WGU D030 Task 2 Service Plan Brief for a Wellness Centers to Provide Coaching and Physical and Mental Services


The choice of ever living a healthy life has always in this busy world been a problem, however I do believe that it has never been harder than last year because of the COVID 19, which has affected individuals in so many ways including the physical and mentally.

Service Plan Brief for a Wellness Centers to Provide Coaching and Physical and Mental Services

According to Mindbody’s 2021 Health Index, 78% of Americans say that health is now more important than ever (Starr, date unknown). During the isolation period, high stress levels in daily life were exacerbated.  Asa result fear, and uncertainty have led to suicides, crimes, obesity and suffering from increased rates of personal and interpersonal relationships. Finding ways to stay healthy while containing this new encounter has become a healthcare priority.

The Global Health Institute defines health as the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to overall health.  Health is not static; it goes beyond physical health and contains many aspects that must coordinate the work (what is health? Date unknown). Allowing people to make healthy decisions and positive lifestyle changes will lead to health. To live a healthy and fulfilling life, we must take care of our physical and mental needs.

In Bloomberg’s list of the world’s healthiest countries, the United States ranks 35th (Miller & Lu, 2019), indicating that more attention should be paid to health. This usually requires learning new skills and behaviors. Embracing the concept of health and integrating these positive changes can be challenging. A successful Health Center will play an important role in providing people with the skills needed for a healthy life and provide them with the tools to overcome the various challenges of living in this high-stress society. Wali and Zahid (2013) define wellness as the process by which an individual becomes aware of one’s health and the need to make better lifestyle choices to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

This service will be important to the population because these incorporate the improvement of wellbeing practices, it will decrease the dangers in wellbeing, and will decrease the medical services costs for individuals. For employers, the benefits most often seen are increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, higher job satisfaction, and improved retention (Aldana, 2020).

Also leads to expanding the life span of life. The population it will serve this will serve and that will benefit from it includes the entire community irrespective of their sex, age, or race. Also the Wellness centers will help to manage conditions by conducting regular screenings, thus making it easy to identify and manage diseases before they cause costly complications (Harris, 2016)

Market Analysis

As expressed already, the objective populace for the proposed plan incorporates all individuals of the local area. Inhabitants of all ages in Fort Bend County, Texas can profit from while extraordinary consideration can be given to those at risk in which I believe that that some other counties around could benefit from it.

References for the wellbeing community will mostly come from medical personnel which will include any of the following Interprofessional healthcare teams consisting of physicians, psychotherapists, health educators, and health coaches. Reuben and Tinetti (2012) posit that some of the conditions attended to at health care institutions require alternative treatment and management methods such as guidance and counselling or enhanced nutrition.

Offering comparable administrations could be an obstruction to the proposed plan. Specifically, a few clinics offer nourishment directing and dietary direction, as well as certain types of mediation administrations. Wellness center will distinguish itself from the competitors by providing high clinical quality expertise, innovative approaches to health, and excellent client satisfaction, thus attracting more clients and boosting revenue (Burroughs, 2016).

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
Proficient work force as staff and mentors that are put resources into the local area: The absence of market experience will influence the middle in the beginning phases. This will be a new sort of adventure for the association.
Monetary steadiness and assets accessible from the relationship with the neighborhood clinic framework.:  Some staff might be hesitant to partake in another endeavor. Persuading them regarding the positive effect of the wellbeing place may be required.
The basic foundation will be given by the neighborhood clinic framework. Sharing space, hardware, and even staff will be cost viable for both Coronavirus limitations could dissuade occupants from looking for the health help they need. Dread of getting the infection might cause diminished cooperation.
The medical clinic name will give commonality and advance trust inside the local area Disappointment, all things considered, to comprehend or follow the fundamental vision of a wellbeing focus program because of an information shortfall
Opportunities Threats
The market for health and health is actively looking for these services There are many Government regulations for organizations that provide wellness services.  These can cost and expensive find
Press coverage and Hospital Media systems through the wellness center Song of the community using a new service. The target customer must use the service to be successful by central
competitive competitors offer all these well-being services at a location In a competition from other facilities established
The accessibility of an enormous pool of capable social laborers presents the new focuses with a chance to select capable laborers. Heavy regulations. Albao et al. (2019) contend that to ensure professionalism, governments are imposing strict regulations on organizations offering wellness programs.

 SWOT Analysis Results

The aftereffects of the above SWOT examination will have an essential impact in distinguishing and expanding the qualities and openings while limiting the shortcomings and dangers. In specific, the data will help the focuses influence the brand name and long-standing notoriety developed by the initial foundation to make a specialty on the lookout.

