PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

University of The Bahamas

Department of Social Sciences

Exercise #1: Relevant Learning Experiences

As I reflect throughout my tenure in the psychology program at the University of the Bahamas, I am able to ascertain the variety of skillsets I gained by completing certain courses. Being a clinical strand psychology student, there were a variety of skills that I gained and information learned. The first course I will explicate is PSY 202 (Abnormal Psychology). This course helped me to ascertain the different mental disorders that persons would be faced with on a daily basis. Moreover, it helped me to understand the different risk factors that may cause a disorder to occur (such as poverty, molestation, single-parent homes, bullying, etc.) ; as well as protective factors that can prevent disorders from occurring such as financial security, parents being involved, food security. The course also enabled me to practice being the patient in the situation.

PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Knowledge of the different treatments utilized to treat disorders were also reviewed in the class. I believe this equips me with the necessary knowledge concerning the different disorders I may encounter with patients and even students. PSY 202 course explicated the DSM-IV and V as well as the ICD. As a clinical strand student, I acknowledge that I may be placed in a facility where persons would be dealing with chronic mental illnesses. For example, mental disorders such as schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, tics, ADHD, ODD, Conduct disorder, Anxiety disorders may be present. However, I feel as though I would be prepared to deal with those situations and recognize them based on the information I have been taught. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. However, I believe my main weakness would be my ability to recall the symptoms of each disorder without a manual. I don’t believe that I know them well enough to understand the factors that may contribute or cause the disorders to become more lethal.

The second course that has equipped me for this journey in internship is PSY 300 (Intro to Clinical Psychology). This course provided the basis as to what clinical psychology entails, the different degrees one can pursue, different instruments utilized in the therapy process, and models of research. The different instruments utilized were structured, semi-structured and intake interviews. Although there were brief practices with each instrument, the class emphasized establishing rapport with the client. By establishing rapport, I am able to establish a sense of trust and confidentiality with the patient to open up the atmosphere for them to talk. This class emphasized the importance of having knowledge of the different disorders as well as being able to put that knowledge into practice. During the internship, I believe this class helps me with communication with the patient. I understand that it is important to establish confidentiality with the patient to ensure that they feel comfortable to share valuable information to help with their treatment. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. PSY 300 also stressed the importance of the psychological setting. If during internship I am able to work in my own office, I assert that I must be cognizant as to how I may decorate that office. Certain material on the walls may be offensive to the client and may hinder their responses to me. Being immersed in the field helped to guide me in the direction I wanted to practice. Different articles reviewed in the course also helped me to understand cultural diversity. In the workplace, I may experience a variety of cultures. It is vital to understand the different cultural norms to understand certain responses and behaviors they may exhibit. PSY 300, however, was an introductory course and reinforced the knowledge of PSY 202 and built up on it. PSY 300 also taught me about the client. Persons coming into the internship may be seeking help for a variety of reasons. In some instances, the disturbance may be so great that their reasoning may be impaired. This will most likely affect the therapeutic relationship. In addition, ethical guidelines in psychology. The ethical guidelines will govern how I conduct myself during my practice. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

The next course is PSY 251 (Adult Adjustment). Assignments such as the Willpower experiments and Stress management plans helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with stressful environments. During internship, I understand that there would be a variety of cases that I may encounter. Anxiety will arise and it may become stressful to deal with the tasks given. PSY 251 taught me how to deal with stress, the different types of stressors one would encounter in a given environment, and how to exert my willpower. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. One of the key concepts that I gained from the class is Mindfulness. This is an exercise I practice every morning to gather myself and focus on a particular moment. It allows me to revert my focus from what is going on around me to what is going on inside of me, which I assert is vital for sanity. The stress management plan and willpower exercises assisted in my ability to exert self-control over my desires and have a clear focus as to why I do what I do. It would be important and useful to identify the stressors I may encounter during the internship and be able to handle them rather than become fearful or timid. The class developed my ability to be resistant to stressful environments. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Furthermore, I believe that PSY 340 (Child and Adolescent Psychology) and PSY 405 (Child Psychopathology) have equipped me with knowledge of the various developmental disorders children may exhibit. Moreover, key concepts such as Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model, makes me aware of the different dynamics that may affect a child’s development. The mesosystem, microsystem, exosystem, chronosystem, and macrosystem all play a part in how a child develops in a given environment. It makes me aware of the different factors that are in play and can help me ascertain why a child that may appear during internship may be behaving in a particular manner. The service-learning component of both classes helped to expand on the knowledge I gained. For example, I was situated at Stapledon School for the Mentally Challenged for a period of 8 weeks. During my time there, I was assisting the P.E. teacher with the students who were at different levels. Disorders such as Autism and Down syndrome were mainly dealt with. This experience taught me the value of having patience and discipline. There were many instances where I had to continuously repeat instructions to the children until they were able to perform the given task. I ascertain that many of them were on different spectrums of Autism, but it became increasingly difficult to manage. The experience helps to prepare me for cases that I may see during internship. However, I believe that I am better able to manage the situations by relying on experiences that service learning has given me. The text utilized explicated a child’s development stages and different milestones they achieve at those stages. Learning about the critical stages of development helps me to identify environmental factors that can contribute to a child’s behavior. Being aware of a child’s age helps me to understand where they stand in terms of their cognitive development. These classes along with the service learning makes me more aware of my surroundings and able to effect change in my own way. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

