Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406

Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406

Metropolitan State University – College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Course:  NURS 406 Nursing Care of the Family

Title of Assignment:  Family Assessment Power Point

Learning Activity: Integrative Experience – 50 points


You will use the first two steps of the nursing process to complete a holistic family assessment during your first two home visits. During this assignment you will use three concept maps to help organize and analyze your assessment data:  a combination genogram/genetic map, an ecomap, and a Family Attachment Model. After completing your family assessment, you will organize and present your assessment and nursing diagnosis using Microsoft Power Point.

Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406


Create a professional power point using the organizational guide below for a 19-slide presentation. Be sure your assignment meets the following expectations:

  • Organized, clearly and concisely worded and
  • Includes appropriate graphics.
  • Interesting and creatively presented, holding the viewer’s attention.
  • Diagrams should be produced electronically.
  • Bulleted format (not paragraphs). Analysis should address aspects (needs/concerns) within the professional nursing scope of practice and indicate priorities.
  • When identifying priority concerns or problems do not address medical diagnoses.
  • APA format: No minimum number of references required; no requirement related to font size. Follow APA in-text citation guidelines.  Cite family interview answers only if using direct quotes.  No requirement to cite information included in graphic “keys” (internal structure, external structure, and attachments/bonds).

Slide 1: Cover slide with Assignment Title, Your Name and University Name. Follow APA guidelines for a Title Page.

Slide 2: Brief description of your clinical family-structure.  Refer to Shajani & Snell (2019) p. 54. Include some identifying elements, such as initials, as reference for future slides. Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406

Structural Assessment:

Slide 3: Internal Structure: Create a combination genogram/genomic map to reflect the internal family structure and family pedigree. Display the pictorial genogram/genomic map on one slide. Use the resources provided within the course and text (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 72-86) to help you with this activity.

  • Slide Elements: three-generational pedigree (age, gender, occupation, health status)
  • Circle primary family in genogram
  • Follow universal format.
  • Key

Slide 4: External Structure:  Create an ecomap to reflect connections to the larger community, the external structure (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 86-88 Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406 ).

  • Slide Elements: household family genogram in the center; external supports; strengths of relationships; direction of energy flow.  A minimum of eight external elements are required. 
  • Follow universal format
  • Key

Slide 5: Structural Context:  Describe your family in regards to ethnicity, race, social class, religion/spirituality, and environment (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 66-72 Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406 )

Slide 6: Environmental Safety Assessment: 

  • Review the Home Environmental Safety Overview Presentation in the D2L Content folder associated with this assignment.
  • Complete an environmental assessment using the Home Safety Checklist in the D2L Content folder associated with this assignment.
  • From your findings, identify environmental protective factors, risk factors and recommendations for safety improvement

Slide 7: Structural Analysis:  Utilizing the assessment information provided in slides 3-6, list the major structural family strengths, resources, concerns, and needs. Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406

Developmental Assessment:

Slide 8: Developmental Life Cycle:   Identify the family’s current developmental life cycle phase and associated pertinent tasks of your family. (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 90-117)

  • Provide rationale for life cycle chosen
  • Identify at least two pertinent tasks related to family

Slide 9: Attachments/Bonds:  Based on the family’s life cycle phase, construct at least one representation of the attachments and bonds between the immediate family.  Be sure to include all family members. (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 92-107).

  • Slide elements: Attachment Model of immediate family. More than one model may be included depending on family structure/dynamics
  • Two examples of behaviors that support the attachments illustrated
  • Key

Slide 10: Developmental Analysis:  Utilizing the assessment information provided in slides 8-9, list the major developmental family strengths, resources, concerns, and needs.

Functional Assessment:

Slide 11: Instrumental Functioning:  Describe the family routines of daily living. (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 118-119)

  • Describe a normal day/week in the lives of this family. Be certain to include all family members in the description.
    • This is an overview of the family’s schedule/activities/time demands.

Slide 12:  Expressive Functioning:  Family Communication: emotional, verbal, nonverbal, and circular.  (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 119-128 Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406 )

  • Describe how members of the family communicate in the four dimensions listed.

Slide 13: Problem solving and beliefs.  (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 128-130, 133-135)

  • Describe how the family solves problems, their beliefs (values, assumptions) particularly related to health.

Slide 14: Roles, Alliances/Partnerships, and Influence/Power. Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 130-133, 136-137)

  • Identify both formal and informal roles
  • Describe the directionality, balance and intensity of relationships between family members or between the family and the nurse.

Slide 15: Functional Analysis: Utilizing the assessment information provided in slides 11-14, list the major functional family strengths, resources, concerns, and needs. ** Be certain the needs/concerns are within a nurse’s scope of practice/influence.  This should not be a medical diagnosis. Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406

  • Identify a priority future health concern or problem

Health Promotion: 

This information will be used to determine teaching topic going forward.

Slide 16: Health and Wellness.  Describe the family’s overall sense of health, wellness, and ability to manage family health.

