Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer NUR513

Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer NUR513

Advanced registered nurses work in highly collaborative environments and must collaborate with interdisciplinary teams in order to provide excellent patient care. Besides knowing the role and scope of one’s own practice, it is essential to understand the role and scope of other nurse specialties to ensure effective collaboration among nurses, the organization, and other professionals with whom advanced registered nurses regularly interact.

Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer NUR513

Use the “Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template” to differentiate how advanced registered nurse roles relate to and collaborate with different areas of nursing practice. Compare your future role with one of the following: nurse educator; nurse leader; family nurse practitioner; acute care nurse practitioner; graduate nurse with an emphasis/specialty in public health, health administration , business, or informatics ; clinical nurse specialist; doctor of nursing practice. Indicate in the appropriate columns on the template which roles you ai-e comparing.

Make sure to compare the following areas of practice in your graphic organizer:

  1. Ethics
    1. Education
    2. Leadership
    3. Public Health
    4. Health Care Administration
    5. Informatics
    6. Business/Finance
    7. Specialty (e.g., Family, Acute re)

Include any regulato1y bodies or ce1tificatio11 agencies that provide guidance or parameters on how these roles incorporate concepts into practice.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer NUR513

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide , located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric . Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer NUR513 Sample 1

Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer Template

Nurse Leader Nurse Educator Observations (Similarities/Differences)
Ethics Nurse leaders APRNs are expected to model ethical behavior, promote ethical decision-making, and ensure their team members adhere to ethical standards (ANA, 2019).They are also required to create and maintain an environment where team members can uphold ethical conduct.

Nurse leaders also lead other nurses in the unit in identifying and discussing common ethical dilemmas.

On the other hand, nurse educators are responsible for teaching nursing students about ethical principles and how to apply them in their future practice (ANA,2019).They provide nursing students with the necessary knowledge to uphold all ethical principles in any practice setting.

They also expose the students to practical ethical questions, providing the skills required to handle the question while upholding ethical principles.

In both roles, the nurses lead using critical thinking skills to identify solutions for practical nursing ethical questions.The nurse leader deals with practical ethical dilemmas in the unit together with the team.

The nurse educator provides the students with examples to improve their critical thinking skills and facilitate learning.

Education Nurse leaders APRNs typically hold a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing and have specialized training in leadership, management, and administration.The nurse leader must be proficient in the relevant nursing competencies to be able to exercise leadership in the unit/facility. Nurse educators also hold advanced degrees, typically a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing education, and have specialized training in curriculum development, teaching strategies, and assessment (AACN, 2019).Nurse educators require proficiency in all education-related competencies. In both roles, the nurses have specialized training aimed at enabling them to play their roles effectively.The differences in specialization training are leadership, management, and administration in the nurse leader role and education and related training for the nurse educator role.
Leadership Nurse leaders APRNs are responsible for providing leadership and direction to their team members, ensuring they work together effectively to deliver high-quality patient care (ANCC, 2021).Nurse leaders also work with other healthcare professionals to lead change interventions in the institution, thus promoting evidence-based and best-practice application. Nurse educators provide leadership in the classroom, developing and implementing educational programs that prepare nursing students for their future roles as healthcare providers.They also work with other faculty members to improve and change the curriculum to ensure students get the most relevant and current education. Both nursing roles are considered leadership roles since, in both roles, the nurses are required to lead the students and the other care professionals in the team to maintain best practices for their patients.In both roles, the nurses lead and participate in change initiatives aimed at the improvement of current and future practice.
Public Health Nurse leaders APRNs may work in public health agencies, hospitals, or other healthcare organizations to develop and implement programs that improve the health of communities (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019)They also lead and participate in public health initiatives such as health promotion. Nurse educators may also be involved in public health initiatives, teaching nursing students about the importance of public health and how to promote it in their future practice (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019).Nurse educators also work with other nursing organizations to impact care quality through research. Both the nurse leader and the nurse educator play a significant role in public health.The nurse leader APRN leads and participates in the implementation of public health initiatives.

The nurse educator participates in research to produce best-practice and evidence base for public health.

Health Care Administration The APRN nurse leader impacts healthcare administration in the practice setting by working with staff, other healthcare providers and the institutional managers/directors to enhance desirable patient outcomes and patient satisfaction. 



As an administrator, the nurse educator collaborates with other nursing professionals and healthcare providers already in practice.Through the collaboration, the nurse educator can link the nursing students with practice institutions to gain practicum exposure to harness their skills (ANCC, 2020) Both roles impact healthcare administration, although the nurse leader impacts administration directly.In contrast, the nurse educator impacts healthcare administration by working in collaboration with licensed practitioners to provide their students with practical skills.
Informatics Nurse leaders APRNs may use electronic health records (EHRs) to manage patient care and analyze data to improve patient outcomes.Nurse leaders also work with nursing Informaticists in the institutions to review recommended informatics systems before implementation in the institution (Bakerjian, 2022) Nurse educators provide their students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to develop nursing informatics competency in the student.Nurse educators may also incorporate technology into their teaching, using simulation labs and other tools to help nursing students develop their informatics skills. Both the APRN nurse leader and the nurse educator are required to have at least basic information technology and computer skills to play their roles effectively.The nurse leader participates in informatics training for the team.

