NUR 513 Benchmark Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper

NUR 513 Benchmark Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper

This paper will discuss my future nursing specialty and its scope of practice and how this area is being expanded to positively affect the health care system. The specialty in which I am choosing to go into is a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with an Emphasis in Nursing Education. Nurse educators work in classroom and clinical practice settings and are responsible for preparing and mentoring current and future generations of nurses (Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow, 2020).

NUR 513 Benchmark Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper

Scope of future role, regulatory, certification, accreditation agencies that define that scope

Nurse educators are key resources in preparing future nurses to provide quality care to meet the needs within the healthcare industry and the population (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). All registered nurses with advanced degrees follow the general nursing scope of practice guideline. As nurses advance into advanced roles, they may find their scopes differ based on their level of education degree, certifications, and any regulatory body in which they follow.

The scope of practice defined in nursing describes the “who”, “what”, “where”, “when” and “why” of practice (American Nurses Association (ANA), 2020). As these questions are answered the considerations with scope of practice will be clearly defined (ANA, 2020). Health care licensure is needed to practice, and it is state based. Defining one’s scope is a two-step system. 1: State legislature passes the nurse practice act (NPA), 2: regulatory bodies set rules and regulations put out to protect the public (ANA, 2020 ).

Regulatory body and certification

The regulatory body for nurse educators is the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The National Commission for Certifying Agencies is the accrediting body of the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA). The NCCA grants accreditation to the National League of Nursing’s (NLN) certification for nurse educators (CNE) program. Nurse educators are offered two programs: Certified Nurse Educator (CNE), Certified Academic Clinical Nurse Educator (CACNE) (National League of Nursing (NLN), 2020).


The National League of Nursing (NLN) Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (CNEA) process is guided by the National League of Nursing’s core values: caring, being diverse, having integrity, and excellence (NLN Commission for Nursing Accreditation. 2016). There are standards of accreditation that are considered which are culture of excellence, culture of integrity and accountability, culture of excellence and caring-faculty, culture of learning and diversity, culture of excellence and caring -students (NLN Commission for Nursing Accreditation. 2016). These were created upon the contributions the NLN has made to nursing education.

Three Professional and influential nursing organizations. Which would you join? How its goals and missions apply to your worldview and philosophy? How an organizational membership you would join could improve your practice?

Three professional nursing organizations that are influential are the National League of Nursing (NLN), American Nurses Association (ANA), and Professional Nurse Educators Group (PNEG). These three organizations are some of the many nursing organizations in which represent the nursing world and all the nurses that practice. These organizations offer knowledge, facts, important information, connect people, share stories and much more to support nurses all over the world. The organization that would align to my future, worldviews, philosophies that I would join is the National League of Nurses (NLN).

As I pursue my advanced degree in nursing education the NLN promotes the world in nursing education and aims to build a strong and diverse workforce (National League of Nursing (NLN), 2020). The NLN’s mission as mentioned previously represents its core values. These values are what the NLN upholds to its members and their goal is to promote these values into the nursing world. They align with my worldviews as I believe as a nurse and nurse educator we must practice with strong morality and good ethics for those we care for and in the education world it’s about guiding and educating students to become the future of nursing. As I have clear understanding of my own worldviews it has enabled me to discover my own core values within myself so that I can be a better nurse, future educator and be open to the values of others. I think it is important an organization also maintain their values as it shows strength, commitment, and vision.

I think joining an organization would benefit me and improves my practice because they are there in support of what I do. The NLN, supports nursing educators around the nation. Here I can find many resources that will guide me and further educate me in nursing education. The NLN offers many beneficial membership services such as career centers, recognition programs, development programs, scope of practices, information on advocacy, and ways to connect with peers and hear success stories and person experiences, webinars, and workshops. The NLN also offers easy access to certifications such as the certified nurse educator (CNE) and the certified academic clinical nurse educator (CNE cl). Having a membership with the NLN can only help grow my career and my future goals in becoming an educator.

