NRS493 Literature Evaluation Table Paper

Literature Evaluation Table

NRS493 Literature Evaluation Table Paper

Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
Author, Journal Schwartz, S., Frankel, A., Cho, S. Y., Chung, D. Bundy, D. G., Zavotsky, K.
(Peer- Rehder, K., Leonard, M., R., Ryu, J. G., Choi, J. Gaur, A. H., E.,
Reviewed), and Frankel, T., Watson, S., R., Ahn, N., Kim, S. Billett, A. L., He, Malast, T.,
Permalink or and Sexton, J. and Song, J. H. B., Colantuoni, E. Festus, O. and
Working Link https://www.ncbi.nlm. A., and Miller, M. Riskie, V.
to Access cmjournal/Citation/2016/1 R.
Article 2001/1255      CENTRAL 3762 https://www.ncbi.n
  _LINE_ASSOCIATED_B pubmed/26583
  LOODSTREAM.1214.asp   d/25404721 628
Article Title and Year Published Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Rates Associated with ICU Teamwork Climate. Critical Care Medicine.  


Impact on Targeted Interventions on Trends in Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection: A Single- Centre Experience from the Republic of Korea. Critical Care Medicine. Preventing CLABSIs among pediatric hematology/oncol ogy inpatients: national collaborative results. Pediatrics. 


Reducing Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections on Oncology.Units using peer review.



Research Qualitative study. The Qualitative study. The Quantitative and Qualitative
Questions study was conducted to study was conducted qualitative study. study. This
(Qualitative)/H establish the relationship to assess the effects of The objective of study was
ypothesis between patients’ the targeted the study was to conducted to
(Quantitative), outcomes and healthcare interventions on assess the describe
and climate. This involved CLABSIs trends. feasibility of peer-to-peer
Purposes/Aim evaluating the functional   multicenter efforts programs and
of Study ability of the team to   of standardizing outcomes of
  evaluate, coordinate and   CL care and interventions
  adapt changing team   CLABSI tracking. to reduce
  dynamics with an aim of   Again, the study incidences of
  minimizing CLABSIs   aimed at CLABSIs in
  upon catheter insertion   quantifying the patients in
  and maintenance using   impact of transplantation,
  evidence-based   standardizing bone marrow,
  techniques.   processes on surgical
      CLABSI rates oncology, and
      among the medical units.
      hematology/oncology inpatients.  
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative) The retrospective multi- center observational study utilizing teamwork climate data from 29 adultICUs. A before-and-after study between 2013January and 2014 September. Multicenter quality improvement collaborative starting November2009 Qualitative design.
Setting/Sample Michigan Hospital Association Keystone Centre for Patient Safety and Quality. Tertiary hospital in the Republic of Korea.All patients having central-line catheters hospitals Pediatric hematology/oncol ogy inpatients Magnet- designated academic medical center using Medical and Surgicaloncology units.
Methods: Teamwork climate was Interventions targeting Multidisciplinary The peer-to-
Intervention/Ins assessed through central line insertions teams in the peer process,
truments validation of scores, were implemented in participating sites team approach,
  safety culture survey. This 2014, September in 10 implemented staff education,
  was administered through ICUs. The impacts of standardized and the
  Safe and Reliable targeted interventions bundles of CL care application of
  Healthcare from 2015, on CLABSIs was practices and checklist.
  April 1 to 2015, May 30. evaluated using adopting a  
    segmented common approach  
    autoregression to CLABSIs  
    analysis on the surveillance.  
    interrupted time series.    
Analysis The linear regression The mean hospital- The average pre- Peer-to-peer
  model was employed to wide CLABSIs collaborative process and
  predict teamwork climate infection in the CLABSI rate of team approach
  scores. The model intervention and 2.85 CLABSIs per help reduce
  predicted 10.6% variance baseline periods were 1000 CL-days was rates of
  of CLABSIs. CLABSIs 1.56 and 1.84 per reported by CLABSIs in
  were found to be more 1000 catheter days 32 units that the setting of
  common when ICUs respectively. Baseline participated in the oncology. Staff
  workers reported period recorded collaborative education is
  difficulties with speaking increase of CLABSIs study. A reduction important in
  up, asking questions to rate of 1.12 per 1000 rate of 28% of introducing
  clarify ambiguities, catheter days while the CLABSIs was new techniques
  communicating intervention period recorded. of reducing
  breakdowns, working with recorded a decrease of   CLABSIs. The
  difficult groups and CLABSIs rate of 1.64   checklist
  resolving conflicts. per 1000 catheter   provides
    days.   stepwise
        processes of
        ensuring safety
        in caring for
        patients withcentral lines.
Key Findings CLABSIs’ variation is After the sequential- Multicenter quality The peer-to-
  explained significantly by targeted interventions, improvement peer process,
  teamwork climates as CLABSIs rate collaborative checklist and
  assessed by frontline ICUs decreased by 0.16 per located significant team approach
  workers. Clear link the 1000 catheter days. reductions in lower the
  between the rates of This implies that observed rates of incidences of
  CLABSIs and teamwork targeted interventions CLABSI in the CLABSIs
  climate suggests that are associated with pediatric remarkably.
  patients’ outcome can be notable changes in the hematology/oncol Precisely,
  improved by focusing on trends in occurrence ogy inpatients. patients’
  the improvement of rates of CLABSIs in Again, additional outcome is
  teamwork climate. the ICUs and entire interventions are improved as
    hospitals. required to bring staff
      and sustain satisfaction is
      CLABSIs rates increased.
      closer to zero for  
      the high-risk  
Recommendatio I recommend this to ICUs I recommended this to I recommend this I recommend
ns workers because ICU ICUs and all hospitals to pediatric this to Medical
  workers are encouraged because it provides hematology/oncol and Surgical
  how to report difficulties sufficient evidence ogy centers oncology units
  through speaking up, regarding the because it presents because its
  asking questions to clarify importance of targeted itself with interventions,
  ambiguities, interventions in interventions that peer-to-peer
  communicating reducing CLABSIs would reduce process,
  breakdowns, working with rates. CLABSIs closer to checklist and
  difficult groups and   zero. team approach,
  resolving conflicts.     are capable of
        lowering the
        incidences of
    NRS493 Literature Evaluation Table Paper   remarkably.
Explanation of This article supports the This article supports The article This article
How the Article capstone project because the capstone because supports the supports the
Supports the clear link between the of it is a source of capstone project capstone
EBP/Capstone rates of CLABSIs and sufficient evidence because it utilizes project because
Project teamwork climate regarding team’s effort the multicenter it utilizes the
  suggests that patients’ on targeted quality same
  outcome can be improved interventions. improvement intervention,
  by focusing on improving   collaborative team approach,
  teamwork climate.   techniques to that the
      reduce rates of CLABSIs
      CLABSI. project uses in
        its quest of lowering CLABSIsrates.


