Walden NURS 6501 Week 11 Final Exam

Walden NURS 6501 Week 11 Final Exam

Question 1                       1 pts

Which statement by the healthcare professional accurately describes childhood asthma?

Group of answer choices

An obstructive airway disease characterized by reversible airflow obstruction, bronchial hyperreactivity, and inflammation

A pulmonary disease characterized by severe hypoxemia, decreased pulmonary compliance, and diffuse densities on chest x-ray imaging

A pulmonary disorder involving an abnormal expression of a protein, producing viscous mucus that lines the airways, pancreas, sweat ducts, and vas deferens

Walden NURS 6501 Week 11 Final Exam

An obstructive airway disease characterized by atelectasis and increased pulmonary resistance as a result of a surfactant deficiency

Walden NURS 6501 Week 11 Final Exam

Question 2                       1 pts

What is the primary cause of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the newborn?

Group of answer choices

Immature immune system

Small alveoli

Surfactant deficiency


Question 3                   1 pts

Which bones are affected in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease?

Group of answer choices

Heads of the femur

Distal femurs

Heads of the humerus

Distal tibias

Question 4        1 pts

What does the student learn distinguishes kwashiorkor from marasmus?

Group of answer choices

All nutrients, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are reduced in kwashiorkor.

Physical growth of children is stunted in kwashiorkor but not in marasmus.

Muscle wasting, diarrhea, low hemoglobin, and infection characterize kwashiorkor.

Subcutaneous fat, hepatomegaly, and fatty liver are present in kwashiorkor.

Question 5                    1 pts

A patient has been diagnosed with lithium toxicity. Which electrolyte imbalance does the healthcare professional correlate with this condition?

Group of answer choices





Question 6                                    1 pts

Which cells function to maintain bone matrix?

Group of answer choices





Question 71 pts

A professor explains to a class that the reason lymph nodes enlarge and become tender during infection is because of what reason?

Group of answer choices

B lymphocytes proliferate.

The nodes are inflamed.

The nodes fill with purulent exudate.

The nodes are not properly functioning.

Question 81 pts

What is the most abundant class of plasma protein?

Group of answer choices



Clotting factors

Complement proteins

Question 91 pts

Which of the following are positive clinical manifestations of schizophrenia?

Group of answer choices

Social withdraw, blunted affect, and failure to respond to simple questions

Hallucinations, delusions, and incoherent speech

Hallucinations, blunted affect, and social withdraw

Delusions, hallucinations, and failure to respond to simple questions

Question 101 pts

A patient has been hospitalized for a large deep vein thrombosis and states he is the third person in his family to have this condition in the last 2 years. What response by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices

This condition is not transmitted genetically.

We can test your blood for factor V Leiden.

Were they all men or both men and women?

Familial thromboses tend to be very severe.

Question 111 pts

Monoamine neurotransmission is hypothesized to be _______________ during mania.

Group of answer choices





Question 121 pts

A healthcare professional works with recent refugees. A mother brings in her children who have been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. What action by the professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices

Educate the mother on an iron-rich diet.

Arrange to test for parasitic infections.

Explain the weekly iron infusions.

Teach the mother to give iron supplements.

Question 131 pts

A healthcare professional is discussing breast feeding with a pregnant woman. Which beneficial substance does the professional tell the mother is found in breast milk?

Group of answer choices





Question 141 pts

Which condition is considered a clinical cause of amenorrhea?

Group of answer choices

Disorder in the endometrium

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes

Lack of physical exercise

Failure to ovulate

Question 151 pts

The APRN is assessing a patient that states that Napoleon Bonaparte is the King of France even thought he has a book that says he is dead.   This is an example of:

Group of answer choices




Pressured speech



Question 16     1 pts

Mary, 47 presents to her primary care provider and reports nocturia x 6, urgency, frequency, voiding with laughing and coughing. She drinks one pot of coffee daily and does not drink much water daily. She reports this has impacting her quality of life and she frequently has embarrassing moments while out. Mary is possibly experiencing:

Group of answer choices

The patient should have a full workup, that includes history, physical, and diagnostics which include a u/a, c/s, postvoid residual assessment. It is possible that she is experiencing overactive bladder concerns.

