• COURSE:  NURS 406 Nursing Care of the Family
  • TITLE OF ASSIGNMENT: Family Learner Readiness Assessment (PEEK)
  • LEARNING ACTIVITY: Integrative Experience – 25 points


In your Family Assessment PowerPoint, you constructed a family nursing diagnosis and identified a family health promotion goal. The diagnosis and health promotion goal (slide 17 and 18), along with consultation with the family you are visiting, should guide you to a selection of your health education teaching topic.


  • The nursing process is embedded in the teaching process. The first step of the teaching process is assessment of the learner. The goal of this assessment is to assess your family’s readiness to learn to guide you in your initial planning for your teaching intervention. You have already collected some of this information as part of your Family Assessment assignments. Other assessment data will be new. The PEEK Family Learner Readiness tool will help you to determine learner readiness, learner strengths and barriers, and to identify teaching/learning approaches and strategies to use in developing and carrying out your teaching plan. The four components of the PEEK tool include:
  • Physical and Developmental Assessment

Emotional Assessment

Experiential and Social Assessment

Knowledge Assessment

Also Read:

Assignment 1 PICOT and Database


  • PowerPoint provided under this assignment tab
  • The Family Learner Readiness Assessment and Initial Planning Tool Prompt (below). This will assist you in identifying the content that should be included in columns 1, 2, and 3 of the assignment template.
  • Family Learner Readiness Assessment (PEEK) Exemplar listed under this assignment
  • Your Family Assessment PowerPoint


  1. Complete the Family Learner Readiness Assessment for your family using the Family Learner Readiness Assessment (PEEK) Template included under this assignment.
  2. Start by entering the following information:
    1. Detailed Description of Clients/Family Members
    2. Family Nursing Diagnosis
    3. Family Health Promotion Learning Goal
    4. Family Health Education Topic
  3. Enter Assessment Data for the four PEEK Assessment Components listed in column 1.
  4. Insert Analysis Data about the learner strengths and barriers of the four Assessment Data points in column 2.
  5. Insert Teaching-Learning approaches and strategies for the four Assessment Data points in column 3.
  6. Content in each of the 3 columns may be in bullet format instead of narrative sentence format if you prefer. However, make sure your ideas are communicated clearly.
  7. Cite at least three references in column three, the initial planning column. These references should provide evidence that supports your approach and strategy. One of these references can be the textbook, the others need to be outside evidence- based resources published within the past 10 years.  Include a Reference List at the end of the PEEK table.
  8. Post your completed Family Learner Readiness Assessment in the associated assignment drop box by due date specified on the weekly calendar.
  9. You MUST submit your completed Family Learner Readiness Assessment and receive feedback from your instructor before submitting your Teaching Plan Proposal.
  10. Review Grading Rubric Family Learner Readiness Assignment before submitting assignment to make sure that your submission meets grading criteria.


Detailed Description of Clients/Family Members:

Family Nursing Diagnosis:

Family Health Promotion Learning Goal:

Family Health Education Topic:

PEEK Assessment ComponentsInsert Assessment Data in this Column Learner Strengths and BarriersInsert Analysis of Assessment Data in this Column Teaching-Learning Approaches & StrategiesPlanning and Intervention

Insert Approaches and Strategies in this Column

P Physical & Developmental·       Health Status

·       Cognitive Abilities

·       Communication Abilities (verbal, nonverbal, written)

·       Developmental Level

  • Individual
  • Family

·       Physical Environment

–   What are the physical and environmental protective factors as well as risk factors that will influence the client’s ability to learn and client learner outcomes?-   What developmental tasks and crises will influence the client’s ability to learn and client learner outcomes? –   What communication and teaching/learning strategies could you use to build on client’s strengths or protective factors and to modify or reduce client learning barriers and risk factors?-   How will you modify your teaching to fit the unique developmental needs of the client?

–   What is the preferred time and place for teaching/learning?

E Emotional·       Current Stress

·       Coping / Level of Resilience

·       Motivation for Learning

·       Readiness for Learning—Stages

  • Pre-contemplation
  • Contemplation
  • Preparation
  • Action
  • Maintenance
–   Will the client’s current stresses and coping abilities be a barrier to learning?-   Does the client have a history of effective coping and resilience when faced with uncertainty and need for change?

–   What will motivate the client to learn and change?