Criteria Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 8
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), andPermalink or Working Link to Access Article Sacks, G. D.,Diggs, B. S., Hadjizacharia, P., Green, D., Salim, A., & Malinoski,

D. J. 24576582Latif, A., Kelly, B., Edrees,H., Kent, P.S.,


S.J., Jovanovic, B., Attallah, H., de Grouchy, K.

K., Al-Obaidli,

A., Goeschel, C.A. and Berenholtz, M.Scheck, M. A, Hefner, J. L, Robbins,J., Harrison, M. I. and Garman A.


https://www.ncbi.n d/25703102Furuya, E. Y., Dick,A. W., Herzig, C. T., Pogorzelska- Maziarz,

M., Larson, E. L and Stone, P. W. 7052993

https://www.ncbi.n d/25871927

Article Title and Year PublishedReducing the rate of catheter- associated bloodstream infections in a surgical intensive care unit using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Central Line Bundle. TheAmerican Journal of Surgery. NRS493 Literature Evaluation Table PaperImplementing a multifaceted intervention to decrease central line-associated bloodstream infections in SEHA (Abu Dhabi Health Services Company) intensive care units: the Abu Dhabi experience.Preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections: A qualitative study of management practices. 

2015Central Line- Associated Bloodstream Infections and Bundle Compliance in ICUs: A National Study. 