Controversial or evolving issue most likely to affect your scope of practice in the next few years. How this issue can influence the professional and other stakeholders and why it matters to the advanced registered nurse?

As a future nurse educator an evolving issue that can potentially affect my future scope of practice is the recent implementation of virtual learning due to the pandemic of 2020. Although virtual learning and simulations have always been in effect in some way it seems to be a growing normality. With the pandemic of 2020 virtual learning has taken a new turn into our lives. The pandemic underscores the value of the tools that supplement the hands-on experience in learning (Lea M., 2020). It has become a new norm as academic settings struggle with the choice of in person vs virtual. The virtual setting has vastly grown across the states and in the future will this be the primary method of learning? This can be a of concern and an influence on my future role. Virtual academics can present challenges in the learning world. As being a nurse educator pursuant, virtual learning may affect the needs for growing nurse educators down the line.

Virtual learning may have both positive and negative impacts. Although, teaching virtually may not be as effective as the in-person experience, especially at the entry level of a student nurse it also may create challenges for nurse educators and their lesson plans. With strict rules and laws in place should this continue into our future the clinical academic setting may be minimized or faded out as well. Teaching in a clinical setting was a way for students to connect into the real world and get a feel for patient care at the bedside.

Will this grow the world of simulation learning? With this pivot in virtual learning nursing educators may present with some advantages as well such as seeing more digital simulations (Lea M., 2020). In person learning is an important steppingstone in nursing because nursing is “hands on”. Future nurse educators may also have an additional need to be further educated on online resources, teaching remote programs, utilizing different technologies, and tools that will be needed to prepare future nurses with creativity and virtually in a successful manner.

This can present an issue and challenge for many stakeholders. A stakeholder in healthcare education can be internal or external to the organization such as faculty, students, alumni, clients, institutions, and associations (Belita, Emily; Carter, Nancy; and Bryant-Lukosius, Denise, 2020). Mechanisms that support new curriculum developments are essential to ensure nursing education will stay relevant and respond to changes in healthcare systems (Belita, Emily; Carter, Nancy; and Bryant-Lukosius, Denise, 2020). This matters to the advanced nurse as a clear path must paved for these professionals to be able to perform and function in a safe healthy environment despite changes that evolve throughout our times.

As a future nurse educator and all current nurse educators staying up to date and being able to adapt is important to perform effectively because medicine will always change, science will always change and society will also change presenting new challenges. Being able to navigate through change is important for all healthcare nurses, educators, and any advanced nurse role.


In conclusion to my future role as a nursing educator I have discussed scope of practice and important organizations that will support not only myself but all in the nursing world. Understanding what organizations available and regulatory bodies are will guide me in a successful future. There will always be successes and evolving issues that may arise but adapting and finding ways to come out on the other side is important. All levels of nursing are here to create a safe and accessible health care system for our country and the population within.

NUR 513 Benchmark Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper References

American Nurses Association. (2020). Scope of practice. Retrieved from:

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.) Retrieved from:

Belita, Emily; Carter, Nancy; and Bryant-Lukosius, Denise. (2020) “Stakeholder Engagement in Nursing Curriculum Development and Renewal Initiatives: A Review of the Literature,” Quality Advancement in Nursing Education – Avancées en formation infirmière: Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 2. DOI:

Lea, M. (2020). How virtual training is set to change nursing education. Retrieved from:

National League of Nursing. (2020). Core values. Retrieved from:

National League of Nursing (NLN). (2020). Certification for nurse educators. Retrieved from:

National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation. (2016). Accreditation standards for nursing education programs. Retrieved from:

Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow. (2020). Nurse Educator. Retrieved from:

Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Example 2

Advanced registered nursing graduates join the field at a time when responsibilities and scope of practice are evolving due to legislative and policy changes in response to the changing demands of the health care system. Professional nursing organizations serve a vital role in ensuring that advanced registered nurses’ voices are heard and in assisting nurse specialties in their attempts to broaden their area of practice and full engagement across the health care system. 