The next class that will help me in this experience would be PSY 420 (Counselling in Psychology). This course along with the last course I will explain later are the two courses I believe prepared me the most for internship. PSY 420 taught me the different psychological orientations and concepts to counselling clients. I was able to find my sense of identity within this class. I assert that the Intervention Plan and practicing different cases with colleagues helped sharpen my intercommunication skills. Being able to communicate effectively with clients would be vital to establish that relationship with them. One of the key concepts of this class was the therapeutic relationship. The therapeutic relationship is built off trust and reliance. The client would be able to share information that would help in their treatment when they feel comfortable and assured. Countertransference and transference are equally important. During the internship, there may be individuals that would share certain situations about their lives with me. PSY 420 taught me the importance of not becoming too emotionally invested in the case as it can distort my judgment and decision-making ability. The therapeutic relationship determines how a client would respond to the treatment and whether they would seek further help. During this class, it taught me to correct posture I must have, tone of voice, and amount of eye contact I should have during the sessions with clients. Moreover, the ability to note-take during the session was a valuable skill I learned in this class that I believe would be useful. Role-playing as both the client and therapist helps me to understand different point of views so that when I encounter the situation in practicum, I would be able to better understand what the client may be experiencing. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Lastly, PSY 450 (Seminar in Clinical Psychology), brought everything together. This class mainly focused on your development as a psychology student over the years. It incorporated different practices with psychological instruments such as structured, semi-structured, MMSE, and Intake interviews. Moreover, we went over different disorders in-depth as a client and therapist, which helped to enrich the learning experience. PSY 450 taught me to not try for perfection in the therapeutic session but acknowledge that I will fail in some instances. Failure would allow me to improve in the area and become a better individual. The course explicated that as a first-time therapist, I would experience anxiety and pressure to perform on the first try. So as a result, I would be more focused on my performance and not on the client, which would be detrimental to the therapeutic relationship because of my inattention to the small details that the client may be expressing. Therefore, this would cause miscommunication and information would be lost in translation. What I understood is when I on the site for internship, that it is okay to fail and not be perfect. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. However, it is vital to pay attention to the client’s needs and to capture the essence of what they are saying. I understand that I will experience some level of anxiety during my tenure on the site. Moreover, listening is key. There are details clients would give that would be important to pay attention too. Especially in instances, that involves suicidal ideation, sexual abuse or murder.

In conclusion, I acknowledge that there are a few areas I need to work on. I wished that there was more training in the aspects of other disorders such as conduct disorder, ODD, communication disorders, dissociative disorders rather than the most common disorders encountered. I also acknowledge that I need to work on my eye contact and ability to communicate with the client. I believe that establishing rapport is important to make the client comfortable. I assert that I am not comfortable with my knowledge of the clinical disorders. I have sufficient knowledge of notable disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and ADHD; but not comfortable with other disorders I listed above. There will be a variety of disorders that I will encounter and I believe that having sufficient knowledge of them would be important to gain enough from the experience.

Assignment #2: Perspectives

Question: Take a moment to think about the role of an intern as viewed from several perspectives. For example, how does each of the following view interns: supervisors, other professional staff, staff with less formal education, administrators, clients, the interns themselves? As you think about these perspectives, ask what positive and negative ideas each group might hold about interns. Giving some thought to this beforehand will better prepare you for the different relationships and reactions you will encounter during your internship. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Reflection: The role of an intern from the perspective of the supervisor and other persons on the internship site, in my opinion, would be to perform a specific set of tasks that they set out. The intern should be well-prepared and knowledgeable about the field they are about to venture into and be appropriately dressed when working on the site. The supervisor would expect the intern to be punctual and inquisitive about the site they may be placed in. For example, during my orientation with Dr. Carolyn Roberts, she gave us a breakdown as to what Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre is all about, the requirements to work there, and common issues faced at the facility. She explicated the do’s and don’ts while engaging with clients and operating within the facility. The supervisor would expect the intern to adhere to the rules and regulations of the company. They would have a general idea as to who the intern is and would expect that they are able to work together with other staff members and employees accordingly. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. Moreover, the supervisor may perceive the intern to be adequately prepared to work their assigned schedule and report to them beforehand if they are unable to make a particular day or may be sick. When the intern begins at their site, the supervisor would perceive that they would have a particular skillset and may design their tasks as they feel they should. The supervisor may also look at the age of the intern and how they dress and develop impressions. For example, if the intern comes to orientation in short pants or a tank top, they would immediately perceive the intern as not interested or prepared to work. Supervisors perceive the interns as potential candidates to work in their company and leaders and innovators for the next generation of whichever profession they are in. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Furthermore, interns may be viewed as competition to some employees on the site. This may be due to certain insecurities persons the intern would be working with may have. They may not know the purpose of the intern working with them and may perceive them as a threat to their job. I have seen in many organizations where the more mature employees are not fond of interns because of job security. Persons become a bit uneasy and may begin to show disgust towards the intern and give them a hard time during their tenure at the site. As an intern, the appropriate form of action to take would be to report it to the supervisor if they feel as if they are not being treated rightly. Administrators may expect interns to be at a particular level in their training during their time in university. They may be looking for a level of work that the intern can handle. Certain mistakes they expect the intern to not make while on the job. Most likely a lot of the staff would be watching the intern very carefully to see how he performs. First impressions would be made based upon the intern’s decorum. Moreover, the employees may see the intern as an aid to help them with their work duties. This may result in a lot of them piling work on the intern because of the perception that the intern has come to relieve them of a lot of the workload they may have. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. Many of them may intentionally use the intern to do their work because they may not be up to completing the task at that moment.

In relation to the clients the intern may interact with, their perspective could possibly be that the intern is another skilled professional that has come to help them solve their issues. They may see the intern as someone that is delusional or too young to possibly help treat them for their issues. They may perceive the intern to not be qualified to carry out an assessment or intake. However, they may think differently and be more comfortable with the intern because the intern may be around their age and able to be more relatable to their circumstances. The role of an intern to the client is to help alleviate their problems and give them solutions. In other words, cater to their every need. The client’s perspective of the intern may be shaped by their experiences outside of the clinical setting. They may perceive the intern as someone they can vent to and trust. It is vital to establish trust and confidentiality with the client in order for them to feel comfortable and for the intern to gain the maximum results from the experience.

In conclusion, how a person perceives an intern would depend on their beliefs and past experiences. Persons may come with preconceived notions as to what the intern may do and may act on those beliefs. It most likely would change as the intern progresses in the program and is known better by the staff. Interns can and will make mistakes while practicing and how they are perceived can affect how they perceive themselves and affect their performance.

