NSG 511 Structural Framework Analysis Paper

NSG 511 Structural Framework Analysis Paper

The nursing profession is a discipline that provides nursing care to any person seeking medical attention for injuries, pain relief, disease process management, and promoting health and wellness. The nursing professional serves as a patient advocate and helps individuals and their families in all communities.

Nursing is a science; therefore, it requires knowledge based on nursing care to build framework and models to guide our nursing care practice. According to Chamberlain, Bersick, Cole, Craig, Cummins, Duffy, Hascup, & et al. (2013), “Practice models, [are] a blend of professional behaviors and clinical leadership, [which is] a foundation that allows for mutual goal setting and facilitates the prioritization of patient care by the entire healthcare team” (p. 16).

NSG 511 Structural Framework Analysis Paper

It is imperative for nursing care to be guided by clear and concise delivery care model. A clear and concise nursing structure will “help foster autonomous decision making, professional identity, job satisfaction, high quality, consistent nursing care, improved patient and family outcome, and interdisciplinary communication (Chamberlain et al., 2013, p. 16). In this paper, we will analyze Arizona Oncology’s structural framework. Arizona’s Oncology Care Model can be accessed at https://arizonaoncology.com/about/oncology-care-model/.

Arizona Oncology 

Arizona Oncology is one of the primary cancer center in Arizona working alongside the US Oncology Network, providing care in twenty-eight different locations throughout the state. The cancer center has more than seventy oncologists that provide comprehensive; high-quality cancer care. Arizona Oncology is a participant of the US Oncology Research study that emerges in clinical trials; which have paved the way for sixty-six Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved cancer treatments and modalities.

Arizona Oncology Care Model

Care models are used in all healthcare setting to guide practice providing a framework within which the healthcare team practices. Care models in many health care institutions are constructed based on theories, and the theories proposed concepts. “[The] Arizona Oncology Care Model, [frames a] model that supports and encourages higher quality, more coordinated cancer care [for all oncology patients] while lowering treatment cost” (Arizona Oncology, 2019, para. 1). The Oncology Care Model used by Arizona Oncology encourages on-going practice and evidence-based modalities that improve care and lower cost based on performance; rewarding high-quality patient care. According to Arizona Oncology (2019), the framework that encompasses the Oncology Care Model focuses on:

  1. Oncology appointment coordination with oncologist that work privately or inside the practice for time delivery of treatment and diagnostic testing;
  1. Anytime 24/7 treatment access;
  1. Interdisciplinary oncology team support to include diagnostic testing, radiation/chemotherapy oncology, and specialist support with cancer disease process.
  1. Critical advanced care planning for patient and survivorship; and
  1. Patient resources availability to include emotional support; pain management, and research trail(para. 2).


The Oncology Care Model is a model that theoretically ties to nursing theorist Jean Watson and her human caring theory; Caritas Processes. The underpinning of the model is derived from integrative oncology with nursing contributions. According to Grossman, Agulnick, and Batist (2012), “The conceptual model [as the Arizona’s Oncology Care Model] integrative practice proposes that relevant multimodal, multi-targeted, evidenced-based complementary and conventional practices interact synergistically to enhance efficacy of treatment, quality of life, health, and innate healing capabilities of the whole patient with cancer.

Jean Watson acknowledges the need of a trusting nurse explicitly to patient relationship to promote healing which in a sense serves as an empirical indicator because it tells the nursing discipline that the nurse to patient relationship is needed. The nurse plays a vital role in carrying out the framework of the oncology care model such as helping and informing the patient and their family in decision-making. Empirical indicators called data can be gathered from the patients’ decisions and answers to the choice of oncology treatment selected as well. Also, the nursing discipline contributes to providing the patient resources, providing presence and touch for emotional support, and medication administration if needed.

Arizona Oncology philosophy is derived from its mission and vision statements. The mission to their patients is to instill hope, strength, and love to all oncology patients throughout their disease process. Arizona Oncology (2019), states “we believe it is beneficial that these therapies are provided in a community setting, close to a patient’s home and support system” (para. 2). The vision of Arizona Oncology is to provide a comprehensive network that include all inclusive centers that deliver compassionate and personalized patient care in Arizona.