Furthermore, sufficient information on the dangers that are probably going to subvert execution will help authorities plan on the countermeasures to order to limit the effect if such dangers were to realize. Media can likewise be utilized to console people in general about COVID safety measures that the focus will embrace to guard everybody.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Category Description of the Service Plan Costs
The Organization The value of improving the lives and life span of community residents will increase due to the Health Center
The income from the use of the center and the memberships sold will benefit the organization.
Due to the reduction of health risks and unhealthy behaviors and chronic disease management, the cost of healthcare in the community will be reduced.
Operations The initial cost of hiring suitable candidates to operate the Center will provide long-term benefits and ensure the success of the Center.
With high-quality equipment and supplies, the center is trustworthy in the eyes of the community.
In the long term, careful planning of operating costs in the early stage will increase profits.
The Client/Patient By providing educational materials, clients will receive the correct information to help recover and achieve their health goals.
Possession of patient safety products will win the trust of customers and encourage to participate in the future.
Ready-to-use healthy nutrition products will help customers make active lifestyle choices for their health
The Staff Benefits of properly trained employees include customer safety, community trust and customer satisfaction.
An adequate staff ratio will ensure that clients’ needs are met. Support staff will ensure the smooth running of the program and daily business requirements.
Providing employees with uniforms and other supplies needed for their work will promote the professional culture and encourage to provide services of quality.
Technology Having the latest technology is essential to store and retrieve information to treat customers. The outdated technology will give the impression of an immature organization.
A high-function center revolves around ‘s ability to access information. IT experts will make sure this is possible.
Obtaining the latest information about ‘s health and wellness is critical to the success of the center.
Category Description of Service Plan Benefits
The Organization The worth of life upgrade and life span for the local area occupants will be expanded due to the health place.
Revenue acquired by utilization of the middle and participations sold will help the association.
Lower medical care costs will be found in the local area because of diminishing wellbeing chances and undesirable practices and by overseeing ongoing illnesses.
Operations Initial spending on employing the right possibility to work the middle will give long haul benefits that will guarantee the accomplishment of the middle.
Having quality hardware and supplies makes the middle respectable according to the local area.
Thoughtful arranging of functional expenses from the get-go will improve benefits over the long haul
The Client/Patient By giving instructive materials, the customers will get the right data to support their recuperation and meet their wellbeing objectives.
Having the provisions for patient wellbeing will acquire the trust of customers and empower future investment.
Healthy wholesome items promptly accessible will help customers making positive way of life decisions for their wellbeing.
The Staff The advantages to appropriately prepared staff incorporate customer wellbeing, trust from the local area, and expansion in client’s fulfillment.
Proper staffing proportions will guarantee that customer needs are tended to. Subordinate staff will ensure smooth activity of the timetable and everyday business requests.
Providing outfits and different supplies that staff need to take care of their responsibilities will advance a culture of polished methodology and urge staff to give quality administrations
Technology Having the most exceptional innovation will be critical for the capacity and recovery of data to treat customers. Obsolete innovation would give the presence of an unsophisticated association
A profoundly working base rotates on the capacity to get to data. IT experts will guarantee that this is conceivable.
Access to the most recent data on wellbeing and health will be fundamental to the accomplishment of the middle. New programming will ensure that all vital information is accessible

 Risk Assessment and Strategies

Risks Overall Results and Strategies for Minimizing the Risks
Staff maintenance Staffing fulfillment is consistently a test and is basic to the achievement of any help line. Making a comprehensive and lovely workplace for the staff will be significant to limiting turnover. Serious compensation with adaptable work timetables will help in taking off these difficulties from the beginning. Having an extensive correspondence plan and strong representative criticism interaction will be fundamental.
Healthful enhancement stock Keeping up with the right degrees of healthful enhancements to supply the customer’s necessities can be testing. Adjusting the stock requirements for the normal customer volume might take some experimentation. An excessive number of patients without admittance to nourishing help can prompt customer disappointment. As well much stockpile of lapsing item can prompt superfluous squander. Talking with the cafeteria directors to help set up sensible standard levels might be expected to counterbalance these stock issues.
Production network difficulties Most medical services offices keep on battling with supply chain issues during this difficult time with the Coronavirus pandemic. Everything from PPE and basic clinical supplies to essential clinical and sterile supplies have been hard to get dependably. Working intimately with nearby providers to keep a strong requesting pathway will be basic to progress.
Customer misfortune to rivalry There is an acknowledgment that this help line will have rivalry with the bigger local area. We should plan to make an interesting patient/customer experience will help limit misfortune to contending associations. Adaptable plans, nearby nourishing enhancement accessibility, and virtual choices are only a couple of approaches to make that interesting experience that will be expected to draw in and keep up with cooperation.
Insufficient spending plan Deficient spending accessibility would prompt a disappointment of the assistance line rapidly. Legitimate wanting to stay away from this situation is critical to its prosperity. Thought should likewise be given to ensuring there is financial plan accessible to increase if vital, as the requirements of the help line extend. One approach is to deal with the help line on a quarterly premise to guarantee the choice to quickly change spending plan depending on the situation.

Financial Projections

Monetary projecting is significant in seeing how the proposed Health Center will perform after some time. A financial plan is a formal quantitative arrangement for understanding the monetary objectives of any help line or office (Thomas, 2019).

In fostering a financial plan for the Health Community, a far reaching investigate the proposed administrations should be assessed for costs, market rivalry, nearby medical care patterns and income potential. The monetary projection is introduced in Figure 1

Methods Used to Generate Revenue for the Services and Financial Payers

Creating income for any assistance line is vital to its prosperity and reasonability. One approach to produce income is to use the associations with existing payers and accomplices the emergency clinic framework as of now appreciates. On the off chance that conceivable, renegotiations with oversaw care agreements may be a methodology while offering new types of assistance.