  • Include the family’s holistic view.

Slide 17: Priority family nursing problem. (health promotion, risk, or actual problem)

  • Slide Elements: NANDA approved nursing diagnosis written in proper formatting.
    • Including rationale for diagnosis as a priority.
  • See the document “Family Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions” in the D2L Content folder associated with this assignment.
  • The priority family nursing diagnosis should lead to a family health promotion goal.

Slide 18:  Goal:

  • Slide elements: Potential family health promotion goal related to the nursing diagnosis with rationale.
  • Include related health promotion teaching topic based on health promotion goal.

Slide 19:  Reference list using APA 7th edition format.

NURS 406 Family Assessment Power Point Assignment Guide and Rubric

Utilizing the Calgary Family Evaluation Model (CFAM)

Student: _______________________                                                                           

Family Assessment Power Point Assignment Guide Expectation/ Rubric Comments Points
Slide 1: Cover slide with assignment name, your name and the university name. ·       All slide elements are included __/1
Slide 2:  Provide a brief description of your clinical family.  ·       Brief detail describes the family structurally. __/1
Structural Assessment
Slide 3: Internal Structure: Pictorial genogram/genomic map on one slide. Use the resources provided within the course and text (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 72-86) to help you with this activity.o   Slide Elements: three-generational pedigree (age, gender, occupation, health status)

o   Circle for female, square for male

o   Circle primary family within genogram

o   Key

Genogram/genomic map·       All slide elements are included

·       Data is complete

·       Universal format is followed

·       Diagram is professional in appearance.

Slide 4:  External Structure:  Create an ecomap to reflect connections to the larger community, the external structure. (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 86-88)o   Slide Elements:  immediate family genogram in the center; external supports; strengths of relationships; direction of energy flow

o   At least eight external elements are included

o   Key

Ecomap·       All slide elements are included

·       Data is complete

·       Universal format is followed

·       Diagram is professional in appearance.

Slide 5: Structural Context:  Describe your family in regards to ethnicity, race, social class, religion/spirituality and environment (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 66-72) ·       All slide elements are included·       Data is complete __/2
Slide 6:  Environmental Safety Assessment:  ·       Review the Home Environmental Safety Overview Presentation.

·       Complete an environmental assessment using the Home Safety Checklist

·       Identify environmental protective factors, risk factors

·       Safety recommendations for improvements

·       Environmental protective factors listed·       Risk factors listed

·       Recommendations for safety improvements listed

Slide 7: Structural Analysis:  Provide a structural analysis using information from slides 3-6.   Include the major family strengths, resources, concerns and needs based this information. Analysis is based on data presented in slides 3-6·       Analysis is complete __/3
Developmental Assessment
Slide 8:  Developmental Life Cycle:   Identify the family’s current developmental life cycle and associated pertinent tasks of your family. (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 90-117)·       Provide rationale for life cycle chosen

·       Identify at least two pertinent tasks related to family

·       All slide elements are included.·       Correct family developmental life cycle is identified and rationale provided

·       Data is complete

Slide 9:  Attachments/Bonds:  Based on your family’s life cycle phase, construct at least one representation of the attachments and bonds between the immediate family. (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 92-107)·       Slide elements:  Attachment Model of immediate family. More than one model may be included depending on family structure/dynamics

·       All family members included

·       Two behaviors that support the attachments illustrated

·       Key

Attachment Model(s)·       All slide elements are included

·       Data is complete

·       Universal format is followed: If diagram is not word processed, hand written diagram must be professional in appearance.

Slide 10:  Developmental Analysis:Provide a developmental analysis using information from slides 8-9.  Include the major family strengths, resources, concerns, and needs based this information.


·       Analysis is based on data presented in slides 8-9·       Analysis is complete __/3
Functional Assessment
Slide 11: Instrumental Functioning:  Family routines of daily living.  (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 118-119)·       Describe a normal day/week in the lives of this family

·       Include all family members in the discussion


·       All slide elements are included. __/2
Slide 12: Expressive Functioning:  Family Communication:  emotional, verbal, nonverbal, and circular.  (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 119-128)

·       Describe how members of the family communicate in the four dimensions listed.


·       All slide elements are included. __/2
Slide 13: Problem solving and beliefs.  (Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 128-130, 133-135)·       Describe how the family solves problems, their beliefs (values, assumptions) particularly related to health. ·       All slide elements are included. __/2
Slide 14: Roles, Alliances/Partnerships and Influence/Power. Shajani & Snell, 2019, pg. 130-133, 136-137)·       Identify both formal and informal roles; describes the directionality, balance and intensity of relationships between family members or between the family and the nurse.


·       All slide elements are included. __/2
Slide 15:  Functional Analysis:  Provide a functional analysis using information from slides 11-14.- Include major family strengths, resources, concerns, and needs based this information. ** Be certain the needs/concerns are within a nurse’s scope of practice/influence.  This should not be a medical diagnosis.


-Identify a possible future health concern.

·       Analysis is based on data presented in slides 11-14·       Analysis is complete __/3
Health Promotion
Slide 16: Family overall sense of health, wellness, and ability to manage family health·       Include the family’s holistic view ·       All slide elements are included. __/2
Slide 17:  Priority family nursing diagnosis (health promotion, risk, or actual problem)·       Slide Elements: NANDA approved complete nursing diagnosis

·       Includes rationale for diagnosis as a priority.

·       See the document “Family Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions” under this assignment for guidance.

·       Note that the priority family nursing diagnosis should lead to a family health promotion goal.

·       All slide elements are included. __/3
Slide 18: Goal:  ·       Potential health promotion goal related to nursing diagnosis with rationale.

·       Related health promotion teaching topic based on health promotion goal.

·       All slide elements are included. __/2
Slide 19: Reference List:·       Reflects all citations in APA format


·       Complete list of references in APA format __/2
Entire Assignment: Theory is applied accurately with appropriate citations.

Mechanics and format

·       Content is clear and well-developed.

·       Ideas are organized, proper grammar and writing mechanics are used.

·       APA format is followed throughout presentation. Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406


Summary Feedback: Total: __ /50

NURS 406 College of Nursing and Professional Studies


Course:  NURS 406 Nursing Care of the Family

Family Nursing Diagnoses and Functional Health Patterns


Nursing Diagnoses Format:

  • “At risk for” nursing diagnoses are written in this format:

At risk for the problem/diagnosis related to the factor/cause.

  • All other nursing diagnoses need to be written in this format:

The problem/diagnosis related to (r/t) the factor/cause as evidenced by data/observations.

Family Assessment PowerPoint NURS 406

The following diagnoses are NANDA examples of standardized family nursing diagnoses.  Other examples may be found online through the Metro Library using this online resource:  Ackley, Betty J., et al. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Mosby, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Readiness for enhanced family coping

Impaired parenting

Risk for impaired parenting

Interrupted family processes

Parental role conflict

Dysfunctional family processes: e.g. alcoholism

Disabled family coping

Risk for impaired parent/child attachment

If the NANDA taxonomy is used, then defining characteristics and related factors should accompany the diagnosis.

The NANDA taxonomy is helpful, but it is not the only way to identify family nursing diagnoses and functional health patterns. Simply writing the observation can be helpful to the family nurse as she/he begins to develop the intervention plan.

Examples of family nursing diagnoses and functional family health patterns based on family assessment data:

Difficulty with behavior management related to the inconsistent utilization of discipline methods

Difficulty with resolution of grief related to the uncertainty of how to help each other work through the grief.

Difficulty gaining information regarding new parenting skills from written resources related to the literacy level of parents.

Anxiety and increased fear about parenting skills related to perceived threats from county workers and previous difficulties with parenting.

Ineffective couple communication related to difficulty of finding/making time to devote to couple relationship needs.

Potential for ineffective family coping related to stressors associated with the demands of caring for a chronically ill family member.

Effective family functioning related to effective sharing of caregiver role.

Potential for spiritual distress related to Grandma’s desire to attend church services and the family’s resistance to acknowledging this need.

Effective mother/son relationship related to consistent investment of time, support, and understanding between the individual family members.

Ineffective family coping related to Mom’s increase in stress due to expansion of work responsibilities and the personal struggle with maintaining the need for control at home and work.

Role conflict related to Mom’s need to be a wife, mother, household manager and employee evidenced by inability to balance multiple demands of work and home.

Alteration in stress management related to difficulty balancing parenting and work responsibilities.

Knowledge deficit related to health maintenance and health promotion as evidenced by family self-care deficits and poor utilization of health care system.

Unresolved grieving related to loss (family member, home, job).

Knowledge deficit concerning time management strategies related to busy family schedule.

Examples of Family Interventions

Active listening


Provide information, education

Teach parenting skills

Encourage family members to openly express their feelings


Resource referral

Commendations of family strengths

Stress management

Role clarification



Exploring differences


Identify and reinforce family’s strengths

Encourage families to utilize their support systems

Encourage relaxation, exercise & proper nutrition

Encourage health promotion activities

Explore / prepare for grief and loss

Reconstruct the past

Praise / compliment

Interrupt circular communication patterns

Anticipatory guidance

Interventive questioning

Resource awareness

Prioritize health needs

Bibliotherapy (assign reading)




Conflict resolution

Role modeling

Assign task – e.g.:  diary, journaling

Assign relaxation or recreation


Send a letter of commendation after your work with the family

Consider Future



Provide social support

Create “memories”

Guided imagery

Life / Family review


Role clarification


Cognitive restructuring (Reframing)


Empathic Listening


Offer an alternate belief, entertain new beliefs

Split-opinion (validate the point of view of more than one member)



Belief exploration (how does the problem affect the family functioning