Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

Shadow Health Ms. Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Transcript

Hello Ms. Parks, I am Debra your nurse today.

Greet 03/28/20

12:08 PM CDT


Can you verify your name and date of birth

Question 03/28/20

12:08 PM CDT

My name is Esther Park, and I was born on January 7th . . . [Ms. Park repor= =3D ts correct birth year.]

Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

I would like to get your vital signs before i begin our health assessment

Educate 03/28/20

12:10 PM CDT

Measured vitals

Exam Action 03/28/20

12:10 PM CDT

Thank you for explaining that.

What is your pain level right now

Question 03/28/20

12:13 PM CDT

Right now. . . 6 out of 10.

That is a great deal of pain, we will definitely try and get to the cause o= =3D f this pain and get is alleviated as soon as we can. (No matching questions= =3D found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:15 PM CDT

That is a great deal of pain, we will definitely try and get to the cause o= =3D f this pain and get is alleviated as soon as we can.

Empathize 03/28/20

12:16 PM CDT

Thank you.

Can you tell my why you came in today

Question 03/28/20

12:16 PM CDT

I have pain in my belly. . . and I’m having some difficulty with going to t= =3D he bathroom. My daughter was concerned.

These are issues which can be something very minor or it can alert us to is= =3D sues Educate

which over time will become more complicated. It’s always a good idea= =3D to get these type symptoms followed up on.


12:18 PM CDT

Thank you for explaining that

Do you know where you are today

Question 03/28/20

12:26 PM CDT

Yes. I am at Shadowville General Clinic.

Do you know why you are here

Question 03/28/20

12:26 PM CDT

Yes. I came in for some pain I’m having, in my belly, and some difficulty .= =3D . . going to the bathroom. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Empathize I know you must think it strange that I ask these questions but this is jus= =3D t to be 03/28/20

sure that you and I both have a good understanding of why you are h= =3D ere.

12:27 PM CDT

Thank you.

Do you know what day it is


12:28 PM CDT

Today must be . . . [Ms. Park reports the correct date].

When did your belly pain begin

Question 03/28/20

12:28 PM CDT

It all started. . . about five days ago. When I started having trouble goin= =3D g to the bathroom. Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

Has you pain gotten worse (Clarified to Has the pain gotten worse?.)

Question 03/28/20

12:28 PM CDT

The pain is getting worse, yes. It’s certainly worse now than yesterday, an= =3D d it also got much worse two or three days ago. (Clarified to if the pain h= =3D as gotten worse.)

Where is your pain located

Question 03/28/20

12:28 PM CDT

The pain and discomfort is down low in my belly.

Does it seem to be in one spot (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:29 PM CDT

Does Your belly pain seem to be in one spot

Question 03/28/20

12:29 PM CDT

Right now. . . 6 out of 10.

Would you say the pain is in one spot (Clarified to Is the pain localized?.= =3D )


12:29 PM CDT

Well my whole belly is uncomfortable to some degree, but it’s mostly in the= =3D lower part, that’s where the pain is. Down in my lower belly. (Clarified t= =3D o if the pain is localized.)

Do you have flank pain

Question 03/28/20

12:30 PM CDT

No, no. The pain is more towards the front, down low.

What is the worst your pain gets

Question 03/28/20

12:30 PM CDT

I’d say it’s as bad as it gets right now. . . about a 6 out of 10.

What is your pain at it’s lowest

Question 03/28/20

12:31 PM CDT

When I rest and try not to move much, I feel better. But the pain is still= =3D there.

Do you always have the pain

Question 03/28/20

12:31 PM CDT

Yes. Certain things can make it a tiny bit better or a tiny bit worse, I su= =3D ppose. But it’s always there.

What is the lowest level your pain gets

Question 03/28/20

12:31 PM CDT

When I rest and try not to move much, I feel better. But the pain is still= =3D there.

What seem to make the pain worse

Question 03/28/20

12:31 PM CDT

Moving around certainly doesn’t help. Neither does eating.

Can you describe the pain

Question 03/28/20

12:32 PM CDT

I’d say it’s crampy and. . . a dull, crampy feeling.

Is the pain constant

Question 03/28/20

12:32 PM CDT

Yes. Certain things can make it a tiny bit better or a tiny bit worse, I su= =3D ppose. But it’s always there. Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

Does your pain fluctuate in the severity

Question 03/28/20

12:32 PM CDT

Well, the type of pain never changes. And it’s always in the same place. Bu= =3D t it did get worse two or three days ago.

