Spirituality in Nursing Practice Essay
“The relationship between spirituality and nursing is critical in nursing practice. The treatment procedures, medical prescriptions, and recommended lifestyle during the in-patient care or home-based treatment rely on the spiritual status of the patient. Therefore, it is essential that doctors learn about the patients’ spiritual background, beliefs and intuitions before commencing treatment and refer to them throughout the medication process. Integrating spiritual beliefs in medical care fastens the healing process and increases peace of mind and comfort during the ailment.”
Spirituality in Nursing Practice Sample Answer
In my nursing experience, it is clear that spiritual patients use their spiritual beliefs to cope with the disease process and pain related to the disease. This translates to spiritual patients having a more optimistic attitude and a higher quality of life despite being sick. Badanta et al. (2022) established that positive ideals, attitudes, beliefs, and strength gained via spiritual activities promote health and happiness in patients and nurses. Also, spiritual competence and actions increase the doctor’s and nurse’s self-confidence and assertiveness.
To assist patients in spiritual care, physicians and nurses must be trained in spiritual medicine and, above all, take the initiative to gain spiritual knowledge of diverse cultures. Spiritual competence and practice in primary and secondary care boost professional happiness and minimize burnout by increasing patient participation and making a nurses/physician’s job simpler. A study by Bar-Sela et al. (2019) shows that inadequate patient care and contentment result from a lack of information about the patient’s spirituality and health. Several impediments to physicians practicing spiritual medicine include a lack of nurse/physician time, experience, and distrust about the nurse/physician’s involvement in spiritual medicine.
The nurse/physician should evaluate their personal beliefs, values, trust in destiny, and comfort level when practicing spiritual care to patients to evaluate whether they are meeting all of the patient’s spiritual needs and not provide contradictory information. The nurse can use the techniques available to examine a patient’s spirituality and its potential impact on their health, including FICA mnemonics, HOPE mnemonics, and open questions (Spencer, 2018). The physician should listen intently to the patient’s spiritual needs and offer empathic assistance. The physician needs further to assess the patient’s spiritual demands and life dimensions and provide the speculated spiritual needs to the patient. It is imperative for the nurse/doctor should keep a record of beneficial spiritual perspectives that might be employed for future use.
Badanta, B., Rivilla-García, E., Lucchetti, G., & de Diego-Cordero, R. (2022). The influence of spirituality and religion on critical care nursing: an integrative review. Nursing in Critical Care, 27(3), 348–366. https://doi.org/10.1111/nicc.12645
Bar-Sela, G., Schultz, M. J., Elshamy, K., Rassouli, M., Ben-Arye, E., Doumit, M., & Silbermann, M. (2019). Training for awareness of one’s own spirituality: a key factor in overcoming barriers to the provision of spiritual care to advanced cancer patients by doctors and nurses. Palliative & supportive care, 17(3), 345-352. Cambridge.Org. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/palliative-and-supportive-care/article/training-for-awareness-of-ones-own-spirituality-a-key-factor-in-overcoming-barriers-to-the-provision-of-spiritual-care-to-advanced-cancer-patients-by-doctors-and-nurses/62C63C72E686A5C6FA257B9CDABC4879
Spencer, C. M. (2018). Spiritual care in cancer genetic counseling: patient perceptions of methods. Accessed from https://search.proquest.com/openview/c720b4780cfb5705683342114841cd05/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750
Spirituality in Nursing Practice Essay Assignment 2
“The spiritual evaluation is the initial stage in addressing a patient’s spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. It can assist bring a great deal of relief to our suffering patients if done in a sympathetic, culturally aware manner.”
Spirituality In Nursing Practice Essay Assignment 2 Sample
Spiritual well-being is linked to several health and wellness improvements, including a better endurance of physical and emotional stress, disease management, and reduced levels of anxiousness and pain (Cosentino et al., 2020). Patients benefit from spiritual care services, such as enhanced evaluation and treatment for terminally sick patients, allowing for a faster recovery and lower levels of spiritual distress. As a result, if patients’ spiritual needs are not satisfied, there is an increased chance of adverse psychological effects such as decreased quality of life, increased risk of developing depression, and decreased experience of spiritual tranquility in a sick patient.
Because nurses interact closely with patients throughout the day, they are in a great position to assess and assist patients with spiritual care by assessing their spiritual needs. According to Cosentino et al. (2020), patients may request spiritual care help and enjoy the opportunity nurses take to connect with them to satisfy their spiritual requirements; however, nurses do not regularly participate in spiritual care for their patients or assess their spiritual needs.
The nurse should evaluate their personal beliefs, values, and comfort level when practicing spiritual assessment and care. Nurses can use FICA mnemonics, HOPE mnemonics, and open Invite spiritual assessment tools to assess patients’ spirituality and its potential impact on their health (Spencer, 2018).
According to Lazenby (2018), the nurse needs to be aware that different cultures and customs might impact patients’ spirituality in healing. For example, Muslim communities fast from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan. This affects glucose regulation as well as other biological aspects. Also, Muslims believe that praying improves spiritual health. Patients should be allowed to select their own spiritual beliefs, practices, and resources (Lazenby, 2018). Spiritual assessment improves patient compliance and encourages patients to heal quickly. With spiritual assessment, patients understand their spiritual requirements and look for helpful tools to help them recover and cope with challenging situations.
Spirituality in Nursing Practice Essay References
- Cosentino, C., Harrad, R. A., Sulla, F., Bertuol, M., Sarli, L., & Artioli, G. (2020). Nursing spiritual assessment instruments in adult patients: a narrative literature review. Acta Bio-Medica: Atenei Parmensis, 91(12-S), e2020015. https://doi.org/10.23750/abm.v91i12-S.10998
- Lazenby, M. (2018). Understanding and addressing the religious and spiritual needs of advanced cancer patients. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 34(3), 274–283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soncn.2018.06.008
- Spencer, C. M. (2018). Spiritual care in cancer genetic counseling: patient perceptions of methods. Accessed from https://search.proquest.com/openview/c720b4780cfb5705683342114841cd05/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750
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