The patient will need a full workup, that includes a history, physical and diagnostics which include a u/a, c/s, postvoid residual and urine cytology. It is possible that she is experiencing a urinary tract infection

The patient may be experiencing urethritis, which can occur as a result of gastrointestinal bacteria spreading from the anus to the urethra.

Because of her uncontrolled diabetes, she has an impaired immune system, which has resulted in her developing a urinary tract infection.

Question 17                          1 pts

A patient in the hospital has been receiving heparin injections. The platelet count on admission was 222,000/mm and four days later is 113,000/mm 3. What action by the healthcare professional is best?

Group of answer choices

Prepare to transfuse the patient with platelets.

Do nothing; this is an expected side effect.

Switch the heparin to lepirudin

Stop all the patient’s medications.

Question 18    1 pts

A healthcare professional is caring for a patient who has a spinal cord injury at T5. The patient exhibits severe hypertension, a heart rate of 32 beats/min, and sweating above the spinal cord lesion. How does the professional chart this event?

Group of answer choices

Craniosacral dysreflexia

Parasympathetic dysreflexia

Autonomic hyperreflexia

Retrograde hyperreflexia

Question 19                      1 pts

A woman diagnosed with trichomoniasis asks if her sexual partner should be treated as well. What is the appropriate response by the healthcare professional?

Group of answer choices

Sexual partners should be treated only if symptoms are present.

Sexual partners should be treated even if they are asymptomatic.

Infections in men are self-limiting even without treatment.

Sexual partners should be treated to prevent infection.

Question 20               1 pts

A patient has pernicious anemia and asks the healthcare professional to explain the disease. Which statement by the professional is most accurate?

Group of answer choices

The lack of certain foods in your diet

Your body cannot absorb vitamin B 12.

You are not getting enough vitamin C.

Your bone marrow has stopped working.

Question 21                                 1 pts

Monoamine neurotransmission is hypothesized to be _______________ during depression.

Group of answer choices





Question 22         1 pts

An infant is brought to the emergency department by parents who report that the baby’s fontanels seem to be bulging outward. What action by the healthcare provider is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices

Assess the baby for recent trauma to the head.

Measure the head circumference and plot it on a growth chart.

Prepare the baby for a lumbar puncture and blood cultures.

Determine how much fluid the baby had in the last 24 hours.

Question 23     1 pts

A health care professional is caring for a patient admitted to the hospital with severe anorexia. What action by the health care professional would be most important?

Group of answer choices

Ensuring the patient is on a cardiac monitor

Facilitating laboratory testing of electrolytes

Arranging a psychiatry consultation

Assessing the patient’s favorite foods

Question 24        1 pts

The student asks the professor for a definition of orexigenic neurons. What description by the professor is most accurate?

Group of answer choices

Promote appetite and stimulate eating

Suppress appetite and inhibit eating

Increase overall metabolism

Promote satiety after eating

Question 25       1 pts

The student wants to know how the clinical manifestations and onset of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) differ from those of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adults. What answer by the healthcare professional is best?

Group of answer choices

JIA begins insidiously with systemic signs of inflammation.

JIA predominantly affects large joints.

JIA has more severe joint pain than adult RA.

JIA has a rapid onset of generalized aches as the first symptom.

Question 26                       1 pts

The APRN is treating a patient with bipolar 1 disorder.  The major focus of treatment is on:

Group of answer choices




panic attacks

Question 27                         1 pts

A healthcare professional advises a pregnant woman to add supplements of which nutrient to her diet to prevent birth defects?

Group of answer choices


Vitamin C



Question 28             1 pts

A healthcare professional wants to volunteer for a community education project to help prevent spinal cord injury. What activity would the professional most likely volunteer for?

Group of answer choices

Teaching school aged children bicycle safety

Teaching stretching to high school athletes

Teaching adults good body mechanics for lifting

Teaching older adults how to prevent trip-and-fall events

Question 29            1 pts

In infectious mononucleosis (IM), what does the Monospot test detect?

Group of answer choices

Immunoglobulin E (IgE)

Immunoglobulin M (IgM)

Immunoglobulin G (IgG)

Immunoglobulin A (IgA)

Question 30                         1 pts

What is the primary pathologic alteration resulting from ankylosing spondylitis (AS)?

