Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Social and emotional intelligence enables advanced practice nurses to handle complex workplace situations and enhance joy by emphasizing individual and collective needs, preferences, emotions, and values. According to Prezerakos (2018 Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper), emotional intelligence entails monitoring one’s and others’ feelings and emotions and utilizing this information to guide actions and decisions.

Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Therefore, social and emotional intelligence skills including self-awareness, self-management, interpersonal communication competencies, improved executive functions, and social awareness. Amidst the need to promote joy in healthcare and enhance the quality of care, advanced practice nurses should utilize these competencies to address clinical problems and avert stressors.

Social and Emotional Intelligence Power Skills

Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper


Understanding one’s emotions, modes, and drives are essential to informed decisions and conflict resolution. According to Issah (2018 Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper), self-awareness is a profound social and emotional intelligence skill that enables people to evaluate their motivation, understand emotions and comprehend drives while valuing other people’s preferences, options, and needs. Advanced practice nurses operate in a complex and competitive environment in the healthcare context because of the prevailing need to promote patient-centered care.

As a result, expressing self-awareness would enable APRNs to establish trade-offs between personal emotions and patients’ values, needs, and motivations. By doing so, it is possible to comprehend conflicting priorities for healthcare professionals and patients, allowing caregivers to foster meaningful relationships with patients and promote their experiences. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper


Managing one’s emotions, modes, and feeling is consistent with making a rational decision and effective conflict resolution. The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods allows leaders to promote integrity, openness, impartiality, and trustworthiness. According to Issah (2018), self-management promotes the concept of “thinking before acting’ that enables people to evaluate the potential consequences of actions before embracing them. Amidst varying perceptions, needs, and values in healthcare settings, advanced practice nurses should embark on self-management as a prerequisite for handling complex situations because it promotes self-confidence and the ability to avoid premature judgment or stereotypes. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Interpersonal Communication

The urge for patient-centered care and process efficiency requires healthcare professionals to develop meaningful relationships with patients and other healthcare stakeholders. In this sense, they should create conducive environments for collaboration, communication, and interactions. According to Amini et al. (2018 Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper), emotional intelligence-enabled people cooperate, develop a culture of inquiry, speak eloquently, and become good listeners.

Also, it enables leaders to express empathy towards others by understanding their needs, priorities, preferences, and perceptions. Undoubtedly, these competencies constitute a prerequisite for effective interpersonal communication. As a result, APRNs should apply factors for interpersonal communication to avoid biased decisions, premature judgments, and perceptions that affect team performance, workplace interactions, and interpersonal relationships.

Social Awareness

Social awareness competencies blend well with the ability to understand individual emotions, modes, and feelings. According to Issah (2018), socially aware people understand other people’s perspectives and empathize with them during complex situations. In this sense, empathy entails “the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people” (p. 2).

The purpose of empathizing with the other is to eliminate challenges or issues that compromise flourishing. Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) should incorporate social awareness when caring for patients to build a common ground for clinical activities and decisions in healthcare. Also, social awareness helps APRNs to promote justice and comply with other bioethical principles, including granting patient autonomy, enhancing goodwill, and promoting non-maleficence. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Executive Functions

Executive functions entail various operations, including team management, plan implementation, policy creation, scheduling, disciplinary actions, and performance evaluation. Advanced practice registered nurses play a significant role in balancing executive functions and caregiving. According to Reynolds et al. (2018), executive functions are “constructs involving cognitive abilities necessary for initiating, sustaining, and maintaining purposeful goal-oriented behavior” (p. 253).

In this sense, social and emotional intelligence contribute massively to the cognitive requirements for effective executive functioning by allowing staff members to establish a consensus between their feelings and other people’s. Consequently, deficiencies in emotional intelligence skills lead to poor judgment in the decision-making process. Therefore, advanced registered nurses should rely massively upon social and emotional intelligence skills when participating in executive functions. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Applying Self-awareness and Interpersonal Communication to Achieve Organizational Objectives

Maintaining a Professional Presence

Professional presence entails creating a positive impact on other employees by expressing well-develop expertise and abilities to solve workplace problems and interact with others. In this sense, this concept encompasses creating an impression by leading, inspiring, and motivating others. As a result, self-awareness enables healthcare professionals, especially APRNs, to become self-confident and understand other people’s motives, preferences, and feelings.