The Health Community will utilize a few strategies to drive income. The primary income driver will give charge to support. The Middle will offer emotional wellness directing and diet and sustenance talks with authorized work force. By offering these administrations, the Middle will be working with business payers just as government payers like Medicaid, Government health care, and TRICARE.

Another strategy the Middle will use to create income is month to month charges for administrations. These administrations incorporate gathering wellness classes like yoga and Pilates. These sorts of classes are moving in the commercial center and are effective to give to customers as they expect practically zero gear. Notwithstanding bunch wellness, they will give wellbeing classes.

These all-encompassing wellbeing classes will be educated be Enrolled Medical attendants and will be remembered for the month-to-month expense. Finally, the Wellbeing Place will offer a Wellbeing Bar. This assistance will utilize a direct client interaction model to add to income age. The Wellbeing Bar will give pre-and post-exercise shakes what’s more, snacks, select nourishing enhancements picked by the nutritionists and other solid choices for tidbits and dinners.


Service Plan Brief for a Wellness Centers to Provide Coaching and Physical and Mental Services

Figure 1. Financial projection (Author, 2021)

Operational Expense Budget

Category Description and Cost ($) of Each Type of Expense
Personnel Expenses Personnel Expenses are the expenses related with the work of staff.
This incorporates compensations, benefits, on-boarding new staff and
ongoing preparing prerequisite.
Other-than-Personnel (OTP) Expenses Other-than-personnel (OTP) Expenses related with working, suppling
and keeping up with the middle. This incorporates the acquisition of
general hardware and supplies, innovation, lease/rent of offices
showcasing materials, patient/customer instruction supplies, staff
garbs and dietary enhancements.


                                                                  Pie Chart

           Service Plan Brief for a Wellness Centers to Provide Coaching and Physical and Mental Services

Figure 2. Personnel, OTP, and Nutritional Expenses.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Service Plan KPIs Measurement and Frequency
Structure: Having such large number of pointless staff would be a monetary weight. Not having enough staff would prompt customer disappointment and wellbeing issues. This KPI can be estimated consistently with recurrence expanded to week by week to screen any changes made to staffing.
Process: The time distributed per customer per arrangement should hold on to an ideal chance for clients between plans assessed using sign-in logs, take a gander at logs, and staff timecards. Extended reserve times show a requirement for longer plan times. Staff inactive time after an arrangement would demonstrate a need to plan less time per customer and more customers each day. Additional time for staff in case arrangements are too long would be a monetary weight and abatement customer fulfillment.
Outcome: Customer fulfillment and expanded references will prompt incredible yield. This Fulfillment can be allotted through overviews giving toward the finish of each visit and ought to be assessed consistently. The customer fulfillment likewise will be expanded reference which prompts extraordinary result.

Future Decisions

H.3 The utilization of key execution pointers to decide the underlying accomplishment of the help plan will be basic. By checking the customer to staff proportion, the executives can guarantee that cash is not being squandered by overstaffing, and then again, that security isn’t undermined by understaffing. The monetary ramifications of this primary KPI are critical. Staffing needs will be affected by development of the office over the long run. It is basic to screen this proportion often and change on a case-by-case basis.

The cycle KPI additionally has a monetary effect. Checking time between arrangements will uncover if arrangement times are proper or should be changed. Additional time is an exorbitant, regularly pointless, operational expense. By affirming that the dispensed occasions are right, the business can set aside cash and appropriately treat customers. The result KPI of development and customer fulfillment will urgently affect future choices about the health place. Dramatic development will mean employing more staff and conceivably requiring more space. Not gathering the development KPI would prompt cutbacks or rebuilding. Customer fulfillment is the main part of the key execution markers.

Following this KPI will direct the achievement of the health community. The wellbeing place’s guidelines of care are relied upon to surpass the opposition, along these lines creating an effective endeavor.

Improvement Strategies

H4. A significant part of the achievement of the health place is the presentation of the staff. Instruction with respect to the medicines of the middle and information on the vision are essential. Keeping up with polished methodology consistently will be a necessity for work. Proceeding with instruction will be finished yearly and will be approved with skill modules. Another approach to further develop staff execution is to permit them admittance to the projects offered by the middle. This will advance the wellbeing and health of the staff and energize maintenance.

Interprofessional cooperation is the premise of any fruitful medical services group. Empowering open correspondence to support collaboration between experts is one approach to encourage this. Group building exercises to share information, bits of knowledge, and assets is another valuable system. A culture of joint effort should be upheld by all individuals from the health community. Achieving this will prompt a utilitarian, group arranged office that really focuses on its customers as well as its representatives.

Tasks and Timelines

Task Task Owner Title Timeline
Conceptualization and articulation of the service plan Hospital Administrator 3 months
Market analysis and project plan Hospital Director (Head ofthe service plan) 3 months
Validation of the service plan Hospital System CNO 2 months
Strategic alignment of the project Supervisor 4 months
Engaging stakeholders Hospital System CNO 3 months
Recruiting staff Human Resource lead 1 month
Purchase of training materials Hospital Purchasing Director 2 months
Finalizing financial plan Finance Administrator 4 months
Selection of service plan educators Hospital 2 months
Training location set-up Lead Service Plan Educator 1 months

Executive Summary

The general motivation behind a wellbeing program is to give the members the information and abilities to carry on with a sound life. Moreover, such a program gives society the chance to acquire urgent information that can assist with conquering the way of life challenges presented by a present-day stationary way of life. The market examination mirrors the need for all individuals from the local area to be engaged with sound living.

A health place could be used by everybody looking for health guidance and direction, with references coming from all parts of the medical services local area. The SWOT examination uncovers that the new offices will profit from the brand and the long standing of the primary emergency clinic. That in any case, the offices will confront exceptional contest from different offices offering comparative administrations.

Such establishments incorporate emergency clinics, clinical experts, and interventionist organizations. The execution of the thought will assist with lessening the expense of medical care, while the administrations offered in such centers will lessen raised wellbeing chances.

Nursing Service Plan Brief for Diabetes Management Example 2

The diabetes management center will offer concurrent and continuous ad-hoc care to manage diabetes and diabetes-related issues for outpatients and in-patients. The program will provide diabetes prevention and management services to patients across the state of Ohio. It will mimic an entire hospital and consist of both in-patient and outpatient services but will only offer services to diabetes patients. It will make specialized care to diabetic people more accessible by reducing and preventing the diabetes burden on Ohio residents. Diabetes is a rising menace, affecting about half of the US population. The center will provide hyperglycemia management to ensure glycemic control, which is essential for in-patient care. The clinic will involve diabetes specialists to offer clinical treatment of prediabetes, gestational diabetes, type I diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and hyperglycemia management (Reddy, Verma, & Dungan, 2020)

The center will provide top-class diabetes management services to reduce re-admission rates, promote better patient outcomes and reduce the hospital’s length of stay, thus improving the quality of care and lowering the cost of accessing medical care. The center will also provide Random Sugar tests, Urine ACR tests, HBAIC tests, and Echo and Ultrasound tests (Reddy, Verma, & Dungan, 2020). The diabetes management center will offer several services, including weight loss, fitness and nutrition counseling, diabetes management and prevention, continuous glucose monitoring, wound clinic assistance, insulin pump therapy, and podiatry.

Proposed Nursing Service Idea

The diabetes management idea will involve starting a diabetes management center focusing only on diabetes. The center will offer preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services to all diabetes patients. The center will also provide in-patient services with a diabetes-specific ward to help manage diabetes-related complications. The clinic will employ a diverse team of dietitians, nurses (RNs & NPs), endocrinologists, exercise specialists, and social workers to provide high-quality health care for diabetic patients. The clinic will be opened in one major city in Ohio to provide diabetic management services to the people but will expand to other US states in the future.

The clinic will be open to the entire population by providing diabetes care for children and adults. The clinic will be categorized into three units to address the needs of various broad categories: children, men, and women. These wings will be separate, especially for in-patients. The diabetes management center will include complete body analysis equipment that will be used to successfully determine the amount of water and fat in the body (Reddy, Verma, & Dungan, 2020). This will help develop personalized lifestyle improvement strategies such as exercise and diet plans. The clinic will also have a modern and well-equipped gym and fitness center that will help patients access high-quality fitness programs in the clinic.


The diabetes management clinic will be essential for giving diabetic people healthy life. The clinic will help patients manage diabetes to support them and their lifestyle. The assistance will introduce them to practical skills such as healthy diets, controlling blood sugar, solving problems, and staying active to help them live better with diabetes (Ivers et al., 2019). The clinic will also address the struggles faced by diabetic people, especially while learning to make lifestyle and diet changes, taking prescribed medication, and using other techniques to manage the illness.

The clinic will also educate patients on self-control diabetes in a caring and supportive environment. The clinic will offer diabetes education sessions to educate patients on popular management tools like exercises, blood sugar monitoring techniques, and diet changes (Reddy et al., 2020). Diabetes education will also help patients cope with emotional problems connected to diabetes, such as managing illness-related stress. The clinic will also be essential in reducing bladder problems, fatigue, and other diabetes symptoms (Ivers et al., 2019). The programs offered in the clinic will help manage diabetes, thus reducing the chances of patients experiencing dementia, vision problems, and other serious medical issues associated with diabetes (Ivers et al., 2019).

The clinic personnel will provide essential regular follow-up on patients that will significantly help reduce long-term complications. This will involve enhancing strict metabolic control essential in preventing or delaying the progression of diabetes-related complications. Apart from offering glycemic control, the clinic will help patients with disability rehabilitation and limitations and prevent complications.

Market Analysis

Target Population Potential Referral Bases Potential Competitors
The primary target population will be the older adults and children in Ohio.

The clinic will meet the needs of these patients equally by ensuring separate wings within the clinic for women, men, and children.

They will involve patient ratings on e-commerce and social media places. It will also involve professional referrals from several doctors in hospitals in Ohio. Potential competitors will include hospitals and other healthcare organizations that provide patients with diabetes management. They also include other diabetes management clinics already existing in Ohio.

Another major competitor will be various online and offline diabetes education programs that teach patients about self-management, thus reducing the number of potential outpatients.


SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
A robust domestic market for diabetes care Other organizations quickly replicate the business models of diabetes care centers even with many patents and copyrights owned by the company.
Diabetes has a high-cost margin compared to other illnesses. Implementing technology in various diabetes care processes.
Superior services and products in diabetes care can help it increase its market share and improve the loyalty of existing customers. Low track record in environmental considerations
Diabetes care services have a successful Go to Market Track Record. Lack of essential talent to advance in digital transformations and technology.
Opportunities Threats
The growth in consumer disposable income An increase in the bargaining power of consumers


Lucrative opportunities in diabetes care due to globalization Stiff competition from already established diabetes care companies
The use of E-commerce and other social media platforms to promote its products Need for strong and exhaustive marketing campaigns
Expanding the market size and changing the preferences of patients The fixed-price culture in the diabetes care sectors


SWOT Analysis Results


Diabetes care has a strong domestic market that can enhance the innovation and growth of the clinic. Diabetes care can quickly expand in the domestic market without significant innovation but might also require extended investment into development and research to join the international market (Cole et al., 2021). Since the clinic is first basing its operations in the local market, it has a great potential to expand even with limited innovation. The clinic will also benefit from the high margins of diabetes care costs and their premium prices compared to competitors. This leads to higher promises of profitability, ensures that the clinic avoids competitive pressures, and invests substantial resources into development and research (Cole et al., 2021).

With superior services and products, the clinic will increase its competitive advantage, help it expand its market share, and benefit from improved customer loyalty. Offering high-quality services and products will enable the clinic to compete strongly with other global diabetes care players in the local market. Diabetes care services have a strong go-to-market track record while launching new products to be used in the domestic market. The track record also extends to catering to the different markets contributed by insights from local consumers (Cole et al., 2021). The clinic has a brighter future and success since diabetes care centers have successfully tested various concepts in diverse markets and developed effective execution and strategy solutions.


The clinic can suffer from replicating its diabetes management business model despite holding several copyrights and patents. It is challenging to implement intellectual property rights in the diabetes care industry. This opens risks for other companies stealing strong and new innovative ideas from the clinic. While intellectual property rights can effectively eliminate same-size competition, it isn’t easy to prevent start-ups from disrupting the market at different levels (Cole et al., 2021). Another major weakness for the clinic is implementing technology in its diabetes care processes. Despite Diabetes care having integrated technology in its back-end processes, they still face serious challenges in utilizing the power of technology in various front-end processes.

Most organizations must consider environmental protections as a key factor in their business operations. The clinic can face consumer backlashes because of poor environmental protection strategies and areas where diabetes care services fail. The clinic could also face challenges due to lacking essential talent in digital transformation and technology. These skills are essential for organizations, especially during the age of rapid innovations and technological developments. Diabetes care centers face many challenges in restructuring their processes to align with technological developments such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (Contreras & Vehi, 2018).


The clinic can significantly benefit from the increase in consumer disposable income to create new business models where customers start to pay progressively for accessing the clinic’s products and services. The clinic can utilize this approach to expand into other health areas. Many profitable ventures in diabetes care can help the clinic grow in its market share. Globalization today has increased growth opportunities for many international markets, including a bigger diversity of high-quality products and technology that can help diabetes care centers to grow in the domestic markets.

The diabetes management clinic can use social media-oriented models and e-commerce to connect with local suppliers. Social media will also be essential for the clinic by cutting down the costs of joining new markets and reducing the marketing budget by easily connecting with potential customers (Contreras & Vehi, 2018). These strategies can also be essential in developing customer-oriented marketing based on their purchase behavior. The clinic can benefit from the expanding market size, thus making huge profits. The increase in the number of new customers also leads to changes in customer preferences, which can be a strong advantage for new companies joining the diabetes care markets (Contreras & Vehi, 2018). The clinic can become more profitable by adding various customer preferences to develop high-quality services and products.


The growing bargaining power of diabetes patients can put a lot of downward pressure on prices, thus forcing organizations to lower their prices (Ivers et al., 2019). This can affect the clinic’s profitability, especially as it is a start-up trying to enter a new market. The clinic can also face stiff competition from established diabetes care organizations in the local market. This is because the company is still new in the market, thus a limited number of customers and lower customer loyalty.

The clinic must implement marketing campaigns to compete in a new market effectively. This will require extensive investments and progressive marketing campaigns to attract new customers and create brand loyalty for the existing customers. The clinic can address the issue by using e-commerce and social media marketing to address the competition from already existing companies in the market and lower marketing costs. The clinic can significantly suffer from the culture of fixed prices that is common in the diabetes care industry (Constance & Lusher, 2020). This makes it difficult for the company to increase prices that meet the level of its premium services and products.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Category Description of Service Plan Costs Description of Service Plan Benefits
The Organization The total cost of buying complete body analysis equipment is $40,000. The body analysis equipment will enable many diabetes care services, such as measuring water and fat in the blood, with its benefit to the project reaching $95,000.
Construction of the clinic and partitioning of the children’s, men and women’s wings will cost $ 35,000. The construction and partitioning of the clinic will allow a starting number of 30 in-patients and serve over 200 patients monthly, with a possible benefit of $105,000 annually.
The clinic will hire 15 nurses, 2 dietitians, 2 endocrinologists, 2 exercise specialists, and 5 social workers at $ 1,600,000 per year. This huge team will be able to attend to many patients, thus, giving the organization $3,000,000.


The clinic will require daily cleaning of the building, which will cost around $20,000 per month. Daily cleanliness will reduce the spread of infectious diseases and attract a lot of patients, thus benefiting the organization by over $ 45,000 through new customers and eliminating expenses of treating infectious diseases.
Organic and cholesterol-free food meals for in-patients are served four times a day at $50,000 a month. The clinic will significantly benefit from preparing its food as it is cheaper and meets the health needs of diabetic patients, thus benefiting the organization with around $85,000 per month.
Daily sugar tests and glucose monitoring among patients will cost the organization around $30,000 a month. Since these tests are essential and must be carried out each time a patient goes to the clinic or sees a doctor, the clinic will significantly benefit from these activities. The organization will benefit from around $80,000 a month.
  Daily exercise and fitness activities for mostly in-patients will cost the clinic around $20,000 per month. Exercises and fitness strategies are essential in diabetes management and apply to all patients, thus making the clinic around $65,000 monthly.
Nurses provide daily prescribed medication to in-patients, especially to the elder and those who have severe conditions. This will cost the clinic around $200,000 on medication as nursing services are catered for in their salaries. This is an important process of managing diabetes and thus essential to most of the population. The clinic will benefit from high-quality medicines and services amounting to $700,000.


Risk Assessment and Strategies

Risks Possible Results of the Risk Strategies for Minimizing the Risks
Low patient turnout during the first months of operation This is because the clinic is a new venture; thus, many patients know little about its existence and services. Diabetic patients in the region could have already registered at existing diabetes care centers. The clinic will undertake vigorous marketing and awareness campaigns during the first months using online and offline means to reach a vast target audience. The organization will use social media and e-commerce tools to cut marketing costs.
Low revenues and profits during the first months of operation The low patient turnout causes this since it is a start-up venture and, thus, low revenue generated. Another cause is the stiff competition from already established organizations. The organization will ensure that it introduces high-quality products and services to attract many patients and increase its profitability. This will also ensure that the clinic strongly competes with established diabetes care organizations in the local market.
High operational costs and low returns during the first few months The organization will be required to buy a lot of equipment, construction, and hiring, increasing its operational costs. The operational costs will be high because there is also little revenue to support the clinic’s operations. The organization will maintain a tight financial plan to cut costs to reduce operational costs. One major approach involves starting with a small staff and expanding it as the clinic grows. This will help reduce the salary and wage expenses, thus reducing the operational costs.
Patient denial can make patients skip medication or stop attending regular follow-ups. Patients can deny developing severe medical conditions because of diabetes or deny having diabetes after diagnosis because of little information about the disease. Patients can also be shocked and thus deny the diagnostic test, which can deteriorate their health. The clinic will ensure that it adequately explains to patients their conditions and diagnostic results to help them fully understand the nature of their health. It is also essential to inform the patient of some possible dangers of failing to seek or remain consistent with diabetes prescription and other management strategies.
Insufficient information to patients on diabetes and complex patients can lead to poor decision-making or problems for family members. Some patients diagnosed with diabetes can lack prior knowledge about the disease or are confused by the many explanations from various experts in the clinic. Such cases of insufficient information to patients can lead to legal cases as they can negatively affect the patient’s health. This will ensure effective diabetes education and training for patients to learn all details about their health situations. In applicable cases, the clinic will include patients’ parents, guardians, and families in the education sessions to effectively support them.


Financial Projections

The clinic expects reduced low revenue in the first year as it tries to look for customers and markets its products and services. The first year is expected to be challenging for the clinic as it opens up and searches for customers. Despite the expected low number of patients during the first three months, the clinic projects a steady increase in revenue as it will serve more patients. The clinic aims to offer free diabetes education for the first month to create awareness among the local public of its services. This will help increase the number of patients visiting the hospital, increasing capital. The organization will also increase its income by including unrelated diabetes sessions, such as opening fitness and gym services to the public at a minimal fee. This will help ensure the company’s facilities are continually used before the clinic is fully operational.

Methods of Generating Revenue

During the first year, the primary revenue generation activities will involve Random Sugar tests, Urine ACR tests, HBAIC tests, and Echo and Ultrasound tests. It will also generate revenue through healthy diet education, physical and fitness training, and managing blood sugar. These services are not so complicated to undertake and will enable meet the health needs of diabetes patients. Other easier-to-provide services will include weight loss management, fitness, and nutrition counseling, diabetes management and prevention, continuous glucose monitoring, wound clinic assistance, insulin pump therapy, and podiatry. The clinic will charge diabetes patients a consultation fee of $20 and other additional medical charges depending on the healthcare needs.

These charges will help in settling staff salaries. The clinic will charge diabetes in-patients $120 for bed fee, $45 for healthy food, $55 for diabetes management prescriptions such as glucose (particular drugs not inclusive), $30 maintenance fee, and $40 for fitness, exercise, and weight loss fee per day. The clinic will also generate income by charging the public to use its gym and training guidance services. Patients and the outer public who have not registered in the diabetes patients will be charged extra high and will pay $160 per month to access the clinic’s gym and physical fitness services.

Revenue Graph for Year 1

Service Payers

One primary service payer is diabetic patients admitted or served by the clinic. These will involve patients of all ages and genders to increase the clinic’s diversity. These will be critical payers for the organization as they directly pay for the clinic’s services and products. Other payers will be health insurance companies because the clinic will allow health insurance plans as payment methods for patients with medical insurance covers. The clinic will collaborate with health insurance companies to ensure patients receive their medical care. Other payers will include companies who directly cover their employee’s health needs. The clinic management team will approach such companies located in Ohio to cultivate health relations and ensure that their employees choose choose our clinic as where they will be receiving diabetic care.