The master’s degree in Advanced Practice Midwifery is a two-year program designed to equip advanced practice midwives to offer creative, concrete solutions to complicated health complications from a scientific standpoint. Upon completion, graduates are expected to be leaders with decision-making abilities in advanced clinical management and midwifery training. As a future advanced midwifery practitioner, I will be able to deliver care in various settings for various patient demographics. The degree will also give me the abilities I need as a midwife to undertake research that will add to the body of knowledge that defines the profession of midwifery.

Scope Of Future Role As An Advanced Registered Nurse

My scope of practice as a midwife will include a scientific, intentional strategy for advanced midwifery practice and professional scholarship to enhance the quality of medical care for childbearing women and newborns, focusing on rural and disadvantaged populations. Ranchoff and Declercq (2020) show midwifery scope also exhibits improved communication, critical reasoning, therapeutic interventions, and research to solve the standard of health and safety of childbearing women and infants, with a focus on achieving SDG’s third goal and reducing maternal and neonatal mortality and illness. With a master’s degree, I may take on the role of advanced practice midwifery practitioner leader, inventor, clinical researcher, health advocate, and collaborator to address current and future health and healthcare delivery requirements at the personal, organizational, demographic, and community levels.

The American Nurses Association undertakes advocacy initiatives to guarantee that legislators recognize the responsibilities of the nurse and nursing when putting legislation into effect through the regulatory process. The ANA collaborates with federal agencies, and it is the role of the federal agencies to execute legislation through the regulatory process (ANA, 2022). The ANA is the main group that ensures that the critical voice of nurses is heard throughout this process. By joining ANA, I can exemplify advanced practice leadership by using ethical, cultural, social, political, and economic methods to reform health systems. This will assist me in evaluating, synthesizing, and using scientific knowledge from various fields to enhance and revolutionize healthcare and outcomes.

The nurse leader position arises as the nurse’s function evolves from that of a physician’s assistant to that of an essential participant in the clinical team. A nurse leader’s role is broad, but its foundation is supervising nurses and ensuring they adhere to professional-level standards of quality care and patient safety. The fundamental message of the IOM review is that nurses ought to be completely involved with researchers and clinicians in reforming the nation’s healthcare system (Van Hecke et al., 2019). As an advanced registered nurse midwife, my future job will be to advocate for better treatment and enhanced collaboration among nurse practitioners, doctors, and other healthcare providers.

According to Van Hecke et al. (2019), the indication is that the scope of the nurse leader’s responsibilities includes greater roles and the requirement to provide supervisory services to the hospital or clinical personnel, and nurse leaders are accountable for overseeing the safe provision of services and must be fully knowledgeable with the legal profession’s and healthcare practice’s safety standards and practices. As a leader, I should advocate for high-quality treatment for all patients and their families. Successful nurse leaders prioritize providing high-quality relationships for both patients and nurses in their care environment.

Professional Nursing Organizations Influential In Advancing The Scope

To protect the public’s welfare and safety, specialty groups supplement regulatory measures in the areas of health policy and practice standards. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing is a major governing body in nursing. The NCSBN offers a venue for nurse organizations to operate and confer on issues of mutual interest and concern affecting public health, safety, and welfare, along with the development of nursing licensure examinations (Jefferson et al., 2021). The NCSBN is essential in the regulation of nursing licenses in the United States since it prepares the NCLEX RN and NCLEX-PN exams. The NCSBN also offers information to state nursing boards to help them with their responsibilities of regulating nursing knowledge and training.

