NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Assignment Part 1 and Part 2 Example

Agenda Comparison Grid Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2

Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Use this Agenda Comparison Grid to document information about the population health/healthcare issue you selected and the presidential agendas. By completing this grid, you will develop a more in depth understanding of your selected issue and how you might position it politically based on the presidential agendas.

Agenda Comparison Grid Assignment Part 1 and Part 2 Example

You will use the information in the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid to complete the remaining Part 2 and Part 3 of your Assignment.

Identify the Population Health concern you selected. Adults older than 26 years
Describe the Population Health concern you selected. Jones et al. (2019) show that the death rates from opioids have skyrocketed to over 40,000 per year in the recent past. The highest death rate is among adults over 26 years. Today, drug overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death in the Us, mainly due to the opioid epidemic. The opioid epidemic first gained notoriety in 2010, but its factors began several years later. Opioids are highly addictive because they activate powerful reward centers in the brain, boosting feelings of pleasure and muffling pain perception (Hubbard, 2020). The issue has mainly been caused by the increased prescription of opioid medications, leading to widespread misuse of prescription and non-prescription opioids.
Administration (President Name) Joseph Biden Donald Trump
Explain how each of the two presidential administrations approached the issue. This administration has focused on finding evidence-based interventions and support services for overdose patients (Hubbard, 2020). It has also worked with law enforcement to reduce the financing and distribution of opioids in the streets. Trump’s administration focused on using the five-point strategy (prevention, treatment, recovery, research, advanced practices of pain management) to ensure patients at high risk of opioid addiction did not get this medication for pain treatment (Jones et al., 2019).
Identify the allocations of resources that the current and previous presidents dedicated to this issue. This administration has focuses on expanding and modernizing technologies targeting drug traffickers, enablers, and financial facilitators. These actions will disrupt drug traffickers’ ability to fund their businesses. It allocated $41 billion in the president’s FY2022 budget to drug policy efforts. It also wants to allocate $23.5 billion for public health approaches to reduce drug use and its consequences. In 2017, the NHS under Trump allocated $900million in the opioid epidemic-specific funding, including support for local and state governments (Nolette & Provost, 2018).

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, complete the following to document information about the population health/healthcare issue you selected

Which administrative agency (like HHS, CDC, FDA, OHSA) would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected? Why is this agency the most helpful? The CDC for evidence-based prevention and the law enforcement agency to prevent financing and distribution.
How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the presidential agenda? How does it stay there? This issue may get on the president’s agenda by highlighting the number of deaths per year from opioid overdoses. It will stay thereby highlighting the economic burden of the issue. It will also help to highlight how healthcare services provision burden can be lighter through stopping the epidemic (Sharfstein, & Olsen, 2019).
Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor (this can be a celebrity, a legislator, an agency director, or others) of the healthcare issue you selected? An example is Michael J. Fox a champion for Parkinson’s disease. Abhilash Patel would be the best sponsor. Abhilash is a co-founder of Recovery Brands, a company that focuses on giving customers an online means to search for addiction treatment.

Part III: Fact Sheet

Importance of the Opioid Crisis for the Legislation Agenda

The opioid crisis affects individuals of all races, ages, and gender. People who need pain management have been forced to depend on opioids to function due to their highly addictive features. This issue is not only affecting the adult population. It is also impacting children. Studies show that nearly 700,000 adolescents misused opioids in 2018 (Nolette & Provost, 2018). This population is likely to suffer malnutrition and undiagnosed trauma reactions. Prevention is critical to ensure that future generations are protected and adequately maintained their futures. Therefore there should be prescription monitoring technologies, preventing and early recognizing opioid issues among patients.

Agenda Comparison Grid Assignment Part 1 and Part 2 Example References

Jones, G. H., Bruera, E., Abdi, S., & Kantarjian, H. M. (2019). The opioid epidemic in the United States—overview, origins, and potential solutions. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey74(5), 278-279.

Hubbard, W. K. (2020). Getting serious about opioid regulation. JAMA Internal Medicine180(2), 309-310.

Nolette, P., & Provost, C. (2018). Change and continuity in the role of state attorneys general in the Obama and Trump administrations. Publius: The Journal of Federalism48(3), 469-494.

Sharfstein, J. M., & Olsen, Y. (2019). Making amends for the opioid epidemic. JAMA321(15), 1446-1447.