Have you taken any medication for the pain

Question 03/28/20

12:33 PM CDT

I’m not taking anything for it.

Have you tried anything non pharmacological for the pain (No matching quest= =3D ions found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:33 PM CDT

Have you tried anything to help relieve the pain


12:34 PM CDT

I’ve tried taking small sips of warm water, resting. The warm water does no= =3D thing. A friend suggested it, but it’s nonsense.

Have you taken any laxatives

Question 03/28/20

12:34 PM CDT

I haven’t tried laxatives. I don’t think they’re very good for you. [AUDIO = =3D COMING SOON]

Educate That is very wise. When you have belly pain until you can rule out the cau= =3D se, a 03/28/20

laxative can make things worse in many instances

12:35 PM CDT Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

Thank you for explaining that.

Does eating make the pain worse

Question 03/28/20

12:35 PM CDT

Yes. The pain is there all the time, but eating can make it worse.

Does exercise make the pain worse (Clarified to What aggravates the pain?.)

Question 03/28/20

12:35 PM CDT

Moving around certainly doesn’t help. Neither does eating. (Clarified to wh= =3D at makes my pain worse.)

Have you been more tired lately

Question 03/28/20

12:36 PM CDT

Well, I don’t feel unnaturally tired or weak. But I have experienced low en= =3D ergy, like I need to rest more often.

Are you having difficulty doing your normal daily activities


12:36 PM CDT

No — I had to miss my exercise classes this week — I didn’t have the ener= =3D gy for them. That’s unusual for me.

When was your last bowel movement

Question 03/28/20

12:36 PM CDT

Five days ago or so, when all this started. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Are you currently constipated

Question 03/28/20

12:37 PM CDT

I don’t usually have problems with this, but I haven’t. . . moved my bowels= =3D at all in five days. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Have you had diarrhea

Question 03/28/20

12:37 PM CDT

Yes, I did have a bout of diarrhea pretty recently. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Do you have diarrhea often

Question 03/28/20

12:37 PM CDT

No, not at all. The last time I had diarrhea was about six months ago. [AUD= =3D IO COMING SOON]

So did this diarrhea start suddenly

Question 03/28/20

12:38 PM CDT

It came on all of a sudden and only lasted a day–a few bouts of it over th= =3D e course of a day.

What did you stool look like


12:38 PM CDT

My stool? Usually it’s brown, not too hard. Solid. Not watery.

I know this can be a rather unpleasant subject to discuss, but it is very i= =3D mportant that I get this information

Empathize 03/28/20

12:40 PM CDT

Thank you.

Have you noticed any mucus in your stool

Question 03/28/20

12:41 PM CDT

No, I haven’t noticed anything like that.

Have you noticed any blood in your stools

Question 03/28/20

12:41 PM CDT

No, I haven’t seen blood in my stools. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Have you noticed any change in urination

Question 03/28/20

12:41 PM CDT

I’ve been going slightly less often because. . . well, I’ve been little les= =3D s thirsty than usual.

What color is your urine

Question 03/28/20

12:42 PM CDT

Yellow and. . . maybe a bit darker than usual.

Have you noticed it has a different odor (No matching questions found.)


12:42 PM CDT

Question Have you noticed your urine has a different odor (Clarified to Does your ur= =3D ine 03/28/20

have an odor?.)

12:42 PM CDT

No, it seems normal enough to me. Maybe a little darker than usual. (Clarif= =3D ied to if my urine has an odor.)

Have you seen blood in your urine

Question 03/28/20

12:42 PM CDT

No, it seems normal enough to me. Maybe a little darker than usual.

How has your fluid intake been

Question 03/28/20

12:43 PM CDT

Usually I drink, oh, two glasses of water a day. But it’s been difficult to= =3D drink much in the last few days. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

So you have decreased thirst (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:43 PM CDT

How long have you had a decrease in your thirst (No matching questions foun= =3D d.)

Question 03/28/20

12:44 PM CDT

What fluids do you normally drink every day

Question 03/28/20

12:44 PM CDT

Do you drink caffeinated beverages Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

Question 03/28/20

12:44 PM CDT

No. I avoid caffeinated drinks altogether.

Do you have a history of constipation

Question 03/28/20

12:45 PM CDT

I don’t usually have problems going to the bathroom. . . but this has been = =3D going on for. . . about five days now. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

How often do you usually have a bowel movement

Question 03/28/20

12:45 PM CDT

Before this? Every day. Well, I miss a day now and then, but usually every = =3D day.

What color are your stools

Question 03/28/20

12:47 PM CDT

Brown. A normal shade of brown. Like. . . oh, I don’t know. Cardboard.

Are your stools formed

Question 03/28/20

12:47 PM CDT

Usually, yes. But not when I had the diarrhea.

I know this is not the most pleasant conversation but your bowels can tell = =3D us about what might be going on in your body.

Empathize 03/28/20

12:48 PM CDT

Do you have any allergies

Question 03/28/20

12:48 PM CDT

I have an allergy to latex.

Do you have medication allergies

Question 03/28/20

12:48 PM CDT

No, not that I’m aware of.

Do you have food allergies

Question 03/28/20

12:48 PM CDT


Do you have yearly health checkups (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:49 PM CDT

Do you have annual physical examinations (Clarified to When was your last p= =3D hysical?.)

Question 03/28/20

12:49 PM CDT

Oh, maybe. . . four months ago? Yes, four months ago, for my annual checkup= =3D . (Clarified to when my last physical was.)

It is very important that you get annual checkups, these can reveal health = =3D issues before we begin to have symptoms and damage is caused

Educate 03/28/20

12:50 PM CDT

Thank you for explaining that.

When was your last pap smear


12:50 PM CDT

A pap smear? I haven’t had one in years. Ten years, at least.

How do you feel about your physical health

Question 03/28/20

12:51 PM CDT

In general? I exercise, I eat right, I keep busy. Usually, I feel good. I’m= =3D lucky.

Have you every had a colonoscopy (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:51 PM CDT

Have you ever had a colonoscopy

Question 03/28/20

12:51 PM CDT

I’ve had two colonoscopies. The last one was ten years ago.

Question Have you ever had a colon polyp (Clarified to Do you have a history of poly= =3D ps 03/28/20

in your colon?.)

12:51 PM CDT

No. I’ve had two colonoscopies, one when I was around 50 and the other mayb= =3D e ten years ago. Good results both times. (Clarified to if I have had growt= =3D hs in my colon.)

Are you sexually active

Question 03/28/20

12:52 PM CDT

I have a gentleman friend and, yes… We are intimate.

Do you have more than one sexual partner


12:52 PM CDT

One partner. Max, my gentleman friend.

Do you use condoms

Question 03/28/20

12:53 PM CDT

No. That isn’t necessary.

Have you had STI testing

Question 03/28/20

12:53 PM CDT

No, that hasn’t been necessary.

Have you had STI symptoms

Question 03/28/20

12:53 PM CDT

No, I shouldn’t think so.

Does you gentleman friend have other sexual partners (No matching questions= =3D found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:53 PM CDT

Does your friend have other sexual partners (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20

12:54 PM CDT

It is important you discuss with your gentleman friend as to whether he has= =3D other sexual partners. If he does, you should insist that he gets STI tes= =3D ting, You are never too old to pass along STI’s

Educate 03/28/20

12:55 PM

Thank you for explaining that.

Do you have any pre-existing health problems

Question 03/28/20

12:56 PM CDT

Aside from this–these problems I’m having now–I’m very lucky. No major il= =3D lnesses. Just a little high blood pressure.

Do you take blood pressure medications

Question 03/28/20

12:56 PM CDT


What is the does of your accupril

Question 03/28/20

12:57 PM CDT

10 milligrams.

When do you normally take your accupril

Question 03/28/20

12:57 PM CDT

I take it every morning at about 8 a.m., after breakfast.

It is very important that you take it about the same time everyday to bett= =3D er control your blood pressure

Educate 03/28/20

12:57 PM CDT

Thank you for explaining that.

Do you take over the counter medications

Question 03/28/20


No. Those over-the-counter medicines. . . Tylenol–they say it’s very bad f= =3D or the stomach.

I understand being careful about medications, that is very wise. Though so= =3D me medications can help reduce pain and symptoms, and can greatly improve y= =3D our quality of life.

Educate 03/28/20 1:03 PM CDT

Thank you for explaining that.

hve you had any surgeries

Question 03/28/20 1:03 PM CDT

I’ve had two operations, both many years ago.

what operations did you have

Question 03/28/20 1:08 PM CDT

I’ve had two. I had my gallbladder out, and I had a C-section. Both in my e= =3D arly 40s.

It must have been painful for you to have these so close together, I’m very= =3D sorry.

Empathize 03/28/20 1:09 PM CDT

Thank you.

Did you have any complications after your surgeries

Question 03/28/20 1:09 PM CDT

No, no complications.

Do you have any difficulties caring for yourself every day (No matching que= =3D stions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:10 PM CDT

Do you have problems caring for your self


I don’t have problems paying for my own medical care. If I was having such = =3D a problem, I think my daughter would help me, but thankfully it hasn’t come= =3D to that. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Do you have problems dressing yourself (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:10 PM CDT

Do you have problems getting dressing (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:11 PM CDT

Do you have any problems with activities of daily living

Question 03/28/20 1:11 PM CDT

No — I had to miss my exercise classes this week — I didn’t have the ener= =3D gy for them. That’s unusual for me.

Can you go to the bathroom without assistance

Question 03/28/20 1:11 PM CDT

I have no need for assistance using the restroom, thank you.

Can you dress without assistance (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:12 PM CDT

Can you get dressed without assistance (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:12 PM CDT

Can you put on your clothes without help (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:12 PM CDT

Do you need help to get dressed


I have no need for assistance using the restroom, thank you.

Do you need help feeding yourself (Clarified to Are you able to feed yourse= =3D lf?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:13 PM CDT

Yes. (Clarified to if I am able to feed myself.)

Are you able to dress yourself

Question 03/28/20 1:13 PM CDT

No — I had to miss my exercise classes this week — I didn’t have the ener= =3D gy for them. That’s unusual for me.

Do you have difficulty walking

Question 03/28/20 1:13 PM CDT

I can walk just fine.

Do you have difficulty getting dressed (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:13 PM CDT

Do you have difficulty bathing (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:13 PM CDT

Does your daughter help you dress

Question 03/28/20 1:14 PM CDT

Jennifer is always trying to help me. Well, at least when she’s not at work= =3D . She does the shopping, drives me places if they are too far for me to wal= =3D k. But most things, I have no trouble doing.

Does your daughter help you bathe

Question 03/28/20 1:14

Jennifer is always trying to help me. Well, at least when she’s not at work= =3D . She does the shopping, drives me places if they are too far for me to wal= =3D k. But most things, I have no trouble doing.

Do you have difficulty getting our of chairs (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:15 PM CDT

What do usually eat in 24 hours (Clarified to What do you eat in an average= =3D day?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:15 PM CDT

Hm. Toast for breakfast. For lunch. . . usually soup. But I don’t always ha= =3D ve lunch. And for dinner I eat fish, or sometimes chicken, and rice. [AUDIO= =3D COMING SOON] (Clarified to what I typically eat in a day.)

What was your last meal

Question 03/28/20 1:15 PM CDT

This morning, my daughter made sure I had a little something. Some toast.

Do you usually eat 3 meals a day

Question 03/28/20 1:16 PM CDT

Usually three, but sometimes I skip breakfast. I don’t eat snacks.

What is your typical breakfast

Question 03/28/20 1:16 PM CDT

For breakfast? I usually eat a piece of toast. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

What is your typical lunch

Question 03/28/20 1:16 PM CDT

Sometimes I skip lunch if I’m not feeling hungry, but usually I eat somethi= =3D ng light, like soup.

Usually fish or chicken — a good protein — with rice. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Do you take daily supplements

Question 03/28/20 1:17 PM CDT

No, I don’t take anything like that.

Do you take fiber supplements

Question 03/28/20 1:17 PM CDT

No, I don’t take any extra fiber. My diet is very healthy.

Do you try to add more fiber to your diet (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:17 PM CDT

Do you add fiber to your diet (Clarified to Do you supplement your fiber in= =3D take?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:17 PM CDT

No, I don’t take any extra fiber. My diet is very healthy. (Clarified to if= =3D I supplement my fiber intake.)

How often do you eat vegetables

Question 03/28/20 1:18 PM CDT

I try to have at least one good vegetable every other day. [AUDIO COMING SO=

=3D ON]

How often do you eat fruits

Question 03/28/20 1:18 PM CDT

Well, I eat a piece of fruit for breakfast every few days. Usually a banana= =3D or a peach, if they are in season. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

I enjoy staying busy — but not too busy. I take classes at the community c= =3D enter–water aerobics, and now Pilates. And I love to walk. My friend and I= =3D walk to the botanical gardens, once a week. I garden as well. Those are al= =3D l nice ways to spend my time.