Group of answer choices

Inflammation of the bursa

Inflammation of the long bones

Inflammation of fibrocartilaginous joints of the vertebrae

Inflammation of the small hand and feet bones

Question 31                          1 pts

A student asks the health care professional why obese people are at higher risk for hypertension than non-obese individuals. What response by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices

They produce more ghrelin in the stomach.

Their thyroid gland secretes less hormone.

They produce more angiotensinogen.

They secrete fewer endocannabinoids.

Question 32                   1 pts

A student studying osteomyelitis and asks for an explanation of the term sequestrum. What response by the professor is best?

Group of answer choices

An area of devascularized and devitalized bone

An enzyme that phagocytizes necrotic bone

A subperiosteal abscess

A layer of new bone surrounding the infected bone

Question 33            1 pts

A student asks the professor what the most common pathophysiologic process is that triggers aplastic anemia (AA). What response by the professor is most accurate?

Group of answer choices

Autoimmune disease against hematopoiesis by activated cytotoxic T (Tc) cells

Malignancy of the bone marrow in which unregulated proliferation of erythrocytes crowd out other blood cells

Autoimmune disease against hematopoiesis by activated immunoglobulins

Inherited genetic disorder with recessive X-linked transmission

Question 34                     1 pts

A parent brings a 10-year-old child to the clinic and reports a mottled appearance to the skin and legs cramps when the child is in physical education class. Physical assessment positive for upper extremity hypertension. What diagnostic testing or treatment does the healthcare professional prepare the family for?

Group of answer choices

Immediate cardiac catheterization

Administration of prostaglandin

Multiple-stage surgical correction

An echocardiogram

Question 35               1 pts

A person has been diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) that is positive for the Philadelphia chromosome. What statement by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices

1cThis is good news and means the ALL is not very aggressive. 1d

1cThis is a very rare finding in adults who have ALL. 1d

1cWe are planning to get your disease in remission, but it will be hard. 1d

1cYou will need colony-stimulating support during your treatment. 1d

Question 36 1 pts

In which stage of syphilis would the following clinical manifestations be found: destructive skin, bone and soft tissue lesions, aneurysms, heart failure, and neurosyphilis?

Group of answer choices





Question 37           1 pts

Which spinal tract carries the most nociceptive information?

Group of answer choices



Dorsal spinothalamic

Lateral spinothalamic

Question 38           1 pts

A healthcare professional had taught a pregnant woman about the risk of transmitting herpes simplex virus (HSV) from her to her fetus. What statement by the woman indicates the professional needs to provide more information?

Group of answer choices

Neonatal infection with HSV rarely occurs in the intrapartum or postpartum period.

The risk is higher in women who have a primary HSV infection.

The risk is higher in women who experience prolonged ruptured membranes.

The risk is higher when internal fetal monitoring devices are used.

Question 39                1 pts

Bronchiolitis tends to occur during the first years of life and is most often caused by what type of infection?

Group of answer choices

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

Influenza virus



Question 40              1 pts

Which hospitalized patient does the healthcare professional assess as a priority for the development of delirium?

Group of answer choices

An individual with diabetes celebrating a 70th birthday

A depressed Hispanic woman

An elderly male on the second day after hip replacement

A man diagnosed with schizophrenia

Question 41             1 pts

Which patient finding would lead the health care professional to assess the patient for inflammatory joint disease?

Group of answer choices

Unilateral joint involvement

Normal joint synovial fluid

Absence of synovial membrane inflammation

Systemic symptoms of inflammation

Question 42                    1 pts

A patient has hepatomegaly, bronze-colored skin, and cardiac dysrhythmias. What condition does the healthcare professional prepare to teach the patient about?

Group of answer choices

Aplastic anemia

Pernicious anemia

Hereditary hemochromatosis

Immune thrombocytopenia purpura

Question 43              1 pts

Mr. King, 72 year-old male, visits the nurse practitioner for scrotal edema that has increased over the past 4 months. He reports feeling increased pain and discomfort in his scrotum. The patient feels like he has a softball in his scrotum, with a heaviness that will not go away. The nurse practitioner knows that:

Group of answer choices

Hydroceles can result from an imbalance of exogenous or intrinsic fluid production, which develops in between visceral and parietal layers of the tunica vaginalis.