Presidential Agendas Example Essay

A presidential plan consists of a list of issues or problems to which the presidential administration at any given time is paying close and serious attention to them. Some of the issues that rise to presidential levels are healthcare-related problems like a highly infectious disease outbreak. Notifiable diseases are also included in the presidential agenda. The chosen topic to discuss is a pandemic like coronavirus. Coronavirus pandemic is currently on every president’s agenda due to its impact on all aspects of life since 2019.

In many countries and states, Covid 19 has led to healthcare supply shortages, increased mortality rate, and social and economic impacts negatively affecting the lives of country people. For example, the issuance of a country’s lockdown decreased the country’s economic activity. In the United States, Trump’s administration played a crucial role in handling the pandemic. First was issuing the country’s lockdown to prevent entry into the state’s borders. The aim was to decrease the spread of coronavirus from other countries such as China. The presidential administration acted as the last resort supplier. Due to poor national planning and appropriate government guidelines, coronavirus outbreak trajectories and community spread worsened (Kates et al., 2020).

Additionally, the president issued social distancing policies and stay-at-home orders to reduce coronavirus spread after the spike in the coronavirus infected numbers. In April, Trump encouraged the reopening of the country and schools even before the reopening metrics were met. Although the president gave conflicting messages to the public about covid 19 transmissions and treatment, the research bodies could correct and provide the proper recommendations (Kates et al., 2020).

Biden’s presidential administration handled coronavirus with more effective measures that proved appropriate to control the disease. He mounted a national emergency response strategy to decrease the virus spread, protect frontline workers, and save lives. He introduced a plan encouraging the federal government to be at the forefront in COVID- 19 response strategies such as managing healthcare supplies used to prevent, control, and treat coronavirus, contact tracing, and increasing coronavirus testing capacity (Kates et al., 2020).

Another approach is increasing critical supplies needed to curb the spread of covid 19, such as personal protective equipment. The president took the responsibility of providing essential supplies to the state and even tribes. The defense production act was established to increase the production of supplies such as masks and other types of equipment to increase supply, especially in hard-to-reach areas which are primarily affected. The hospital equipment such as ventilators and intensive care supplies increased as covid 19 mainly affects the respiratory system. He also allowed public access to covid 19 information through the media (Holzer & Newbold, 2020).

The current president is fighting against the covid 19 pandemic by providing covid 19 vaccines to all people, even schoolchildren. The vaccines have been made available to the high-risk populations and hard-to-reach areas to increase the percentage of people vaccinated, promoting herd immunity (Maves et al., 2020).

In addressing the pandemic, I would not do anything different from what President Biden did because his approaches seem effective in preventing the spread of the disease. First, I would invest in technology and scientific research related to the pandemic to understand the disease and treat it. The research would lead to the production of vaccines to curb the disease. Additionally, I would put more effort into increasing the vaccine coverage, especially to the resistant populations since there are many unvaccinated people in the country. Lastly, strict testing, quarantine, and isolation guidelines would be part of my efforts.


Holzer, M., & Newbold, S. P. (2020). A call for action: public administration, public policy, and public health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Review of Public Administration, 50(6-7):450-454.

Kates, J., Michaud, J., Levitt, L., Pollitz, K., Neuman, T., Long, M., Rudowitz, R., Musumeci, M., Freed, M., & Cubanski, J. (2020). Comparing Trump and Biden on COVID-19. Retrieved from

Maves, R. C., Downar, J., Dichter, J. R., Hick, J. L., Devereaux, A., Geiling, J. A., Kissoon, N., Hupert, N., Niven, A. S., King, M. A., Rubinson, L. L., Hanfling, D., Hodge, J. G., Jr, Marshall, M. F., Fischkoff, K., Evans, L. E., Tonelli, M. R., Wax, R. S., Seda, G., Parrish, J. S., & ACCP Task Force for Mass Critical Care (2020). Triage of Scarce Critical Care Resources in COVID-19 An Implementation Guide for Regional Allocation: An Expert Panel Report of the Task Force for Mass Critical Care and the American College of Chest Physicians. Chest, 158(1), 212–225.

NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Sample 2

Part 1

Identify the population health concern you selected The Opioid Epidemic
Describe the Population Health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it. One of the top immediate worries for American healthcare officials over the past 20 years has been the growth in opioid abuse cases. Calls for a thorough analysis of the situation and potential solutions have been driven by an exponential rise in the number of people impacted by this growing crisis and the number of deaths related to it. Today, current estimates place the number of individuals who succumb to opioid overdose at 48,000 annually in the U.S. alone (Stein & Galea, 2020, p. 138). Several contributing factors have been linked to the current state of affairs. One of the main contributing factors in the availability of opioid prescription drugs due to an increase in its endorsement as an effective pain relief medication by healthcare practitioners. In most cases, physicians fail to educate patients appropriately regarding the potential for abuse when prescribing opioid medications. Patients, particularly those struggling with chronic pain, ultimately develop tolerance to opioid medications and are unable to cease its use due to a combination of a high side-effect profile and serious withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, its
prevalence among drug users has also fueled its spread and surge among young adults in the U.S. Opioid abuse is common among heroin users who seek to compound its effects.
Administration (President Name) Donald Trump Barrack Obama George Bush
Describe the President Trump’s primary President Obama was well aware of the President Bush viewed the opioid crisis as
administrative agenda focus was on robust healthcare challenges posed by opioid abuse. Yet, a challenge that had snowballed over time
focus related to this issue infrastructure to confront the healthcare advisors remained undecided due to a lack of commitment by the
for the current and two opioid epidemic as a major on the most appropriate measures to country’s leadership and inadequate
previous presidents. public health crisis. As a result, implement (Tucker & Fraser, 2019). funding. His solution to this problem was
the Trump administration However, a widely accepted agenda an increase in federal funding to
focused exclusively on forming involved raising awareness through the initiatives which sought to address the
public health commission to Department of Health and Human opioid epidemic and its ravaging effects in
address the crisis. This Services (HHS), government initiatives, the U.S. The core of this campaign was a
primarily involved creating and awareness campaigns organized by focus on identifying persons addicted to
appropriate frameworks to the Healthy People Consortium. opioids and ensuring they receive
reduce the number of opiate Awareness, through patient education, appropriate medical care. This approach
prescriptions provided as a first- was conducted mainly through regarded addiction as a ‘disease’ requiring
line drug in pain management. In 2017, an President Trump signed an executive order which declared opioid addiction a national health crisis and subsequently formed a commission to address the problem (Foreman, 2017 NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Sample Work). telemedicine to raise awareness about opioid abuse and addiction within the U.S. the application of innovative medical management practices. Furthermore, the Bush administration also focused on stemming the illegal drug trade in a bid to implement systematic policies to manage drug addiction in the U.S.
Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue. The Trump administration channeled approximately 6.2 billion U.S dollars to manage the opioid epidemic (Bryan et al., 2020). Initial efforts to manage the crisis were also coupled with efforts to introduce new drugs, chief among them being fentanyl to The Obama administration provided 1 billion U.S dollars to initiatives geared towards raising awareness on the opioid epidemic and management opioid use disorder (Fraser & Levine, 2019, p. 465). Management efforts also focused on regulating opioid prescriptions as a first-line pain relief medication in patients with chronic pain. The Bush administration allocated 1.6 billion dollars towards the management of the opioid crisis in the U.S (Knopf, 2015). As part of a two-pronged approach, the U.S Drug Enforcement agency also focused on the illegal distribution of prescription drugs by proposing stiff penalties and minimum-mandatory jail time for offenders.
manage addiction.
Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue. President Trump administration viewed the opioid epidemic as a public health crisis. Using his executive powers, Trump formed a commission to develop the most suitable intervention while lobbying Congress to implement new measures to curb opioid abuse. The Obama administration sought to manage the opioid epidemic through improved access to healthcare. This involved the implementation of new measures by the HHS to support alternative pain management options. One such effort was the inception of the Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) option and collaboration with China to stem the production and illegal distribution of fentanyl. The Bush administration developed a stern approach towards the illegal trade and distribution of drugs. This strategy was implemented by policymakers who recommended an increase in funding towards this cause while targeting drug traffickers involved in the trade.

