NURS-FPX6109 Assessment 3 Educational Technologies Comparison

Part 1 Description of Technology

The types of technology of interest are technologies to enhance learner interactivity. The specific technologies at the center of this discussion are virtual reality technologies (simulations) and Gamification. Technologies to enhance learner interactivity are engaging activities in that learners use computer programs to expand their skills and knowledge.

NURS-FPX6109 Assessment 3 Educational Technologies Comparison

Malicki et al. (2020) note that Gamification and simulations use similar ideologies where specific skills are fed into systems, and learners sharpen their skills by performing those particular tasks. These technologies require students to use their existing knowledge to perform tasks in computer environments similar to reality. Gamification are more common in technical fields such as the military to sharpen individuals.

Learners hone skills such as driving, piloting, and launching missiles using command controls that mimic respective environments. The programs are developed like games, and mastery of the games may reflect fundamental skills. Learners take less time and make few mistakes after learning using virtual technologies and Gamification. The experiences help showcase mistakes that would be costly and destructive in the contemporary world.

Professionals develop virtual technologies with precision to ensure they effectively deliver the set objectives. Gamification augments class lessons and contains less information for learners. Learners rely on learned knowledge and skills and cannot entirely depend on Gamification. Thus, they help enhance technical skills among the nursing students(Malicki et al., 2020).

Simulations offer in-depth interaction sessions that allow nurses to increase their knowledge and practice skills. These technologies both augment and introduce complex skills to learners. They provide safe environments for skill enhancement hence their considerable potential in improving continuing professional education. These technologies augment the class experience by increasing the students’ intrinsic motivation common when they are engaged in activities they love.

Comparison of Features, Benefits, and Capabilities

Feature, Capability, and Benefit Gamification Virtual reality technology (Virtual simulation)
Ability to interact with the learner High learner engagement. Learners experience better engagement High learner engagement through game-like systems with instructions and additional knowledge
Educator involvement Low educator engagement. Educators are merely involved because they only develop programs and most learners only. Moderate educator involvement. The educator is only involved in developing the programs and monitoring patients. They also participate in learner evaluation exercises, especially those involving linkage with other learning processes.
Complexity to the students/ learners Less comprehensive and entail skill-specific tasks. Gamification convert skills to games with game-like commands; hence they are simple to use (White & Shellenbarger, 2018) Simulations are comprehensive and involve simple to mixed skill sets that help produce well-rounded students with both knowledge and skills in theory and practice (Plotzky et al., 2021).
Student evaluation effectiveness Moderately effective. Gamifications provide instant results on the learners’ ability to perform the required tasks with precision. Highly effective. Virtual simulations allow learners to improve, evaluate, and record their skills; hence they are effective in evaluation.
Student motivation It is highly motivating. Gamification provides gaming-learning activities which excite learners, improving their motivation. Moderate motivation. Virtual simulations provide new environments and new experiences but are highly complex ad can hence demotivate students.
Adaptability to learning Gamifications are easily adaptable to learning because they are fun-like. They are built to develop. Less adaptability. Virtual simulations are complex; hence it may take time before students understand them.
Costs Inexpensive. Gamifications are inexpensive and require installation and periodic subscriptions, making them relatively affordable. However, developing a program can be a costly affair, unlike leveraging already developed programs. Inexpensive. Both technologies require subscriptions only because they are developed in bulk by regulated industries. Subscriptions are regulated when necessary, further reducing costs.
The immediacy of the feedback Immediate feedback. Gamification provides immediate feedback where the results are visible soon after and during specific activities. Immediate feedback. Virtual simulations also provide immediate feedback and allow for skill refinement if the performance is unadmirable or does not meet expectations.
Progress indication Good process indications. Gamifications are developed in levels requiring a set of skills like usual video games, and completing these levels provides a good indicator of progress (White & Shellenbarger, 2018) Virtual simulations provide accurate results in the specific skills and competencies and thus help highlight the areas of weakness and allow learners to improve these skills (Chen et al., 2020).
Student privacy Low privacy status because the methods are designed to allow learners to compete and evaluate their performance with others High privacy where only the student and the faculty have access to the patients’ information
Effectiveness in achieving learning and teaching objectives Moderate effectiveness (do not show mistakes or help correct them). Gaming levels evaluate a particular mix of skills and provide less room for enhancing a single skill (Mackavey & Cron, 2019). Their simplicity prevents the achievement of various or all learning objectives Highly effective (shows mistakes and helps correct them). Simulations also allow students to develop specific skills and allow students to sharpen certain skills without having to repeat activities involving other skills (Foronda et al., 2020)
Fun High fun levels; They are engaging and, hence, a source of fun. Malicki et al. (2021) note that Gamification is game-like technology that is fun for the learners and promotes their participation. Have lower fun levels. Simulations are more complex technologies that require total learner attention with less social interactions or performance comparison. Hence, students have less fun compared to gamification experiences.

Part 2 Assumptions

The assumptions are that the technologies are being implemented strictly in nursing education. The comparison will take on different dimensions when discussing other professions because they all have different demands and skills. Another assumption is that the skills required will change with time markedly due to the dynamicity of the nursing and healthcare fields. The comparison metrics combine all features relevant and not relevant to continuing nursing education.