So do you say you have a moderate activity level

Question 03/28/20 1:19 PM CDT

I enjoy staying busy — but not too busy. I take classes at the community c= =3D enter–water aerobics, and now Pilates. And I love to walk. My friend and I= =3D walk to the botanical gardens, once a week. I garden as well. Those are al= =3D l nice ways to spend my time.

Do you use nicotine products (Clarified to Do you use tobacco?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:19 PM CDT

No. (Clarified to if I use tobacco products.)

Have you ever used tobacco products

Question 03/28/20 1:19 PM CDT

I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life. What a sad habit.

Have you every used any form of illicit drugs

Question 03/28/20 1:20 PM CDT

I have never used drugs of any kind.

Do you drink alcohol

Question 03/28/20 1:20 PM CDT

Yes, but very little.

How often do you drink alcohol



Very little.

What alcoholic drink to you enjoy (Clarified to What kind of alcohol do you= =3D drink?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:21 PM CDT

I always have one glass of wine. A dry white wine. (Clarified to what kind = =3D of alcohol I drink.)

Do you have wine every day (Clarified to How often do you drink wine?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:21 PM CDT

On Sundays, I have my only drink for the week. (Clarified to how often I dr= =3D ink wine.)

How many drinks do you have in one sitting

Question 03/28/20 1:21 PM CDT

I always have one glass of white wine.

Where do you live

Question 03/28/20 1:22 PM CDT

Since my husband passed away, I’ve been living with my daughter. Her house = =3D is in historic Shadowville, right across from the library.

Do you have a good support system

Question 03/28/20 1:22 PM CDT

I am fortunate that I have a daughter who takes care of me the way she does= =3D . And my gentleman friend Max is also very supportive.

Have you traveled recently

Question 03/28/20 1:22 PM CDT

No, I haven’t gone on any trips in several years.

Have you every been physically abuse (Clarified to Has anyone ever hurt or = =3D abused you?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:22 PM CDT

No. (Clarified to if anyone has hurt or abused me.)

Anyone every sexually abused you (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:23 PM CDT

Have you ever been sexually abused (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:23 PM CDT

Have you been verbally abused

Question 03/28/20 1:23 PM CDT

No, the people in my life–they treat me very well.

Have you been sexually abused (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:23 PM CDT

Has anyone ever taken your money (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:24 PM CDT

Do you feel safe in your home

Question 03/28/20 1:24 PM CDT

Yes, I do.

Do you have a history of sexual abuse

Question 03/28/20 1:24 PM CDT

I don’t have any complaints about that part of my life.

Do you have a history of being financially abused

Question 03/28/20 1:25 PM CDT

I don’t struggle with depression, thankfully. I feel positive about my life= =3D .

Do you have a history of emotional abuse (Clarified to Do you have a histor= =3D y of psychiatric illness?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:25 PM CDT

No, I’ve never suffered from any mental illness. (Clarified to if I have a = =3D history of psychiatric illness.)

Have you had any recent weight changes

Question 03/28/20 1:26 PM CDT

No, not that I’ve noticed.

Have you had any fever

Question 03/28/20 1:26 PM CDT

No, I don’t believe so.

Have you had chills

Question 03/28/20 1:26 PM CDT


HAve you had night sweats

Question 03/28/20 1:26 PM CDT

No. That is not a problem for me.

Have you had any swelling (Clarified to Can you tell me if you have ever ha= =3D d swelling around your joints?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:26 PM CDT

Well, I don’t know anyone my age who isn’t a little stiff first thing in th= =3D e morning. But I haven’t noticed anything unusual. (Clarified to if I have = =3D had swelling in my joints.)

Have you noticed swelling

Question 03/28/20 1:27 PM CDT

No, I don’t think so.

Have you been feeling more tired

Question 03/28/20 1:27 PM CDT

Well, I don’t feel unnaturally tired or weak. But I have experienced low en= =3D ergy, like I need to rest more often.

Do you have problems sleeping

Question 03/28/20 1:27 PM CDT Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

No, usually I sleep right through the night.

Do you have a history of stomach ulcers

Question 03/28/20 1:27 PM CDT

No, I’ve never had one.

