NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions

NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions

Topic 4 DQ1

Research design and data collection tool

In this project, I would prefer using a quantitative research design over a qualitative design. Quantitative research is feasible because it allows for the systematic collection of information using verified sampling methods such as questionnaires and surveys. In addition, quantitative research helps in measuring variables, analysis, and reporting the relationship between variables by using structured methods on a sample that represents an entire population. Also, quantitative research allows for the use of a larger sample size which can be organized in numerical that is easily quantifiable.

NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions

Furthermore, quantitative designs are designated to meet specific objectives of understanding the subject matter, analyzing, describing the situation, and making future predictions based on the current results (Hammoudeh et al., 2018 NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions). The objectives, logic, numbers, and detailed unchanging data allow for convergent reasoning to make sense out of a situation. Unlike qualitative design, the quantitative design allows the researcher to arrange research statistics into non-textual forms including charts, figures, and tables. These non-textual forms are easy to interpret and offer conclusive information.

I would prefer using the prospective cohort study that would allow grouping patients into two groups; cases and control. Cases would receive the daily bathing with chlorhexidine, unlike the control who would use normal saline. Each patient bath would be entered in the nursing flow sheet of the patient medical records. Nurses would educate patients on how to bathe as well as the importance of daily bathing.  Both groups would be followed over time to determine the number that developed an infection. Finally, a comparison would be made to determine the effectiveness of the intervention.

On the other hand, the collection of data would be achieved using questionnaires, daily temperature measurements, reviewing medical records, and laboratory tests. Questionnaires are relatively cheap and easy to use while providing a larger amount of information. Closed-ended questions help in the collection of quantitative data that is easy to analyze (Haddadin et al., 2021). The data collected using questionnaires include demographics, immunity status, nurses’ knowledge on EBP, attitude about EBP, indication for central-line, adherence to bathing, and outcome of patients. These data will help come up with numerical figures that will be analyzed to give a relationship between variables.

Daily temperature measurement would be used to detect patients with infections. Those with high temperatures would be subjected to undergo blood culture, complete blood count, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Positive cases would be defined as patients with symptoms with either positive culture growth, elevated neutrophil count on complete blood count, or elevated ESR levels.


NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions Topic 4 DQ2

Statistical Test

The incidence of new infections would be tracked by the infection prevention surveillance system. Then the data collected would be grouped to determine the mean, median, and mode. The data would then be presented in the form of tables, charts, and bar graphs after analysis with a statistical package for social science (SPSS). SPSS is powerful in manipulating and deciphering complex data to facilitate data analysis.

The baseline clinical outcomes of the study groups would be determined by analyzing continuous variables and using the chi-square test for categorical variables. The Chi-square test is important in testing hypotheses; either null or alternate (Mishra et al., 2019 NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions). It is also helpful in determining the association between two categorical variables. Furthermore, it tests the probability of dependence of different classified variables. In this case, the test would help determine if there is a correlation between using either chlorohexidine or normal saline with the occurrence of central-line infections.

  A cumulative incidence function curve would be generated using findings from the study groups. Significant bloodstream infections would be determined from patients admitted in the intensive unit until discharge from the ICU. Hospital stay would be used in calculating incidence curves. This is because the development of bloodstream infection is a factor of hospital stay and patient immunity status. Death, discharge, or transfer from the unit would be considered as competing risk. Finally, a P-value of < 5 would be considered statistically significant hence supporting the implementation of the EBP project


  • Mishra, P., Pandey, C. M., Singh, U., Keshri, A., & Sabaretnam, M. (2019). Selection of appropriate statistical methods for data analysis. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia, 22(3), 297–301.

Topic 4 Discussion question 1:

Explain whether you would select a qualitative or quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project proposal. Identify which data collection tool you would specifically use and explain why this design is best for your evidence-based practice project proposal.

NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions T 4 DQ2:

Identify which statistical test you would use in conjunction with your selected research design from DQ 1 to evaluate the outcomes for your evidence-based project proposal and explain why you selected this test. What kind of information will this test provide about your outcomes?

NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions DQ3:

What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing? Explain how at least one of the obstacles you have described could impact the implementation for your EBP project. NUR590 Topic 4 Research Design and Data Collection Tool Discussions

See NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project Here.