Practice Change Simulation Essay
Practice Change Simulation Essay
Simulation is a useful tool in change implementation as it is used to identify adjustments in policy or standards that are required, or it can be customized to match the demands of a particular team. In a hospital, changes can be made regarding such aspects as clinical practice (e.g., application of cooperation concepts), standard execution (e.g., inclusion of new processes and rewriting of unclear parts), and structural and operational changes (e.g., change of shift schedule and rearrangement of room equipment).
Establishing the area that needs a change requires identification of a clinical problem that needs to be addressed. Simulations include modifications to settings, reinforcing structured instruction, among others. It also serves as a follow-up to the original training and aids in the identification of any system flaws that need to be addressed. During the pre-change phase, this tool is used to identify concerns about user approval. Practice Change Simulation Essay
Working as a nurse in a facility has enabled me to identify problems facing the medical staff in the effort to provide the best health care services for positive and better patient outcome. The clinical problem identified within the cardiology department is the inability to cope easily with the latest advancements in the healthcare system. There is increased knowledge and discoveries about care methods, new equipment, and discoveries of new treatment modalities that require healthcare workers to keep improving and to be conversant with the new developments.
In their publication, Konttila et al. (2019 Practice Change Simulation Essay) identify major areas of digitalization competence in hospital environments, define healthcare providers’ competence in these aspects, and identifies variables that influence their expertise. The articles relate to the identified clinical problem since, to modify employment expectations and operations, digitalization necessitates adjustments in clinical practice, regulations, and activities. Patient safety and the incorporation of digitization into the professional context need a review of healthcare professionals’ digitalization skills. Therefore, with digitalization in healthcare, the competencies of healthcare workers need to be reviewed and if they do not meet the required levels of competence, further actions such as training of the employees can be initiated.
Ideally, healthcare workers must be motivated and willing to gain experience in their work environment. Collegial and organizational support appears to be critical variables in ensuring that healthcare professionals have favorable digitalization experiences. If healthcare organizations want to improve their response to digitalization, they need to pay attention to the individual needs of staff and establish a good attitude. Organizational and collegial supports are required for successful technological advances.
A study by Koivunen and Saranto (2018 Practice Change Simulation Essay) established nurses’ abilities and attitudes are stumbling blocks to telehealth implementation. The findings suggest that modern technologies utilized in nursing care and hospital services need further improvement. The shift from traditional paper records to electronic health records necessitates local consensus and more conversations among experts about how nursing staff within the cardiology department will embrace and implement the changes. Furthermore, the organization must ensure that nurses have sufficient resources and skills to use telehealth.
De Leeuw, Woltjer and Kool (2020) further explored the challenges nurses face due to advanced technology. Some medical practitioners are finding it difficult to meet the changing requirements of Health Information Technology (HIT) and the social and work changes it necessitates. Lack of appropriate knowledge and skills prevents health care personnel from keeping the professional norms surrounding the use of technology and may result in clinical performance issues, particularly among the elderly. It’s critical to learn more about the causes and motives of the technology difficulties that these professionals face, as well as the possible strategies for addressing them.
Further, as Kinnunen et al. (2019 Practice Change Simulation Essay) observed, technological competencies of nurses in informatics can lead to effective change implementation in the workplace. I believe that given the identified problem within the cardiology department, the department leaders should determine the level of informatics competency among nurses and the adequacy of training for technology-induced workforce practices. Practice Change Simulation Essay. According to Kinnunen et al. (2019), education, expertise in telehealth, training, greater levels of embedded software, simplicity of use, and effectiveness are all linked to competency and were relevant after all modifications.
Additionally, Rutledge et al. (2017) suggest that the education and retraining of nursing staff on telehealth is effective in enhancing the incorporation of telehealth into healthcare and the implementation of the new service-providing methods. Based on this, I believe that majority of the staff within the department will benefit from a multidisciplinary education that support the different health practitioners to better understand the new technology currently in use and those yet to be introduced.
Of equal importance is the need for the entire department to focus on the methods used by nurse managers to encourage change in their units. For change to occur in unit, the leader in charge should try to inform and train the staff on the change anticipated (Kodama & Fukahori, 2017 Practice Change Simulation Essay). Arguably, different factors can inhibit change adoption within the department, among them, a lack of knowledge and competence in the new method introduced. Therefore, nurse leaders should have the opportunity to execute skill training within the cardiology department.