Have you had appendicitis

Question 03/28/20 1:28 PM CDT


Have you had liver disease

Question 03/28/20 1:28 PM CDT

I’ve never had any problems with my liver. Do have history of stomach cancer

Question 03/28/20 1:28



Do you have a family history of cancer

Question 03/28/20 1:28 PM CDT

Neither of my parents ever had cancer, but one of my grandmother’s did. My = =3D brother, Walter… he has prostate cancer, but he’s doing just fine.

Did he get treatment for his prostate cancer (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:29 PM CDT

Did your brother get treatment for his prostate cancer (No matching questio= =3D ns found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:29 PM CDT

Do you have a history of heart problems

Question 03/28/20 1:29 PM CDT

I don’t have heart problems. Just a little high blood pressure.

Do you ever have palpitations

Question 03/28/20 1:30 PM CDT

No. My heart rate has always been normal.

Did you have a chest history of chest pain

Question 03/28/20 1:30 PM CDT

No, I don’t ever experience chest pain.

Do you have a sore throat

Question 03/28/20 1:30 PM CDT

No. My throat is fine.

Have you had a cough

Question 03/28/20 1:30 PM CDT

No, I haven’t been coughing at all.

Do you have difficulty swallowing

Question 03/28/20 1:30 PM CDT

No. I am able to swallow without any problems.

Do have any difficulty breathing (Clarified to Do you ever get short of bre= =3D ath?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:30 PM CDT

No. I can breathe well. My lungs feel very healthy. (Clarified to if I am e= =3D ver short of breath.)

Do you have bloating

Question 03/28/20 1:31 PM CDT

Yes. Quite a bit.

Do you also have gas

Question 03/28/20 1:31 PM CDT

Hm. I have been experiencing some of that.

How has your appetite been in the past few days

Question 03/28/20 1:31 PM CDT

I haven’t been hungry. Eating only makes me feel worse. Have you ever had food poisoning

Question 03/28/20 1:31

Years ago I eat some bad shellfish. . . this doesn’t feel like that.

Have you been nauseated and vomiting (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:32 PM CDT

Are you nauseated

Question 03/28/20 1:32 PM CDT

No. I haven’t vomited or had any nausea. It’s more of a problem with pain. = =3D . . and difficulty going to the bathroom.

Have you had any bladder or kidney issues

Question 03/28/20 1:33 PM CDT


Does it burn when you pee

Question 03/28/20 1:33 PM CDT

No, my urination has felt normal. Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

Have you been incontinent with urine (Clarified to Do you have trouble cont= =3D rolling urination?.)

Question 03/28/20 1:33 PM CDT

I’ve never had problems with. . . controlling myself. (Clarified to if I ha= =3D ve trouble controlling when I urinate.)

Do you have a history of UTI’s

Question 03/28/20 1:33 PM CDT

I don’t remember ever having one, no.

Do you have a history of gynecological problems (Clarified to Does your fam= =3D

ily have a history of gynecological problems?.) Question 03/28/20 1:33

No, not that I know of. (Clarified to if I have a family history of gynecol= =3D ogical problems.)

Do you have gynecological problems

Question 03/28/20 1:34 PM CDT

No. I don’t have problems with that area.

When did you go through menopause

Question 03/28/20 1:34 PM CDT

Oh my. . . it was twenty years or more ago. . . I think I was 54.

Did you have any problems while going through menopause (No matching questions found.)

Question 03/28/20 1:34 PM CDT

Do you have vaginal bleeding or abnormal discharge

Question 03/28/20 1:35 PM CDT


Do you have a history of kidney disease or problems (Clarified to Have you ever had Question

kidney disease?.)

03/28/20 1:35


No, I’ve never had any kidney trouble. (Clarified to if I have had kidney disease.)

Ok, now that you have answered your health assessment questions, I will begin your physical exam.

Educate 03/28/20 1:36 PM CDT Shadow Health Ms Parks Abdominal Pain Focused Assessment

Thank you for explaining that.

I know the physical examination can be uncomfortable and It is very important to me

that I treat you with respect. I want to be sure I am completing this physical exam in a Empathize

culturally sensitive manner. If there is anything that you feel uncomfortable with,

03/28/20 1:40

please let me know. It is very important that your dignity is not compromised                                                                                        PM CDT Thank you.

Also Read: Soap Note Analysis of Patient with Headache