MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 1: The History of Nursing Education Example

History of Nursing Education

The nursing profession has evolved dramatically in response to the shifting environment of the healthcare business. The field has also evolved to provide additional professional standards and academic requirements to an already popular occupation. Nursing education’s chronological history demonstrates how much the field has changed over the centuries. Changes in nursing education have complemented modifications in the prerequisites of the nursing role. Nursing has progressed from basic caregiving and minor assistance to a professional discipline that necessitates substantial formal training. Nursing competency today necessitates the combination of abilities, ethics, and judgment.

MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 1: The History of Nursing Education

Key Historical Influences On Nursing And Nursing Education Today

Florence Nightingale established the first professional nursing school in 1860 (Santainés-Borredá & Camaño-Puig, 2021). Florence Nightingale is widely regarded as the pioneer of modern nursing. She is well known for her work with soldiers throughout the Crimean War. During that period, her emphasis on hygiene was essential in lowering the mortality rate. Nightingale sponsored and founded the Nightingale Training School in 1860, which is today affiliated with King’s College London. She was instrumental in introducing primary care to the world.

The American Nurses Association was founded in 1896 as the Nurses Associated Alumnae to improve nursing care for the military.  There were no licensing standards in the nursing industry at the time. Following North Carolina’s passage of legislation that established and standardized the discipline of nursing in 1903, other states began to follow suit (Duncan et al., 2020). In 1911, the Nurses Associated Alumnae renamed themselves the American Nurses Association, and it today represents registered nurses across the country. Its purpose is to establish benchmarks for the nursing profession, enhance the working conditions for registered nurses, and regulate nursing education and curriculum in the USA.

Yale Nursing School, the first private nursing school in the United States, admitted women to its curriculum in 1923. Yale’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program was founded in 1925 (Duncan et al., 2020). Students had to complete a general college diploma elsewhere before enrolling in the course. Applicants were obliged to complete a bachelor’s degree at another institution or university before enrolling at Yale Nursing School beginning in 1934 (Duncan et al., 2020).

The first hospice program in the United States was established in 1974 (Hamel, 2019). Florence Wald became interested in the care of terminally sick people in the 1960s. She thought that at that stage in their life, such people should prioritize bonding with loved ones above undergoing therapy after treatment for an incurable condition. Wald established a hospice program that provided in-home care for persons with life-threatening conditions in 1974 (Hamel, 2019).

These influences are significant because they contributed to the development of the nursing practice and nursing education as we know it today. They have made a difference by elevating nursing to the status of a respected profession, supporting professional education and training, and highlighting the value of the nurse-patient connection (Maloney & Woolforde, 2019). Their efforts have aided nursing advancement and increased patient care quality.

Trends That Impact Nursing And Nursing Education In The Future And How The Trends Relate To Nursing History

The nursing profession has changed dramatically in the last decade, with nursing practices forced to adapt their teaching methods to train the next generation of nurses to work in a more adaptable profession. Data collection and analysis is an important trend in nursing education (Simmons, 2022). Data and quality treatment go alongside one another in the healthcare system. Nurses must have access to collective patient information that they understand to make an informed clinical judgment.

This competence guarantees faster and more accurate diagnoses, preventative actions, individualized treatment, and better decision-making. This impacts my understanding of nursing history, whereby Nightingale was particularly dissatisfied with Scutari’s poor record system. She emphasized the need to analyze conditions and implement change, and with that, one must collect data and present persuasive evidence for changes to be pursued. She advocated for data collection with a larger goal in mind; medical statistics were gathered to help with disease prevention efforts.

A second trend that will influence nursing education is preventive healthcare. With a growing population and more people able to pay for healthcare, one of the most crucial developments is the introduction of preventive health(Simmons, 2022). Increasing the production of preventative care information empowers individuals to control their health, resulting in fewer hospital visits and more room for critically sick patients to get timely care.

It is critical in nursing education to understand how to enhance patients’ health via evidence-based interventions such as screenings, counseling, physical therapy, and preventative prescriptions. This impacts my knowledge of nursing history, whereby nightingale emphasized disease prevention.

Telehealth, the virtual delivery of healthcare services such as medical research and health education via telecommunications networks, is the third development that will impact nursing education. Telehealth is designed to assist long-distance clinical health care as well as day-to-day staff requirements. Due to the pandemic, the usage of telehealth services increased dramatically in 2020 to focus on simplifying communication, making consultations more comfortable, and creating a patient database full of precise medical information (Simmons, 2022).

Telehealth demonstrates the significance of improved access to patient dignity and care. Telehealth relates to nursing history whereby Telemedicine is considered to have first been employed in the 1960s when NASA fitted health monitoring devices into astronaut spacesuits to study the health consequences of space flight (Martich, 2022). In 1967, at Boston’s Logan Airport, the first recorded use of telemedicine to deliver direct patient treatment happened, to offer care 24 hours a day.

MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 1: The History of Nursing Education References

MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 1: The History of Nursing Education Instructions

  • Write a two page article about the history of and trends in nursing and nursing education.


Write a short article about the history and future trends of the nurse educator role. The article will run in a newsletter for nurses and nurse educators, and should be approximately 2 pages long.

In your article, be sure to do the following:

    • Explain five key historical influences on nursing and nursing education today. Be sure to address why these influences are important and how they have had an impact.
    • Analyze three trends that you believe will impact nursing and nursing education in the future. Explain how those trends relate to what you understand about nursing history.
    • Support your assertions with credible sources. You can use the Resources in this Assessment and conduct additional research in the Capella University Library.

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