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Administration (President’s Name) Donald Trump Barrack Obama George Bush
Which administrative agency would most likely The National Institute of Health (NIH) would play a central role in The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would have played a The U.S Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) would have been suited best
be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected? the subsequent management of the opioid epidemic in the U.S. Efforts to control and manage the crisis would focus primarily on treating the condition as a disease rather than a mere addiction while attempting to develop an actionable alternative. Public health departments would also focus on retraining healthcare workers to manage frequent drug overdose cases associated with opioid abuse. central role in the management of the opioid crisis during the Obama era. Efforts implemented would be in tandem with the initial goal of educating the public on the dangers posed by opioid addiction and the management of opioid use disorder among individuals with the condition. The HHS is mandated to participate in public awareness initiatives and a primary reason why it is best suited to manage the condition (Nutt & Nestor, 2018, p. 189 NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Sample Work). in the management of opioid abuse during the Bush era. The DEA is primarily involved in pursing individuals involved in illegal drug trade and trafficking (Tucker & Fraser, 2019). Such efforts would have gone a long way in reducing the flow of prescription opioids to drug dealers, thus managing distribution among potential buyers.
How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? Today, the opioid crisis is linked to a sharp increase in new cases of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis as a consequence of sharing needles among addicts (Engel et al., 2019, The opioid crisis might have gotten on the agenda of the Obama administration by focusing exclusively on its effect on users through civic participation. Such efforts are normally supported by lobby In the Bush administration, the opioid crisis would have become a major issue of concern after the subsequent implementation of collaborative efforts between parties involved in
How does it stay there? p. 265). Furthermore, it is also linked to an increase in mortality rate among infants linked to drug use during pregnancy. This would call for a serious focus on the opioid epidemic and implementation of a presidential administrative agenda focused solely on managing the opioid epidemic. groups, advocacy groups, interest groups, and non-governmental organizations. Public participation would strive to address issues of particular interest raised by the community in an attempt to develop some of the most appropriate care options based on healthcare priorities. efforts to manage the opioid epidemic. In particular, law enforcement officers would have benefitted from working with addicts in treatment centers and hospitals to stem to identify the flow of illegal drugs into the community and persons at the very center of this trade. Collaborative efforts are likely to prove beneficial in the initial management of illegal drug trade within the U.S.
Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/ sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current The National Institute on Drug Abuse is an ideal choice to champion efforts to manage the opioid epidemic in the U. S. This is mainly due to its involvement in Nurses play a central and invaluable role in managing adverse conditions such as substance abuse and drug addiction. Their involvement within the Obama administration would ensure the opioid The Department of Justice (DoJ) is an ideal choice in combating the trade in controlled substances within the United States. Efforts to prosecute drug kingpins would be augmented
and two previous presidents? substance abuse issues. NIDA’s involvement would go a long way in managing drug addiction by focusing on creating recovery and rehabilitation centers (Fleiz et al., 2019 NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Sample Work). crisis is highlighted as a major public health issue requiring the meticulous application of practical management strategies to manage the issue. by the DEA. Such efforts would go a long way in controlling the illegal trade in prescription drugs within the U.S.

Part 3: Fact Sheet/Talking Point Brief

The opioid epidemic is one of the most serious public health issues in the U.S. today stemming from the misuse of prescription medications intended for pain management. Although pharmaceutical companies initially reassured concerned parties that opioid- based pain killers did not pose a threat to public health, a sharp increase in cases of drug misuse and overdose proved otherwise.

Today, experts unanimously agree that opioid pain medications have high likelihood for abuse and are highly addictive (Sharfstein, 2017, p. 27). This has resulted in an unprecedented rise in opioid abuse, misuse, and overdose, in addition to infants with withdrawal symptoms. Policymakers in successive administrations have steadily worked to ensure emerging alternatives are implemented to manage and control the misuse of prescription drugs.

The Bush administrations regarded the opioid crisis as a serious threat to the overall wellbeing of Americans, therefore warranting concerted efforts to control its spread. President Bush responded to the crisis by increasing federal funding to the DEA to aid in identifying persons responsible for the overflow of illegal prescription drugs in the community (Dasgupta, 2020). Similarly, President Obama was also cognizant of concerns raised regarding a sharp increase in opioid use during his tenure in the White House. Efforts to manage the epidemic focused solely on raising public awareness through government agencies and initiatives by the Healthy People Consortium. President Trump responded to the opioid crisis by deeming it a major public health crisis.

After signing an executive order declaring it a major public health crisis in 2017, the HHS responded by developing the inaugural 5-Point Strategy to Combat the Opioid Crisis (Campana, 2017). Today, nurses are at the center of efforts to manage the opioid crisis. They participate in efforts to curb misuse of prescription medication by implementing government policy, tracking patient’s drug use, participating in patient education, and preparing them for medication cessation.

NURS 6050 Agenda Comparison Grid Assignment Part 1 and Part 2 Example References

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