–   What is client’s readiness for learning?

–   What counseling strategies might you use to modify the client’s stresses and support the client’s coping abilities?-   How will you modify your teaching-learning approaches to fit the client’s level of motivation and readiness for learning?
E Experiential & Social·       Culture and Ethnicity

·       Cultural Health Beliefs & Practices

·       Past Experiences in Health Care

·       Specific Health Issues

·       Success & Failures

–   How do the client’s cultural beliefs and practices affect client’s health, health beliefs, and practices?-   What is the client’s past experiences with the health care system and specific health care topic?

–   How will the client’s past experiences influence client’s ability to learn?

–   How will you modify your communication to fit the client’s language abilities?-   How will you modify your teaching-learning strategies to be culturally congruent with client’s culture?

–   How will you build on the client’s past experiences with health care system and specific health topic?

K Knowledge·       Educational/Reading Level

·       Language Literacy

·       Learning Style

·       Present Knowledge of Health Issue

·       Past Health Education

·       Healthcare Literacy

–   What is the client’s primary and secondary languages?-   What is the client’s educational and reading level?

–   What is the client’s preferred learning style (i.e. visual/spatial, auditory, kinesthetic or physical)?

–   What is the client’s education and knowledge about health and health education topic?

–   Does client understand how the health care system works and how to access the services and resources needed?

–   How will you modify your teaching to fit the client’s education and reading level?-   What teaching resources and materials are appropriate to use with this client?

–   How might you actively engage the client in the teaching/learning process?

–   How might you build on what the client already knows?

–   What additional information and resources might you need to provide in order for client to use the health care system effectively?



Student: _____________________________                                                         

Detailed Description of Clients/Family Members:

Family Nursing Diagnosis:

Family Health Promotion Learning Goal:

Family Health Education Topic:

PEEK Assessment Components Learner Strengths and Barriers  Teaching-Learning Approaches & StrategiesPlanning and Intervention
P Physical & Developmental·       Health Status

·       Cognitive Abilities

·       Communication Abilities (verbal, nonverbal, written)

·       Developmental Level

  • Individual
  • Family

·       Physical Environment

–   What are the physical and environmental protective factors as well as risk factors that will influence the client’s ability to learn and client learner outcomes?

–   What developmental tasks and crises will influence the client’s ability to learn and client learner outcomes?

–   What communication and teaching/learning strategies could you use to build on client’s strengths or protective factors and to modify or reduce client learning barriers and risk factors?

–   How will you modify your teaching to fit the unique developmental needs of the client?

–   What is the preferred time and place for teaching/learning?

E Emotional·       Current Stress

·       Coping / Level of Resilience

·       Motivation for Learning

·       Readiness for Learning—Stages

  • Pre-contemplation
  • Contemplation
  • Preparation
  • Action
  • Maintenance
–   Will the client’s current stresses and coping abilities be a barrier to learning?

–   Does the client have a history of effective coping and resilience when faced with uncertainty and need for change?

–   What will motivate the client to learn and change?

–   What is client’s readiness for learning?

–   What counseling strategies might you use to modify the client’s stresses and support the client’s coping abilities?

–   How will you modify your teaching-learning approaches to fit the client’s level of motivation and readiness for learning?

E Experiential & Social·       Culture and Ethnicity

·       Cultural Health Beliefs & Practices

·       Past Experiences in Health Care

·       Specific Health Issues

·       Success & Failures

–   How do the client’s cultural beliefs and practices affect client’s health, health beliefs, and practices?

–   What is the client’s past experiences with the health care system and specific health care topic?

–   How will the client’s past experiences influence client’s ability to learn?

–   How will you modify your communication to fit the client’s language abilities?

–   How will you modify your teaching-learning strategies to be culturally congruent with client’s culture?

–   How will you build on the client’s past experiences with health care system and specific health topic?

K Knowledge·       Educational/Reading Level

·       Language Literacy

·       Learning Style

·       Present Knowledge of Health Issue

·       Past Health Education

·       Healthcare Literacy

–   What is the client’s primary and secondary languages?

–   What is the client’s educational and reading level?

–   What is the client’s preferred learning style (i.e. visual/spatial, auditory, kinesthetic or physical)?

–   What is the client’s education and knowledge about health and health education topic?