During the implementation of change, there are several steps and strategic plans that are essential. Practice Change Simulation Essay. These include, communicating the change to the affected people, encouraging a collaborative mindset among all the participants where they will work towards a common objective, equipping people with your help and giving them better resources and support they need to succeed, and providing positive reinforcement and feedback where those who do well are rewarded, alongside progressive feedback on how the participants are performing.
Operationalizing change in the hospital setting involves some fundamental steps. To introduce the current ways of being reasonable and practical for group members, weave these new methods or changes into the present policies and procedures. To operationalize the change, I will find out where the change is needed, communicate the reason for the change to all employees, consider every aspect that needs to change or is affected by the change, make it the new norms and culture in the practice area, and ensure that it suits the participants and is easily incorporated into the facility.
I would use Lewin’s theoretical model because it involves first showing people that their current status quo is not beneficial and, thus, they need the change, implementing the change and then making it the new norm in the facility. Though barriers to implementing change are likely to emerge, such as being reluctant to participate and incorporate the change, there are ways that I can use to overcome them. These include communicating the change and why it is necessary for the entire department staff, and its importance to the patients. This involves early communication to avoid being caught up in deadlines. Involving the staff members in the change process can also help in overcoming those barriers. Precisely, this will make the participants feel part of the process, which increases their likelihood of accepting the change.
I would also ensure that there is strong and competent leadership. This is because, with weak leadership, the department staff might lack a role model to emulate, a factor that may jeopardize the chances of convincing them of the need for change. A manipulation method can also be used where all who accept the change are rewarded. This will prompt the resisters to participate. During implementation, I would also introduce the change in a timely manner. This involves correctly timing when the change is most likely to be accepted. Practice Change Simulation Essay
I would use different resources to show outcome improvement. One such resource is the human resources. The information from them, such as the education level, can be used to demonstrate that the training is effective. The other one is quality management of information. Practice Change Simulation Essay. Here, the scores of patient satisfaction with the services provided will show that the staff members are competent and conversant with the various changes instituted within the department. Another resource will entail getting information from the finance department. With reduced hospital patient stays, it will be possible to interpret such an outcome as associated with the success of the new methods of care.
Evaluation methods such as pretest and posttest can be done. This is where the initial findings before implementation and after are taken and compared to assess the effectiveness of the change. Surveys can also be done to get feedback about the implemented change. Performance scores can also be used for evaluation, where poor performances signify poor incorporation of the change, while good performance rates are associated with successful implementation. Ethical considerations such as anonymity, voluntary participation and confidentiality are also applicable. Practice Change Simulation Essay
Practice Change Simulation Essay References
- De Leeuw, J. A., Woltjer, H., & Kool, R. B. (2020). Identification of factors influencing the adoption of health information technology by nurses who are digitally lagging: an in-depth interview study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (8), e15630. doi: 10.2196/15630
- Kinnunen, U. M., Heponiemi, T., Rajalahti, E., Ahonen, O., Korhonen, T., & Hyppönen, H. (2019). factors related to health informatics competencies for nurses—results of a national electronic health record survey. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37 (8), 420-429. doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000511
- Kodama, Y., & Fukahori, H. (2017). Nurse managers’ attributes to promoting change in their wards: a qualitative study. Nursing Open, 4 (4), 209-217. doi: 10.1002/nop2.87
- Koivunen, M., & Saranto, K. (2018). Nursing professionals’ experiences of the facilitators and barriers to the use of telehealth applications: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Scandinavian Journal Of Caring Sciences, 32 (1), 24-44.
- Konttila, J., Siira, H., Kyngäs, H., Lahtinen, M., Elo, S., Kääriäinen, M., Kaakinen, P., Oikarinen, A., Yamakawa, M., Fukui, S., Utsumi, M., Higami, Y., Higuchi, A., & Mikkonen, K. (2019). Healthcare professionals’ competence in digitalisation: A systematic review. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 28 (5-6), 745-761.
- Rutledge, C. M., Kott, K., Schweickert, P. A., Poston, R., Fowler, C., & Haney, T. S. (2017). Telehealth and eHealth in nurse practitioner training: current perspectives. Advances In Medical Education And Practice, 8, 399. doi: 10.2147/AMEP.S116071. Practice Change Simulation Essay
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