Testicular torsion results from a twisting of the spermatic cord and its contents which lies low in the scrotal sac.

Orchitis is the result of a bacterial infection of the testes which may happen as a result of a sexually transmitted infection or mumps virus.

Epididymitis occurs from a suppurative inflammation which is caused by an enteric or non-enteric organism of the prostatic urethra into the vas deferens.

Question 44                   1 pts

Obsessive compulsive disorder is characterized by what types of thoughts and behaviors?

Group of answer choices

disorganized irrational thoughts and disorganized behavior

constant  irrational thoughts and constant behavior

repetitive irrational thoughts and ritualized behavior

repetitive irrational thoughts and disorganized behavior

Question 45                1 pts

A patient reports small, vesicular lesions that last between 10 and 20 days. What treatment does the healthcare professional educate the patient about?

Group of answer choices

Acyclovir (Zovirax)

Three injections of penicillin

One time dose of azithromycin

Test of cure

Question 46          1 pts

A 7 year-old-child presents to the clinic where parents report signs and symptoms consistent with asthma. What does the healthcare professional do in order to confirm this diagnosis?

Group of answer choices

Assess for a parental history of asthma

Draw serum levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and eosinophil levels

Measure expiratory flow rate with spirometry testing

Give a trial of asthma medication and check for improvement

Question 47           1 pts

A child has a disorder that resulted in the failure of bones to ossify, resulting in soft bones and skeletal deformity. What treatment plan does the healthcare professional discuss with the parents?

Group of answer choices

Extremely careful handling

Increasing vitamin D intake


Containment and motion therapy

Question 48            1 pts

Abnormalities in brain development related to schizophrenia are thought to develop when?

Group of answer choices



Early Childhood


Question 49                  1 pts

Which mother does the healthcare professional prepare to administer Rh immune globulin (Rho-GAM) to?

Group of answer choices

Is Rh-positive and the fetus is Rh-negative

Is Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive

Has type A blood and the fetus has type O

Has type AB blood and the fetus has type B

Question 50   1 pts

A patient has been exposed to prolonged high environmental temperatures and now shows signs of dehydration, decreased plasma volumes, hypotension, decreased cardiac output, and tachycardia. What treatment does the healthcare professional prepare to administer to this patient?

Group of answer choices

Administer salty beverages to the patient.

Aggressive cooling methods to rapidly lower temperature

Encourage the patient to have genetic testing after recovery.

Give the patient plenty of cool fluids to drink.

Question 51                             1 pts

What causes the vasomotor flushes (hot flashes) that are associated with declining ovarian function with age?

Group of answer choices

Decreased estrogen levels

Absence of estrogen

Increased estrogen levels

Rapid changes in estrogen levels

Question 52                   1 pts

The healthcare professional directs a student to assess a teen who has Osgood-Schlatter disease. What assessment finding does the student anticipate for this disorder?

Group of answer choices

Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow

Inflammation of the anterior cruciate ligament

Bursitis of the subscapular bursa in the glenohumeral joint

Tendinitis of the anterior patellar tendon

Question 53                 1 pts

A patient has primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and is hospitalized after a bleeding episode. What treatment does the healthcare provider anticipate being ordered for this patient?

Group of answer choices

Blood transfusions

Infusion of IVIG


Large doses of folic acid

Question 54                1 pts

In the majority of children experiencing delayed puberty, what is the problem caused by?

Group of answer choices

Disruption in the hypothalamus

Disruption of the pituitary

Deficit in estrogen or testosterone

Physiologic delays in maturation

Question 55                     1 pts

Ataxia involves:

Group of answer choices

The inability to formulate words

An interruption in the peripheral nerves ability to regenerate

An interruption in coordination that can involve the arms and legs

An interruption in gait due to the inability to step over objects

Question 56               1 pts

The myelin in the brain and spinal cords are formed by:

Group of answer choices


Neurons and astrocytes

Astrocytes and microglia


Question 57                      1 pts

A health care professional determines that the student needs more education when the student makes which statement about treating bone infection?

Group of answer choices

Bone contains multiple microscopic channels that are impermeable to the cells and biochemicals of the body’s natural defenses.

Microcirculation of bone is highly vulnerable to damage and destruction by bacterial toxins, leading to ischemic necrosis of bone.