–   Does client understand how the health care system works and how to access the services and resources needed?

–   How will you modify your teaching to fit the client’s education and reading level?

–   What teaching resources and materials are appropriate to use with this client?

–   How might you actively engage the client in the teaching/learning process?

–   How might you build on what the client already knows?

–   What additional information and resources might you need to provide in order for client to use the health care system effectively?



Detailed Description of Clients/Family Members:

            This family is a newly family of four. The family members consist of the parents, a 35-year-old male and a 33-year-old female who have been married for almost five years. They have two children, a 2-year-old girl and a newborn boy. The 33-year-old female works as a coach for a financial company and has been working with them for five years. However, she has gotten time off from work until December because of the newborn. The 35-year-old male has been working as an assistant accountant coordinator for about a year. The 2-year-old girl attends daycare every week Monday through Friday.

Family Nursing Diagnosis:

            Risk for interrupted family processes related to role changes and the transitional period of having a second child as evidenced by verbal expressions of difficulty adapting to transitioning the newborn into the family, difficulty in adapting to increased responsibilities, impaired sleeping patterns, and increased stress. Family Learner Readiness Assessment NURS 406

Family Health Promotion Learning Goal:

            Improve family processes related to additional responsibilities of a newborn in order to decrease stress

Family Health Education Topic:

            Identifying stressors and how to combat stress through family bonding activities to help transition the newborn into the family

PEEK Assessment ComponentsInsert Assessment Data in this Column.  Learner Strengths and BarriersInsert Analysis of Assessment Data in this Column Teaching-Learning Approaches & StrategiesPlanning and Intervention

Insert Approaches and Strategies in this Column

P Physical & Developmental·       Health Status: Mother recently had postpartum depression; all other family members are healthy

·       Cognitive Abilities: All family members are mentally competent with no known cognitive deficits

·       Communication Abilities (verbal, nonverbal, written): Parents communicate verbally, nonverbally, and written between each other. Both children communicate nonverbally and express emotions through facial expressions, crying, laughing, and body movements.

·       Developmental Level

  • Individual

–       Newborn son- Infancy: trust vs mistrust (important events: feeding)

–       2-year-old daughter- Early childhood: autonomy vs shame and doubt (important events: toilet training)

–       Both parents- Young adulthood: intimacy vs isolation (important events: relationships)

  • Family

– Families with young children phase: child-bearing and rearing stage

·       Physical Environment: lives in a two-story home in an upper middle-class neighborhood in a suburban area; child-proof (safe for children); no disparities. 

–   What are the physical and environmental protective as well as risk factors that will influence the client’s ability to learn and client learner outcomes? Mother is currently on maternity leave from her job, so she is able to care for her newborn around the clock. Grandmother is also staying with the family for a few months to assist with work around the house and care for the children. Father works from home, so is able to assist in care for the children as needed (i.e. changing diapers). Both parents are motivated to learn family bonding activities that may help to transition the newborn into the family.

–   What developmental tasks and crises will influence the client’s ability to learn and client learner outcomes?

The newborn is currently in the trust vs mistrust phase which has the important event of feeding. Since the daughter is two years old, she may be jealous or throw tantrums when she sees the newborn boy feeding from their mother and/or getting more attention from their mother than her. This can bring upon shame and doubt in the daughter and may have a negative impact on the tasks of the developmental phase such as toilet training. Trying to handle the responsibilities of two children instead of one, requires that attention is equally distributed to each child which may be difficult at times as the newborn requires extensive care (feeding, changing diapers, etc.). This alone brings upon increased stress of the parents.

–   What communication and teaching/learning strategies could you use to build on client’s strengths or protective factors and to modify or reduce client learning barriers and risk factors?Utilizing therapeutic communication is essential during nurse-patient interactions to promote positive outcomes (Kwame & Petrucka, 2021). Through use of therapeutic communication, I can ensure the family has an understanding of the teaching and their emotions/feelings towards their situation. Since both of the parents are motivated to learn, I can use this factor to further teach family bonding activities that they may be motivated to implement. To reduce learning barriers, I will ensure that we are in the home setting in a place where the family feels it would be least distracting to learn in.

–   How will you modify your teaching to fit the unique developmental needs of the client?