EXERCISE #3 Knowing yourself in relation to diversity

This exercise is designed to help you become more aware of your own cultural and personal backgrounds and characteristics. Because this understanding is a first step toward understanding how you will interact with others, it is perhaps more important than anything else in this chapter. I encourage you to spend substantial time on the exercise and, if you feel comfortable and safe doing so, to discuss it with your peers and instructor. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

The list that follows identifies certain personal and cultural characteristics that have a profound influence on how people understand the world and interact with others. For each characteristic, begin by describing yourself, then take some time to seriously consider how each aspect of yourself taken separately, and how all the aspects taken together, affect your understanding of yourself and others. Also, give some thought to how these characteristics shape the assumptions you bring to your training as an intern. One way to enhance this understanding is to imagine how things you may have taken for granted about yourself are due, at least in part, to your ethnic or cultural background. For example, you might ask yourself, “Because I have [pink/brown/black/red/yellow] skin, I have experienced…” Or, “Because my family’s economic status was…, I have experienced…” Another approach to enhance your understanding is to imagine how your life might be different if you had characteristics other than those you have. For example, you might consider, “If I were of (another) culture, I might…” “If my parents were very (poor/rich), I might…” “If I were a new immigrant, I might experience…” As a final response to this exercise, you may want to discuss your own responses with a peer or some other person. You may also find it helpful to discuss them with people who are much different from you in certain of the key areas identified. One other note, for convenience, items in this exercise ask about characteristics of father and mother in the singular sense. People from blended families may well wish to add people to this list, for example, stepmother or stepfather, as fits their circumstances. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

1.My gender is MALE. Being a male influence my experiences in a variety of ways. Society expects for me to be the leader and initiator in most situations. As a man, I am not allowed to show emotions in public but must always put on a facade that isn’t representative of who I am and what I can do. There are expectations that I must meet. A certain look I must have and a way in which I should conduct myself. Being a male has influenced my perception of reality. It has made me believe that I was born to dominate and rule over the earth and to be aggressive. How I relate to others comes from my experiences as a male. Males are not taught to be empathetic and understanding, but to be strong and supportive. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

2.My age is 20 years. This is known as the most important decade of any person’s life. My understanding is that I am supposed to work extremely hard, get married, and be independent of my parents. Being 20 has shaped my experience as common struggles such as getting an education, finding a job to support myself, developing relationships, establishing connections are common amongst other 20-year olds. Moreover, planning the next step of your life is vital during this age period. Society expects you to be productive, upstanding citizens that are making a contribution and not being a delinquent and adding to the troubles of society. Furthermore, if I don’t live up to those expectations, I would be looked down upon. So, with those expectations in mind, it has guided how I conduct myself within society and my interactions with people. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. There is a certain level of maturity and demeanor that I am expected to have at this age. Taking Erickson’s psychosocial stages of development into context, during this period it is a time of “intimacy vs isolation”. So, one of the keys during this age is possibly finding love and forming bonds with people, which can influence how I interact with my clients or associates on the site.

3.My physical appearance includes the following qualities:

5’7”, brown eyes, broad shoulders, size 11 feet, chubby cheeks, black hair, goatee, cuts and bruises on face and knees.

This is how those features influence my experiences and how I understand and relate to others:

4.The nationality and cultural background of my parents and grandparents are:

My father’s mother: Bahamian with Haitian roots due to name Bonamy

My father’s father: Bahamian

My mother’s mother: Bahamian

My mother’s father: Bahamian

My father: Bahamian

My mother: Bahamian

  • I am a Bahamian by birth. Being a Bahamian has influenced who I am with Christian principles and morals. It influences how I interact with persons (especially elders), the use of jargon, and how I perceive the world. Being a Bahamian, there is a love for music, African culture, politics, food, family. The collectivist nature expressed by the people helps to shape who I am. If I was to see someone in need, even if I don’t know them, there is an innate longing to help that person or pray for them. Often times I would feel guilty if I am not able to help the person because of how I was raised. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

This is how the culture of my family influences my experiences and how I understand and relate to others:

5.With regard to economic resources, the family I was raised in was Middle Class. This meant that we weren’t able to take vacations very often, couldn’t afford certain things that I wanted in most cases, shopped on budgets, often struggled to get necessary items for education and pay school fees. Moreover, sometimes lunch would have to be taken from home or I was given money sometimes to buy from vendors at school. This influenced me because it made me very conscious of my spending habits and more aware of what I can and can’t afford. It shaped how I perceive my world and almost locked me in a cage and made me realize that the ceiling of what I can do is only so high. However, the struggle of being a middle class within the Bahamas has helped me to develop resistance and perseverance to face the world and obstacles that come my way.

6.The religious orientation of my mother is Christianity

The religious orientation of my father is Christianity

  • Christianity teaches me moral consciousness, hope, belief, empathy, unconditional positive regard, and a sense of being the best version of myself to help others. I have a constant expectation of hope not only within myself but also within other people which allows me to see them not for who they are but for what they can become. I have learned that if a judge a man by what they could be, then they can become what they should be. So, in my interactions, I don’t judge a person based on what I see because, even before psychology, I learned from the Bible to always be mindful of others and to “love my neighbor”. Moreover, to forgive unconditionally and to “not withhold something from someone when it is in my power to give it”. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

7.The political orientation of my mother is Undecided

The political orientation of my father is FNM

  • Political orientation doesn’t influence me in no way. I am not to heavily concerned about politics but I am more concerned to the well-being of the country I live in. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. My parents only voted according to who may be popular at that particular moment or because their parents were of a political persuasion without any foundation as to why they are voting a certain way. Politics only make me aware as to how I can make an impact in the country I am in and effect change within my society.

8.My mother’s educational background is High school

My father’s educational background is High school

  • This has influenced me greatly as their level of education (along with other factors) determined how I would grow up, what community I live in, the school that I go to, the opportunities I would be able to go to, principals and lessons that I would learn along the way. Moreover, it influenced who my peers would be due to the community I lived in. The community I lived in was really small (over 400 people) and everyone basically knew one another. It was a community where sharing was a common trait and everyone looked out for one another. My mother and father don’t live together but I lived in two communities in which they were situated. Both communities were the same except in the case of population.

