NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions

NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions

Topic 8 DQ1 – APA style

Throughout the course, I have used the APA style to format my papers. When I started the project, I knew little about the basic APA requirements. Therefore, I had a tough time with the professor who was always willing to help in improving my skills. I have much about in-text citation and preparing the reference page which was challenging at first. The in-text citation uses the name of the author(s) and the date within the research paper (Sinnott, 2019 NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions).  In-text citation supports the written information and helps in avoiding plagiarism. I learned that citations can either be placed within a statement or at the end of a statement. The reference paper is placed at the end to refer to the sources used in the in-text citation.

NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions

I have also improved in various steps of AP style. I find it easier to prepare the title page by including the title, author`s name, affiliation, course name, instructor`s name, and due date. Furthermore, I have improved on using correct fonts (Times New Roman), font size (12), inserting page numbers on the upper right-hand corner, and double spacing. I have also improved in writing headings on different levels especially levels 1, 2, and 3. However, I have not included much of level 4 and 5 headings, which I feel inadequate. NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions

I have also interacted with work done by peers. Most of them have mastered the APA style of writing, however, some still struggle in some parts. Some peers fail to apply an indentation of 0.5 for every first line of the paragraph while others fail to use double spacing and numbering pages. On referencing, some fail to start reference on the new page, apply double spacing, and alphabetize entries by the first author`s last names. These are areas I feel need improvement and emphasis to achieve the APA standards.


Sinnott, B. (2019). Research guides: APA style: Student paper format checklist.

NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions Topic 8 DQ2 – Incorporating EBP into Practice.

Throughout this course, I have understood that incorporating evidence-based practice is a critical part of patient care. EBP not only improves the quality of care but also improves patient outcomes, reduces the cost of care, improves patient satisfaction, increases nurses’ confidence, and reduces hospital stay (Li et al., 2019 NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions). EBP also guides nurses on the course of action to be taken and the impact of clinical decision-making. Based on its importance, I would advocate for the incorporation of EBP into nursing practice by including EBP in the nursing curriculum and educating and training nurses to be involved in EBP projects to improve patient care.

The incorporation of EBP follows several strategies and steps. The first strategy is the formation of a clinical question in form of a PICOT. Spirit of inquiry is required to identify the clinical problem that leads to PICOT formation. The clinical question forms the basis under which the study will be one. The second strategy is gathering of best evidence from other researches. The evidence will provide more information about the clinical problem, identify gaps, and improve knowledge about the clinical problem. Having an adequate understanding of the clinical problem will help in coming up with a better understanding of the topic ad help in identifying the right stakeholders. Furthermore, fundings can be channeled towards a project that will benefit the organization and patients as well. 

Analysis of evidence follows after gathering the best evidence. Analysis helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a specific EBP. If an EBP proves to be effective, it will be considered and put into clinical practice. However, if the weakness outweighs its strength, the project is withdrawn. After analysis, the EBP is implemented and put into practice. Implementation requires the efforts of all healthcare providers who will participate in different stages of implementation (Li et al., 2019). Champion nurses for example will be required in training, educate, and monitor the EBP. Finally, the results of EBP should be assessed. Assessment helps in determining both the pros and cons of an intervention. An intervention that leads to improved patient outcomes is considered successful.


Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice: Knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers among community nurses—systematic review. Medicine, 98(39), e17209.

INSTRUCTIONS – NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions

T8 DQ1:
For professional writing in nursing and health care, APA style is expected. It is also expected for the remainder of your graduate program and in doctoral programs for nursing. Discuss what you have learned, or how you have improved, by completing the \”APA Writing Checklist\” and from receiving feedback from your instructors. What aspects of APA do you still struggle with? In your response to peers, provide a resource from the Student Success Center (or in addition to something in the Student Success Center) or a suggestion for an area in which someone still struggles.

NUR590 Topic 8 Discussions T8 DQ2:
The evidence-based practice (EBP) process is a powerful way of advancing improvements in health care. Identify three strategies that you will now incorporate into your practice based on this course. Explain your rationale.