On the other hand, fostering effective interpersonal communication enables caregivers to express empathy, interact with patients, and understand their concerns. Therefore, these two social and emotional intelligence skills enable advanced practice nurses to maintain a professional presence and influence others to achieve institutional objectives. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Enhanced Mindfulness in Healthcare

Mindfulness in healthcare entails heaving positive cognitive and behavioral inclination to improve care quality. Often, healthcare professionals face various clinical problems, including burnout, unhealthy relationships, workloads, and workplace stress that compromise their ability to deliver quality care. As a result, improving mindfulness is an essential strategy for helping caregivers to cope with these constraints. According to Rodriguez-Ledo et al. (2018 Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper), mindfulness entails self-regulation and orientation towards experiences in the present moments. Consequently, applying self-awareness and effective interpersonal communication provides ideal opportunities for sharing experiences, inspiration, and motivation to continue care delivery amidst clinical challenges.

Positive Social Presence

Social presence in healthcare settings entails expressing awareness of others via interactions and interpersonal relationships. Maintaining a social presence is essential in promoting a successful learning experience and building a collective culture. Self-awareness and interpersonal skills enable healthcare professionals to understand their emotions and feelings that affect workplace interactions and relationships. Consequently, utilizing these social and emotional intelligence competencies promotes workplace cohesion by enabling people to share knowledge and experience and intensify interactions. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Promoting a Culture of Joy

Often, healthcare institutions face the problem of incivility and status quos that frustrate change and quality improvement interventions. According to Meires (2018), incivility refers to impolite and disrespectful organizational behavior originating from improper power balances, fatigue, role ambiguity, inadequate staffing levels, and fatigue. These incivility factors manifest through bullying, anger, antagonism, violence, and sabotage.

Professional mechanisms to dismantle incivility cultures rely on understanding individual motives, modes, and feelings that facilitate such behavior. Consequently, applying self-awareness and interpersonal communication skills enables APRNs to identify workplace stressors and communicated priorities with employees and management. In turn, identifying underlying issues and proper communication cultivate a cohesive culture that eliminates various aspects of incivility behaviors. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Steps for Improving Joy in Work

A joyous healthcare workplace is consistent with enhanced care quality, collective understanding, better performance, and reduced staff turnover. Therefore, promoting joy in the workplace entails identifying, evaluating, and addressing personal and institutional stressors that compromise productivity and job satisfaction. According to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the four steps of improving joy in work include engaging stakeholders in identifying institutional concerns, identifying unique impediments to joy, creating a culture of shared responsibility, and applying scientific approaches to test initiatives (Perlo et al., 2017 Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper). When collaborating with staff members to identify stressors, I would embrace interpersonal communication skills to exchange stakeholders’ ideas, experiences, and concerns.

Secondly, I would encourage a culture of inquiry when identifying unique impediments to joy in work. A culture of inquiry would entail utilizing internal evidence, including feedback from stakeholders, to transform behavior and enhance motivation. Thirdly, I would create a culture of collective responsibility by promoting effective communication and interpersonal relationships to facilitate teamwork and collaboration. According to Perlo et al. (2017 Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper), creating a collective culture requires leaders to dedicate time, attention, develop skills, and consolidate necessary resources for performance improvement.

Finally, I would adopt scientific interventions to test initiatives by encouraging real-time measurement, strategic planning, participative management, and coordinated care to bolstering performance. Arguably, these interventions would focus on addressing individual and organizational challenges that contribute to incivility and low-level performance by healthcare professionals.


Social and emotional intelligence skills play a significant role in improving performance and enhancing the quality of care amidst challenges such as incivility cultures, incompetent leadership, and staff turnover. For instance, various competencies, including self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, interpersonal communication, and executive functioning, determine individual and organizations performance. Consequently, advanced practice registered nurses should utilize these EI skills to address incivility cultures and tackle impediments to joy in healthcare organizations. Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper

Using Social and Emotional Intelligence Skills Paper References

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