9.My own educational background is College

This is how that background influences my experiences and how I understand and relate to others:

10.My physical health and abilities are Normal. I am not stigmatized as a result of that. However, many do look down upon me due to the belief that men are supposed to be “tall” and not short. I have often been called an American due to the way that I speak. As a result, I had to try to readjust how I talk in order to fit in with my peers. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. However, it didn’t work so I decided to deal with it in manners I deemed fit. I have had multiple injuries in the past such as sprained ankles, broken foot, laceration to my mouth, hands, and knee, and getting stung by a wasp on my tongue and nearly losing it. Society tends to treat one based on their physical conditions and mental health. For example, when I broke my foot, I received special care from my peers and parents as well as random strangers that didn’t know me. I was catered to whilst in a wheelchair which made me feel special. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

This is how that background influences my experiences and how I understand and relate to others:

11.My sexual orientation is Heterosexual. Being heterosexual is considered normal within our society and I believe it is deemed right. However, it has shaped my experiences and how I view other persons by common notions such as feelings and attraction to the opposite sex. The wanting for children and a relationship guards (in most cases) how I may interact with females who I may see as potential mates. Courtship may be a part of my interaction. Moreover, rejection becomes a part of the experience as well as I may not get who I want or may have to do the same to others. The entire experience of being a heterosexual may affect my self-esteem, self-concept and understanding of who I really am.


The following list includes some of the many characteristics that distinguish individuals and groups from one another. Consider these and try to identify where your knowledge, understanding, or experience would enable you to understand accurately and relate to their experiences, concerns, thoughts, emotions, or needs in a helpful way. For each group you think you know well enough to work with, give the reasons why. For example, what experiences, training, or personal knowledge do you have relating to this group?

Age groups:

I have worked with a variety of age groups within my tenure at the university and outside of it. I can mostly relate to persons who may be a millennial because I myself am a millennial. However, learning from persons who are older than me as well as conducting research can help me with understanding the experiences of persons who may be far older. Through observation and just interacting with persons helps me to gain experience as well. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. My understanding is that at different periods throughout an individual’s life, they will exhibit a certain behavior, way of thinking, and there would be certain things that would concern them. Children wouldn’t be concerned about paying bills. Adults between 25-30 wouldn’t be concerned about receiving pension. So, the experiences may differ by the age due to what society deems as appropriate. I know for sure that I work extremely well with children 12 and under. I have a lot of experience in working with them due to ministry work and service learning.


Male and female experiences are different on many levels. Females may experience depression, harassment, rape, discrimination, hardship in the workplace more than males do. Males may experience suicide, heart failure, rate of death, mental illness than females. Because I am a male, I would be able to identify with one side more than the other. Males don’t have periods but females do. Males tend to be looked at as the leader’s and forerunners within society and so that adds pressure to them if they don’t live up to that pedestal. Often, they are called “disappoints”, “feminine”, “failure” if they don’t meet certain expectations. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Appearance (e.g., skin color, facial features):

A person’s skin color in most cases dictates their experiences. A black individual within a southern state in America may be discriminated against or referred to as a “nigga” which is derogatory. It dictates which job they may could work and how high they can matriculate within a particular company. Banks often would loan money much more expeditious to a white person than they will to a black person. In some cases, black people are looked down upon as collateral damage. In media, if a shooting was to occur, they would often allocate a white individual to having a mental illness whereas the black individual “always had it in their nature”. How a person appears to someone dictates how they would react and interact with them. During my internship, I often judged persons on the basis of how they look. Sometimes I was right and others I was completely wrong. A person who had an alcohol addiction and was slowly recovering had an oddly shaped head. In my opinion, I believe it was due to possible brain damage. However, playing with him in a game of dominoes, I realized that his functioning was quite normal. I perceived that he may have speech difficulties or inability to comprehend but it appeared as if he was completely normal. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper. Appearance dictates what a person can be afforded in life in some cases.

Ethnic or cultural background:

Different cultures have different beliefs. What may be understood in our language may be something totally different in another. This is a huge aspect as a person’s cultural background shapes their perceptions and beliefs.

Generations lived in this country:

Different generations grew up under different conditions. The 70’s to 90’s generation never had the internet as we do today. Technology was different back then and having to readjust to the way society is being currently operating may be difficult to comprehend. Principals, morals, standards have changed over the past year as society has evolved. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Economic status:

This dictates everything a person will experience. It controls where they travel, what they eat and drink, who they interact with (in most cases), the opportunities they can seize, the school they attend, the amount of children they may could have, resources, what they can afford, the communities in which they may live, means of transportation etc. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Education level:

These dictates where we work, our income, how we may be perceived in the workplace, what positions we can apply for, how respectable we may be amongst our peers, opportunities. A person’s educational level often defines who they can be within society. There are many that are exceptions to this rule but education level dictates how far you will matriculate in life. A person with just some high school may most likely work at a burger joint, fast food restaurant, janitress, or low paying government job. Their experiences and interactions with people could be dictated by their education level because if a person with a Ph. D is talking to person with no high school diploma, they may try to assert some form of respect from the person with no degree. Education level doesn’t dictate how smart you are (in some cases) but it indicates the level of potential a person has to be effective within society. It demonstrates competence and a sense of resistance.


Discrimination based on religious affiliation. Beliefs and perceptions. Gradual differences om the belief of whether there is a God or many gods or if there is no god.

Sexual orientation:

Stigmatization if a person isn’t a heterosexual. Fighting for one’s rights to end discrimination.

Physical abilities or disabilities:

Stigmatization as a result of disability. Lack of opportunities

Geographical locations and related cultural issues:

Living conditions.


This is a challenging exercise because it asks you to go beyond the theoretical, intellectual understanding of diversity issues and look for subtle ways you might be adjusting or failing to adjust your behavior on a daily basis at your internship. During the next few days at your placement site, take a mental inventory of the people who are there, including not only clients but also staff at all levels. Then ask yourself honestly how your approach, behavior, impressions, cognitions, and emotional reactions to some of these people may be impacted by differences between yourself and them in terms of the issues we have been discussing. For example, are you more frightened, friendly, open, or intimidated with some clients or staff than with others? Do you have certain cognitions or formulate attributions about some people’s behavior because of their skin color, language, or education? Now ask yourself the reverse questions. Do you think clients, other interns, or staff may be reacting to you differently because of diversity issues? Finally, and perhaps most difficult of all, take time to speak with some of the aforementioned people (e.g., selected clients, staff, or peers) and ask them the same questions, requesting that they be as open and honest as possible. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

  • All staff at CCAC that I have observed were of the Christian belief. However, my interactions with a few differed because of their stance with certain scriptures. My first impression of most of the staff was that they were very abrasive and in some cases insolent. On my first day, there was a lady that yelled and curse at another one of the staff for a particular incident that happened in the hospital. I thought of it as unprofessional as many of the patients could’ve heard the conversation. The psychiatrist that I had to deliver notes to I thought were discourteous as well. Often times I would say “Good morning” and I wouldn’t hear an answer back. I believe at one point a psychiatrist looked at me as if I was incompetent. However, after immersing myself in the daily devotions that the staff usually has in the morning, I was able to interact with all the staff, learn their names and a little bit about them. I then realized that my preconceive perceptions of them was not entirely wrong but had some errors. Even when dealing with clients of a different ethnicity (such as a Philipino), it took me understanding the individual first before I could’ve come to any conclusions.

PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper Assignment # 4: Ethics

Any client coming to seek a psychotherapist has a set of expectations or preconceived notions as to what a psychotherapist is and what they can do. In my opinion, clients expect that a psychotherapist is the master of their field and know what it is that their doing. Although they may not understand or know the duties and roles of a psychotherapist, they expect that the mental health professional is qualified and done a specific amount of schooling to practice therapy on them. Their expectations are high for the mental health professional but may considerably dip when it comes to an intern. Most clients understand that an intern is in training and may not be as competent as the psychotherapist. They may not feel as comfortable with the intern as they do with the therapist because of the level of training. Interns are prone to make mistakes. The client may ask questions or present a particular issue that the intern may not know how to handle. For example, Bitterman (2014) evaluated the etiquette of medical interns within the hospital. He explicated, “…….results of the study demonstrated substantial room for improvement: 40% of interns introduced themselves to patients, and 37% of interns explained who they were to patients. The authors attribute attending physicians’ lack of professional etiquette as the basis for patients’ low ratings of physicians. This lack of etiquette is a problem. The patient experience must be a central concern of physicians. It is hard to understand a procedure or what a patient may feel if you have never been in his or her place.” I assert that because the client isn’t familiar with the intern that their first impressions would be important. Forgetting something as simple as etiquette as seen in the example above can determine the client’s experience at the internship site. As a psychology intern, I may be faced with situations that I may not could handle. In the client’s perception, they may be able to pick up on the fact that I am not qualified to assess them and may want to be referred to a more skilled professional. Persons may not feel comfortable or have the patience to deal with an inexperienced intern.

In relation to qualifications, clients (who are knowledgeable) would most likely expect for the psychotherapist to at least have a Master’s degree, certified and licensed in the Bahamas. Most clients probably would prefer someone that is seasoned rather than just out of school on the basis of experience. Someone that has just come out of school only have the theoretical based of training and a little of practical training. Their training may have taken place in a different cultural context than where they are currently placed. Situations that may arise may be much different than what they were trained on. This may cause them to panic and step away from the issue. Something as simple and critical as establishing confidentiality may impact the clients experience. Clients need to feel confident that any information that they share would be confidential. It helps to build trust in the therapeutic relationship. Moreover, clients would assume that a psychotherapist is knowledgeable about all disorders they may be encountering and able to give the correct diagnosis for treatment. In many instances, a therapist would make a mistake and not give a client the right diagnosis which may lead to them getting the wrong medication (if necessary) which may lead to side effects that the client could’ve avoided. This may lead to legal issues that can cause a therapist to lose their license. A therapist that is experienced, competent of psychological disorders and testing instruments, as well as how to deal with client’s concerns would be of much more value. Client’s expect the therapist to be up to date with their treatment. If a therapist sees that a certain way of treating the client isn’t working, they should maneuver or readjust to correctly solve the issue. Client’s most likely don’t expect a therapist to be second guessing themselves, but to know who they are and be fully confident in what it is that they do. If the therapist doubts his ability, the client will most likely doubt their ability to get well and may end up doubting themselves in the process. So, the therapist’s competence directly affects the client’s ability to get will and their issue to be solved. Furthermore, clients most likely would look for a therapist that knows what they are talking about and able to break it down to their understanding. A therapist can utilize psychological jargon and that may be well and useful amongst your colleagues but not to the client because the client may not have any idea as to what you are explicating. By being able to break down the terminology for the client to understand may establish confidence in the client to the therapist. I assert this because the client will always have questions about what is being explained to them. If the therapist is unable to answer those questions, the client may believe that they are wasting their time and leave the session.

Lastly, multicultural competence I believe plays a vital role in client’s perception of the therapist. How a particular disorder or situation is may vary according to the cultural context. Clients may have an expectation that the therapist is aware of their culture and values. If they come to them with a situation such as eating disorder, and the client is a seventh-day Adventist, it wouldn’t be wise for the therapist to recommend that they eat pork, or any shell-fish as a substitute for protein. It wouldn’t be ethical for a therapist, that is a Christian, to force their beliefs onto the client that may be of a different religious affiliation. Clients don’t expect the therapist to be assertive but understanding and empathetic towards them.

In conclusion, as an intern, if I was the client, I would want the therapist that I am seeking to know what it is they are doing and be well equipped to deal with the problems presented. I would want for them to know what treatment would be most effective to deal with my issue as well as the medication that I need to take. I would want them to understand what it is that I am going through and be empathetic. It is vital for the intern to: keep confidentiality with the clients and their information, observe any safety rules for the client’s benefit, be fair and considerate when working with the clients, be honest or congruent with them, establish great communication with them, and report any form of abuse sexually or physically or if they pose harm to themselves while on the internship. It is the duty of the therapist to uphold ethical standards to enhance the client’s experience and help alleviate their problems.

PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper Exercise #6: Self Evaluation

My placement for practicum was at the Community Counseling and Assessment Centre. During my time there, my duties were to perform intakes, take a register of clients that I have seen, perform psychological testing, and recommend clients to the psychologist or psychiatrist. My evaluation was that I was able to perform all tasks to the best of my ability. I was able to get information from each client that I saw that the previous nurses couldn’t get out of them. I was able to establish a sense of rapport with each of my clients that allowed them to feel much more comfortable within the clinical setting. Furthermore, my ability to assess the client’s body language to know how they was feeling was vital. For example, there was one client that appeared to be irritated with the fact that his mother was in the room. He would often be slouching, moving his hands, constantly getting up and sitting down and moving around until I asked him what was wrong. He alluded to me that he was severely irritated at the fact that his mother was in the room. Of course, the right thing to do was to politely ask her to leave the room. I was very organized and well-mannered and grew in confidence in my ability to perform the tasks at hand. Performing intakes were not easy when I first began, but as I continued to practice, I was able to the hang of what to do. For instance, I would have to ask questions such as the client’s presenting problem, educational history, drug and alcohol history, family psychiatric history and medical history, suicidal thoughts or homicidal history and others. When the client walked in, I would greet them with a smile and then explain to them who I am and what it is they will be taking part in. Another strength I was able to develop was dealing with client resistance. I assert that due to the training and knowledge I received in the PSY 450 course, that it allowed me to handle situations of resistance much better. For example, the last client that I had to see was severely paranoid. He believed that his friend was about to take his car and drive off without him. In order to continue with the session, I had to explain to him the purpose of the session and what he can do if we get through it. He appeared to be very irritated and anxious, but as I assured him that his friend was in the foyer and comforted him, he seemed to comply more easily. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Given my strengths, I also assert that there are many areas that I needed more improvement. The first area would be in my psychological knowledge. I dealt with a variety of disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, schizoaffective, dissociative disorder, developmental disorders and dementia. My biggest obstacle came when a girl with suicidal ideation reported to the clinic. I made the incorrect judgment that could’ve nearly cost the hospital had anything happened to her after. Psychological knowledge is important in order to understand what questions need to be asked during the intake. My second area of improvement would be my interpersonal skills with the staff and my supervisor. I am a shy person and I usually like my own space. When conversations arose with some staff members I often kept it a bit short and to the point in order to get back to leisure activities such as reading. My supervisor notified me that it is important to have great interpersonal skills because everyone in the clinic plays a vital role to my success. Thirdly, my ability to take good notes. I struggled to take notes for the intake when I first began because handwriting was out of the norm for me. I have been used to typing notes on my computer for years and it was difficult to catch everything the client said by handwriting. I believed that I wasn’t able to engage with the client as best I could because my head was sometimes down writing notes as they speak. The problem was rectified as a practiced more.

In conclusion, I am very receptive to feedback. My supervisor gave me tips to better help the intern experience. When I made my first mistake, I blamed myself continuously and thought about quitting. My supervisor assured me that no one is perfect and it would be better if I have any queries or questions to always consult her. There were no defensive thoughts as I had established that I would one day make a mistake. However, the main issue was recurring thoughts of that mistake replaying in my mind. Overall, the experience at CCAC was beneficial and I believe that I am better equipped and knowledgeable because of the internship. I am looking forward to future experiences. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Current Curriculum Vitae

Gender Differences in Stroop Test (November 2016)

This study looked at the performances of each gender among male and female participants at the University of the Bahamas on the Stroop Test. There were 50 participants, 24 males and 26 females. It was generally concluded based on prior tests conducted that females would generally perform better on the Stroop test than males. This study based the test of the subjects on congruent and incongruent words, shapes, colors and faces. Results showed that men tend to read just as fast as women on the congruent words whereas a slight difference in gender is seen upon the incongruent results. Gender differences in the Stroop test would be based upon reaction times and latencies among the participants within the study.

Case Study on Challenges Faced by University Students (March 2017 PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper)

This study was a 30-minute interview of a fellow University student who happened to be a sophomore at the time. The study’s purpose was to gain an understanding as to some of the challenges students may face at the University of the Bahamas when they first arrived. Common challenges faced were time management, adjusting right away from high-school, lecturer’s demeanor and teaching styles, family finances, making new friendships, and work load. The participant interviewed was a female.

Focus Group on Discrimination against Homosexual Individuals in the Bahamas (March 2017)

This study conducted focused on persons who had been known to be homosexual. The interview was conducted at SASH Bahamas headquarters where 8 individuals were asked a variety of questions concerning discrimination they may have faced in their respective lives. Discrimination occurred in a variety of places such as work, church, and at home. Parent’s reactions varied as some were accepting of their child’s orientation while others were disappointed and exiled their child. The interview lasted two hours. Homosexual individuals are widely stigmatized and discriminated against in the Bahamas based on this focus group.

Research on Discrimination of Haitians in the Bahamas (November 2016)

This was a group research project conducted to ascertain the different Bahamian attitudes towards Haitian nationals. A total of 65 persons were given questionnaires asking them questions such as where they may have experienced discrimination, by whom, the causes, and whether there has been improvement in the Bahamas over the last 20 years. Most Haitian nationals interviewed and Bahamians came to a consensus that Haitian nationals are the most widely discriminated nationals in the Bahamas.

Research on Caregiver’s Perceptions on the Rights of a Child (June 2017)

Participants of this study included: teachers, principals, babysitters, social workers, and parents. The purpose of the study was to ascertain whether caregivers had any knowledge of the CRC and aware of child rights laws in the Bahamas as well as their take on what is child rights and when should a child be entitled to those rights. A total of 12 persons were interviewed as this was a mini-study conducted.

Research on Gender Differences in Risk-Taking Behavior (March 2016 PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper)

This study conducted focused on measuring the differences as to why males engaged in more risky behavior than females. Risky behavior was measured by four domains: Health, Social, Recreational, and Gambling. A total of 40 participants were given questionnaires as the study was conducted on campus. Results showed that males do engage in more risky behavior than females. However, females pondered the consequences of engaging in such activities whereas males overlooked the possible consequences. The use of SPSS statistics was vital for the research.

Research on Child Abuse in the Bahamas (August 2017)

This study conducted was a group research project. Focus for the group was Clinical Child Psychology whereas we had to decide on a topic within the field to research. Child abuse was selected as we focused primarily on physical and sexual abuse in the Bahamas. Comparing findings from a variety of African regions according to the WHO countries, we conducted a study in the Bahamas concerning child abuse utilizing survey monkey. A total of 60 persons answered the questionnaire. Their answers indicated that due to the culture in the Bahamas, many don’t realize what and when they may be physically abusing their child. Many participants also believed that incest was very common in the Bahamian society as it may occur among young children between 5-10. Social economic status has a lot to play with child abuse as well.

