NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP – Role of the Nurse Educator

Masters of Science in Nursing, Walden University NURS 6351: Practicum Experience Plan (PEP)

NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

Practicum Experience

The practicum portion of a program provides students with a clinical learning environment that’s beneficial for the application of evidence-based knowledge into a clinical setting. This allows the student to improve their clinical skills such as clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills (Najafi Kalyani et al., 2019 NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP). Naturally, on entry into the clinical environment, nursing students are faced with various challenges based on physical, emotional, psychological, and organizational factors, and these factors can affect the way that a student learns.

However, it is important for nursing students to embrace the practicum portion of their program as this experience will have positive benefits, and will help in shaping nursing students into nursing professionals as they apply knowledge into real-life scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to outline a plan that will help to guide the achievement of my learning objectives related to my growth and development as a nurse educator throughout my practicum experience.

Practicum Experience Plan (PEP) Part 1: Quarter/Term/Year and Contact Information

Summer Quarter/11 Week Term/Year: 2021 Name:

Street Address: Aquamarine Drive#231, Phase 2

City, State, Zip: Blue Hills, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:



Preceptor Contact Information

Name: LB

Organization: Cheshire hall Medical Centre Street Address: Hospital Road, Leeward Highway

City, State, Zip: Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, TKCA 1ZZ Work Phone:

Cell Phone:



Preceptor Interview

Nurse educators play a crucial role that includes the mentoring of student nurses that will help students to improve on evidence-based knowledge, and critical thinking skills while providing support and guidance (Mthiyane & Habedi, 2018 NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP). My practicum experience for the Role of a Nurse Educator course will occur at the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre which is also my current place of work. The name of my preceptor for this practicum experience is Lurline Barnett, and she hails from the beautiful island of Jamaica.

Lurline has worked with the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre for approximately six (6) years and holds the title of nurse educator. She is a certified critical care nurse with over ten (10) years of nursing experience and holds both an MSN and teaching degree from the Micro University College of Jamaica. Lurline is directly in charge of preceptorship so her duties include but are not limited to direct instruction in the classroom and clinical units, development of curriculum for compulsory nursing education, advocating for program’s implementation, preparation of mandatory training strategies for newly hired staff, management of learning activities, the teaching of skills directly related to nursing and the usage of new equipment, observation of new students/nurses, and the evaluation of staff.

Working alongside my preceptor is a valuable segment of my program that can positively impact my professional growth and development. It will assist in the improvement of my self- disciplinary and interpersonal skills while providing me with a first-hand experience that cannot be achieved in the classroom.

Individualized Practicum Learning Objectives Objective 1:

By the end of the practicum, I will exhibit effective communication skills that will facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and team-building amongst the healthcare providers so that they can improve on their management and coordination of overall care. NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

Planned Activities:

During this practicum, I will shadow my preceptor as much as possible so that I may observe various communication skills and techniques. I will also actively engage in communication activities involving team-building exercises and interdisciplinary collaboration so that I can adequately prepare for my leadership role.

Mode of Assessment:

Verification will be documented in Meditrek

Course Outcome(s) Addressed. During this practicum experience, I hope to develop communication-based skills and competencies such as active listening, managing conflicts, and an understanding of self and others. I will expand on my oral, written, and electronic communication capabilities so that I will be able to communicate effectively with individuals and groups in order to promote effective interpersonal relationships and teamwork. NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP  Objective 2

By the end of the practicum, I will demonstrate the skills and competencies required to successfully design, implement, monitor, and manage mandatory training exercises based on best evidence-based practices, educational models, and organizational policies and procedures.

Planned Activities:

When preparing for mandatory training, I will work alongside my preceptor to assess needs, establish areas of weaknesses, develop objectives, design mandatory training activities, and evaluate staff. I will practice and improve on my teaching strategies grounded in educational theory and best evidence-based teaching practices. NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

Mode of Assessment:

Verification will be documented in Meditrek

Course Outcome(s) Addressed. I will apply knowledge learned from educational and learning resources on best available evidence when designing and implementing mandatory training activities. I will also demonstrate teaching methods such as formal lectures, demonstrations, role-playing, and problem-solving activities to better facilitate knowledge transfer.

NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP Objective 3

By the end of the practicum, I will practice within my frame of work with a high level of professionalism adhering to legal boundaries, code of ethics, professional conduct, and acceptable standards of practice as I execute my role as a nurse educator.

Planned Activities:

Familiarize myself with scopes of practice, code of ethics, and organizational standards and procedures that will better equip me for my role. I will also grasp nursing ethics and values learned in the clinical areas through role modeling and shadowing of my preceptor. NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

Mode of Assessment:

Verification will be documented in Meditrek

Course Outcome(s) Addressed. I will apply knowledge learned locally, regionally, and internationally relating to the ethical code of conduct of nursing education into practice. I will demonstrate ethical behaviors of integrity, responsibility, academic honesty, and respect throughout my career.

Projected Timeline/Schedule

In order to successfully complete my practicum hours I understand that no more than 24 hours will be dedicated to my practicum project while the other 48hrs will include shadowing my preceptor, activities related to the practicum project, and also participating in activities directly related to the completion of my practicum goals and objectives. I intend to complete the 72 Practicum hours according to the following timeline/schedule:

Number of Hours Projected for Week Number of Weekly Hours for ProfessionalDevelopment Number of Weekly Hours for Practicum Project
Week 1 3 3 0
Week 2 5 5 0
Week 3 8 5 3
Week 4 8 5 3
Week 5 8 5 3
Week 6 8 5 3
Week 7 8 5 3
Week 8 8 5 3
Week 9 8 5 3
Week 10 8 5 3
Week 11 0 0 0
Total Hours (must meet thefollowing requirements, NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP) 72 Hours 48 Hours 24 Hours

Part 4 – Signatures

 Student Signature (electronic): 

Practicum Faculty Signature (electronic):


The clinical or practicum component of nursing education is considered a vital component of professional preparation experience (Heidari & Norouzadeh, 2015). This practicum experience will heighten my understanding and application of knowledge as a nurse educator. Through the dedicated professional development and project activities for this practicum, I will gain valuable skills, knowledge, and competencies required to meet the desired goals and objectives. I know that the completion of the practicum experience will come with challenges but I am prepared to face these challenges head on so that I may successfully complete my journey of becoming a nurse educator. NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

References for the NURS 6351 Practicum Experience Plan PEP

Heidari, M. R., & Norouzadeh, R. (2015). Nursing students’ perspectives on clinical education. Journal of advances in medical education & professionalism, 3(1), 39–43.

Mthiyane, G. N., & Habedi, D. S. (2018). The experiences of nurse educators in implementing evidence-based practice in teaching and learning. Health SA = SA Gesondheid, 23, 1177.

Najafi Kalyani, M., Jamshidi, N., Molazem, Z., Torabizadeh, C., & Sharif, F. (2019). How do nursing students experience the clinical learning environment and respond to their experiences? A qualitative study. BMJ open, 9(7), e028052.

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