The comparison will help a nursing educator decide on the most admirable qualities that assist with continuing professional education. Malicki et al. (2020) note that choosing the right technology involves a keen analysis of the specific features to ensure they meet the educational needs. The comparison will also help the nursing professionals determine how the simulations can be used together to produce better effects.

The weaknesses in one technology can be augmented by the other technology, producing quality education outcomes and translating into better patient care. One limitation of the comparison is that it is prone to opinion bias. Professionals can choose to compare qualities that will ensure their preferred technology is the right choice. The tendency can be avoided by using opinions from various professionals or a committee to ensure diversity in ideas and perspectives (Wallace et al., 2020). That way, the professionals can make the right decision free of bias.


Best Technology in Different Types of situations

Gamifications are integral in skill-only activities such as bed-making, drug administration, and wound dressing can benefit from gamifications. Nursing requires integrating both skills and knowledge in various environments hence the need to incorporate theory into practice (Foronda et al., 2020). However, continuing professional education benefits from clinical skills and nursing knowledge, hence the preference for virtual simulations.

Classroom augmentation can leverage gamifications because the skills are not complex and due to their ability to increase students’ intrinsic motivation, social interactions, and learner engagement. Thus, gamifications are preferred for nursing students, while virtual simulations are preferred for continuing professional education in the clinical areas (Mackavey & Cron, 2019).

Incorporation of Virtual Simulations in a Specific Nursing Education Program.

Virtual simulations are the technology of choice in continuing professional education. Trauma and emergency nursing can benefit from nursing simulations in various ways. According to the educational program, patients with emergency conditions should receive trauma/emergency-specific care interventions. Care procedures include foreign bodies, torrential hemorrhage, unconscious patients, head and spinal injuries, ballistic injuries, and burns (McGrath et al., 2018).

The topics in continuing education primarily entail major/ arising issues and evidence-based and best practices such as COVID-19. The nurses can perform activities such as resuscitation, arresting bleeding, and stabilizing fractures before performing them on actual patients. The programs developed from a national standpoint will enhance the uniformity of skills and knowledge. Programs such as Abcdeism have helped develop skills in nursing students.

The primary basis for choosing the technology is assuming that both technologies cannot be used together. These technologies can potentially be used in continuing professional education, but with varying success depending on the specific skills and competencies. Untrained students and new hire nurses in the emergency department are the leading causes of errors and preventable deaths (Di Simone et al., 2018). McGrath et al. (2018) state that emergency department virtual simulations help educate and improve medical learners’ skills in handling cases in the emergency department.

Educational technologies require keen considerations to determine their effectiveness, efficacy, and efficiency in meeting learner needs. Virtual simulations are integral in ensuring students and nurses develop the relevant skills before performing procedures in the emergency department. The nursing profession requires a mix of skills and knowledge and requires intense preparation because individuals deal with human life.

Nurses need a safe environment to enhance their skills before practicing with real humans to reduce the risk of errors and possible harm to human life. The virtual simulations will incorporate theory and practice, and multimedia use in learning increases retention and mastery. Hence, virtual simulations are vital technologies in improving the effectiveness of continuing professional education.

NURS-FPX6109 Assessment 3 Educational Technologies Comparison References

  • Chen, F. Q., Leng, Y. F., Ge, J. F., Wang, D. W., Li, C., Chen, B., & Sun, Z. L. (2020). Effectiveness of virtual reality in nursing education: a meta-analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e18290.
  • Di Simone, E., Giannetta, N., Auddino, F., Cicotto, A., Grilli, D., & Di Muzio, M. (2018). Medication errors in the emergency department: knowledge, attitude, behavior, and training needs of nurses. Indian journal of critical care medicine: peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, 22(5), 346.
  • Foronda, C. L., Fernandez-Burgos, M., Nadeau, C., Kelley, C. N., & Henry, M. N. (2020). Virtual simulation in nursing education: a systematic review spanning 1996 to 2018. Simulation in Healthcare, 15(1), 46-54.
  • Mackavey, C., & Cron, S. (2019). Innovative strategies: Increased engagement and synthesis in online advanced practice nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 76, 85-88.
  • Malicki, A., Vergara, F. H., Van de Castle, B., Goyeneche, P., Mann, S., Preston Scott, M., Seiler, J., Meneses, M. Z., & Whalen, M. (2020). Gamification in nursing education: An integrative literature review. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(11), 509-515.
  • Plotzky, C., Lindwedel, U., Sorber, M., Loessl, B., König, P., Kunze, C., Kugler, C., & Meng, M. (2021). Virtual reality simulations in nurse education: A systematic mapping review. Nurse Education Today, 101, 104868.
  • Wallace, L. E., Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E. (2020). When sources honestly provide their biased opinion: Bias is a distinct source perception with independent effects on credibility and persuasion. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(3), 439-453.
  • White, M., & Shellenbarger, T. (2018). Gamification of nursing education with digital badges. Nurse Educator, 43(2), 78-82. https://doi.org10.1097/NNE.0000000000000434

Resources: Health Care Technologies

  • The resources provided here are optional and support the assessment. They provide helpful information about the topics. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The Nursing Masters (MSN) Research Guide can help direct your research.

The following articles offer an informative look at a variety of health care technologies in use today. They provide useful context for nurse educators, illustrative of the types of education and training needs that influence the selection of learning technologies for specific programs.

NURS-FPX6109 Assessment 3 Educational Technologies Comparison Instructions


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