady who is alive and well. Their father suffered a cerebrovascular accident but is currently alive and not hypertensive. Her paternal aunt is also hypertensive. Her younger sister was recently diagnosed with hypertension. JM denied any other medical or psychiatric condition in the family. There is also no history of past surgeries. The patient denies any leg swelling, palpitations, or neck vein distension in this visit.

JM’s family has a familial history of cardiovascular disease. Hypertensive heart diseases have been elaborated by literature evidence to be hereditary (Momeni-Moghaddam et al., 2019). Dilative cardiomyopathy was diagnosed in the patient mother and now in the patient. Dilative cardiomyopathy is one of the inheritable cardiovascular diseases (Schultheiss et al 2019; Reichart et al., 2019). Some of the risk factors include longstanding hypertension and family history. His race is also a risk for cardiovascular diseases (Fundikira et al., 2019). This patient had both risk factors. His paternal grandmother also died of a heart condition that was unclear to him.


Health Assessment Genogram on JM Case Study References

  • Fundikira, L. S., Chillo, P., van Laake, L. W., Mutagaywa, R. K., Schmidt, A. F., Kamuhabwa, A., Kwesigabo, G., & Asselbergs, F. W. (2021). Risk Factors and Prevalence of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Protocol for a Systematic Review. JMIR research protocols10(1), e18229.
  • Momeni-Moghaddam, M. A., Asadikaram, G., Akbari, H., Abolhassani, M., Masoumi, M., Nadimy, Z., & Khaksari, M. (2019). CD36 gene polymorphism rs1761667 (G > A) is associated with hypertension and coronary artery disease in an Iranian population. BMC cardiovascular disorders19(1), 140.
  • Reichart, D., Magnussen, C., Zeller, T., & Blankenberg, S. (2019). Dilated cardiomyopathy: from epidemiologic to genetic phenotypes: A translational review of current literature. Journal of internal medicine286(4), 362–372.
  • Schultheiss, H. P., Fairweather, D., Caforio, A., Escher, F., Hershberger, R. E., Lipshultz, S. E., Liu, P. P., Matsumori, A., Mazzanti, A., McMurray, J., & Priori, S. G. (2019). Dilated cardiomyopathy. Nature reviews. Disease primers5(1), 32.