Bone cells have a limited capacity to replace bone destroyed by infections.

Bacteria are walled off by macrophages and T lymphocytes; consequently, the antibiotics cannot penetrate the infected area.

Question 58                  1 pts

What is the effect of low plasma albumin?

Group of answer choices

Clotting factors decrease, thus increasing the chance of prolonged bleeding.

Fewer immunoglobulins are synthesized, thus impairing the immune function.

Less iron is stored, thus increasing the incidence of iron deficiency anemia.

Osmotic pressure decreases; thus water moves from the capillaries to the interstitium.

Question 59                         1 pts

The APRN would expect to find elevated blood levels of which of the following markers for patients with a diagnosis of depression?

Group of answer choices

Proinflammatory cytokines and pH

Calcium and Cortisol

Calcium and pH

Proinflammatory cytokines and cortisol

Question 60                  1 pts

A child has osteosarcoma and the healthcare team is assessing for metastases. What diagnostic study would be the priority?

Group of answer choices

Pancreatic enzyme analysis

Liver biopsy

Chest x-ray or CT scan

Brain MRI

Question 61         1 pts

A person has been diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea and wants to know why ibuprofen is a good choice for pain control. What response by the health care professional is best?

Group of answer choices

It inhibits the release of leukotrienes in your system.

It reduces the production of prostaglandins in your body.

It enhances the effects of bradykinin release.

It contributes to a higher C reactive protein in your blood.

Question 62                  1 pts

What are the clinical manifestations of testicular cancer?

Group of answer choices

Firm, nontender testicular mass

Painful, mobile, firm testicular mass

Painful fluid-filled testicular mass

Soft, nontender testicular mass

Question 63                      1 pts

Without prior exposure to an antigen, which cells are able to destroy some types of tumor cells and some virus-infected cells?

Group of answer choices


Plasma cells


Natural killer (NK) cells

Question 64                         1 pts

A woman attempting to conceive tells the healthcare professional that she and her partner have intercourse when her basal body temperature (BBT) is around 37˚C (98˚F) without getting pregnant. What information does the professional give the woman?

Group of answer choices

Maybe you need a fertility workup.

That’s a normal temperature, but during ovulation BBT decreases.

Temperature alone is not the most accurate way to predict ovulation.

BBT rises consistently above 37.8″1eC (100″1eF) with ovulation.

Question 65                         1 pts

A patient had a seizure that consisted of impaired consciousness and the appearance of a dreamlike state. How does the healthcare professional chart this episode?

Group of answer choices

Focal seizure

Complex focal seizure

Tonic-clonic seizure

Atonic seizure

Question 66                           1 pts

To quickly assess a patient’s nervous system for dysfunction, what assessment should the healthcare professional perform as the priority?

Group of answer choices

Size and reactivity of pupils

Pattern of breathing

Motor response

Level of consciousness

Question 67                  1 pts

The health care professional is caring for a person who has a pathologic fracture. The patient asks the professional to explain the condition. What response by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices

The outer surface of the bone is disrupted, but the inside is intact.

A stable fracture where the cortex of the bone bends but doesn’t break.

A fracture that happens at the site of an abnormality already in that bone.

It was caused by the cumulative effects of stress on the bone over time.

Question 68                     1 pts

The APRN is assessing a patient that is talking to his mother in the corner of the room even although you are the only other person in the room.  This is an example of:

Group of answer choices




Pressured speech

Question 69              1 pts

A child has cystic fibrosis (CF). Which medication does the healthcare professional teach the parents about?

Group of answer choices

Salt tablets

Pancreatic enzymes



Question 70               1 pts

Cystic fibrosis is characterized by which symptom?

Group of answer choices

Excessive mucus production

Elevated blood glucose levels

Low sodium content in perspiration

Abnormally thin exocrine secretions

Question 71                  1 pts

A patient in the healthcare clinic reports fatigue, weakness, and dyspnea, as well as pale conjunctiva of the eyes and brittle, concave nails. What assessment by the healthcare professional is most appropriate for the suspected anemia?