The parents are currently in the young adulthood: intimacy vs isolation phase which includes the important event of establishing and maintaining a relationship. The parents have expressed that they rarely get time alone and are exhausted after each day from getting 3-4 hours of sleep at most each night. The increased responsibilities and stress of having a second child has been causing them to not get enough alone time. I will modify my teaching to also include educating on the importance of the parent relationship and to develop a routine where they can get some time away from the children to promote maintaining their intimate relationship. 

–   What is the preferred time and place for teaching/learning?

The parents believe it is best to implement the teaching to them in the evening after the father gets off work, so both parents can be present. Also, by this time the daughter would be home because her daycare ends at 1 pm, and they want her to be present during the teaching as well. The best place to implement the teaching is in their home as it is a comfortable environment for them and preferably when the newborn is sleeping to eliminate distractions. 

E Emotional·       Current Stress

–   Current stressors include the increased responsibilities of having a second child (newborn boy), recently moved into a new house, putting in work on the new house (mostly father), changes in routines, not getting enough sleep, and having to make sacrifices. The parents also mentioned upcoming stressors including that the mother is going back to work in December and the newborn boy will be starting daycare in January. 

·       Coping /  Level of Resilience:

–   Some of their coping strategies include asking for help from extensive family and friends, having patience, relaxation techniques, taking a walk, and the father likes to take the daughter to the playground.

–   In terms of level of resilience, they had the newborn about two months ago and are still trying to adjust to the increased responsibilities and changes in routine. 

·       Motivation for Learning:

To increase family bonding in order to try and smoothly transition the newborn boy into the family and getting the daughter to “accept”, if you will, the newborn boy which will reduce tantrums and outbursts from the daughter which will in turn decrease stress.

·       Readiness for Learning-Stage

·       Preparation: The family has identified broad goals such as decreasing stress, finding a new adaptable routine, and continuing to adjust with the increased responsibilities. In attempt to decrease stress, the parents asked the grandmother to stay with them for a couple months for the additional help. The parents expressed that having her there does help with decreasing the workload around the house but not necessarily transitioning the newborn into the family.

–   Will the client’s current stresses and coping abilities be a barrier to learning? I believe the client’s current stressors of dealing with increased responsibilities of having a newborn may exhaust them and in turn lessen their motivation to learn. –   Does the client have a history of effective coping and resilience when faced with uncertainty and need for change?  The parents have prior experience of the responsibilities needed for taking care of a single child and were prepared to make the necessary changes in their lifestyle to take care of the child. They also have coped well in the past of moving to a new house and have adjusted quickly to that change.

–   What will motivate the client to learn and change? The goal at hand here, if accomplished, will in turn lessen the stress caused from increased responsibilities and transitioning the newborn into the family by increasing family bonding. Overall, these stressors push them towards wanting to learn how they can make it easier on themselves.

–   What is client’s readiness for learning? 

This family is motivated to learn how to combat their stress and increase family bonding in order to smoothly transition the newborn into their family. Both parents have expressed readiness for learning.

–   What counseling strategies might you use to modify the client’s stresses and support the client’s coping abilities?Whilst educating families on stress and ways to relieve stress, it’s essential to include the family in the teaching. In other words, promoting expressions of stressors and collaborating with the family on how to combat these stressors through decision making and health management is important to promote follow through with the teaching (Shajani & Snell, 2019). Family Learner Readiness Assessment NURS 406

–   How will you modify your teaching-learning approaches to fit the client’s level of motivation and readiness for learning?

To lessen the chances of having the parents be exhausted by distractions which would hinder their motivation, it would be best to implement the teaching whilst the newborn is either with his grandmother or sleeping. The most convenient time to implement this teaching would be during the evening while the grandmother is present, so she can take care of him while the parents focus on the teaching at hand. The parents have expressed a readiness for learning which contributes to their motivation to learn ways to combat stress and family bonding activities that will help transition the newborn into the family. 

E Experiential & Social·       Culture and Ethnicity: The family does not follow any specific cultural lifestyle. Mother is South African, and the father is of English descent. 

·       Cultural Health Beliefs & Practices: Family doesn’t have any specific cultural health beliefs. They believe in natural/traditional medicine, modern medicine, and homeopathic medicine. The family tries to follow a holistic health lifestyle (i.e. weekly chiropractor visits).

·       Past Experiences in Health Care: The family’s past experiences with healthcare were revolved around labor and delivery and postpartum checkups.

