Aspen Power in Organizations

In organizations, power can be used to achieve a variety of goals, such as improving performance, making decisions, and resolving conflicts. Power can come from various sources, such as formal position, expertise, or personal characteristics, depending on organizational arrangements (Foss, 2021).

Power in Organizations

As a nurse, I have taken part in various organizations based on personal and expertise characteristics. I have gained experiences that have shaped my nursing career. In this paper, I will discuss my experience in collective bargaining and working in a facility with magnet accreditation.

Experience in Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is a rigorous but rewarding process by which a union and an employer negotiate the terms and conditions of employment for the workers represented by the union (Fay & Ghadimi, 2020). This typically includes wages, benefits, working hours, and other working conditions. Collective bargaining is an important aspect of the labor movement and is protected by law in many countries.

It allows workers to have a say in the decisions that affect their jobs and can help to ensure that they are treated fairly and receive fair compensation for their work (Fay & Ghadimi, 2020). Additionally, Collective bargaining can help to reduce conflicts between workers and management and create a more harmonious and productive work environment (Cho et al., 2020). As a member of the team representing nurses, I took part in collective bargaining with the department of health on various issues affecting nurses.

The union undertook various steps and followed the protocols required for a fruitful engagement. Generally, the following steps were followed: preparation, opening proposal, negotiations, ratifications, implementation, and contract administration as needed for any collective bargaining session (Fay & Ghadimi, 2020). During the preparation phase, the nurses’ union surveys its members to determine their priorities and concerns. This included issues such as pay, benefits, workload, working hours, and patient ratios.

Thereafter, we engaged in opening proposals where both the union and the employer presented the initial proposals for terms and conditions of employment. We then engaged in negotiations trying to reach an agreement. At some point, mediation, arbitration, and compromise were included in addition to back-and-forth negotiations. Fortunately, we reached an agreement with the employer after several rounds of discussion and the deal had to be ratified by enabling members to vote to approve the agreement.

The agreement included an increase in wages, improvement of working conditions, employment of more nurses, and changes to the pension plan proposed by the employer. The agreement was implemented and the contract was administered to upgrade the terms of employment.

Essentially, during the process, I learned several issues. Most importantly, collective bargaining can be a complex process, requiring strong communication skills, negotiation tactics, and the ability to compromise (Cho et al., 2020). It may also involve a lot of time and effort as both sides work to reach an agreement that is acceptable to all parties. Despite the challenges, the experience of collective bargaining is valuable in terms of advocating for the rights and needs of nurses, improving working conditions, and enhancing the quality-of-care patients receive.

Experience in Magnet Accredited Facility.

Working in a healthcare facility that has achieved Magnet accreditation can be a rewarding experience for nurses. These facilities are known for their commitment to nursing excellence and often provide a positive and supportive work environment for nurses. Magnet accreditation is a prestigious recognition that is awarded to healthcare organizations that demonstrate excellence in nursing practice (Urden et al., 2021).

The Magnet Recognition Program, which is administered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), was developed to recognize healthcare organizations that promote and support nursing excellence and innovation. I had an opportunity to work in a Magnet-accredited facility and had a fulfilling experience in care and how activities were conducted.

The facility fulfilled various characteristics required for a magnet-accredited healthcare setting. First, the care provided was of high quality to improve patient outcomes. Nurses and other healthcare providers coordinated and collaborated in matters of healthcare to ensure patients received high-quality care. As a result, the rates of mortality were reduced and patient satisfaction was also improved. Additionally, the role of nurses’ involvement in decision-making at all levels of healthcare was upheld.

According to Bos-van den Hoek et al. (2021), nurses are primary caregivers who spend most of their time with patients and understand patient needs. Therefore, involving nurses in decision-making enhances their participation in care as well as improves health outcomes. Besides, professional development was another priority aspect of the facility. All healthcare providers were provided with equal opportunities to advance in various aspects through learning and training.

According to Kearns (2021), professional development improves skills and knowledge among healthcare workers to improve the quality of care, outcomes, and patient satisfaction. Finally, the organization’s leadership was strong enough to advocate for nurses and other healthcare providers. According to Urden et al. (2021), good leadership is a paramount aspect to enhance the operation and sustainability of any organization.


This paper presents my experience in a Magnet-accredited facility as well as my experience in collective bargaining. Taking part in these activities was exciting and helped improve and shape my career. While collective bargaining helped in appreciating the role of unitions in advocacy and improving the working environment, my experience in a magnet-accredited institution helped in appreciating the importance of excellence in nursing practice. I will continue working with organizations in the future to improve healthcare as guided by the experience gathered.

Power in Organizations References

  • Bos-van den Hoek, D. W., Thodé, M., Jongerden, I. P., Van Laarhoven, H. W. M., Smets, E. M. A., Tange, D., Henselmans, I., & Pasman, H. R. (2021). The role of hospital nurses in shared decision-making about life-prolonging treatment: A qualitative interview study. Journal of Advanced Nursing77(1), 296–307.
  • Cho, S.-H., Lee, J.-Y., You, S. J., Song, K. J., & Hong, K. J. (2020). Nurse staffing, nurses prioritization, missed care, quality of nursing care, and nurse outcomes. International Journal of Nursing Practice26(1), e12803.
  • Fay, D. L., & Ghadimi, A. (2020). Collective bargaining during times of crisis: Recommendations from the COVID-19 pandemicPublic Administration Review80(5), 815–819.
  • Foss, N. J. (2021). The impact of the covid‐19 pandemic on firms’ organizational designs. The Journal of Management Studies58(1), 270–274.
  • Kearns, T. (2021). The impact of Continuing Professional Development on nurses’ well-being and satisfaction. Professioni Infermieristiche74(4), 256.
  • Urden, L. D., Baclig, J. T., & Sanchez, K. (2021). A qualitative exploration of chief nursing officer perspectives on maintaining Magnet® designation. The Journal of Nursing Administration51(10), 513–518.

Power in Organizations Assignment

Assignment Description:

Power in Organizations

Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop? If so, share your experience. If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes collective bargaining and describe how it works within an organization.

Have you ever worked in a healthcare facility that had Magnet accreditation, or had experience with shared governance? If so, share your experience. If not, locate a scholarly journal article that describes shared governance and explain how it could be implemented in your current facility.

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