ResearchQualitativeQualitativeQualitativeDescriptiveQuestionsresearch.research. Theresearch. Theresearch.(Qualitative)/HypoThe study aimed atstudy aimed atstudy aimed atThe study aimed atthesisdeterminingdeterminingidentifying factorsdetermining the(Quantitative), andwhether thewhetherthat explainrelationship betweenPurposes/Aim ofimplementation ofimplementation ofhospital-levelCLABSIs rates andStudyIHI (Institute formultifaceteddifferences inbundle compliance.


  Healthcare Improvement) CL bundle would reduce the incidences ofCLABSIs. interventions would reduce incidences of CLABSIssignificantly. programs’ outcome to prevent CLABSIs.  
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative) Qualitative study. Prospective cohort collaborative Extensive qualitative case study. NRS493 Literature Evaluation Table Paper Cross-sectional study
Setting/Sample Surgical ICUs. Abu Dhabi Health Services Company hospitals’ ICU in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Eight United States hospitals that had participated in federally funded on the CUSP-StopBSI initiative. US adults in the ICUs.
Methods: The rate of Bundled In-depth Surveillance of the
Intervention/Instru CLABSIs per interventions interviews hospitals to
ments 1,000 catheter days consisting of three transcribing determine
  and patient components were verbatim. Again, compliance with
  demographics were implemented as and analyzing catheter line
  compared between part of the emergent themes insertion bundle
  the preintervention programs. The differentiated element in ICUs.
  groups and bundled higher performing  
  postintervention interventions hospitals from  
  groups. composed lower performing  
    multifaceted hospitals.  
    approach targeting    
    clinicians using    
Analysis Implementation of An overall Getting to zero Of the 984 adult
  IHI Central Line CLABSIs CLABSIs ICUs that the
  Bundles reduced reduction rate of infection provided research was
  the rates of 18% was achieved the difference conducted, 69%
  CLABSIs in the by the eighteen between higher reported excellent
  surgical ICU by ICUs from seven performing compliance with at
  68% thus, saving hospitals in Abu hospitals from least one element.
  $198,600 annually. Dhabi that lower performing Better-resourced
    implemented the hospitals. Higher infections
    program. performing prevention
      hospitals state its departments are
      goal explicitly and aggressively while lower performing hospitals stated their goals with aspiration. Higher performing hospitals adopted five additional management practices, that is, top-level commitment, recognition and reward, meaningful use of data, systematic education and physician-nursealignment. associated with lower limited rates of CLABSIs.
Key Findings Baseline demographics between preintervention groups and postintervention groups was found to be similar.However, rates of CLABSIs per catheter days reduced to 3/1,870 from 19/3,784 to after the implementation of IHI Bundle. Using multifaceted intervention in desperate settings results in significant reduction of mortality and morbidity associated with CLABSIs. Specific management practices provide critical guidance to hospital leaders, clinical managers, and physicians in preventing healthcare- associated infections. NRS493 Literature Evaluation Table Paper Compliance with the entire bundle is effective, though lower CLABSIs is associated with excellent compliance with the bundle with one element. At the national level, variability in compliance across the ICUs provides a room for improvement in the reduction ofCLABSIs.
Recommendations I recommend this to surgical ICUs because measuring contemporaneous infection rates in surgical ICU reduced the infection by 68%. I recommend this to hospitals because with multifaceted intervention a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality is I recommend this to hospital leaders, clinical managers, and physicians because it provides them with management practices that reduce rates of I recommend this to ICUs dealing with adults with CLABSIs because absolute compliance with insertion bundle provides a room for improvement.



    achieved. CLABSIs.  
Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone This article supports the capstone project by providing a ground how measuring contemporaneous infection rates in surgical ICU, and hospitals in general, reduce incidences of CLABSIs. The aim of the capstone project is applying relevant interventions to reduce the prevalence of CLABSIs. Multifaceted intervention discussed in this article is among the appropriate interventions thus, making this article relevant. This article supports the capstone project because it is a source of leadership and management practices providing hospital leaders, clinical managers, and physicians with knowledge of reducing CLABSISs rates. This article supports the capstone project by advising on how to comply with insertion bundle. Upon complying, there is a likelihood that rates of CLABSIs will reduce.

Also Read: NRS493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives Paper