·       Specific Health Issues: The only current health issue for this family is the increased stress. Besides the stress, all members are healthy and are developmentally ‘normal’.

·       Success & Failures

They stated that they have had nothing but good experiences with the hospital they go to (Methodist). They have had the same, consistent doctors since their first child was born. 

–   What is the client’s culture?  The family has no cultural beliefs that directly affect their health beliefs and practices.

–   How do the client’s cultural beliefs and practices affect client’s health, health beliefs, and practices?

The family believes in natural/traditional medicine, modern medicine, and homeopathic medicine. Their health beliefs are based upon trusting science and holistic health. Their health care decisions are based upon the situation; hence they believe in alternative medicine as well (homeopathic medicine).

–   What is the client’s past experiences with the health care system and specific health care topic?

The parents’ prior experiences with the health care system are mainly involving the birth of their two children. They stated that they have only had good experiences at Methodist hospital which is their hospital of choice. The parents have not reached out to the system in regard to stress. 

–   How will the client’s past experiences influence client’s ability to learn?

The parents’ past experiences with health care teaching was revolved around their two children. Therefore, since the teaching I plan on implementing is revolved around the family as a whole, I feel they will be receptive to what I am teaching.

–   How will you modify your communication to fit the client’s language abilities?The family is fluent in only the English language, as am I. Therefore, no modifications need to be made in order to communicate effectively with the parents. However, for the 2-year-old daughter, she will not be able to comprehend the teaching from verbal strategies. The visual teaching strategies will be best to utilize with the 2-year-old daughter.

–   How will you modify your teaching-learning strategies to be culturally congruent with client’s culture? 

The family does not have any specific cultural beliefs that would hinder any learning/teaching strategies. However, with their belief in holistic health, I will attempt to teach stress combatting strategies that address the family holistically.

–   How will you build on the client’s past experiences with health care system and specific health topic?

The prior experiences with the health care system that this family has gone through has mainly been labor and delivery and postpartum checkups. They were taught the necessities of caring for a newborn (i.e. swaddling technique, feeding, etc.). However, they barely got taught anything on how to transition a newborn into a family with other children. Therefore, I will build upon the knowledge that they gained from their past experiences in order to teach them family bonding activities to smoothly transition the newborn into the family.

K Knowledge·       Educational/Reading Level: Both parents graduated High School and furthered their education up to a bachelor’s degree. The 2-year-old daughter is currently attending daycare every week Monday through Friday. Neither child is old enough to have the ability to read.

·       Language Literacy: All English speaking with no other secondary languages. The two children cannot speak yet. However, the two-year-old daughter expresses emotions well nonverbally.

·       Learning Style: The parents prefer verbal teaching methods and the more detailed, the better. The two-year-old daughter learns best through visual teaching.  

·       Present Knowledge of Health Issue: The family is adjusting to the increased responsibilities of having a second child, but they are having a significant amount of stress with the adjustment.

·       Past Health Education:

The parents have gotten health education while in the hospital from having both children. They also were a part of a learning program for new parents at Methodist hospital prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

·       Healthcare Literacy: Neither of the parents know healthcare literacy well as they have not had extensive education in the matter. However, with use of lay terms and/or explanations of healthcare literacy, they will be able to comprehend the teaching.

–   What is the client’s primary and secondary languages?The parent’s primary language is English and has no other knowledge in other languages.

–   What is the client’s educational and reading level?

Both of the parents have bachelor’s degrees from furthered education through college. The parents reading level is advanced (college level reading). The 2-year-old daughter is currently going to daycare Monday through Friday. Neither child is old enough to read.

–   What is the client’s preferred learning style (i.e. visual/spatial, auditory, kinesthetic or physical)?

The parents preferred learning style is a mix of verbal (auditory) and kinesthetic. The two-year-old daughter learns best through visual teaching (pictures, demonstrations, etc.).

–   What is the client’s education and knowledge about health and health education topic?

Both parents steer their lifestyle around trying to stay healthy. They understand what stress is and the stressors they are currently dealing with. They were briefly taught at the hospital simple ways to transition the newborn into the family, but not in depth.

–   Does client understand how the health care system works and how to access the services and resources needed?

Neither parent has experience working in the health care system and do not fully understand how it works. They do hold knowledge in who to contact if they need additional services and resources involving their children. 