Arizona Oncology concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing identify cancer treatment as a discipline of nursing. Oncology patients (metaparadigms) become the nursing participants requiring nursing care during their treatment management and modalities. It is imperative to understand that nursing will encompass the patient, their family, surrounding environment, health care settings, the health condition of the patient guided through the nursing process.

Theoretical underpinning and the use of conceptual models guide nursing discipline to work synergistically with delivery care model to provide high-quality, evidence-based nursing care in all healthcare institutions. Therefore Fawcett & Desanto-Madeya (2013) concluded,  “when nurses practice purposefully [framework guided], and systematically, they are more efficient, have better control over outcomes of their [practice], and are better able to communicate with [all interdisciplinary team]” (p. 27)

References for NSG 511 Structural Framework Analysis Paper

Arizona Oncology. (2019). Oncology Care Model. Retrieved from https://arizonaoncology.com/about/oncology-care-model/ 

Chamberlain, B., Bersick, E., Cole, D., Craig, J., Cummins, K., Duffy, M., … Hascup, V. (2013, October). Practice models: A concept analysis. Nursing Management, 16-18. Retrieved from http://www.njha.com/media/278946/NursingMgmt1013.pdf

Fawcett, J., & Desanto-Madeya, S. (2013). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis

Grossman, M., Agulnick, J., & Batist, G. (2012). The Peter Brojde Lung Cancer Centre: a model of integrative practice. Current Oncology, 19(3),. Retrieved from http://www.current-oncology.com/index.php/oncology/rt/printerFriendly/929/921

NSG 511 Structural Framework Analysis Paper Instructions


Analyze the philosophy and theoretical foundation of the framework by considering:
· How it relates to a conceptual model and/or the Nursing Metaparadigm
· Identify empirical indicators and how they are measured
Cite a minimum of three APA formatted scholarly references.

Format your assignment as an 875 to 1,050 word APA formatted paper.

Structural Framework Analysis Sample

Patient outcome is a critical consideration in modern-day nursing practice. Nursing care has a direct and indirect impact on patient outcomes. One of the factors vital in creating positive patient outcomes is the work environment of nurses. To this end, healthcare facilities must create fully-developed conceptual frameworks that enhance and improve clinical outcomes. Many care delivery models can used in nursing practice to enhance patient and clinical outcomes. This paper uses the primary nursing model to discuss my organization’s nursing philosophy and theoretical foundation. The organization chosen is Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Using nursing models help nurses to provide quality healthcare to patients while improving the reputation of nurses.

Primary Nursing Model

The primary nursing model was developed in 1969 by staff nurses at the University of Minnesota. The emphasis of the primary nursing model is comprehensive patient care by an individual nurse for the period of care. This model of nursing focuses on consistency and continuity for patients. This point means that one nurse provides complete and comprehensive care for a small number of patients in a hospital (Dal Molin et al., 2018).

The structure of the model is that it has a lead nurse who supervises and leads other nurses in offering services to patients. The lead nurse ensures that each nurse provides individualized care to patients placed under him/her. The biggest advantage of this model is the trust and strong bond between caregivers and patients. Research shows that patients respond well to treatment when attended to by a single nurse throughout their care. Conversely, this model empowers nurses to use the best bedside care and managerial abilities to attend to their patients.

The primary nursing model enhances Harbor-UCLA Medical Center’s mission of advancing the health of their patients. Being an individualized care model, primary nursing uses critical elements in nursing practice such as compassion, accountability, welcome, and comprehension. One of the goals of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center is to optimize clinical quality while enhancing the patient experience.

Primary nursing enhances patient outcomes because as the bond between the patient and a nurse grows, so does he become confident in his ability to recover. The patient trusts that the nurse works to his/her benefit, hence improving outcomes. Through the primary nursing model, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center has created a positive relationship between its nursing staff and patients, increasing patient outcomes. A strong patient-nurse relationship at the center also leads to short recovery time and a short length of stay. These are factors that are critical to patients since they all wish for a speedy recovery.

