NUR 630 Overview Of Quality Data

NUR 630 Overview Of Quality Data


NUR 630 Overview Of Quality Data Topic 6 DQ 1

What is the difference between primary and secondary data? How can primary and secondary source data be used to drive CQI? Provide a specific example of how each source can be used to drive CQI.

NUR 630 Topic 6 DQ 1 Overview of Quality Data Example

Continuous quality improvement relies heavily on research as professionals strive to ensure better service delivery based on evidence-based best practices. In research, data collected can be primary or secondary, based on the significance of the data. The research design, questions, objectives, and expected outcomes inform the data type. Primary data is collected by a researcher for the first time, while secondary data is collected from other sources collected by other researchers, such as organizations and agencies (Au & Murray, 2021). 

NUR 630 Overview Of Quality Data

Primary data is specific and not crowded by other people’s views and judgments, given that the data is collected for a specific reason. On the other hand, secondary data is, in most cases, collected for other purposes, and conflicts of interest can arise (Au & Murray, 2021). Primary data collection methods include creative innovations such as paintings, diaries, experiences by the researcher, letters, surveys, and interviews. Secondary data requires the researcher to review primary and secondary data sources, and data collection entails the analysis of studies, surveys, and experiments.

Primary source data such as interviews and questionnaires can determine problems in a healthcare facility from the leaders, patients, or care providers’ perspectives. They can also help determine flawed processes and any hindrances to care delivery. Interviews and questionnaires are specific and can also confirm a problem’s existence. In addition, they can be used to collect staff opinions on problem management options, hence their significance in continuous quality improvement. Primary data from interviews can also help. 

Analyzing the hospital’s data can also give an overview of a specific problem affecting the healthcare facility (Radbron et al., 2019). For example, by analyzing the trauma quality improvement program dashboard, care providers can determine any deviations or changes from the norm, which triggers continuous improvement (Blackmore et al., 2019). Secondary source data are significant in informing practices. Analyzing data sources can help develop evidence-based interventions to help manage problems in healthcare. Thus, primary and secondary data play significant roles in continuous quality improvement.

NUR 630 Overview Of Quality Data References

Au, S., & Murray, E. (2021). Data management for quality improvement: how to collect and manage data. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 32(2), 213–218.

Blackmore, A. R., Leonard, J., Madayag, R., & Bourg, P. W. (2019). Using the trauma quality improvement program metrics data to enhance clinical practice. Journal of Trauma Nursing| JTN, 26(3), 121–127.

Radbron, E., Wilson, V., McCance, T., & Middleton, R. (2019). The Use of Data Collected From mHealth Apps to Inform Evidence‐Based Quality Improvement: An Integrative Review. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 16(1), 70–77.

NUR 630 Overview Of Quality Data Topic 6 DQ 2

Describe at least two limitations to both primary and secondary data and how understanding those limitations can improve your future CQI work.

NUR 630 Quality Data Sources Organizer

Assessment Description

NUR 630 Overview Of Quality Data

The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with various data sources used by health care organizations to obtain quality data. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) creates an annual report, the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, which assesses the performance of the U.S. health care system. This report identifies strengths and weaknesses of the health care system in addition to disparities for access to health care and quality of health care. The report is based on more than 250 measures of quality and disparities, and it covers a broad range of health care services and settings.

Access the most current report using the “National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports” AHRQ website, provided in the topic Resources. Select five data sources from this report and fill in the required components on the “Quality Data Sources Organizer.”

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Quality Data Sources Organizer Example

Data Source Primary Content Population Targeted Demographic Data Schedule Is This a Source of Primary or Secondary Data? How / When / Where
the Information Might
Be Used

