NURS 6050 Week 1 Legislation Comparison Grid Paper

Legislation Comparison Grid Template

Use this document to complete Part 1 of the Module 2 Assessment Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement

NURS 6050 Week 1 Legislation Comparison Grid Paper

Health-related Bill Name S.402, Survivors Access to Supportive Care Act or SASCA.
Description  With the passage of this legislation, more victims of sexual assault will have access to medical forensic assault examinations and S.A.N.E.-trained clinicians’ therapy. Holding hospitals responsible for staff training on how to care for sexual assault victims is part of that. SASCA would go under the Department of Health and Human Services (Congress.Gov).
Federal or State? Federal
Legislative Intent  Patty Murray is the third highest-ranking Democrat in the Senate and the highest-ranking woman. She is a strong supporter of the Affordable Care Act and women’s health issues.

Her goal is to involve CMS and the government in penalizing hospitals for noncompliance of the SASCA. Her aim is to establish Federal Standards for examinations and treatments of sexual assault victims. ( Patty Murray website)

There are cosponsors from both Republican and Democratic Part.

Target Population Survivors of sexual assault and the health care facilities who provide care for them. It would also recognize forensic nursing for the specialty it is.
Status of the bill
(Is it in hearings or committees? Is it receiving press coverage?) This bill was re-introduced. It is scheduled for committee. An earlier version of the bill was introduced May 18 2016, and July 12, 2018. There has been no press coverage. NURS 6050 Week 1 Legislation Comparison Grid Paper
General Notes/Comments  I have worked at the same ED for eight years. In 2015 the two SANE nurses that worked 30 miles away left. Our area was now without any SANE trained staff. Myself and a coworker attended an extensive training with SANE that took five days and over 40 hours. It included interview techniques and examinations with real victims as well as practiced court time.While I was fully capable of following the directions for the SAK before my training, I often rushed the process and failed to completely bond with my client or put the appropriate work and detail into the exam. After the training I learned to treat SAK with the same precision I would a complicated trauma or MI. I spend much more time forming a relationship with my client and this improves their experience and their after-care.

NURS 6050 Week 1 Legislation Comparison Grid Paper References

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