NRS493 Topic 2 Discussion 2 Sample

Evidence-based nursing practice is the recommended practice in nursing and requires extensive research, consulting, and studies to improve care delivery. However, various organizational factors affect the utilization of evidence-based research in nursing practice. This essay discusses a current organizational issue in implementing evidence-based practice and possible interventions in addressing the issue.

NRS493 Topic 2 Discussion 2 Sample

The nursing shortage is a global issue affecting many countries and institutions, including our healthcare facility. The shortage negatively affects nursing practice by laying a heavy burden on the existing staff, thus increasing the risk for errors and patient morbidity and mortality (Marć et al., 2019). The high workload reduces the nurses’ innovativeness and creativity because they focus on task completion, reduce job satisfaction, and increase their turnover (Jarrar et al., 2018).

It also reduces the available time for nurses to participate in data collection, analysis, or determining the best evidence-based practices. It also reduces the nurses’ ability and desire to provide quality care, compromising patient outcomes and their satisfaction with healthcare services. Nursing shortage over-occupies nurses and reduces the chances of implementing other models of care that add to their workload despite their determined effectiveness. Thus, organizations also have difficult times implementing evidence-based practices.

The first step in addressing the nursing shortage issue is determining the causes of shortages in the healthcare organization. There are various causes of nurses’ staff shortage: poor work environment, a high turnover rate, inadequate healthcare resources to employ enough staff, and low nurses’ graduation rates (Xu, Intrator, Bowblis, 2020). Utilizing healthcare technology can amplify the nurses’ work, reduce the workload burden, and provide room for evidence-based practices.

Understanding the cause of the nursing staff shortage in the institution will help determine the best interventions to promote evidence-based practices. Institutions face different challenges in implementing evidence-based practice, and it is important to understand the specific problems affecting the healthcare organization. Addressing these issues will help the organization implement evidence-based practice to improve care delivery and care quality and promote better patient outcomes.

References for NRS493 Topic 2 Discussion 2 Sample

  • Jarrar, M. T., Rahman, H. A., Minai, M. S., AbuMadini, M. S., & Larbi, M. (2018). The function of patient‐centered care in mitigating the effect of nursing shortage on the outcomes of care. The International Journal of health planning and management, 33(2), e464-e473.
  • Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2019). A nursing shortage–a prospect of global and local policies. International nursing review, 66(1), 9-16.
  • Xu, H., Intrator, O., & Bowblis, J. R. (2020). Shortages of staff in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: what are the driving factors?. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(10), 1371-1377.

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