College Students’ Attitudes Toward Mental Health (November 2017)

Mental health is a topic that has always usually been excluded from the typical Bahamian conversation. If it somehow it found its way there, almost always were negative connotations associated with the term. The following study sought to investigate what were college students’ living in The Bahamas attitudes toward mental health. A focus group was employed and was conducted with students aged 18-21 enrolled at The University of The Bahamas. The focus group consisted of freshmen and sophomore students only, of which there were three (3) males and eight (8) females making for a total of 11 participants. Of these, seven (7) were freshmen and four (4) were sophomores. The study consisted of a variety of majors. Students were asked five questions concerning their perceptions mental illness and stigma within the Bahamas. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper


Work Samples from Internship Site – PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Alicia Mcphee

Sex: Female

Age: 19

Presenting Problem:

Mother isn’t owning the fact that she is being abused

Had a breakdown and was referred to CCAC

Attempted suicide

Doesn’t like life or anything about it

She is being abused and doesn’t feel anyone cares

Feels she is the problem

Voices telling her that she doesn’t belong here. For example, “To sell her soul, kill herself, that she is worthless”

Hears the voices from she was 7 years old

Hears them all the time

Has a cyst on her ovaries (found out three years ago PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper)?

Has been causing a lot of pain

Feels every aspect of her life is in pain

Stressors such as school work, family, relationships cause her pain


Big sister pours cream on her head when she was 7 years

Would be locked in closet for hours

Pillow thrown in garbage and mother beat her with stick

Father would beat her when he’s drunk and call her names

Mother would tell her “God doesn’t love her”

Mother would leave her in Bay Street in night clothes

Partner hit her while in a relationship

-Would grip her and choke her

-She began to have sex with random guys who began to insult her

Mother would tell her “Satan was coming for her soul”

Mother would humiliate her and client felt victimized

Would be called “crazy, fat, delusional, stupid” or partners would demand more sex

Legal Hx:

Had to go to the police station and court for custody

Went to Social Services (daily)

Medication Hx:

On medication for cyst on ovaries

Zoloff taken at 14 years old

Had Pelvic Inflammatory disease

Family Medical Hx:

Has history of diabete and hypertension

Client must be seen by a doctor for cyst on ovaries

Educational Hx:

Was head girl and top of her class

Doesn’t have much friends

EDU class group doesn’t “like” her

Colleague threw a paper ball at her and she didn’t want to snap

Stopped dating from November

Kept to herself in high school

Had a friend named Paige

She believed she didn’t fit in with any of her peers. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Did JA in grade 10

Was involved in Honor Society

Alcohol and Drugs Hx:

Tried to find an escape rout

Smoked dad’s cigarettes

Overdosed on Zoloof a few times
Would drink alcohol often

Was a way to cope with stress

Doesn’t drink or smoke currently

Suicidal and Homicidal Hx:

Feels she is the problem

Parents would take out stress on her

Doesn’t value herself

Believes nothing will get better for her

Wishes her parents would die when she gets angry

Believes world will be better if she wasn’t here

Tried to cut herself between G8-11

Tried hanging herself

Drank gas and bleach to kill herself

Partner told her “she is only meant for sex”

Tried to cut herself deep in her arm as punishment

Family Psychiatric Hx: Not specified

Past Psychiatric Hx:

Family Medical Center- Saw Ms. Richards for Counseling

PMH- seen by a psychologist

Mood: “Feel I am worthless”

Other information:

Wakes up depressed


Cracking knuckles

Persistent crying


Plan: Recommended that she is seen by a psychiatrist for suicidal ideation, depression, and abuse. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Physician’s Review:

Patient accompanied by Aunt Josephine St. Patrick

Patient’s history noted. She has a history of depression which was managed with psychotherapy and antidepressants at 15. She is currently experiencing:

  • Insomnia
  • Anorexia
  • Guilt
  • Suicidal ideation-no plan
  • Command auditory hallucinations
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Paranoid delusions
  • Concentration
  • Racing thoughts

Patient utilizes coping mechanism she learnt from Dr. Richards such as breathing techniques and painting. Positive family history in mom who has auditory hallucinations. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

MSE: alert, oriented x3, good eye contact and speech, mood- okay, affect-mood congruent, paranoid delusions, command auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations, insight and judgment-fair.

A.P: Schizoaffective Disorder Depressive type

#2 Sample Intake Interview

Abioye Touissant

Sex: Male

Age: 60 years

Presenting Problem:

Has a drinking problem for years?

Lives with sister in Nassau

Constantly hears voices

Unable to feed himself, nor bathe himself

Hurt himself morning of seeing doctor by punching the wall

Discharged himself from clinic after taking a needle

Isn’t eating because of alcohol consumption

Living Arrangements:

Lives with his sister


Doesn’t know of any (But was on medication)

Educational Hx: unknown

Family Hx:

Grew up with siblings

Dad lives on Nassau street, mother is deceased

Medical Hx:

Smoked one time

No history of suicidal ideation

Past Psychiatric Hx:

Never seen a mental health professional

knows name at one point and doesn’t correspond later

not known to pose any harm

Mood: Disengaged

Other Problems:

Went to bathroom and tilted. Niece saw no feces but only flesh


Sleeping during session. Continuous mumbling and laughing

Would only answer if I called his name

often shouted “I don’t smoke dope”

Refused to do certain tasks asked of him

Said he wasn’t feeling good

Injury to hand (bleeding and flesh torn, swollen) PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

Plan: Recommend being reviewed by a psychiatrist for hallucinations, delusional behavior, and severe impairment.

Kirkland McIntosh (Student Intern)


Graduate School Cover Letter

Dear Mrs. Guthrie:

I am pleased to submit my application for the Master of Arts in Sport Psychology-Psy D in Clinical Psychology dual degree program at John F. Kennedy University. I am a recent graduate from the University of the Bahamas with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with a concentration in Clinical Psychology. I was recommended to this program by former associate professor.

My rigorous undergraduate education in psychology has positioned me to succeed and equipped me with the necessary skills such as time management, research, ability to analyze, group coordination, leadership, and ability to incorporate peer feedback. Moreover, interview skills and sharper interpersonal skills. In addition, I interned at a local mental health facility for a semester as well as volunteered to many local organizations helping children with autism. I have an interest in sports and mental health. My core focus is understanding what keeps an athlete motivated and understanding the range of mental illness they experience and what may be the causes of those disorders.

I have included with this letter my application, CV, statement of purpose, and letter of recommendation. Please contact me if you have any other questions or queries.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to attending this prestigious university.


Graduation Applications (2)

John F. Kennedy University

State University

Personal Statement for Pursuit of Graduate Studies

Aristotle posited: “We are what we repeatedly do, therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit”. I have always been intrigued by the beauty of sports and how it brings together humanity. It is a venue for many individuals around the world to show their love and admiration towards one another and a healthy way to compete. It brings unity and tranquility to those who participate within it; and is a way for one self-actualize. What makes it more exciting though, is the ability to help one another increase each other’s potential and make each other better human beings as a result of it. Basketball, tennis, football, soccer, tennis and many other sports were designed for the enjoyment of the soul. It is with this reason, that I, Kirkland McIntosh, I am applying to this graduate school to study Sport Psychology. The University of Roehampton offers students one of the best experiences in all of London to study Sport Psychology due to your rich background in research and resources available. London is the height of all wonders within the world and I believe it would be the best place for me to study Sport Psychology. With the opportunity to work with a local soccer team, it would enhance my experience and give me the advantage I need to work with athletes. London boasts one of the best soccer teams (in that of Liverpool) and working with their athletes would truly be an honor. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

I want to study Sport Psychology because of the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of athletes within my country. The Bahamas has no sport psychologist currently residing within the country. Crazy, isn’t it? Bahamians love sports of all variety and yet, there is no sport psychologist within the country. I first aspired to become a sport psychologist in the middle of a lecture in an introductory psychology class. It was new to me that psychology is a discipline with versatility. The thought of being able to maximize an athlete’s potential jumped out at me and I decided that this would be something I would want to do. I have played many sports such as basketball, baseball, softball, football and tennis. I have worked with athletes in primary and high school as a P.E. assistant. Understanding the dynamics of each sport and what it takes to be the best in each is a team effort.

The Sport Psychology program offers students the opportunity to be apart of vast amount of research and practice with the program’s connections to local sports teams and organizations. What is also great is that the program is BPS accredited (British Psychology Society). This adds the benefit of becoming a member of the organization automatically upon completion of the degree. I assert that I will be a great edition to this program with my experience in the field of sports. I am a certified NIH researcher which allows me to conduct research and I have done the necessary training. I have worked on a Special Olympics team in which I was able to help coach mentally challenged students reach their goals and compete against many other athletes. I have great communication and critical thinking skills. It’s as if athletes (particularly children) tend to gravitate towards me. They would often call me the “great orator/motivator” because of my ability to bring energy and optimism to the team. While this is great, I believe that I would sharpen my skills and abilities by joining this program. I hope to gain the ability to motivate and maximize an athlete’s potential, develop methods that would ease the strain of rehabilitation for athletes, utilize the resource centers that the campus offers, and to become the first practicing sport psychologist for my nation. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

It will indeed be a great honor and privilege to join your program and become a part of the wonderful faculty and students of the University of Roehampton.


Employment Cover Letter

Kirkland McIntosh

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am a recent graduate from high school and am currently furthering my education at the University of the Bahamas in New Providence. My major is Psychology and I have ambitions to minor in business administration and a foreign language in the future. My main goal is to become a sport’s psychologist, which is primarily a person who helps rehabilitates athletes during crucial injuries they may suffer. In addition, to become a motivational speaker to help build and equip individuals with the necessary tools that they need to succeed in their lives.

I am seeking an opportunity to work as a research assistant to gain experience for graduate school.  I believe that I would be a great edition to your institution as I am certified by the National Institute for Health (NIH) for research and have conducted numerous research across campuses.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

I am available for further questioning at your convenience.



Job Advertisement

Research Assistant
Location: New York, NY
Job Code: 8102-29 PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper
MDRC is seeking a Research Assistant to work in the Center for Applied Behavioral Science (CABS). MDRC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education and social policy research organization dedicated to learning what works to improve programs and policies that affect low-income populations. CABS combines MDRC’s policy and evaluation expertise with insights from behavioral science. Since launching the first major project to apply a behavioral research lens to human services programs that serve low-income families in the United States, CABS has expanded and developed numerous projects in child support, child welfare, welfare-to-work, workforce development, K-12 education, and higher education.Responsibilities:

·       Assist with research, development, and implementation of changes to social service and education programs.

·       Organize and attend site visits to conduct interviews with staff and program participants.

·       Perform literature reviews. PSY 460 Psychology Capstone Portfolio Paper

·       Prepare tables and graphs based on data analyses.

·       Coordinate reports, proposals, and papers.

·       Assist with writing and editing memos and reports.

·       Assist with any other project activities as needed, including scheduling meetings and note-taking.


·       BA or BS in psychology, economics, sociology, public policy, or a related social science field.

·       Demonstrated interest in behavioral science and social policy.

·       Basic understanding of research methods, including experience with statistical methods.

·       Excellent attention to detail and ability to multi-task.

·       Strong organizational skills and the ability to work with others.

·       Strong writing and oral communication.

Preferred Qualifications:

·       Demonstrated knowledge of behavioral science (including prior courses, projects, or opportunities focused on the application of behavioral economics, social psychology, or similar discipline).

·       Previous experience working on a research project or as a research assistant.

·       Experience in a design discipline (e.g., human-centered design, graphic design).

The position will be based in MDRC’s New York office. Some on-the-job training is provided.

When applying, please include a writing sample along with your resume and cover letter.

MDRC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. MDRC does not discriminate, and all qualified applications will receive consideration without regard to race; color; national origin; religion; creed; sex or gender (including sex stereotyping and gender identity or expression); sexual orientation; citizenship status; pregnancy; disability; age; military or veteran status; marital or partnership status; genetic information, genetic predisposition, or carrier status; prior unemployment status; consumer credit history; status as a victim of domestic violence, sex offenses, or stalking; or any other category protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws. Legal work authorization is required.