Nursing organizations have a societal commitment to improving the health of the country. In several ways, professional nursing organizations improve health outcomes in national and global contexts. The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the largest professional nursing organization in the United States, representing its members’ views and interests in various governmental forums. All nurses who are members of their respective state nursing organizations are eligible to join the ANA. The ANA’s political and legislative agenda has addressed issues such as proper healthcare compensation, services, access to healthcare, and acceptable nurse staffing ratios, all of which align with my worldview.

As a midwife, I would want to become a member of The American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), the professional organization that supports certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs) in the U.S.A. ACNM sets the benchmark for quality in midwifery training and practice in the U.S.A. and builds midwives’ capability. I can advocate for a specific emphasis on maternity, delivery, and gynecological and reproductive care as a practitioner and primary care midwife for women of all ages (Emeis et al., 2021). This leads to the embrace of women’s strength and determination and the relevance of their wellness to the well-being of couples, societies, and economies.

According to Emeis et al. (2021), ACNM believes in all women’s fundamental human rights while acknowledging that when these rights are infringed, women bear a disproportionate burden of vulnerability. ACNM’s aims and mission align with my worldview and philosophy of care because we both believe in democratic, equitable, comprehensive quality health care that encourages healing and health, as well as health care that respects human dignity, uniqueness, and group diversity. Both ACNM and I feel that thorough and accurate information is essential for pregnant women to make educated healthcare decisions. 

My worldview includes self-determination and active engagement in health care judgments, as well as the inclusion of a woman’s selected family members in all health care experiences, to the extent requested. Participation in this organization improves my practice because it supports formal education, lifelong individual learning, and the creation and implementation of research to inform ethical and competent midwifery practice. Fundamental beliefs and values serve as the framework for personal and collaborative leadership at the community, state, national, and international levels to enhance the health of women and their families worldwide (Emeis et al., 2021).

Controversial And Evolving Issues

A controversial or evolving issue that is most likely to affect my scope of practice is the scope of practice between the nurse practitioner and physician assistant. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who have completed further studies and clinical training at the master’s or doctorate level. To receive an NP degree in midwifery, nurses must undertake at least 1000 hours of professional practice in maternity and neonatal health. State nursing boards license and regulate NPs. Laws also differ by state. Half of all states allow NPs to practice autonomously without supervision. All states in the United States grant NPs complete prescribing authority, including restricted medications (Sarzynski & Barry, 2019). 

On the other hand, physician assistants and PAs train alongside medical students for two years and get a master’s degree. Before graduating, PA students must complete at least 2000 hours of supervised practice. PAs are regulated by state medical boards and must practice under the supervision of a physician, albeit the level of physician supervision varies by state. PAs must maintain their certification in the same way as doctors do: they must complete 100 hours of continuing medical education every two years and take a recertification test every ten years. Although PAs are permitted to write prescriptions in all 50 states, they are not permitted to prescribe restricted medications in Kentucky (Sarzynski & Barry, 2019).

Despite variations in training and license, Advanced practice provider’s (APPs’) areas of practice overlaps significantly. According to Sarzynski and Barry (2019), APPs provide over half of inpatient medical services at Veterans Health Administration facilities, with minor changes in their duties and administrators’ perceptions of care. Nonetheless, doctors and nurse practitioners have differing perspectives on their separate tasks. NPs, for example, are more likely than doctors to agree that they should have hospital admitting privileges and be compensated equally for performing the same clinical services. 

Two-thirds of physicians feel that doctors deliver better exams and consultations than NPs, whereas three-quarters of NPs disagree (Sarzynski & Barry, 2019). Compared to doctors, NPs are more likely to practice in rural locations and treat Medicaid enrollees and other disadvantaged groups. Furthermore, PAs and NPs frequently function as primary care providers. Moreover, PAs and NPs frequently function as primary care doctors for underprivileged populations. This brings contravention to the scope of care and roles and responsibilities between physician assistants, advanced nurse practitioners, and doctors.

NUR 513 Benchmark Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper References

ANA. (2022). Agencies and regulations. ANA. Retrieved from

Emeis, C. L., Jolles, D. R., Perdion, K., & Collins-Fulea, C. (2021). The American College of nurse-Midwives’ Benchmarking Project: A demonstration of professional preservation and improvement. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 35(3), 210–220.

Jefferson, K., Bouchard, M. E., & Summers, L. (2021). The regulation of professional midwifery in the United States. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 11(4), 26–38.

Ranchoff, B. L., & Declercq, E. R. (2020). The scope of midwifery practice regulations and the availability of the certified Nurse-midwifery and certified midwifery workforce, 2012-2016. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 65(1), 119–130.

Sarzynski, E., & Barry, H. (2019). Current evidence and controversies: advanced practice providers in healthcare. The American Journal of Managed Care, 25(8), 366–368.

Van Hecke, A., Goemaes, R., Verhaeghe, S., Beyers, W., Decoene, E., & Beeckman, D. (2019). Leadership in nursing and midwifery: Activities and associated competencies of advanced practice nurses and midwives. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(6), 1261–1274.

NUR 513 Benchmark Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper Topic 8 DQ 1


Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you. Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to yo w· goals and worldview?

Example Topic 8 DQ 1 Solution

The first organization I decided to discuss that interest me is the American Nurses Association, or ANA. The ANA is an organization that helps RNs “Unite with registered nurses across the nation to advance their careers” (ANA Enterprise faqs, n.d.). The organizational goal is to serve as a voice for nursing. Founded in 1896, the organization has been assisting with changes in the nursing profession for nearly as long as nursing has been around.

The membership is exclusive to RNs, as you must be a nurse to be a part of the organization. As a healthcare leader and future APRN, this organization matches my personal philosophy of uniting with colleagues for the betterment of the profession. The population this organization seeks to reach is the general nursing population, encouraging nurses with various backgrounds and experiences to come together in order to better the profession.

The second organization I decided to highlight is the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, or HPNA. I decided to highlight this, as I recently accepted a management position for an expanding hospice company as their RN clinical manager for my location. I have had hospice experience tracing back to my very first clinical rotation.

The HPNA breaks down their association into three categories: “Mission – Advance nursing expertise in hospice and palliative care through education, advocacy, leadership, and research., Vision – Every person living with serious illness receives equitable, comprehensive, and innovative hospice and palliative nursing care. and Pillars of Excellence – Education, Competence, Advocacy, Leadership, Research” (About Us, n.d.).

This organization aligns with my practice because I believe one of the most comforting and beneficial things you can do for a patient and their family is educate them throughout the hospice process. In order to be a member, you can register as a RN, LPN, nurse assistant, retired RN, or student. (About Us, n.d.)

The third and final organization I am writing about is American Organization of Nursing Leadership, or AONL. AONL aims to “Transform healthcare through expert and influential leadership” (American Organization for Nursing Leadership, n.d.) This aligns with my professional practice as it focuses on improving leadership in the profession. Requirements to be a part of this organization include being an RN in a healthcare environment.

About the National League for Nursing (n.d.). Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

American Organization for Nursing Leadership. AONL. (n.d.). Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

Ana Enterprise faqs. ANA. (n.d.). Retrieved July 14, 2022, from

NUR 513 Benchmark Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper Topic 8 DQ 2


Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice?

Topic 8 Participation



Grade Scale

Final Grade Column

Letter Grade                                   GPA Value                         Minimum(%)                                                         Maximum(%)


A                                                             4.0                                        97.0                                                               100.0

A-                                                            3.7                                        93.0       96.99

B+                                                           3.3                                        89.0       92.99

B                                                             3.0                                        85.0       88.99

B-                                                            2.7                                        81.0       84.99

C+                                                           2.3                                        78.0       80.99

C                                                             2.0                                        76.0       77.99

F                                                             0.0                                        0.02       75.99

0.0                                         0.0                                             O.D1

Grade Categories

Assignments (%)

Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer