N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record

N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record

N522PE-20A_21Jan2 Advanced Physical Assessment

N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record

In the table below, please list exact dates and hours spent on each practice experience activity.  Please describe each practice experience activity in 1-3 sentences. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record

Complete a brief reflection on the following page, relating your practice experience to a course outcome.

Date Practice Experience Activity Hour Precepted? Yes/No
14/1/21 Digital Clinical Experience Orientation – The purpose of this exercise was to help me familiarize myself with the digital clinical environment. From the assessment, I learnt how to pay attention and identify patient presentations. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record Reading: 4 hrs Task: 2hrs 47 min Yes
26/1/21 Conversation Concept Lab – This assessment enabled me to acquire vitas skills on how to structure patient interviews, specifically on how best to leverage open and closed questions to obtain accurate patient information. Reading: 1 hr Task: 1hr 32 min Yes
28/01/21 Tina Jones HEENT Assessment – the assessment allowed me to horn my subjective and objective data collection skills in relation to infections and defects of the head, ears, eyes, nose and throat. Ideally, assessing Miss Jones allowed me to decipher the presentation of allergic rhinitis, and how to organize a plan of care for the same. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record 5 hrs 50 min yrd
16/3/21 Cardiovascular Concept Lab – Through this assessment, I was able to learn specific details regarding normal and abnormal heart sounds. This information informed my assessment of Patient Brian Foster. Reading: 1 hr 30 min Task: 1 hr Yes
14/3/21 Abdominal Assessment Concept Lab – Through this assessment, I was able to identify the right process of assessing the abdomen, the signs to pay attention to, such as reactions and facial changes when palpating the abdomen, among other pertinent information. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record Reading: 3 hrs Task: 1 hr Yes
05/02/21 Tina Jones Respiratory Assessment – In addition to enabling me to understand how to collect subjective and objective data when assessing respiratory functioning, this assessment enabled me to understand the different breath sounds associated with infections of the respiratory system. Notably, I am able to identify fine and coarse crackles, wheezes, etc. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record Reading: 3 hrs Task: 1 hr 20 min yes
07/02/21 Danny Rivera Focused Exam: Cough – Through this assessment, I learnt the challenges of conducting health interviews with children, and how to effectively overcome them. Concise history taking, for instance, enabled me to document Danny’s presentation, which, supported with objective data, enabled me to make an appropriate diagnosis for the patient. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record Reading: 2 hrs 30 minTask: 1 hr 53 min yes
11/02/21 Tina Jones Musculoskeletal Assessment – musculoskeletal assessments, though among the easiest to perform, also happen to be the most difficult to diagnose given the interconnectedness of muscles and sometimes, the diffuse origin of pain presented by patients. This assessment, however, enabled me to master the art of muscle examination. Indeed, I managed to correctly diagnose Miss Jones with low back muscle strain. Reading: 3hr 15 min Task: 1 hr 20 min yes
12/02/21 Brian Foster Focused exam: Chest Pain – this is one assessment that requires one to be keen on the patient’s subjective data and objective assessment results. While I was able to perform the necessary tests and assessment, I was not able to confirm the exact patient condition. Nonetheless, I managed to come up with a set of differential diagnoses that include CAD with stable angina, CHF, carotid disease, aortic aneurism, pericarditis, and GERD. Reading: 2 hrs Task: 1 hr 52 min yes
24/02/21 Esther Park Focused Exam: Abdominal Pain – this happens to be one of the assessments I found the most challenging. Abdominal assessments are particularly interactive and require high level of efficiency. By assessing Mrs. Park, I used my instincts to order a CT scan to confirm or eliminate the presence of any abnormalities in the patient’s bowels and gastrointestinal systems. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record Reading: 2hrs 15 minTask: 1 hr 56 min minutes yes
06/03/21 Comprehensive Assessment of Tina Jones – this assessment equips one with the knowledge of comprehensive patient assessment, patient handling, and most importantly, time management. Ideally, the assessment requires one to appropriately identify the focus areas and order of executing the physical tests with minimal patient disturbance. I learnt the importance of being organized when completing this assessment with tiring the patient. Reading: 4 hrsTask: 3 hrs 22 min no
14/3/21 Respiratory Concept Lab – This assessment enabled me to identify normal and abnormal lung sounds. Reading – 2 hrsTask: 1 hr Yes
10/03/21 Tina Jones Health History – The essence of this assessment is to train the student on how to effectively take a patient’s health history. The assessment enables the student to determine a patient’s health status, existing ailments – both managed and unmanaged, and to prioritize the ones to handle immediately. Through this assessment, I was able to learn about how to prioritize patient health needs based on the history provided. N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record Reading: 4 hrs 30 min4 hrs 22 min no
17/03/21 Tina Jones Gastrointestinal Assessment – here, I was able to relate Miss Jones stated problem of upper stomach pain with some of the common presentations associated with stomach problems. Yet, despite diagnosis her with GERD, I found it essential to recommend upper endoscopy should the symptoms persist. I also leant the importance of a meal plan in managing the condition and advised the patient accordingly. Reading: 2 hrsTask: 1 hr 55min yes
08/03/21 Tina Jones Cardiovascular Assessment – this assessment allowed to determine the presentations of heart problems. Upon the examining the patient’s subjective data and assessing the health status of her heart, I was able to link her palpitations with caffeine intake or anxiety. To this this, however, I had to obtain an EKG to confirm the absence of any cardiac abnormalities. Reading: 1 hr 30 minTask: 1 hr 54 min yes
08/03/21 Tina Jones Neurological Assessment – this assessment allowed me to understand the likely presentations of patients involved in motor accidents, and for which the patient initially report mild or no injuries. Despite the lack of physical trauma, I was able to diagnose the patient with acute post-traumatic headache, which can easily be managed using pain medication and exercise to aid in muscle relaxation. Reading: 2 hrsTask: 1 hr 55 min no
19/03/21 Mental Health Tina Jones – this task allowed me to assess the patient for clinical presentations of anxiety. Indeed, the patient reported such symptoms as difficulty falling asleep, having disrupted sleep, and having less then 5 hours of sleep every night. On further investigation, I realized that Miss Jones is preparing for an exam, and the prospects of excelling and the job-search post-graduation have made her anxious. I therefore made the appropriate diagnosis of sleep disturbance related to anxiety, and developed an appropriate treatment plan for patient. Reading: 3 hrsTask: 1 hr 51 min yes

Select one course outcome and in 1-3 paragraphs (APA format) please relate practice experiences to your professional learning and the potential impact the practice experiences has on your professional nursing practice.

Throughout my learning experience in this N522PE Advanced Physical Assessment Course, I was able to learn how to interview and assess patients presenting to the clinic with different health concerns and needs. In particularly, I learnt crucial strategies on how to collect subjective and objective patient data and use the same to inform intervention decisions. Additionally, I was able to learn how to make concise documentation of the patient’s presenting problem, diagnosis, and treatment plan. I believe the skills and knowledge I have acquired will help me in my clinical practice as a trained nurse. This aligns with the first learning outcome of this course that seeks to enable the nurse integrate anatomy and physiology knowledge in collecting and interpreting patient data for correct diagnosis and management.

I spent a lot of time trying to master the art of patient history taking as I believe this is a vital skill in conducting physical patient assessment in a clinical setting N522PE-20A Practice Experience Record. Ideally, I learnt the essence of physical examination, and in particular, the importance of such elements as patient vital signs, patient self-reported pain levels, social determinants of health, among others. I believe that such information, when complimented with objective patient data, helps inform treatment management for the patient. Additionally, this course enabled me to master the importance of empathy and education when conducting a physical patient assessment. By relating to patient’s feelings and understanding their pain, I can comfortably guide the patient towards wellness and healthy living despite their current presenting problems.

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