Conceptual Framework of the Model

It is inadequate for Harbor-UCLA Medical Center to operate the primary nursing model. The model works best supported by a practical nursing theory. The nursing theory that best supports the primary nursing model adopted by the facility is the Human Caring Theory-HCT. HCT was developed by Dr. Jean Watson in 1979 and emphasizes the relationship between nursing care and patient outcomes. Some of the critical features of the human caring theory are customized/individualized care, care that reflects the needs of patients, continuous healing relationships, and care provided in an environment of support (Watson & Woodward, 2020).

The combination of these parameters works best for Harbor-UCLA Medical Center as a facility that intends to offer extraordinary health services to patients. Using Harbor-UCLA Medical Center’s vision of ‘advancing the health of our patients and our communities by providing extraordinary care,’ it is easy to see why HCT is the best conceptual framework or nursing theory for the hospital.

HCT’s customized/individualized care feature supports Harbor-UCLA Medical Center’s mission statement. The center’s mission is to provide extraordinary care to patients. The provision of extraordinary care depends on how well the facility provides continuous healing relationships and individualized care. Consistent, continuous, and individualized patient care impacts the patient-nurse relationship, a critical factor in the provision of quality healthcare. A strong and positive relationship between a nurse and a patient is therapeutic to patients.

The trust, empathy, and positive communication developed between patients and nurses results in positive patient outcomes. Using its values of compassion, excellence, accountability, and inclusiveness, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center has the opportunity to attract more customers through its continuous healing relationship. The impact of this approach is two-fold. Many patients will choose the facility as their choice hospital, which leads to profitability. Two, patients benefit from improved personal care through the hospital’s approach to the primary nursing model.

In tandem with Human Caring Theory, the primary nursing model encompasses critical elements of the nursing metaparadigm. These factors include person, health, environment, and nursing. For Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, using this nursing metaparadigm creates an excellent public reputation for the nursing staff. For patients, these parameters result in positive health outcomes and patient satisfaction (Martinez et al., 2018).

As a provider that wants to provide extraordinary healthcare for patients, the medical center must create a good environment both for patients and nurses. A solid nurse-patient relationship is one that will help the facility realize its mission of providing extraordinary healthcare. Secondly, including this nursing metaparadigm helps create a good reputation for the facility. This factor translates into profits for the facility. A good image is critical for hospitals to consider if they want to be profitable. A good reputation helps to sell a hospital as a trusted health provider.

Compassionate nursing enhances clinical outcomes. Research by Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (2017) revealed that compassionate healthcare workers helped patients reduce anxiety and stress. It must be noted that stress and anxiety are among the top problems for patients that impede their quick recovery (Steele, 2017). This research revealed that many patients judge their conditions and health based on their experiences with their primary healthcare givers. By using the primary nursing model supported by the human caring theory, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center can achieve its mission of providing extraordinary care and making profits owing to patient satisfaction.


Evidently, Patient outcome is a critical consideration in modern-day nursing practice. Nursing care has a direct and indirect impact on patient outcomes. A primary nursing model is the best model for Harbor-UCLA Medical Center to achieve its mission and vision. The primary nursing model is a comprehensive patient care approach by an individual nurse for the period of care. This model of nursing focuses on consistency and continuity for patients. In this approach, one nurse provides complete and comprehensive care for a small number of patients in a hospital. The nursing theory that best supports the primary nursing model is the Human Caring Theory. Using its values of compassion, excellence, accountability, and inclusiveness, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center has the opportunity to attract more customers through its continuous healing relationship.


Dal Molin, A., Gatta, C., Boggio Gilot, C., Ferrua, R., Cena, T., Manthey, M., & Croso, A. (2018). The impact of primary nursing care pattern: Results from a before–after study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6), 1094-1102.

Martinez, R. C. K., Mansaguiton, L. P., Mercado, M. A., & Panes, I. I. (2019). Philosophies of the mind and body: Descartes, Ricouer and the metaparadigm of nursing.

Steele, G. (2017, May 26). Compassion and kindness produce better outcomes. Retrieved January 24, 2021, from https://www.novanthealth.org/healthy-headlines/the-healing-touch

Watson, J., & Woodward, T. K. (2020). Jean Watson’s theory of human caring. SAGE Publications Limited.

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