Group of answer choices

Blood pressure and apical pulse

Oral mucus membranes and tongue

Ability to swallow foods and liquids

Skin and sclera for normal coloration

Question 72                  1 pts

A patient has polycythemia vera and presents to the Emergency Department with plethora and neurological changes. The student asks the healthcare professional to explain the primary cause of these symptoms. What response by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices

Decreased erythrocyte count

Destruction of erythrocytes

Increased blood viscosity

Tissue destruction by macrophages

Question 73                  1 pts

A student asks the healthcare professional why researchers are trying to link specific genes to specific asthma phenotypes. What response by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices

Some types of asthma are easier to treat than others.

Some people could use cheaper medications.

It can lead to personalized approaches to treatment.

More and more asthma phenotypes are being recognized.

Question 74                         1 pts

When are childhood cancers most often diagnosed?

Group of answer choices

During infancy

At peak times of physical growth

After diagnosis of a chronic illness

After an acute illness

Question 75                  1 pts

A 9-year-old child has a blood pressure of 112/72 mmHg in the school nurse’s office. What action by the school nurse is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices

Inform the parents the child might be dehydrated.

Note the normal finding in the child’s records.

Calculate the child’s Body Mass Index.

Refer the child for medication.

Question 76                     1 pts

A patient has defective secretion of the intrinsic factor leading to anemia. What treatment option does the healthcare professional discuss with the patient?

Group of answer choices

Increasing iron sources in the diet such as red meat.

Vitamin B 12 injections initially given once a week.

Having relatives tested for bone marrow donation.

Better control of the patient’s underlying disorder.

Question 77                       1 pts

The APRN is treating a patient with bipolar II disorder.  The major focus of treatment is on:

Group of answer choices




panic attacks

Question 78                    1 pts

What directly causes ovulation during the menstrual cycle?

Group of answer choices

Gradual decrease in estrogen levels

Sudden increase of LH

Sharp rise in progesterone levels

Gradual increase in estrogen levels

Question 79                             1 pts

A pregnant woman is seen for the first time at 6 months’ gestation and has not taken prenatal vitamins. The healthcare professional educates the woman on the need for a blood test specifically to assess what substance?

Group of answer choices

Total protein



C-reactive protein

Question 80                          1 pts

Which nerve control might likely be affected in a patient that has incontinence of the bowel and bladder?

Group of answer choices

L2-L5, S1-S5 and the coccygeal nerves

T10-T11, T11 L1-L2, and the coccygeal nerves

L2-4 and L4-L5

T10-T11 and the cauda equina

Question 81                       1 pts

What is the consequence of a splenectomy?

Group of answer choices

The level of iron in circulation increases.

Antibody production increases to improve immune function.

The number of defective cells in circulation increases.

The number of clotting factors increases.

Question 82                      1 pts

A mother reports that her young teens have voracious appetites. The healthcare professional would explain that which hormone is linked to an increase in appetite during puberty?

Group of answer choices





Question 83               1 pts

The disruption in cellular adhesion observed in bullous impetigo is caused by an exfoliative toxin related to which organism?

Group of answer choices

Staphylococcus aureus            

Streptococcus pyogenes           

Escherichia coli                       

Candida albicans                     

Question 84                              1 pts

A healthcare professional is educating a community men’s group on symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The professional relates that most symptoms are a result of which pathophysiologic condition?

Group of answer choices

Infection of the prostate

Obstruction of the urethra

Ischemia of the urethra

Compression of the urethra

Question 85                 1 pts

A child with acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is voiding smoky, brown-colored urine and asks the healthcare professional to explain what causes it. What explanation by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices

Presence of red blood cells

Presence of urobilinogen

Slough from the collecting tubules

Protein in the urine

Question 86                            1 pts

The APRN is assessing a patient that has monotone speech and unchanged facial expressions even though he states he is happy and excited about his life.   This is an example of:

Group of answer choices




Pressured speech

Question 87                        1 pts

A child has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. What complication does the healthcare professional teach the parents is most important to control?

Group of answer choices

Respiratory infection

Joint contractures

Urinary tract infection

Fractures from falling

Question 88                   1 pts

Gait disturbances and instability are characteristic of which form of cerebral palsy?

Group of answer choices





Question 89                          1 pts

Local signs and symptoms of Hodgkin disease-related lymphadenopathy are a result of what?

Group of answer choices

Pressure and ischemia

Pressure and obstruction

Inflammation and ischemia

Inflammation and pressure

Question 90                            1 pts

When examining a male age 50 and older, the Nurse Practitioner should know that:

Group of answer choices

It is not necessary to perform a DRE if the PSA is normal.

It is not necessary to perform a PSA if the DRE is normal.

The DRE and PSA should be performed.

The Nurse Practitioner can use her discretion until age 60.

Question 91                         1 pts

A 65-year-old male presents with hesitancy, intermittency and terminal dribbling while voiding. He expresses that he does not always feel that he is completely emptying his bladder when voiding. Irritative symptoms have included frequency, nocturna and urgency. He denies any hematuria or bone or back pain. Clinically, the nurse practitioner knows that diagnostics will include:

Group of answer choices

Collect a Urinalysis, Prostate Specific Antigen test, Digital Rectal Examination and a Post-Void Residual.

Imagining of the upper urinary tract for UTI or Urolithiasis.

Refer patient for refractory urinary retention, pressure-flow studies and filling cystometrography.


Question 92                          1 pts

A healthcare professional is seeing a patient with suspected schizophrenia. For which prenatal occurrence should the professional assess?

Group of answer choices

Viral infection

Maternal depression

Maternal smoking

Exposure to toxic waste

Question 93                       1 pts

A baby is born with a myelomeningocele and needs urgent surgery to repair the defect. The parents want to take the baby home instead. What does the healthcare professional tell the parents about the purpose of this surgery?

Group of answer choices

1cSurgery is much easier on a tiny infant than on a larger, older baby. 1d

1cIf your baby has surgery this young, he/she cannot feel pain. 1d

1cAdditional nervous system damage will occur the longer we wait. 1d

1cPrompt surgery is needed to prevent total paralysis later on. 1d

Question 94                         1 pts

A child has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and the parents want to know how this occurred. Which statement by the healthcare professional is most accurate?

Group of answer choices

X-linked recessive inheritance

Common SMN1 gene abnormality

Autosomal dominant inheritance

Inheritance is not well defined

Question 95                     1 pts

A newborn has meconium ileus. What diagnostic test does the healthcare professional advise the parents about?

Group of answer choices


Pulmonary function studies

A sweat test

Nerve conduction studies

Question 96                    1 pts

A patient reports joint stiffness with movement and joint pain in weightbearing joints that is usually relieved by rest. What treatment option does the health care professional discuss with the patient?

Group of answer choices

Ways to decrease serum uric acid

Administration of oral methotrexate

Exercise and weight reduction

Rapid intravenous hydration

Question 97                            1 pts

A preschool teacher notices a child who has burrows on the hands that are several millimeters to 1 cm long, papules, and vesicular lesions. What other assessment finding would help the teacher determine the type of infestation the child has?

Group of answer choices

Ask the child if he or she has been around puppies or kittens.

Check the child’s hair for the presence of small mites.

Ask the child if itching occurs especially at night.

Assess the child’s trunk and abdomen for petechiae.

Question 98                      1 pts

A man reports to the healthcare professional that he had a sudden onset of malaise, low back pain, and perineal pain with high fever and chills, dysuria, nocturia, and urinary retention. What action by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices

Assess the man’s recent sexual history.

Recommend heat and acetaminophen for back pain.

Prepare the man for prostatic massage.

Assist the man in obtaining a urine sample.

Question 99                            1 pts

Mr. Smith, 58 years old, presents to the urology office with complaints of gross hematuria which have been present for five days. He also expresses difficulty with urination and episodes of dysuria. He is experiencing flank pain, which radiates into the abdomen and groin. Mr. Smith has had nausea and vomiting. He does not drink many fluids, but when he does his fluid intake usually caffeinated beverages. The NP knows that:

Group of answer choices

The lumen of the prostatic urethra narrows and lengthens, resulting in progressive urine flow obstruction. This process occurs when there is growth of the glandular-epithelial and stromal/muscle tissue of the prostate.

Acute pain can result from renal colic, which occurs when the smooth muscle of the ureter contracts to move a kidney stone.

Renal tubule dysfunction and atrophy can result from renal tissue fibrosis, which includes transforming growth factor and angiotensin II in the process.

Question 100                        1 pts

What type of thoughts are characteristic of post traumatic stress disorder?

Group of answer choices





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