Quality Data Sources Organizer

Data SourcePrimary ContentPopulation TargetedDemographic DataScheduleIs This a Source of Primary or Secondary Data?How / When / Where
the Information Might
Be Used
 Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)The BRFSS collects uniform and state-specific data. The primary focus is on chronic illnesses, diseases, injuries, and preventable infectious diseases in the adult population. The primary survey consists of uniform questions asked in all states on selected topics administered with the states’ allowance. The set of questions is rotating and is asked yearly in all states. In some states, some questions are added to address the specific problems affecting these states. The questions asked focus on behavioral risk factors such as smoking, preventive health measures such as health-seeking behavior, HIV/AIDS, health status, physical abilities and limitations, and healthcare access and utilization.The targeted population is US civilian noninstitutionalized population ages 18 and above and residing in households.Significant demographic data includes gender, age (above 18), education level, race/ethnicity, household income, employment, and marital status.The data from the surveys are collected monthly and distributed annuallyPrimary data collected from health surveys carried out in all states in the United StatesThe BRFSS collected data on the health of US citizens, their health-related behaviors, chronic health conditions, and US preventive services. The system collects data from more than 400000 individuals annually, making it the most robust and continuously conducted healthcare survey system globally. The system produces data used in various ways, including determining the population’s health risks. The data generated is also used to determine the behaviors to target in managing chronic illnesses and other health conditions of public interest. The survey is thus integral to gathering information on behavioral risk factors and acting on them to minimize their effects on population health. 
Quality and Safety Review System (QSRS) The system facilitates patient safety improvements by improving the understanding of the burden of specific patient safety issues associated with hospital care. The system also collects and examines the risk factors and data on outcomes such as in-hospital mortality and length of hospital stay.The system targets all Medicare patients.Patients of all ages, races/ethnicity, gender, and whose healthcare payment source is MedicareData is collected and submitted in real-time but reported quarterly and annually to the AHRQ.Secondary data. The information is collected from an analysis of clinical data the care providers have already collected. The data is collected during their interaction with the patientsThe system uses reliable clinical information such as prescriptions and laboratory test results relevant to patient safety. The system provides data on trending adverse events, allowing health institutions to plan their prevention and management. The data also helps local care leaders to implement surveys and interventions at the local level to help manage these problems based on the outcomes of their specific healthcare facilities.
American Hospital Association, Information Technology Supplement The complete AHA survey focuses on statistics that include current and historical data on utilization, personnel, revenue, expenses, managed care contracts, community health indicators, and physician models. Other statistics include technology, electronic health records, admission volume and status, and urban and rural status. The supplement questions healthcare facilities to determine which electronic health records and health information systems they use and the scope of computer function, use, and utilization in the healthcare facilityThe system targets all healthcare facilities/hospitals in the United States, including nursing homes and private institutions.The demographic data is in addition to the core survey and includes hospital information, leadership and organizational structures, facilities, and services, utilization data, community orientation indicators, physician arrangements, managed care relationships, expenses, staffing HER utilization, electronic systems utilization for prescribing and data sharing.Data is collected and submitted annually.Primary data. The information is collected first-hand from all healthcare facilities across the nation.The AHA surveys are annual and from all hospitals in the United States. The data collected focuses on four primary areas, organization, facilities, community benefit, and utilization. They gather information on the extent to which hospitals have implemented health information systems, their characteristics and functionality, and utilization by the hospital. The information from this source can be used for a variety of reasons. It can help suggest useful technologies for a facility. It can also be used to determine the effectiveness of certain technologies from data collected nationally. The data can also spearhead interventions to improve technology utilization in healthcare services such as staff education and support.
National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) The NCDB entails standardized data elements on patient demographics, insurance status, tumor characteristics (stage, morphology, and site), comorbidities, first treatment course, disease recurrence, and patient survival data. The database also contains information on residence, such as state and Zip Code which are then used to compute area-based sociodemographic data.The database collects information on cancer patients in the unites states.All data relevant to the patients, such as gender, age at diagnosis, race/ethnicity, and other information pertinent to the cancer diagnosisThe data is collected annually.Primary data. This database collects information and presents it as collected by healthcare providers. The database uses its developed standardized registries for data collection and captures data on about 70% of all newly diagnosed cancer patients.The database contains data vital to the management of cancer patients. Chronic illnesses such as cancer and diabetes are on the rise, prompting the development of corrective interventions. The database contains data that assists the US government and healthcare facilities in understanding the current cancer burden and the specific cancer diagnosis. The data helps direct national efforts toward preventing and managing cancer and uses issues such as risk factors and causes to develop interventions that reduce cancer prevalence. The data also helps responsible bodies redirect financial assistance to ensure quality healthcare delivery and population outcomes.
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)MEPS has three constitute surveys: The HC, Medical provider, and Insurance components. The HC components focus on demographic data, health conditions, satisfaction rate, insurance coverage, employment, and income and are the primary source for the NHDQR and NHDR data. The sections that generate data include the SAQ questionnaire that collects data on various adult health and healthcare quality measures, DCS (diabetes and diabetes care), Child Health and Preventive Care (children’s health affairs), Access to Care, and Preventive Care.The survey targets the US civilian noninstitutionalized populationThe demographic characteristics of interest include age, gender, race, education, ethnicity, industry, occupation, employment status, family income, and household compositionAnnuallyPrimary and secondary data sourcesThe AHRQ collects data from national probability surveys on financing and use of medical care. It helps the nation understand how its population uses medical care services and its financing for improvement in these specific areas. The data can be used to drive financial reforms and interventions to increase access and utilization of healthcare services. Data estimates in the NHDQR data tables based on MEPS data are modified to reflect the experiences of the target populations for inference purposes.

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