–   How will you modify your teaching to fit the client’s education and reading level?Both parents have an advanced educational and reading level, so there is no modifying necessary for teaching. For the two-year-old daughter, since she is not able to read, I will utilize visual learning strategies.

–   What teaching resources and materials are appropriate to use with this client? 

While educating the parents, I will educate verbally the family bonding activities. In implementing this, I will ensure I utilize therapeutic communication skills in order to get the parents’ input and feelings towards the teaching topic. I will utilize collaboration as well to promote identifying what works best for the family in terms of family bonding activities and strategies to relieve stress. I will then use reflective statements to state back what the family and I have collaborated on in order to make sure we are on the same page. Utilizing reflective questions and statements helps to promote transparent conversations that promote reflection (Benzein et al., 2008). I will also utilize pictures and demonstrations as necessary to teach the 2-year-old daughter.

–   How might you actively engage the client in the teaching/learning process?

In attempt to actively engage the family into the teaching process, I would ensure that we find a time where the whole family can be present at the meeting. For the parents, I would engage them by reinforcing the positive outcomes of decreased stress that may come from the teaching process. I would also utilize clarifying techniques to ensure that they understand what I am teaching. For example, I would ask them to tell it back to me. In order to actively engage their two-year-old daughter I would utilize visual learning techniques such as pictures or demonstrations and positive reinforcement.

–   How might you build on what the client already knows?

First, I would assess the family’s knowledge in the health care topic of stress and analyze whether they have an adequate amount of knowledge or need additional learning. In this family’s case, they need additional knowledge of family bonding activities that may help reduce stress and transition the newborn into the family. I would build upon their prior knowledge taught to them in the hospital and further elaborate the information on the specific health care topic.

–   What additional information and resources might you need to provide in order for client to use the health care system effectively?

Since this family’s choice of health care facility is Methodist. I can search up some programs they may have involving education to promote transitioning of the newborn into the family. 


Benzein, E. G., Hagberg, M., & Saveman, B. I. (2008). ‘Being appropriately unusual’: A challenge for nurses in health-promoting conversations with families. Nursing Inquiry, 15(2), 106-115.

Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: Barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1-10.  00684-2

Shajani, Z. & Snell, D. (2019). Wright & Leahey’s nurses and families: A guide to family assessment and intervention, (7th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. Family Learner Readiness Assessment NURS 406


Student: __________________                                Instructor: ______________________

Grade: ______/25 pts.

Content and Criteria Comments and Grade
Initial Content·       Description of Clients/Family Members

·       Family Nursing Diagnosis (from Family Assessment Power Point):

·       Family Health Promotion Learning Goal (from Family Assessment Power Point):

·       Family Health Education Topic:

___/2 pts.
Physical and Developmental·       Assessment components are included. Data are consistent with family assessment and are complete.

·       Learner strengths and barriers are included

·       Teaching and Learning approaches and strategies are included.

·       Approaches and strategies are consistent with family assessment data (Column 1) and analysis (Column 2).

__/5 pts.
Emotional·       Assessment components are included. Data are consistent with family assessment and are complete.

·       Learner strengths and barriers are included

·       Teaching and Learning approaches and strategies are included.

·       Approaches and strategies are consistent with family assessment data (Column 1) and analysis (Column 2).

__/5 pts.
Experiential and Social·       Assessment components are included. Data are consistent with family assessment and are complete.

·       Learner strengths and barriers are included

·       Teaching and Learning approaches and strategies are included

·       Approaches and strategies are consistent with family assessment data (Column 1) and analysis (Column 2).

__/5 pts.
Knowledge·       Assessment components are included. Data are consistent with family assessment and complete.

·       Learner strengths and barriers are included

·       Teaching and Learning approaches and strategies are included

·       Approaches and strategies are consistent with family assessment data (Column 1) and analysis (Column 2).

__/5 pts.
Writing Style, Citations and References·       At least 3 citations are listed under the Initial Planning column

·       Content is presented overall in organized and clear manner

·       Words, phrases, and presentation are consistent with professional writing style expected of professional nurses.

·       Proper grammar and spelling used consistently.

·       Citations and References are appropriate and in APA format. No more than 3 unique errors noted.

__/3 pts.
Total Points __/25 pts.