Another potential payer is government and state assemblies through various health covers such as Medicare and Medicaid. Since we will be open to a diverse population, we will allow our patients to get some services based on their Medicaid and Medicare programs. The organization also targets schools to be service payers by proposing to offer diabetes education, a healthy diet, and fitness training for their various programs.

Operational Expense Budget

Category Description and cost ($) of Each Type of Expense
Personnel Expenses Salary- this will involve the salaries of our medical teams and non-medical staff (such as cooks, cleaners, drivers, security personnel, and customer assistants). This will cost the clinic $1,600,000 a year.

Personnel (OTP)


Medicines and medical equipment: bandages, syringes, surgical tools, and blood sugar testing kits. These expenses will amount to $1,000,000 each year  
Utilities such as hospital electricity and water, $10,000  
Healthy food and drinks for patients will cost approximately $70,000 a year.  
Licenses include public health licensing, hygiene and sanitation, health practitioners license, and safety standards licenses. This will cost around $95,000 a year.  
Stationery, computers, and in-patient entertainment systems will cost around $5,00 annually.  
Cleaning and hygiene materials such as detergents, cleaning objects, mops, and disinfectants will cost approximately $40,000 yearly.  
Medical staff and patient safety care materials, such as rubber gloves,

surgical masks, and surgery wear. This will cost $90,000 a year.



Budget pie chart

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Service Plan KPIs How will the KPI be Measured Frequency of Evaluation How will the KPI be Used for Future Decision-Making?
Structure: the number and proportion of board-certified medical teams. This KPI will be measured by calculating the number of board-certified dietitians, nurses, endocrinologists, exercise specialists, and social workers. This team will then be compared with the patient population to determine the patient-physician ratio (Constance & Lusher, 2020). This KPI will be measured four times a year, that is after, every three months. This KPI will determine if the organization should increase or lay off some of the medical team. It will also help in decisions on employee burnout, reduce congestion in the clinic and improve the quality of care.
Process: the percentage of diabetes patients who have undergone diabetes tests and have received treatment. The KPI will be measured by recording and calculating the number of diabetes patients reported to the clinic and comparing them with those who underwent diabetes tests and treatment. The KPI will be measured and evaluated every two months to determine the average monthly success of the clinic. It will help in future marketing and awareness strategies to increase the conversion rates in the clinic based on patient data.
Outcome: the number of patients who had their diabetes problems successfully solved. The clinic will conduct patient surveys and analyze their feedback to determine their satisfaction level and hospital perception after treatment. Each patient will provide this information every week. The information will help create strategies to improve care quality and enhance customer satisfaction.


System-level Improvement

Staff support and improving interprofessional teams’ collaboration is a priority for any healthcare institution. Diabetes is a complex disease, and various teams will be involved in its prevention, cure, rehabilitation, and follow-up. These professionals must work together for better outcomes. Providing support for continuing education is an essential strategy for staff support and improving interprofessional collaboration (Zakeri & Dehghan, 2020). Offering staff education beyond the minimum licensing requirements helps staff feel valued and valued.

Educating increases staff knowledge and self-confidence, promoting self-confidence and enhancing better performance in their collaborative practices (Zakeri & Dehghan, 2020). Reward and recognition schemes increase performance significantly. According to Hussain et al. (2019), rewarding individuals and teams is a motivational factor that increases team playing and promotes the participation of all team members. Reward and recognition ensure all members carry out their roles promptly and dramatically increase an organization’s performance. These system-level strategies will enhance staff support and increase interprofessional collaboration.

Tasks and Timelines

Task Task Owner


Timeline Prior to Opening Service Frequency of Task Status Meetings
Internet and electricity connection. Technical operations coordinator. 2 months After every 2 days
Purchase of fitness and gym equipment Physical training coordinator. 1 month weekly
Design and setup of fitness center Physical fitness instructor 3 weeks weekly
The setting of water, sanitation, and sewerage systems The public health safety director 3 months weekly
Building partitioning and painting Building safety manager 3 months weekly
Ward and surgery rooms setup Head Nurse I month weekly
Purchasing kitchen equipment and kitchen setup Chief catering manager 1 month weekly
Hospital cleaning Head janitor 2 weeks After every 2 days
Landscape and flowerbed maintenance Landscaper 3 months weekly
Fencing and external security details Chief security officer 2 months weekly

Executive Summary

Proposed Nursing Service Idea

The project will involve a diabetes management center for diabetes patients of all ages. This will involve offering diabetes management services to children, adults, and the elderly. The center will offer significant diabetes management services such as weight loss management, fitness, and nutrition counseling, diabetes management and prevention, continuous glucose monitoring, wound clinic assistance, insulin pump therapy, and podiatry. Other services will include Random Sugar tests, Urine ACR tests, HBAIC tests, and Echo and Ultrasound tests. The center will also entail an in-patient ward that will offer services to diabetes patients requiring in-patient care services.

Market Analysis

The market for diabetes management services is broad and promising in Ohio, thus providing high chances for the clinic’s success. There are few diabetes management services in Ohio, and the clinic would benefit from an expanding diabetes management market. The clinic would also have a competitive advantage in the diabetes management sector as it meets the diabetes management needs of children, adults, and the elderly.

SWOT Analysis

The clinic enjoys various strengths, such as a strong domestic market that can enhance the innovation and growth of the clinic. The clinic can quickly expand in the domestic market without significant innovation. It will benefit from the premium prices of diabetes care compared to other competitors leading to higher promises of profitability. With superior services and products, the clinic will increase its competitive advantage, help it expand its market share, and benefit from improved customer loyalty. High-quality services and products will enable the clinic to compete strongly with other established diabetes management organizations. The clinic has a brighter future and success since diabetes care centers have successfully tested various concepts in diverse markets and have succeeded in developing effective execution and strategy solutions.


The clinic can suffer from replicating its diabetes management business model despite holding several copyrights and patents. It is challenging to implement intellectual property rights in the diabetes care industry. Another weakness for the clinic is implementing technology in its diabetes care processes. Despite Diabetes care having integrated technology in its back-end processes, they still face serious challenges in utilizing the power of technology in various front-end processes. The third weakness is that most organizations today must consider environmental protections as a key factor in their business operations. The clinic can face consumer backlashes because of poor environmental protection strategies and areas where diabetes care services fail. Lastly, the clinic could face challenges due to lacking essential talent in digital transformation and technology.


The clinic can significantly benefit from the increase in consumer disposable income to create new business models where customers start to pay progressively for accessing the clinic’s products and services. The clinic can benefit from many profitable ventures in diabetes care that can help it grow its market share through high-quality products and technology. The diabetes management clinic can use social media-oriented models and e-commerce to connect with local suppliers. Social media will also be essential for the clinic by cutting down the costs of joining new markets and reducing the marketing budget by easily connecting with potential customers. The clinic can also benefit from the expanding market size, thus making huge profits.


The growing bargaining power of diabetes patients can put a lot of downward pressure on prices, thus forcing organizations to lower their prices. The clinic can also face stiff competition from established diabetes care organizations in the local market. Another threat is the clinic will be required to carry out vehement marketing campaigns if it is to compete in a new market that is expensive effectively. Lastly, the clinic can significantly suffer from the culture of fixed prices common in the diabetes care industry, making it difficult for the company to increase prices that meet the level of its premium services and products.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

The organizational cost-benefit analysis reveals that it would be profitable for the clinic to undertake various development activities such as buying complete body analysis equipment, partitioning the hospital into children’s, men’s, and women’s wings, and hiring nurses, dietitians, endocrinologists, exercise specialists, and social workers. These organizational processes would help increase revenue and enhance high-quality care, despite costing the clinic a lot of money. The clinic should also undertake various day-to-day activities such as routine cleaning, Provision of healthy and balanced diets, daily sugar tests and glucose monitoring, daily exercise and fitness activities for mostly in-patients, and providing medication daily to Provision of daily prescribed medication to in-patients by nurses, especially to the elder and those who have severe conditions. These activities do not affect the organization’s revenue as its benefits outdo the costs and enhance high-quality care to patients.

Risk Assessment

Some of the significant risks for the clinic are low patient turnout, low revenues and profits, high operational costs, and low returns, especially during the first months of operation. Other patient-related risks include Patient denial, which can make patients skip medication or stop attending regular follow-ups. Insufficient information to patients on diabetes and complex patients can lead to poor decision-making. These risks, if not addressed, can affect the clinic’s quality of care and revenue generation.

D030 Task 2 Service Plan Brief for a Wellness Centers to Provide Coaching and Physical and Mental Services References

Constance, J., & Lusher, J. M. (2020). Diabetes management interventions for homeless adults: a systematic review. International Journal Of Public Health, 65(9), 1773-1783. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00038-020-01513-0 0.  

Contreras, I., & Vehi, J. (2018). Artificial intelligence for diabetes management and decision support: a literature review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(5), e10775. https://doi.org/doi: 10.2196/10775

Cole, M., Katz, S., Nwabude, P., Nwosu, S., & Parker, J., (2021) Optimizing The Revenue of The Joslin Diabetes Center.Cole, M., Katz, S., Nwabude, P., Nwosu, S., & Parker, J. (2021). Optimizing The Revenue of The Joslin Diabetes Center. Retrieved from https://ctlsites.uga.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1460/2021/12/Consultancy-Report.pdf

Hussain, S. D., Khaliq, A., Nisar, Q. A., Kamboh, A. Z., & Ali, S. (2019). The impact of employees’ recognition, rewards and job stress on job performance: Mediating role of perceived organization support. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 2(2), 69-82. https://doi.org/10.33215/sjom.v2i2.121

Ivers, N. M., Jiang, M., Alloo, J., Singer, A., Ngui, D., Casey, C. G., & Catherine, H. Y. (2019). Diabetes Canada 2018 clinical practice guidelines: key messages for family physicians caring for patients living with type 2 diabetes. Canadian Family Physician, 65(1), 14-24.

Reddy, N., Verma, N., & Dungan, K. (2020). Monitoring technologies-continuous glucose monitoring, mobile technology, biomarkers of glycemic control. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/books/NBK279046/

Zakeri, M. A., & Dehghan, M. (2021). The role of continuing education in protecting nurses against COVID-19 infection. Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology, 10(2), 64-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.52547/johe.10.2.64

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