MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 5 Teaching About Legal and Ethical Issues

Assessment 5 Instructions: Teaching About Legal and Ethical Issues

  • Create a 12-20 slide teaching PowerPoint presentation on a legal or ethical issue pertinent to nurse educators.

MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 5 Teaching About Legal and Ethical Issues


As nurses we are all, no doubt, very aware of the myriad of legal and ethical issues in any health care setting. We are familiar with licensing for health care professionals, perhaps carry our own malpractice insurance, and have been cautioned by our employing institutions to always follow policy and procedures.

Nursing education is no different; there are specific legal and ethical issues that are of concern to nurse educators. Some of the specific areas of which nurses working in education need to be well aware include the following:

    • Faculty rights and responsibilities.
    • Student rights.
    • Clinical evaluation of students.
    • Academic dishonesty.
    • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

In addition, it is also important to understand the responsibility of faculty regarding information about students. This is important for both academic faculty and for clinical faculty supervising students in clinical areas.

As in clinical practice, documentation of concerns and issues that arise in educational settings can be very important.


As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

    • How does the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) impact the work of a professor in a university-based nursing program?
    • How would you handle plagiarism in the nursing classroom?

In this assessment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that you could use to teach a group about a legal or ethical issue related to nursing or nursing education. To do so, you will select a case from the Nursing Education Legal and Ethical Scenarios | Transcript media piece to be your focus.

    • Review the case and take time to reflect on the change that needs to occur and the group that you will be addressing.
    • Research what the group needs to know to improve the legal or ethical situation that has occurred.
    • Use a minimum of seven references, a minimum of five of which should come from peer- reviewed sources.

As you conduct research, synthesize information that will be needed to evoke a change in the situation.


Create a 12–20 slide PowerPoint presentation that you would use to teach about the legal or ethical situation and to create change related to that situation.

Note: You must include 2–4 context slides. These are additional slides that provide contextual information for this assessment. Follow the guidelines for the two types of slides below.

Presentation Slides

For your 12–20 slide presentation:

    • Choose an appropriate theme and style.
    • Include an introductory slide that identifies the problem and your role.
    • Use slides to convey the important information and understandings to the group.
    • Provide a summary slide that reiterates the important points of the presentation.
    • Also provide a slide that offers resources for the group after the teaching/learning experience.
    • Include a slide with any references used in preparing the PowerPoint.
    • Use the speaker’s notes feature to provide any additional information that you would include in the presentation. This should include any cultural sensitivity aspects and how the content is expected to make a change regarding the issue being addressed.

Context Slides

For the 2–4 contextual slides (which are not considered part of the actual presentation but rather should contain information that you as a presenter would need to consider in your preparation and presentation):

    • Discuss any specific cultural and/or diversity aspects of the presentation that could be significant in the learning process. Include references and sources used to inform this.
    • Analyze how the presentation may result in a significant change in the identified environment. Cite any relevant sources.
    • Develop specific plans for how you might stay informed about the legal or ethical issue that was your focus. What resources could you use to learn about changes or developments that would impact your work?

Additional Requirements

    • Create a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation, using speaker notes throughout.
    • Length: 12–20 slides for teaching presentation plus 2–4 additional contextual slides.
    • Use correct APA format for all citations and references; include a reference page.
    • Writing should be free of grammatical errors.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 4: Apply knowledge of legal and ethical issues relevant to higher education and nursing education.
      • Describe a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors.
      • Synthesize resource information needed to evoke a change in the described situation.
    • Competency 5: Articulate how nurse educators serve as change agents and leaders to help advance nursing education and nursing practice.
      • Create a teaching presentation on a legal or ethical issue designed to evoke change in staff, faculty, or a student group.
      • Identify culturally sensitive issues and how they should be addressed in the change process.
    • Competency 7: Establish a plan for pursuing continuous improvement in the nurse educator role.
      • Develop specific plans for continuous learning about a legal or ethical issue impacting nurse educators.
    • Competency 8: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing education professional.
      • Design a PowerPoint presentation consistent with current professional standards that demonstrates correct grammar, usage, and mechanics in addition to following APA standards.

MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 5 Teaching About Legal and Ethical Issues

Teaching About Legal and Ethical Issues Scoring Guide

Describe a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors. Does not describe a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors. Inaccurately or inadequately describes a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors. Describes a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors. Describes a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors; details the necessary changes in ways that smoothly segue into the chosen change management approach.
Synthesize resource information needed to evoke a change in the described situation. Does not describe a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors. Does not synthesize resource information needed to evoke a change in the described situation. Describes some researched information needed to determine some changes and education needed. Synthesizes resource information needed to evoke a change in the described situation. Synthesizes resource information needed to evoke a change in the described situation; identifies areas of uncertainty or knowledge gaps.
Create a teaching presentation on a legal or ethical issue designed to evoke change in staff, faculty, or a student group. Does not create a teaching presentation on a legal or ethical issue designed to evoke change in staff, faculty, or a student group. Creates a teaching presentation with limited content to partially educate and evoke change in a described legal or ethical issue. Creates a teaching presentation on a legal or ethical issue designed to evoke change in staff, faculty, or a student group. Creates a teaching presentation on a legal or ethical issue designed to evoke change in staff, faculty, or a student group; incorporates elements that might facilitate ways to measure that change.
Identify culturally sensitive issues and how they should be addressed in the change process. Does not identify culturally sensitive issues and how they should be addressed in the change process Identifies a limited number of culturally sensitive issues and partially discusses ways they should be addressed in the change process. Identifies culturally sensitive issues and how they should be addressed in the change process. Identifies culturally sensitive issues and how they should be addressed in the change process; grounds identification in evidence-based research.
Develop specific plans for continuous learning about a legal or ethical issue impacting nurse educators. Does not develop specific plans for continuous learning about a legal or ethical issue. Identifies resources that could be used to support continued learning about a legal or ethical issue, but does not develop a complete plan. Develops specific plans for continuous learning about a legal or ethical issue. Develops specific, realistic, actional plans for continuous learning about a legal or ethical issue, and identifies areas where additional information is needed for better understanding.
Design a PowerPoint presentation consistent with current professional standards that demonstrates correct grammar, usage, and mechanics in addition to following APA Does not design a PowerPoint presentation consistent with current professional standards or that demonstrates correct grammar, usage, and mechanics in addition to following APA standards. Designs a PowerPoint presentation with multiple errors in grammar, usage, mechanics, and/or APA standards. Designs a PowerPoint presentation consistent with current professional standards that demonstrates correct grammar, usage, and mechanics in addition to following APA standards. Designs a PowerPoint presentation with no grammar, usage, mechanics, or APA errors; presentation demonstrates logical flow, measured-but- effective use of graphics or animation, and scholarly-but- accessible tone.

Assignment Description: Teaching About Legal and Ethical Issues

Create a 12-20 slide teaching PowerPoint presentation on a legal or ethical issue pertinent to nurse educators.


As nurses we are all, no doubt, very aware of the myriad of legal and ethical issues in any health care setting. We are familiar with licensing for health care professionals, perhaps carry our own malpractice insurance, and have been cautioned by our employing institutions to always follow policy and procedures.

Nursing education is no different; there are specific legal and ethical issues that are of concern to nurse educators. Some of the specific areas of which nurses working in education need to be well aware include the following:

  • Faculty rights and responsibilities.
  • Student rights.
  • Clinical evaluation of students.
  • Academic dishonesty.
  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

In addition, it is also important to understand the responsibility of faculty regarding information about students. This is important for both academic faculty and for clinical faculty supervising students in clinical areas.

As in clinical practice, documentation of concerns and issues that arise in educational settings can be very important.


As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

  • How does the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) impact the work of a professor in a university-based nursing program?
  • How would you handle plagiarism in the nursing classroom?

In this assessment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that you could use to teach a group about a legal or ethical issue related to nursing or nursing education. To do so, you will select a case from the Nursing Education Legal and Ethical Scenarios | Transcript media piece to be your focus.

  • Review the case and take time to reflect on the change that needs to occur and the group that you will be addressing.
  • Research what the group needs to know to improve the legal or ethical situation that has occurred.
  • Use a minimum of seven references, a minimum of five of which should come from peer- reviewed sources.

As you conduct research, synthesize information that will be needed to evoke a change in the situation.


Create a 12–20 slide PowerPoint presentation that you would use to teach about the legal or ethical situation and to create change related to that situation.

Note: You must include 2–4 context slides. These are additional slides that provide contextual information for this assessment. Follow the guidelines for the two types of slides below.

Presentation Slides

For your 12–20 slide presentation:

  • Choose an appropriate theme and style.
  • Include an introductory slide that identifies the problem and your role.
  • Use slides to convey the important information and understandings to the group.
  • Provide a summary slide that reiterates the important points of the presentation.
  • Also provide a slide that offers resources for the group after the teaching/learning experience.
  • Include a slide with any references used in preparing the PowerPoint.
  • Use the speaker’s notes feature to provide any additional information that you would include in the presentation. This should include any cultural sensitivity aspects and how the content is expected to make a change regarding the issue being addressed.

Context Slides

For the 2–4 contextual slides (which are not considered part of the actual presentation but rather should contain information that you as a presenter would need to consider in your preparation and presentation):

  • Discuss any specific cultural and/or diversity aspects of the presentation that could be significant in the learning process. Include references and sources used to inform this.
  • Analyze how the presentation may result in a significant change in the identified environment. Cite any relevant sources.
  • Develop specific plans for how you might stay informed about the legal or ethical issue that was your focus. What resources could you use to learn about changes or developments that would impact your work?

Additional Requirements

  • Create a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation, using speaker notes throughout.
  • Length: 12–20 slides for teaching presentation plus 2–4 additional contextual slides.
  • Use correct APA format for all citations and references; include a reference page.
  • Writing should be free of grammatical errors.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 4: Apply knowledge of legal and ethical issues relevant to higher education and nursing education.
    • Describe a legal or ethical issue that requires changes in staff, faculty, or student behaviors.
    • Synthesize resource information needed to evoke a change in the described situation.
  • Competency 5: Articulate how nurse educators serve as change agents and leaders to help advance nursing education and nursing practice.
    • Create a teaching presentation on a legal or ethical issue designed to evoke change in staff, faculty, or a student group.
    • Identify culturally sensitive issues and how they should be addressed in the change process.
  • Competency 7: Establish a plan for pursuing continuous improvement in the nurse educator role.
    • Develop specific plans for continuous learning about a legal or ethical issue impacting nurse educators.
  • Competency 8: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing education professional.
    • Design a PowerPoint presentation consistent with current professional standards that demonstrates correct grammar, usage, and mechanics in addition to following APA standards.

Also read: MSN-FP6103 YueSipes Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan