NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project

NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project

Topic 5 DQ1

Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project

There are several barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP). These barriers can either be individual-related or institution-related. Individual-related barriers include lack of knowledge about EBP, time constraints, refusal to adopt change, lack of access to EBP information, criticism from colleagues, mistrust in evidence, and misconception of perceiving EBP projects as being tough. Institutional-related barriers include lack of resources, limited champion nurses to implement change, insufficient infrastructure, failure of approval of an EBP project, limited administration support, and organizational feuds (Yoo et al., 2019 NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project). All these factors collaborate in various capacities to impact EBP implementation.

NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project

One of the major barriers to EBP implementation is the resistance to change. More than often, nurses and other healthcare providers are always resistant to adopting new changes in the health system. This may be attributable to a lack of knowledge about the proposed EBP and may prefer using outdated procedures (DuBose & Mayo, 2020). Furthermore, fear of criticism and uncertainty about the effects of the change may further hinder the adoption of change.

The staff may also perceive the change as overwhelming and unprecedented. As a result of resistance, members are unlikely to be actively involved in implementing change citing a lack of knowledge, morale, and confidence in the proposed change. Therefore, impaired perception to change results in slowed uptake of the proposed change with resultant effects in decision-making. Furthermore, resistance to change may lead to personal and organizational conflict leading to unrest and negatively affecting the quality of services to patients. Finally, impaired implementation of an EBP impairs its effectiveness and relevance to encourage quality care and improve patient outcomes


  • DuBose, B. M., & Mayo, A. M. (2020). Resistance to change: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 55(4), 631–636.
  • Yoo, J. Y., Kim, J. H., Kim, J. S., Kim, H. L., & Ki, J. S. (2019). Clinical nurses’ beliefs, knowledge, organizational readiness and level of implementation of evidence-based practice: The first step to creating an evidence-based practice culture. PloS One, 14(12), e0226742.

NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project Topic 5 DQ2

Stakeholder Barriers and Strategies to gain stakeholder support.

Stakeholders are important members of an EBP project as they actively take part through the provision of resources, skills, and knowledge required for the success of an EBP project. Stakeholders include nurse managers, physicians, informaticists, nurses, social workers, and laboratory technicians among others. However, their involvement may either facilitate or act as a barrier to the implementation of an EBP project. For instance, stakeholder barriers include resistance to change, misunderstandings between colleagues, mistrust between members, and internal feuds (Bach-Mortensen et al., 2018). These barriers can severely impair the improvement of the research enterprise, increase clinical uncertainty, limit the implementation, and adoption of meaningful clinical findings.

The importance of stakeholders can not be overlooked in clinical practice, therefore, it is prudent that their support is gained to enhance the EBP project. Various strategies can be put in place to gain support. The first strategy is effective communication; this is achieved through effective listening of stakeholders’ input, considering those input, and providing detailed information regarding the objectives while citing why the proposed change is vital as compared to others (Quanbeck, 2019 NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project). Furthermore, illustrative communication should be provided regarding the budget, scope of the project, and required resources to ensure the success of the project. Consistency of the message communicated should be maintained to avoid contradictions that may bring doubt and resistance.  Secondly, integrity and accountability should be upheld at all levels of the project.

 Thirdly, meetings and workshops should be organized for stakeholders who refuse change. During the meetings, their views should be considered while training and education are provided to equip them with knowledge and skills to understand the various aspects of the EBP; this will enable them to understand and adopt the change. Finally, there is a need to use a data management system to summarize key information for ease of understanding and gather support. Therefore, any colleague struggling with stakeholder support should first begin by identifying the correct stakeholders, communicating effectively, listening keenly, involving stakeholders’ input, leading with integrity, encouraging team spirit through working closely, and maintaining consistency of message delivered.  


  • Bach-Mortensen, A. M., Lange, B. C. L., & Montgomery, P. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based interventions among third sector organizations: a systematic review. Implementation Science: IS, 13(1).
  • Quanbeck, A. (2019). Using stakeholder values to promote the implementation of an evidence-based mobile health intervention for addiction treatment in primary care settings. JMIR MHealth and UHealth, 7(6), e13301.

NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project – Discussion Instructions

T5 DQ1:
What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing? Explain how at least one of the obstacles you have described could impact the implementation for your EBP project.

NUR590 Topic 5 Barriers of Implementing an Evidence-Based Project T5 DQ2:
Identify two stakeholder barriers you might experience during the implementation phase of your evidence-based practice project. What strategies can you implement to gain stakeholder support for the project implementation. Provide a suggestion you would give to a colleague who is struggling with obtaining stakeholder support.