The nurse educator educates the students on informatics essentials.

Business/Finance Nurse leaders APRNs require knowledge of business and finance to manage healthcare organizations effectively.They are usually involved in budgeting, financial planning, and other business and finance-related aspects of healthcare administration, thus a required competency (AACN, 2021) Nurse educators may also require knowledge of business and finance to develop and manage educational programs, including budgeting for resources and managing financial resources.They also use the knowledge and skills in healthcare business and finance to educate students on the same (ANCC,2020) Despite both roles requiring knowledge and skills in business/finance, the APRN nurse leader needs the skills more.Knowledge of business/finance is a required competency for the nurse leader.
Specialty (e.g., Family, Acute Care) Nurse Leader: Nurse leaders are responsible for managing healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities (ANCC, 2021). They are responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures that ensure high-quality patient care, managing and ensuring that healthcare organizations comply with regulatory requirements.The nurse leader has specialized knowledge in different healthcare specializations, such as critical care, thus enhancing the role. Nurse Educator: Nurse educators are responsible for developing and delivering educational programs that prepare nursing students for leadership roles in healthcare. They are responsible for developing curricula, designing and delivering courses, and assessing student learning outcomes. Nurse educators also mentor and support nursing students and may be involved in research and quality improvement initiatives.Nurse educators provide students with basic knowledge of all nursing specialties. Even though both nurse leaders and educators play a significant role in nursing specialties, nurse leaders require a more profound knowledge of nursing specialty areas to facilitate leadership in these areas.The nurse educator only required education specialty knowledge and basic knowledge and skills in other specialty areas, such as critical care to facilitate nursing education.
Regulatory Bodies or Certification Agencies That Provide Guidance or Parameters on How These Roles Incorporate Concepts Into Practice Nurse leaders APRN may be certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) as a Nurse Executive, Advanced (NEA-BC), or as a Nurse Executive (NE-BC (AANC, 2021).Continuing education experience hours are mandatory for APRN nurse leaders. Nurse educators may be certified by the National League for Nursing (NLN) as Certified Nurse Educators (CNE) (NLN, 2017).The certification is renewed every five years with mandatory continued education experience. There are regulatory bodies that regulate the certification and provide guidance parameters for both roles.The nurse leader role (ANCC) and (AANC) while the nurse educator role the (NLN)

Both roles require 5years certification renewal with continuing education experience.

Roles Overlap

Both nurse leaders and nurse educators play essential roles in healthcare administration. Nurse leaders must have strong leadership skills and a deep understanding of healthcare administration, while nurse educators must have solid educational skills and a deep understanding of nursing practice. However, there are several areas of overlap between these roles:

Curriculum Development: Nurse leaders and nurse educators are essential in developing curricula for nursing students and healthcare professionals (ANCC, 2020). Nurse leaders must ensure their staff receives ongoing education and training to stay up-to-date with the latest healthcare practices and technologies. Nurse educators are responsible for developing curricula that prepare nursing students for leadership roles in healthcare.

Quality Improvement: Both nurse leaders and nurse educators are involved in quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. According to the American Nurses Association (2019), nurse leaders must ensure that their healthcare organizations provide high-quality patient care, while nurse educators must ensure that nursing students are prepared to provide high-quality patient care in their future roles as healthcare providers.

Mentorship and Support: The National League of Nursing (2019) notes that nurse leaders and nurse educators provide mentorship and support to nursing students and healthcare professionals. Nurse leaders must provide leadership and direction to their team members, while nurse educators must guide and support nursing students as they navigate their educational and professional journey.


Nursing Roles Graphic Organizer NUR513 Sample 2

  <Clinical Nurse Specialist> <Nurse Educator> Observations (Similarities/Differences)
Ethics Clinical nurse specialists possess complex decision-making abilities in addition to their extensive expert knowledge. They are well informed on ethical principles in their profession. Studies have shown that they can effectively deal with complicated ethical issues that arise during patient care (Fukuda et al., 2020). This is not only beneficial to the patient, but to other nursing staff who can be enlightened on the same as the clinical nursing, specialists can offer them guidance. Nursing educators have been entrusted with creating awareness and training nursing students on professional ethics. This necessitates the use of interventions such as workshops, group discussions, and case scenarios to instill these ethical principles (Izadi et al., 2020). This ensures that students can uphold these values in the future during real-life clinical practice.  Nurse educators and CNSs are conservators of professional, ethical codes who can guide nurses and nursing students in adopting the same.CNSs operate within the clinical setup and healthcare organizations, whereas nursing educators teach within nursing learning institutions.
Education Clinical nurse specialists are advanced registered nurses. They usually have attained a master’s degree or doctoral training in their specialty (Ko et al., 2019). They are also accredited to practice in the clinical setting. They can educate other nurses as well as the general population on matters of health in an evidence-based manner. The minimum qualification to work as a nurse educator is registered nurse certification together with certification in their field of teaching. This is, however, dependent on the training institutions that may require a higher level of training, such as a master’s degree or doctoral training.  The two professions require possession of a registered nurse certification.A Master’s degree or higher level qualifies one to be a clinical nurse specialist, which is not mandatory for a nurse educator.
Leadership Clinical nurse specialist plays a critical leadership role within the healthcare organization. They engage in administrative and management roles and take part in significant decision-making to ensure quality patient-centered care (Ko et al., 2019). They lead the nurses in consultation and collaboration with the other healthcare professionals (Lamb et al., 2018). They also take part in the formulation of policies regarding patient management and governing other nurses in various units within the hospital in implementing patient nursing care. Nurse educators demonstrate a leadership role to their students by being their training facilitators. They are also role models and change agents to the students through professional development. They also cultivate teamwork and collaboration among the students, especially in patient care. Clinical nurse specialists and nurse educators are both looked up to as role models by other nurses and students, respectively.They are both advocates for change through professional development and training.

CNSs play a leadership role in the clinical setting, whereas nurse educators lead in the learning institution.

CNSs equip their subordinates with evidence-based clinical skills in clinical nursing care, which is limited compared to learning institutions that majorly offer theoretical knowledge.

Public Health CSNs ensure the provision of quality care to patients to ensure the wellness of the general population. Together with other multidisciplinary teams, they also participate in health education for patients and the general public. Nurse educators enlighten the students on infection prevention and control as part of the curriculum.They also participate in and sometimes involve students in conducting scientific research on issues that may impact public health within the community.  Both contribute to public health through awareness creation.CSNs are in more contact with the patients and general public and thus play a greater role in public health.
Health Care Administration CSNs play an administrative role within the hospital setting by being in charge of other nursing staff. They also offer direct nursing care to patients.  


Nursing educators have limited healthcare administration roles.They, however, have the qualifications if needed. Both have the competencies to offer health care administration.CSNs are in a better place to offer these services since they work within the hospital setting, whereas nurse educators may already have their schedules tight from their training roles.
Informatics CSNs may promote the use of technology for ease of communication with other staff, as well as the use of telehealth to ensure wider coverage in patient care.  Most learning institutions have implemented the use of technology in the training of students thus, nurse educators can disseminate information through such platforms. Both use information in their line of duty for communication and improved quality of learning and care services.CSNs may directly be involved installation and maintenance of communication technologies within their workplace, whereas nurse educators’ role is limited.
Business/Finance CSNs may participate in policy making that ensures cost-effective delivery of health services as they undertake their management roles. 



Can offer help to institution leadership on how to provide effective and affordable learning to all students with the available resources. Both play a role in matters of finances within their respective institutions. CSNs are more involved due to their administrative and managerial role.
Specialty (e.g., Family, Acute Care) Areas of specialties by CSNs include administration and management, research, and clinical practice within any relevant department within the hospital.   Areas of specialties available for nurse educators training of learners within any faculty and an administrative role within the learning institution. Both have extensive opportunities, but the difference is the set up which is either the hospital or learning institution.
Regulatory Bodies or Certification Agencies That Provide Guidance or Parameters on How These Roles Incorporate Concepts Into Practice The regulatory body is the American Nurses Credentialing Center.  Certification is by the American Association College of Nursing. They are both headed by the Board of Directors within the state.


Fukuda, T., Sakurai, H., & Kashiwagi, M. (2020). Impact of having a certified nurse specialist in critical care nursing as head nurse on ICU patient outcomes. PLOS ONE, 15(2), e0228458.

Izadi, F., Bijani, M., Fereidouni, Z., Karimi, S., Tehranineshat, B., & Dehghan, A. (2020). The Effectiveness of Teaching Nursing Ethics via Scenarios and Group Discussion in Nurses’ Adherence to Ethical Codes and Patients’ Satisfaction with Nurses’ Performance. The Scientific World Journal, 2020, 1-7.

Ko, A., Burson, R., & Mianecki, T. (2019). Advanced nursing practice roles. Nursing Management, 50(3), 26-36.

Lamb, A., Martin-Misener, R., Bryant-Lukosius, D., & Latimer, M. (2018). Describing the leadership capabilities of advanced practice nurses using a qualitative descriptive study. Nursing Open, 5(3), 400-413.

Topic 3: Diversity and Global Perspectives of Care


  1. Discuss the role of the advanced registered nurse in promoting health and disease prevention for diverse populations.
  2. Discuss the impact of diversity, global perspectives, and the advanced registered nurse’s role in advancing health equity.
  1. Relate cultural and spiritual competence to the advanced registered nurse’s scope of
  2. Determine how your personal worldview may affect your future practice and

El Study Materials

Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession


Read Chapters 7, 8, and 24 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge far the Profession.

Diversity Rx


Explore the Diversity Rx website.

Tanenbaum Center for lnterreligious Understanding


Explore the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding website.

II   Tasks

Topic 3 DQ 1


Identify a population that you will likely serve as an advanced registered nurse that you think is particularly vulnerable to issues of health disparities/inequity. Discuss the contribution of your particular specialty to health promotion and disease prevention for population. How do issues of diversity and global perspectives of care contribute to your understanding of health equity as it relates to this population?

Topic 3 DQ 2

What is your personal worldview? Connect your world view to cultural and spiritual competence. How will your world view and cultural and spiritual competence affect your future practice and role? Consider both the provision of safe, quality care to diverse populations and interprofessional relationships.

NUR 513 Topic 4: Theory-Based Nursing Practice I


  1. Describe nursing theories and their application to the advance registered nurse’s
  2. Evaluate nursing theories based on intent, goal, and

Study Materials

Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession

Read Chapters 19 and 23 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.

The Living Tree of Nursing Theories


Read “The Living Tree of Nursing Theories,” by Tomville and Ingalls, from Nursing Forum (2003)

A Cross -Cultural Comparison of a Clinical Nurse Competency Path Mode


Read “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of a Clinical Nurse Competency Path Model,” by Sportsman , Hamilton, and Schumacker, from International Journal of Nursing Education(2014).

A Multidimensional Analysis of the Epistemic Origins of Nursing Theories, Models, and Frameworks


Read “A Multidime nsional Analysis of the Epistemic Origins of Nursing Theories , Models , and Framewor ks,” by Beckstead and Beck stead , from International Journal of Nursing Studies(2006).

Nursing Theories


Explore the links on the Nursing Theories page of the Current Nursing website.

II Tasks

Topic4 DQ 1

Compare and contrast two nursing theories. How do they differ based on their intent, scope , and goals? Which one might be more relevant to your future role, and why?

Topic4 DQ 2

Select two different nursing theories and de scribe how they relate to patient care. How could you use them for inciting behavioral changes? Discuss the pros and cons of applying each theory and how they could be integrated into your future practice. Are there any particular ethical issues related to the integration of these theories that should be consider ed?

Topic 5: Theory-Based Nursing Practice II


  1. Discuss relevant theories applicable to advanced nursing practice for individuals, families, communities, and special populations.
  2. Relate nursing theories to your personal

Study Materials

Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession


Re view Chapters 19 and 23 in Pruc:tic:e Nursing: Essential Knuwledge fur the Prufessiun.

The Living Tree of Nursing Theories


Review ”The Living Tree of Nursing Theorie s,” by Tou1ville and Ingalls, from Nursing Forum (2003).

Competencies Create Expert, Accountable Nurses Delivering Quality Care


Review “Competencies Create Expert, Accountable Nurses Delivering Quality Care,” by Pirschel, from ONS Voice (2017).

A Multidimensional Analysis of the Epistemic Origins of Nursing Theories, Models, and Frameworks


Review “A Multidimensional Analysis of the Epistemic Origins of Nursing Theories, Models, and Frameworks,” by Beckstead and Beck stead , from International Journal of Nursing Studies(2006).

Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement

Being able to a1ticulate your personal world view can help you fo1mulate a personal philosophy of practice and enhance your influence on patients and the industry. In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to reflect on your current and future practice, and the ways worldview and nursing the01y influence that practice .

Draft a 1,000-1 ,250 word paper in which you:

  1. Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual , and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards patient care .
    1. Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care and discuss the similarities. Explain ho w the nursing theo1y reinforces your approach to care.
    2. Include in your explanation a specific example of a past or current practice and how your worldview and the nursing theory could assist you in resolving this issue .
    3. Finally , explain how your worldview and the nursing theo1y will assist you in further developing your future practice.

You are required to cite five to IO sources to complete this assignment Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide , located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Pl ease revie w the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Plea se refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Topic 5 DQ 1


During this program, you will complete an evidence-based practice project addressing a problem, issue , or concern in your specialty area of professional practice. Consider an area in your specialty that you believe needs improvement. Which nursing theories could you appl y to this problem? Why is this the best theory?

NUR 513 Topic 5 DQ 2


Select one theory discussed during Topics 4 and 5. Does application of this theo1y differ based on the population focus (individuals, families, co= unities, and  special  populations)? Why or why not? Use examples from your current practice to illustrate differences or similarities.